Question I've Always Wondered: Why is the Left So Adamant about Abortion Remaining Legal?

In ancient times unwanted infants were exposed to the elements if the tribe couldn't feed them.
In certain specific cases, that could actually have spared humanity the rotten ones who wreak havoc on're here, looks like an opportunity was missed......

When is the last time you have seen a PSA for birth control?

I never have.

I've seen PSAs about protected sex to avoid STDs. I've seen PSAs to wear a mask to prevent the spread of Covid. I've seen PSAs to get people to vote.

So I guess you aren't being obtuse. You really are this stupid.
The Ad Council has been doing PSAs for birth control for over a decade.
If im stupid, you are REALLY fucking stupid.
Fucking boomer :)
“Florida’s HB 1557, also known as the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill, should never have passed and should never have been signed into law. Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts, and we remain committed to supporting the national and state organizations working to achieve that. We are dedicated to standing up for the rights and safety of LGBTQ+ members of the Disney family, as well as the LGBTQ+ community in Florida and across the country.”

After stripping Disney of its special governing powers last month, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis now says that he wants the state to take over the government body that has overseen the entertainment company's Orlando-area theme parks for half a century.

Yep, and now they get to pay for taking a side when they should just make the mice fucking dance.
Too many people who support abortion are not satisfied with the limitations of Roe v Wade. Not when they want the right to abort even up to the date of expected birth.
Hussein Obama supported infanticide...wouldn't vote to support the baby.

Obama named Peter Singer, champion of infanticide, as his 'science adviser.'
The Democrat administration in Virginia offered a law favor of....infanticide....stopped by Republicans.

The Democrat governor of Virginia actually agreed with the bill for infanticide.

"New York abortion law changes allow infanticide"
New York abortion law changes allow infanticide

"Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats"
Senate Democrats block Republicans’ anti-infanticide bill
You are being deliberately obtuse now. The law very specifically prohibits teachers from talking about gays.

Thus, "Don't Say Gay".

Now where did Disney say they want to groom kids for pedophilia?

It stops them from talking about sex ed to kindergarteners to 3rd grade, that's it. You support explicit sex ed to 5 to 8 year olds?

You are being slick, and it ain't working. A law, something based on the word content of said law, is not an opinion or observation.
What's with you?

oh i just enjoy having bodily autonomy.

What about the people who forced them to take vaccines against their will?

well, okey dokey ... let's examine your reply, shall we?

do you know what a false equivalency is? let me help you out:


m'k ... now that we got that straightened out, let me expand on how that applies to yer ignorant question.

no one is forcing a vaccination. don't get one, but private biz'nez isn't obligated, nor is public ed obligated to accommodate you.

if or when an abortion is performed, it doesn't affect *you*. & by *you* - i mean Y-O-U *personally*, nor *society* as a whole. as you hit the grocery store, or walmart ... passing by many people - can you tell how many females have had an abortion?

about 3-10 days after you walked down those store aisles, *you* may or may not become ill, howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................. *YOU* may be a carrier, thus possibly affecting, & possibly infecting *society*.... which, if you haven't figured it out by now ... has a much more detriment.

supply chain problems, ventilators, hospitalizations, AND viral variants aren't caused by a safe, 50 year old procedure aka abortion.
I wonder, why are "sex" and "gender" used interchangeably here?

Or here?

Or here?

Am I missing something?
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oh i just enjoy having bodily autonomy.

well, okey dokey ... let's examine your reply, shall we?

do you know what a false equivalency is? let me help you out:


m'k ... now that we got that straightened out, let me expand on how that applies to yer ignorant question.

if or when an abortion is performed, it doesn't affect *you*. & by *you* - i mean Y-O-U *personally*, nor *society* as a whole. as you hit the grocery store, or walmart ... passing by many people - can you tell how many females have had one?

about 3-10 days after you walked down those store aisles, *you* may or may not become ill, howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................. *YOU* may be a carrier, thus possibly affecting, & possibly infecting *society*.... which, if you haven't figured it out by now ... has a much more detriment.

supply chain problems, ventilators, hospitalizations, AND viral variants aren't caused by a safe, 50 year old procedure aka abortion.
By the gods you are stupid.

Bodily autonomy means having the choice to give birth or have an abortion


The choice to inject a vaccine into your body or not.

Both of those things involve something happening to the body or something being done to it.
If that study was posted by the NIH, then the same things it saw in Nigeria must also be happening here, too.
The link says 82% of nigerian women of reproductive age know and understand about birth control. 82%.
Nigeria is a third world country man.
Actually 'gender' being used today rather than 'sex' is all rooted in the moral majority that thought the word "sex" was icky and should not be said aloud. Thus they started using gender interchangeably even though it should not be
No, it was Ginsburg that started it. Early 1970s. I heard this on NPR. They did a tribute to the evil old hag, saying she outfoxed these old white men by switching terms. You can't doubt NPR, can you?

I don't know where baby butcher Ginsburg resides now, but I'll bet she sees Heinrich Himmler every day.
The link says 82% of nigerian women of reproductive age know and understand about birth control. 82%.
Nigeria is a third world country man.
And the US doesn't have third world problems of its own?

Conclusion: These results underline the need for policy makers to focus on improving the knowledge of younger age groups on contraceptives and include other information channels such as peer-to-peer discussions to increase awareness.

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