Question for repubs: if abortion should be illegal, should it be illegal for a father to leave?

Perhaps my answer was over your education level....
Perhaps? You seem uncertain. And indeed, your definition made no sense as I have never been accused nor convicted of murder. Do mean to suggest that a baby is nobody? Last chance, define "baby."
I was being polite as to your lack of education.....
A baby is "I was being polite as to your lack of education." Got it.
No my uneducated friend, I was referring to your questioning my use of 'perhaps.'
And I was poking fun at your inability or unwillingness to defend a view within the framework of a debate.
No, you're expected me to answer a certain way so that you could deploy your tired and well worn out democrat attack strategy....

Thus, my reference to your lack of education as you'll have to be a lot smarter if you care to debate me on democrat baby murder....
Perhaps? You seem uncertain. And indeed, your definition made no sense as I have never been accused nor convicted of murder. Do mean to suggest that a baby is nobody? Last chance, define "baby."
I was being polite as to your lack of education.....
A baby is "I was being polite as to your lack of education." Got it.
No my uneducated friend, I was referring to your questioning my use of 'perhaps.'
And I was poking fun at your inability or unwillingness to defend a view within the framework of a debate.
No, you're expected me to answer a certain way so that you could deploy your tired and well worn out democrat attack strategy....

Thus, my reference to your lack of education as you'll have to be a lot smarter if you care to debate me on democrat baby murder....
And in what way did you expect me to expect you to answer? You have also asserted that abortion is baby murder without any evidence. There's no way around it, you basically have to define "baby" for this to advance.
So you want something even more radical than what we had before Roe v. Wade when abortion laws were left to the states?
Hint....NOT killing babies is NOT the radical argument.....
How do you go about achieving this goal other than by outlawing abortion by federal law and pre-empting the states?
The constitution will stop the Feds....and the states will need to adjust....
The constitution will stop the feds from what?
What we are discussing....
You are either stupid or being obtuse.

How will all abortions throughout the country be made illegal? Simple question.
Hint....NOT killing babies is NOT the radical argument.....
How do you go about achieving this goal other than by outlawing abortion by federal law and pre-empting the states?
The constitution will stop the Feds....and the states will need to adjust....
The constitution will stop the feds from what?
What we are discussing....
You are either stupid or being obtuse.

How will all abortions throughout the country be made illegal? Simple question.
Did you read my answer?
How do you go about achieving this goal other than by outlawing abortion by federal law and pre-empting the states?
The constitution will stop the Feds....and the states will need to adjust....
The constitution will stop the feds from what?
What we are discussing....
You are either stupid or being obtuse.

How will all abortions throughout the country be made illegal? Simple question.
Did you read my answer?
Your responses are non-answers. Is English your second language?

Try again. How do you go about achieving the goal of ending abortions other than by outlawing abortion by federal law and pre-empting the states?
The constitution will stop the Feds....and the states will need to adjust....
The constitution will stop the feds from what?
What we are discussing....
You are either stupid or being obtuse.

How will all abortions throughout the country be made illegal? Simple question.
Did you read my answer?
Your responses are non-answers. Is English your second language?

Try again. How do you go about achieving the goal of ending abortions other than by outlawing abortion by federal law and pre-empting the states?
I am sorry my answer is over your head...I dumbed it down as much as I could so that you had a chance to understand.....
I think a better question is, why is it okay for a woman to have a child and legally abandon it at a hospital for the taxpayers to take care of, but it's not okay for a man to walk away from his responsibility of being a father?
You got a good point. If a woman can put her kid up for adoption because she cant financially or mentally raise a kid, why can't a guy?

Why is he stuck for 18 years? I want to put the kid up for adoption, and break up.
I know a man blowing his load requires no labored effort, but surely men must realize the consequences of such an action if a woman ends up pregnant and keeps the baby. If conservatives cared about personal responsibility, they would address this.

Personally i don't think a man should be legally obligated to stay, but I also support a woman's right to choose. Everybody wins with that compromise.
you must be very very young.

cons were very much against divorce and would force a man to marry a woman he knocked up. That's where the term 'shotgun wedding' came from.

but leftist made it acceptable for men to leave, but now you don't like it.

tough shit, you made America the way you wanted it.
Okay that's a load of bullshit about the left's motives but even if that were true, it doesn't change the fact that liberals push for abortion rights.
and you push for divorce
push for single baby mommahood
push for welfare
push for inner city schools to suck
push for less cops in bad areas

you push for the worst things and pretend its a win
Liberals don't "push" for any of those things. They make policies that address their inevitability.

Their inevitability is caused by liberal policies!
Both parents are on the hook for the kid .

There's no law saying mom is free and dad is not .

The problem is that you are wrong.

My ex-son-in-law abandoned his family. He moved back home in another state to live with Momma and Daddy. Meanwhile, the only child support my daughter gets is when the federal government seizes his income tax refund. Because he lives in another state, my state is powerless to force him to support his children. He can go out and blow all of his money on himself while I wind up supporting his sons and my daughter.
God you people are so dense. You're so self-righteously focused on shaming the parents that you completely miss the point. The child still exists. That's the point. The child needs food and healthcare. That's what this boils down to. No one gives a shit what YOU think of the mother or her child. People still think the child needs adequate care.

No doubt the child is completely innocent and the screw ups are the parents. Shaming them, tough shit, they should be forced to take responsibility at the minimum financially.

If you're such a loser that you think you can have children without taking responsibility for your actions there should probably be forced labor camps for the incredibly stupid and irresponsible.

Nobody owes you anything unless you've actually worked or it .. if you can't handle your responsibilities in life you're a temporary charity case or a complete loser.
Don't you see how stupid it is to focus on fhe parents and not the child in question? No one is defending the parents' decision to mate.

Nope .. the child's well being is the top concern no doubt, legally, they can kill off the child I suppose and should be required to pay all charges related.

If the child is blessed with life and survival they should be required to pay all costs related until the child is an adult.
Does that mean you think the father should be legally obligated to help raise the child?
Fathers are legally obligated to support the child. Ever here of child support. Sometimes it's difficult to collect, but it's legally required.

Change the word difficult to "damn-near impossible" and you would be correct.
You're absolutely right - they should. I WILL give credit to my ex - he did pay his child support every month. He thought I was robbing him blind at $125/month per child - three of them when he was making WAY more money than I was. It just so happened that at the time I was new to world of legal secretary and working for a domestic relations attorney so I was privy to what other fathers in my ex's financial bracket were paying and my ex was getting off E-A-S-Y. The kids remember him sometimes handing me checks and asking me to hold them a few days until his paycheck was deposited ... and he'd be out of town with his sleazy 2nd wife in FL or NV or some such place. I WILL give him credit for voluntarily paying child support beyond their respective 18th birthday until their high school graduation. He divorced and remarried that wench 5 or 6 times before it was all over with for good. She married someone else and shortly after she died. He went on to marry another far worse wench who totally OWNS him. Our children now consider the first stepmother (whom they hated) a walk in the park compared to the current demon he's married.

Fast forward a few decades and my children are 49, 47 and 42 ... and their father has informed them first that he never loved them and doesn't know why ... then recently after a plea from my youngest, informed them that he loves them but will not participate in any functions of their lives, will not stay in touch with them or see them ... he loves his wife and she's good to him (which is to say she'll drink with him and is a good piece of ass). So at this point, I have three very hurt children on my hands ... one of them a near basket case.

When a woman gives birth ... she does NOT spit out a DIY manual along with the child. It's learn as you go and it's a lifetime relationship. It doesn't end on their 18th birthday. There is no such thing as a PERFECT PARENT - you do the best you can, you love them, you nurture them, them chide them, ground them, you get angry with them, you get so frustrated sometimes you call them by 3 or 4 different names before you finally get the name right ... but above all you love them ... they laugh today and still wonder who "Carol Ann" is ... and I have absolutely no idea...just a name I spat out in frustration.

I've known a few divorced couples, where each ex-partner sounded just like you. Very bitter and hateful toward the other ex, always ranting on and on about some greatly-exaggerated, if not outright fabricated, accounts of the other's alleges vices. And they wonder why they have fewer friends than they used to have. They don't get how tiresome and unpleasant it is to hear that petty behavior, or just how it makes them appear to others.

And of course, you're blaming your ex for your children's problems, probably not even giving the slightest thought to what effect your constant badmouthing of, and hatred toward their father has surely had on them. That, also, is pretty much typical of what I've seen in other broken families where this sort of behavior has prevailed.

It's truly a sad and tragic thing for children, when their parents hate each other more than they love their children.

Hate not an issue in our case. We got over that long ago. I made excuses for him to the children when they were very young until I could no longer make the excuses because they were already forming their own opinions even though I wasn't fully aware of that until the events of the last year that exploded on his entire family and caused them to tell him he was not welcome in their homes anymore. The problems weren't him so much as it was his wives and he wouldn't stand up to his wives and tell them to stop the BS. He's not a bad person ... just a very weak man. I loved his parents until the day they died and my relationship with his siblings still continues today - they don't understand him either. I have three wonderful, loving, responsible, motivated, self-supporting children and I am very proud of them. I wasn't a perfect parent - but I was determined that they would not have the life I had. I was an unwanted child and my mother never let me forget it, I was thrown in an orphanage ... denied any contact with my Dad or his family because of my mother's hatred. But when I came of age I did contact them and I found Dad ... and I found the parent who loved me. So ... given my life experience and the obstacles I had to overcome, I'm entitled to my opinion.

If I could give you 50 million winners I would for this post.

Wow! Thank you.

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