Question to democrats


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Should we entertain the thought that Mueller may be a Russian spy since he seems to have overlooked such obvious evidence of Russian collusion?
Should we entertain the thought that Mueller may be a Russian spy since he seems to have overlooked such obvious evidence of Russian collusion?
no. conspiracy is a hard crime to prosecute. i do not understand why he did not insist upon questioning trump or jared or donnie jr under oath about all the obvious contacts with so many different russian agents tied to putin, and all the lies about those frequent meetings, but I trust Mueller did what he thought best and followed the law to the letter. The conspiracy charges with Russia will never be prosecuted, most likely, but obstruction of justice and conspiracy to obstruct justice will surely occur, if not for trump himself, for jared and donnie.
Mark Levin calls Mueller a coward for not coming to a conclusive decision about obstruction.

Fox News Host Mark Levin Calls Robert Mueller A 'Coward' And 'Utterly Unethical'

I think that both the Left and Right concur, which should finish off the reputation of Mueller.

Mueller could not charge Trump with obstruction as the Justice Department has a policy against charging a sitting President, so he laid out the evidence for Congress to deal with it. That is neither cowardly nor unethical, but it is very political. What follows on the obstruction information won't be on his head, nor should it be.
Mark Levin calls Mueller a coward for not coming to a conclusive decision about obstruction.

Fox News Host Mark Levin Calls Robert Mueller A 'Coward' And 'Utterly Unethical'

I think that both the Left and Right concur, which should finish off the reputation of Mueller.

Mueller could not charge Trump with obstruction as the Justice Department has a policy against charging a sitting President, so he laid out the evidence for Congress to deal with it. That is neither cowardly nor unethical, but it is very political. What follows on the obstruction information won't be on his head, nor should it be.

So you view obstruction as an open and shut case?

So Trump obstructed a case for which there was no evidence?

Should we entertain the thought that Mueller may be a Russian spy since he seems to have overlooked such obvious evidence of Russian collusion?
no. conspiracy is a hard crime to prosecute. i do not understand why he did not insist upon questioning trump or jared or donnie jr under oath about all the obvious contacts with so many different russian agents tied to putin, and all the lies about those frequent meetings, but I trust Mueller did what he thought best and followed the law to the letter. The conspiracy charges with Russia will never be prosecuted, most likely, but obstruction of justice and conspiracy to obstruct justice will surely occur, if not for trump himself, for jared and donnie.

Exactly, and that was the point Levin made.

I would gather both sides hate Mueller now.
It's infinitely more probable that Mueller (and Hillary) are guilty of collusion with the Russians. It was never even plausible with Trump, there is simply no reason for it. The more you look, the more likely it seems the whole "collusion" thing was pure projection and guilt from the Dems.
Should we entertain the thought that Mueller may be a Russian spy since he seems to have overlooked such obvious evidence of Russian collusion?

Who's been charged by Mueller in the Russia probe so far?

I dunno. He caught these ppl. What evidence are you thinking about?

Who has been indicted on Russian collusion?

No one ended up in jail exactly for that if your bar is set there. McCarthy might have been right that all them folks had at least me ta communist if that's where your bar is set to.

Flynn, Gates, Papadopulos van de Zwaan, Cohen and Pinedo all got charged or convicted of some crimes involving Russia. Gates was only charged with Conspiracy against the United States over a period of 11 years as well as falsifying tax returns and hiding money overseas.

A real bang up bunch to be associated with.

Sounds like good please or what Mueller thought he could convict them ove.
1. Is Mueller a Russian plant
2. Have the Russians been grooming him for the last 40 years for this very specific time
3. Do dolphins like fine wine
Mark Levin calls Mueller a coward for not coming to a conclusive decision about obstruction.

Fox News Host Mark Levin Calls Robert Mueller A 'Coward' And 'Utterly Unethical'

I think that both the Left and Right concur, which should finish off the reputation of Mueller.

Mueller could not charge Trump with obstruction as the Justice Department has a policy against charging a sitting President, so he laid out the evidence for Congress to deal with it. That is neither cowardly nor unethical, but it is very political. What follows on the obstruction information won't be on his head, nor should it be.

So you view obstruction as an open and shut case?

So Trump obstructed a case for which there was no evidence?

i believe what TRUMP has admitted doing, firing Comey after he refused to not ignore Flynn's bullshit, is obstruction, without any further evidence. what else could it be?
Should we entertain the thought that Mueller may be a Russian spy since he seems to have overlooked such obvious evidence of Russian collusion?
Dershowitz said the same thing.

Is Dershowitz a Russian spy? Was he sent here to make it look as though Mueller may be a spy knowing that people would glibly dismiss his comrade once he made such accusations?

In fact, have you ever been to Russia or talked to Russians of any kind?

Where were you on the night of January 14, 2016?
Like I've been telling you good people for years....... dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

How many times do they have to prove it before you accept that FACT??

I see no point whatsoever in even trying to talk with them. There's just no point. The ones that aren't completely stupid are criminally insane.

We need somewhere to go where we can talk among ourselves without dimocrap scum interrupting the conversation with their stupidity and without dimocrap mods interfering.

They should start a board in here for that purpose, although I don't know how they'd do it.

This whole thing has turned into Low IQ theater
Should we entertain the thought that Mueller may be a Russian spy since he seems to have overlooked such obvious evidence of Russian collusion?

Who's been charged by Mueller in the Russia probe so far?

I dunno. He caught these ppl. What evidence are you thinking about?
You have posted this is every thread you can find. It proves nothing, other than what you want it to prove. You have been shown this over and over. Go ahead, bring up Papadopoulos and we will once again bring up the fact he was charged for lying only. He was only given a 14 day sentence. He was not charged with espionage, treason, collusion, etc. only with lying, and was given a 14 day sentence only.
i believe what TRUMP has admitted doing, firing Comey after he refused to not ignore Flynn's bullshit, is obstruction, without any further evidence. what else could it be?

See? This is what I mean.

You have to be stupid beyond belief to believe that Trump committed obstruction by firing Comey. I'm talking mouth-breathing, can't-chew-gum-and-walk stupidity.

The President of The United Sates can fire ANY Executive appointee at ANY time for ANY reason.

He can fire the AG, he can fire the SecTresury, he can fire the AgSec, the EdSec, the SecDef, the head of FEMA, the head of the VA.......


And only the stupidest motherfuckers on Earth think it's obstruction

You qualify
Should we entertain the thought that Mueller may be a Russian spy since he seems to have overlooked such obvious evidence of Russian collusion?
You mean could Sessions pick Rosenstein to appoint their guy Mueller & than have Trump pretend to trash Mueller all along knowing it was fixed?

If Obama's DOJ picked a prosecuter to go after Hillary with her e-mails & that prosecutor found no proof, like you Trumpettes wouldn't be having a fit?

Please we all know you would.

I trust Mueller. I don't trust Barr. Show me the real report or STFU
Should we entertain the thought that Mueller may be a Russian spy since he seems to have overlooked such obvious evidence of Russian collusion?
Yes trump and mueller have both been russian spies from age 5 and if you ever pull your head oit of your ass you will see your walking on the yellow brick road scarcrow.
I trust Mueller. I don't trust Barr. Show me the real report or STFU

Mueller would have intimated evidence of obstruction with his statement at release of the report just as he intimated no evidence of collusion.

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