Question for Hillary supporters

She has one of the best prez resumes in decades


That's all the Clinton campaign can say to the question at the top of the thread - she's great - MOVE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. failed the DC bar exam
2. business career all FRAUD (Whitewater, Madison, Castle Grande, cattle futures)
3. promoted at Rose Law when Bill won higher office
4. all the scandals in Bill's tenure - Filegate, Travelgate, looting Vince Foster's office, vast right wing conspiracy
5. coattailled Bill to the Senate and SoState.
6. more Hillary behavior - emails, Benghazi, starting wars "to help Israel" (put more Iscariot silver in her pocket)

Hillary Clinton is a meritless, truthless monster with nothing on her resume to hold up and be proud.

2005 is the best you have?


I'll stick with what Forbes said today
Dear Retard! Trump is invested in real-estate & 2005 was at the height of the real-estate bubble. So his assets have gone way down since the court ruled Trump was not a billionaire! Trump lost a Billion of other peoples money. I DARE YOU TO INVEST IN TRUMP INC.

and yet, Forbes, one of the top, not the top, sources for finding out how much people are worth, disagrees with you and your OPINION.


Stick with an 11 year old video to tell you how rich someone is.

I'll stick with people that do it on a daily basis.
So why haven't you invested all your money in Trump yet PUSSY??? Don't you believe everything the articles tell you?


Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'

I don't invest in anything.

Tried it once, and lost what I started with.

Cut my losses and ran.

But at least I'm not moron enough to use 11 year old information to back my opinion.

Do yourself a favor, cut YOUR losses on this thread, and stop proving how much of a fool you are.
You are indeed a moron!

Superior Court of New Jersey, Donald J. TRUMP, Plaintiff, v. Timothy L. O'BRIEN, Time Warner Book Group, Inc., and Warner Books, Inc., Defendants–Respondents. Decided: September 7, 2011

You are the idiot who lost investment because you believe articles over facts.
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2005 is the best you have?


I'll stick with what Forbes said today
Dear Retard! Trump is invested in real-estate & 2005 was at the height of the real-estate bubble. So his assets have gone way down since the court ruled Trump was not a billionaire! Trump lost a Billion of other peoples money. I DARE YOU TO INVEST IN TRUMP INC.

and yet, Forbes, one of the top, not the top, sources for finding out how much people are worth, disagrees with you and your OPINION.


Stick with an 11 year old video to tell you how rich someone is.

I'll stick with people that do it on a daily basis.
So why haven't you invested all your money in Trump yet PUSSY??? Don't you believe everything the articles tell you?


Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'

I don't invest in anything.

Tried it once, and lost what I started with.

Cut my losses and ran.

But at least I'm not moron enough to use 11 year old information to back my opinion.

Do yourself a favor, cut YOUR losses on this thread, and stop proving how much of a fool you are.
You are indeed a moron!

Superior Court of New Jersey,Appellate Division. Donald J. TRUMP, Plaintiff–Appellant, v. Timothy L. O'BRIEN, Time Warner Book Group, Inc., and Warner Books, Inc., Defendants–Respondents. Decided: September 7, 2011

Take a look at your video, moron.


Just because the case wasn't decided til 2011 does NOT mean they were going by what he was worth THEN, they were going by what he was worth when the suit STARTED.

Dear Retard! Trump is invested in real-estate & 2005 was at the height of the real-estate bubble. So his assets have gone way down since the court ruled Trump was not a billionaire! Trump lost a Billion of other peoples money. I DARE YOU TO INVEST IN TRUMP INC.

and yet, Forbes, one of the top, not the top, sources for finding out how much people are worth, disagrees with you and your OPINION.


Stick with an 11 year old video to tell you how rich someone is.

I'll stick with people that do it on a daily basis.
So why haven't you invested all your money in Trump yet PUSSY??? Don't you believe everything the articles tell you?


Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'

I don't invest in anything.

Tried it once, and lost what I started with.

Cut my losses and ran.

But at least I'm not moron enough to use 11 year old information to back my opinion.

Do yourself a favor, cut YOUR losses on this thread, and stop proving how much of a fool you are.
You are indeed a moron!

Superior Court of New Jersey,Appellate Division. Donald J. TRUMP, Plaintiff–Appellant, v. Timothy L. O'BRIEN, Time Warner Book Group, Inc., and Warner Books, Inc., Defendants–Respondents. Decided: September 7, 2011

Take a look at your video, moron.


Just because the case wasn't decided til 2011 does NOT mean they were going by what he was worth THEN, they were going by what he was worth when the suit STARTED.

You are the idiot who lost investment because you believe articles over facts. Why is Trump no longer suing the people advertising today that he is not a billionaire???
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Ah, Timmy? Trump took a small fortune and turned it into a HUGE fortune! The number of people who have squandered daddy's money is extensive. Trump's accomplishment is notable.

Uh, actually, we don't know how much of a fortune Trump has because he won't release his tax returns.

But the money he inherited from his dad after he cheated his siblings out of their share, would be worth just as much now if he did nothing.
and yet, Forbes, one of the top, not the top, sources for finding out how much people are worth, disagrees with you and your OPINION.


Stick with an 11 year old video to tell you how rich someone is.

I'll stick with people that do it on a daily basis.
So why haven't you invested all your money in Trump yet PUSSY??? Don't you believe everything the articles tell you?


Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'

I don't invest in anything.

Tried it once, and lost what I started with.

Cut my losses and ran.

But at least I'm not moron enough to use 11 year old information to back my opinion.

Do yourself a favor, cut YOUR losses on this thread, and stop proving how much of a fool you are.
You are indeed a moron!

Superior Court of New Jersey,Appellate Division. Donald J. TRUMP, Plaintiff–Appellant, v. Timothy L. O'BRIEN, Time Warner Book Group, Inc., and Warner Books, Inc., Defendants–Respondents. Decided: September 7, 2011

Take a look at your video, moron.


Just because the case wasn't decided til 2011 does NOT mean they were going by what he was worth THEN, they were going by what he was worth when the suit STARTED.

You are the idiot who lost investment because you believe articles over facts.

Go away little girl.

Get an education and come back.

(Shouldn't take more than 25 years)
Simple question, you really think Hillary Clinton could have worked her way up through the political ranks on her own? Bill Clinton was the guy with the political "golden touch"...he's the one with the charisma! Hillary's problem now is the same thing it would have been if she'd been running on her own merits at 25...she's not a very likeable person!

Probably not. We are a pretty sexist society. The fact is that we've never had a female head of state, while countries like Pakistan and Indonesia have.
Despite a 24-year long (and counting), petty right wing shitstorm of hatred, bile, lies and worthless accusations, Hillary Clinton has calmly taken everything conservatives have thrown at her, and just let them reveal themselves for the rabid, gibbering idiots they are.

Hillary's demonstrated the temperament to be President, while Cons have demonstrated the temper of 2nd graders.

Are we back to the "...vast right wing conspiracy" thing again, Gtarguy?

What Hillary Clinton has demonstrated over the past two decades that she is probably the most corrupt politician ever to occupy the White House...someone who has made herself fabulously wealthy by exchanging political favors for cash and has no qualms about destroying evidence of her crimes and lying to the American people about it when she gets caught. Why you think that demonstrates the temperament to be President is a mystery to me.

We were back to discussing Hillary's accomplishments, last I looked.

I don't care what term you apply to the 24-year (and counting) right wing shitstorm she's weathered. What matters to me, is that she's handled events that would have crushed someone of less character's spirit so admirably, and now stands poised to become our next President.

And the shit-flingers just keep spouting garbage and foaming at the mouth in blind fury and rage while their party implodes around them.
the 24-year (and counting) right wing shitstorm she's weathered

Which one of the Whitewater partners was "right wing?"

Which right wingers assisted Hillary in looting Vince Foster's office?

Who was right wing in the Castle Grande deal?

Who was right wing in the cattle futures scam payoff from Tyson Foods?

Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Juanita Brodderick, none of those were Republicans UNTIL Bill the PREDATOR assaulted them... and Hillary was trotted out to slime and discredit them...
Lets see....

Fighting for women's rights
Getting health benefits for 9-11 responders
Negotiating a nuclear reduction with Russia
Organizing a global boycott of Iran

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Organizing a global boycott of Iran

If the only country you care about is ISRAEL, why not move there???

Iran is a puny non-threat to the US, and way down the list behind

1. China
2. North Korea
3. Russia

2005 is the best you have?

I'll stick with what Forbes said today
Dear Retard! Trump is invested in real-estate & 2005 was at the height of the real-estate bubble. So his assets have gone way down since the court ruled Trump was not a billionaire! Trump lost a Billion of other peoples money. I DARE YOU TO INVEST IN TRUMP INC.

and yet, Forbes, one of the top, not the top, sources for finding out how much people are worth, disagrees with you and your OPINION.

Stick with an 11 year old video to tell you how rich someone is.

I'll stick with people that do it on a daily basis.
So why haven't you invested all your money in Trump yet PUSSY??? Don't you believe everything the articles tell you?


Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'

So you agree with Forbes!

Forbes: Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs, Growth And Investing

Why is Trump no longer suing the new people advertising today that he is not a billionaire??? Superior Court of New Jersey, Donald J. TRUMP, Plaintiff, v. Timothy L. O'BRIEN, Time Warner Book Group, Inc., and Warner Books, Inc., Defendants–Respondents. Decided: September 7, 2011

2005 is the best you have?

I'll stick with what Forbes said today
Dear Retard! Trump is invested in real-estate & 2005 was at the height of the real-estate bubble. So his assets have gone way down since the court ruled Trump was not a billionaire! Trump lost a Billion of other peoples money. I DARE YOU TO INVEST IN TRUMP INC.

and yet, Forbes, one of the top, not the top, sources for finding out how much people are worth, disagrees with you and your OPINION.

Stick with an 11 year old video to tell you how rich someone is.

I'll stick with people that do it on a daily basis.
So why haven't you invested all your money in Trump yet PUSSY??? Don't you believe everything the articles tell you?


Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'

So you agree with Forbes!

Forbes: Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs, Growth And Investing

Why is Trump no longer suing the new people advertising today that he is not a billionaire??? Superior Court of New Jersey, Donald J. TRUMP, Plaintiff, v. Timothy L. O'BRIEN, Time Warner Book Group, Inc., and Warner Books, Inc., Defendants–Respondents. Decided: September 7, 2011

The case was decided in 2011, when was it brought?

according to your video, 2005.

There are also reports he lost close to a billion in 1995.

You're too stupid to waste my time with.
2005 is the best you have?

I'll stick with what Forbes said today
Dear Retard! Trump is invested in real-estate & 2005 was at the height of the real-estate bubble. So his assets have gone way down since the court ruled Trump was not a billionaire! Trump lost a Billion of other peoples money. I DARE YOU TO INVEST IN TRUMP INC.

and yet, Forbes, one of the top, not the top, sources for finding out how much people are worth, disagrees with you and your OPINION.

Stick with an 11 year old video to tell you how rich someone is.

I'll stick with people that do it on a daily basis.
So why haven't you invested all your money in Trump yet PUSSY??? Don't you believe everything the articles tell you?


Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'

So you agree with Forbes!

Forbes: Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs, Growth And Investing

Why is Trump no longer suing the new people advertising today that he is not a billionaire??? Superior Court of New Jersey, Donald J. TRUMP, Plaintiff, v. Timothy L. O'BRIEN, Time Warner Book Group, Inc., and Warner Books, Inc., Defendants–Respondents. Decided: September 7, 2011

The case was decided in 2011, when was it brought?

according to your video, 2005.

There are also reports he lost close to a billion in 1995.

You're too stupid to waste my time with.
I'm waiting for Trump to sue Mark Cuban for saying Trump is not a Billionaire. Trump is a lying pussy!!!
Dear Retard! Trump is invested in real-estate & 2005 was at the height of the real-estate bubble. So his assets have gone way down since the court ruled Trump was not a billionaire! Trump lost a Billion of other peoples money. I DARE YOU TO INVEST IN TRUMP INC.

and yet, Forbes, one of the top, not the top, sources for finding out how much people are worth, disagrees with you and your OPINION.

Stick with an 11 year old video to tell you how rich someone is.

I'll stick with people that do it on a daily basis.
So why haven't you invested all your money in Trump yet PUSSY??? Don't you believe everything the articles tell you?


Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'

So you agree with Forbes!

Forbes: Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs, Growth And Investing

Why is Trump no longer suing the new people advertising today that he is not a billionaire??? Superior Court of New Jersey, Donald J. TRUMP, Plaintiff, v. Timothy L. O'BRIEN, Time Warner Book Group, Inc., and Warner Books, Inc., Defendants–Respondents. Decided: September 7, 2011

The case was decided in 2011, when was it brought?

according to your video, 2005.

There are also reports he lost close to a billion in 1995.

You're too stupid to waste my time with.
I'm waiting for Trump to sue Mark Cuban for saying Trump is not a Billionaire. Trump is a lying pussy!!!

I'm waiting for Trump to sue Mark Cuban for saying Trump is not a Billionaire.

I'm waiting for you to grow up.
Trump inherited a New York real estate empire from his father in 1974. His share is estimated to have been worth about $40 million, or $195 million in today’s dollars. While Trump has certainly grown his net worth in the more than 40 years since, that doesn’t necessarily signal extraordinary business acumen. Observers have pointed out that merely investing $40 million in the U.S. stock market in 1974 would have produced more than $2 billion today, which Trump certainly dose not have now. What’s more, Trump’s huge debts & numerous brushes with bankruptcy,not to mention involvement with questionable enterprises like Trump University, suggest he is more of a financial engineer and escape artist than job-creator.
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