Question For The Gun Haters

There is a series of things you must do to make that truck bomb. At least two of the components are highly restricted. Without all the components you can't do it. This is why the Truck Bombs completely ceased to exist after a certain date in the United States. Meanwhile France didn't learn a damned thing.

I assume you believe the people who deal in those components are total angels who can’t be bought and who would never support “alternative” social groups.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Always has been and always will be.
n easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.

How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

Because he totally couldn't have used a different gun, right?

If another gun outside a semi-automatic rifle would work as well, why do you need the assault type rifles?
Semiautomatics are not assault rifles.
Wow. Another fucking gun expert. If you bothered to take your head our of your ignorant stupid ass you would see I said " Assault-like". I know they aren't assault rigfes so you really need to get another argument other than running screaming through the streets screaming "OMG OMG OMG it is not an assault rifle".

I have mews. We had an assault rifle ban, What was it it? guns like the AR-15.
I have two semi automatic rifles, and they both look like AK47's. I am compensating for having a small amount of faith in law enforcement.
Compensating for a Trump-like little dick & lack of intelligence.
If that were true I never would have bought a revolver with a two inch barrel.

Do you sacks of feces ever say anything but uneducated? lol
I have two semi automatic rifles, and they both look like AK47's. I am compensating for having a small amount of faith in law enforcement.

Or, you could just like to have those AK styles

Or, you could be compensating (look down and press out your hips)

Or.....I doubt if it's about faith or lack thereof of the law enforcement. But, damn, that does sound good, don't it.
Come get them loser.
n easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.

How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

Because he totally couldn't have used a different gun, right?

If another gun outside a semi-automatic rifle would work as well, why do you need the assault type rifles?
What difference does it make? Come get mine coward.

I believe that you would own one.
I have two.
I have two semi automatic rifles, and they both look like AK47's. I am compensating for having a small amount of faith in law enforcement.

Or, you could just like to have those AK styles

Or, you could be compensating (look down and press out your hips)

Or.....I doubt if it's about faith or lack thereof of the law enforcement. But, damn, that does sound good, don't it.
Another childish idiot who can't go one day without penis references

I bet you still giggle when someone says boobie
n easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case?
The mental case's AR jammed.

How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

Because he totally couldn't have used a different gun, right?

If another gun outside a semi-automatic rifle would work as well, why do you need the assault type rifles?
Semiautomatics are not assault rifles.
Wow. Another fucking gun expert. If you bothered to take your head our of your ignorant stupid ass you would see I said " Assault-like". I know they aren't assault rigfes so you really need to get another argument other than running screaming through the streets screaming "OMG OMG OMG it is not an assault rifle".

I have mews. We had an assault rifle ban, What was it it? guns like the AR-15.

So you mean it LOOKS like a military gun

You do know that even if you put racing slicks , a hood scoop and spoiler on a Prius that it is still just a Prius and not a Corvette don't you?

And the so called assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on crime or murder rates so it was allowed to expire
Looks like another bunch of negro gangbangers murdered a bunch of their 'bros' on Sunday.
How many of the guns used were 'legal'?
Where the fuck is 'Rev. Al'?
These tree dwellers are saving the Trump's White Supremacists a lot of time and money.
Add that to the abortion rate in the inner cities and the negroes are 'self-exterminating'.
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There is a series of things you must do to make that truck bomb. At least two of the components are highly restricted. Without all the components you can't do it. This is why the Truck Bombs completely ceased to exist after a certain date in the United States. Meanwhile France didn't learn a damned thing.

I assume you believe the people who deal in those components are total angels who can’t be bought and who would never support “alternative” social groups.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Always has been and always will be.

Those components are controlled substances and in order to get them in that large a quantity, you have to meet certain federal requirements. If you don't meet those requirements, you won't make it out of the Coop or feed store before you get a tap on the shoulder. It's worked pretty damned good for the last 30 or 40 years or so. Not all people are as criminal as you are.
I have two semi automatic rifles, and they both look like AK47's. I am compensating for having a small amount of faith in law enforcement.

Or, you could just like to have those AK styles

Or, you could be compensating (look down and press out your hips)

Or.....I doubt if it's about faith or lack thereof of the law enforcement. But, damn, that does sound good, don't it.
Another childish idiot who can't go one day without penis references

I bet you still giggle when someone says boobie

Well, Boobie, I would never giggle at you. Now, I might break out in hysterical laughter though.
I have two semi automatic rifles, and they both look like AK47's. I am compensating for having a small amount of faith in law enforcement.

Or, you could just like to have those AK styles

Or, you could be compensating (look down and press out your hips)

Or.....I doubt if it's about faith or lack thereof of the law enforcement. But, damn, that does sound good, don't it.
Another childish idiot who can't go one day without penis references

I bet you still giggle when someone says boobie

Well, Boobie, I would never giggle at you. Now, I might break out in hysterical laughter though.

I would laugh at you but I was taught it's not polite to laugh at retarded people
How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

Because he totally couldn't have used a different gun, right?

If another gun outside a semi-automatic rifle would work as well, why do you need the assault type rifles?
Semiautomatics are not assault rifles.
Wow. Another fucking gun expert. If you bothered to take your head our of your ignorant stupid ass you would see I said " Assault-like". I know they aren't assault rigfes so you really need to get another argument other than running screaming through the streets screaming "OMG OMG OMG it is not an assault rifle".

I have mews. We had an assault rifle ban, What was it it? guns like the AR-15.

So you mean it LOOKS like a military gun

You do know that even if you put racing slicks , a hood scoop and spoiler on a Prius that it is still just a Prius and not a Corvette don't you?

And the so called assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on crime or murder rates so it was allowed to expire

Put a 426 Blown Hemi in the Prius and you got my attention. Don't and you get my amusement. But you seem to do that quite a bit.
Because he totally couldn't have used a different gun, right?

If another gun outside a semi-automatic rifle would work as well, why do you need the assault type rifles?
Semiautomatics are not assault rifles.
Wow. Another fucking gun expert. If you bothered to take your head our of your ignorant stupid ass you would see I said " Assault-like". I know they aren't assault rigfes so you really need to get another argument other than running screaming through the streets screaming "OMG OMG OMG it is not an assault rifle".

I have mews. We had an assault rifle ban, What was it it? guns like the AR-15.

So you mean it LOOKS like a military gun

You do know that even if you put racing slicks , a hood scoop and spoiler on a Prius that it is still just a Prius and not a Corvette don't you?

And the so called assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on crime or murder rates so it was allowed to expire

Put a 426 Blown Hemi in the Prius and you got my attention. Don't and you get my amusement. But you seem to do that quite a bit.
Too stupid to understand cosmetic differences are not the same as actual working differences
If another gun outside a semi-automatic rifle would work as well, why do you need the assault type rifles?
Semiautomatics are not assault rifles.
Wow. Another fucking gun expert. If you bothered to take your head our of your ignorant stupid ass you would see I said " Assault-like". I know they aren't assault rigfes so you really need to get another argument other than running screaming through the streets screaming "OMG OMG OMG it is not an assault rifle".

I have mews. We had an assault rifle ban, What was it it? guns like the AR-15.

So you mean it LOOKS like a military gun

You do know that even if you put racing slicks , a hood scoop and spoiler on a Prius that it is still just a Prius and not a Corvette don't you?

And the so called assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on crime or murder rates so it was allowed to expire

Put a 426 Blown Hemi in the Prius and you got my attention. Don't and you get my amusement. But you seem to do that quite a bit.
Too stupid to understand cosmetic differences are not the same as actual working differences

You have nothing of any worth to listen to by anyone. So, you have a nice day.
Semiautomatics are not assault rifles.
Wow. Another fucking gun expert. If you bothered to take your head our of your ignorant stupid ass you would see I said " Assault-like". I know they aren't assault rigfes so you really need to get another argument other than running screaming through the streets screaming "OMG OMG OMG it is not an assault rifle".

I have mews. We had an assault rifle ban, What was it it? guns like the AR-15.

So you mean it LOOKS like a military gun

You do know that even if you put racing slicks , a hood scoop and spoiler on a Prius that it is still just a Prius and not a Corvette don't you?

And the so called assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on crime or murder rates so it was allowed to expire

Put a 426 Blown Hemi in the Prius and you got my attention. Don't and you get my amusement. But you seem to do that quite a bit.
Too stupid to understand cosmetic differences are not the same as actual working differences

You have nothing of any worth to listen to by anyone. So, you have a nice day.
Bye Corky don't eat any crayons today
If another gun outside a semi-automatic rifle would work as well, why do you need the assault type rifles?
Semiautomatics are not assault rifles.
Wow. Another fucking gun expert. If you bothered to take your head our of your ignorant stupid ass you would see I said " Assault-like". I know they aren't assault rigfes so you really need to get another argument other than running screaming through the streets screaming "OMG OMG OMG it is not an assault rifle".

I have mews. We had an assault rifle ban, What was it it? guns like the AR-15.

So you mean it LOOKS like a military gun

You do know that even if you put racing slicks , a hood scoop and spoiler on a Prius that it is still just a Prius and not a Corvette don't you?

And the so called assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on crime or murder rates so it was allowed to expire

Put a 426 Blown Hemi in the Prius and you got my attention. Don't and you get my amusement. But you seem to do that quite a bit.
Too stupid to understand cosmetic differences are not the same as actual working differences
This is supposed to make us feel better?

You are fighting to be able to buy a gun that looks like an real assault rifle?
Semiautomatics are not assault rifles.
Wow. Another fucking gun expert. If you bothered to take your head our of your ignorant stupid ass you would see I said " Assault-like". I know they aren't assault rigfes so you really need to get another argument other than running screaming through the streets screaming "OMG OMG OMG it is not an assault rifle".

I have mews. We had an assault rifle ban, What was it it? guns like the AR-15.

So you mean it LOOKS like a military gun

You do know that even if you put racing slicks , a hood scoop and spoiler on a Prius that it is still just a Prius and not a Corvette don't you?

And the so called assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on crime or murder rates so it was allowed to expire

Put a 426 Blown Hemi in the Prius and you got my attention. Don't and you get my amusement. But you seem to do that quite a bit.
Too stupid to understand cosmetic differences are not the same as actual working differences
This is supposed to make us feel better?

You are fighting to be able to buy a gun that looks like an real assault rifle?

SO what?

I am intelligent enough to realize that a semiautomatic rifle that looks like a military rifle is not and never will be a military rifle
How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

Because he totally couldn't have used a different gun, right?

If another gun outside a semi-automatic rifle would work as well, why do you need the assault type rifles?
Semiautomatics are not assault rifles.
Wow. Another fucking gun expert. If you bothered to take your head our of your ignorant stupid ass you would see I said " Assault-like". I know they aren't assault rigfes so you really need to get another argument other than running screaming through the streets screaming "OMG OMG OMG it is not an assault rifle".

I have mews. We had an assault rifle ban, What was it it? guns like the AR-15.

So you mean it LOOKS like a military gun

You do know that even if you put racing slicks , a hood scoop and spoiler on a Prius that it is still just a Prius and not a Corvette don't you?

And the so called assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on crime or murder rates so it was allowed to expire

See, you really are a dishonest fuck.

Or maybe you are blue because your brain has no oxygen.

The ban was not put in place to reduce the murder rate. You use the murder rate to dilute the good effects of the ban because murder by other guns & weapons far outnumber those by assault type rifles. You run in circles declaring the ban had no effect.

In reality, the ban reduced mass murders. What it was designed to do.

So go away & let me know when you ant to have an honest debate.
Because he totally couldn't have used a different gun, right?

If another gun outside a semi-automatic rifle would work as well, why do you need the assault type rifles?
Semiautomatics are not assault rifles.
Wow. Another fucking gun expert. If you bothered to take your head our of your ignorant stupid ass you would see I said " Assault-like". I know they aren't assault rigfes so you really need to get another argument other than running screaming through the streets screaming "OMG OMG OMG it is not an assault rifle".

I have mews. We had an assault rifle ban, What was it it? guns like the AR-15.

So you mean it LOOKS like a military gun

You do know that even if you put racing slicks , a hood scoop and spoiler on a Prius that it is still just a Prius and not a Corvette don't you?

And the so called assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on crime or murder rates so it was allowed to expire

See, you really are a dishonest fuck.

Or maybe you are blue because your brain has no oxygen.

The ban was not put in place to reduce the murder rate. You use the murder rate to dilute the good effects of the ban because murder by other guns & weapons far outnumber those by assault type rifles. You run in circles declaring the ban had no effect.

In reality, the ban reduced mass murders. What it was designed to do.

So go away & let me know when you ant to have an honest debate.
Did mass shootings spike 200% since assault weapons ban?
How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

Because he totally couldn't have used a different gun, right?

If another gun outside a semi-automatic rifle would work as well, why do you need the assault type rifles?
Semiautomatics are not assault rifles.
Wow. Another fucking gun expert. If you bothered to take your head our of your ignorant stupid ass you would see I said " Assault-like". I know they aren't assault rigfes so you really need to get another argument other than running screaming through the streets screaming "OMG OMG OMG it is not an assault rifle".

I have mews. We had an assault rifle ban, What was it it? guns like the AR-15.

So you mean it LOOKS like a military gun

You do know that even if you put racing slicks , a hood scoop and spoiler on a Prius that it is still just a Prius and not a Corvette don't you?

And the so called assault weapon ban was found to have no effect on crime or murder rates so it was allowed to expire
Sissies like him were probably outraged over these:


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