Question to leftist Supporters, Did the medias misrepresentation of Trump's "Inject disinfectant" Comment Change your Opinion of them?

Are you tired of the medias lies yet

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    Votes: 13 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 13 50.0%

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My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂

Imagine, if you can, the lack of self-respect it takes for a Trump fan to believe; (1) he was misquoted, taken out of context, distorted by the MSM, didn't say what he said; (2) he was being sarcastic and talking to reporters, evidence notwithstanding; (3) he was right all along, and libs are idiots; and to believe each equally, in turn, in support of their cult leader.

(I had some commas left over if you need any.)
Imagine the sheer lack of intelligences it takes for Obozo shills to believe (1) he was misquoted and taken out of context when he said if you like your doctor you can’t keep your doctor, plan, and save $2500 a year. (2) Eric Holder didn’t really say he was Barry’s wingman (that was taken out of context too), (3) BIden will actually win in November because the media (who by the way has been PROVEN to have misquoted Trump intentionally) says so. There’s more , but why pile on when the libtard tears in November will be epic.
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂
Lol, they weren't worried about us, Son.

They were warning you.
No no Stupidus. It’s morons like you who drink aquarium cleaner. And the reason we have to put those warnings on plastic bags.
Sorry Son. No matter how hard you squirm those losers are yours.
Lying again Stupidus. You seem to be the one asking about this constantly. You, Pogo the retarded monkey and every libtard may want to actually read the OP. Or have mommy read it to you.
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂

Imagine, if you can, the lack of self-respect it takes for a Trump fan to believe; (1) he was misquoted, taken out of context, distorted by the MSM, didn't say what he said; (2) he was being sarcastic and talking to reporters, evidence notwithstanding; (3) he was right all along, and libs are idiots; and to believe each equally, in turn, in support of their cult leader.

(I had some commas left over if you need any.)
Imagine the sheer lack of intelligences it takes for Obozo shills to believe (1) he was misquoted and taken out of context when he said if you like your doctor you can’t keep your doctor, plan, and save $2500 a year. (2) Eric Holder didn’t really say he was Barry’s wingman (that was taken out of context too), (3) BIden will actually win in November because the media (who by the way has been PROVEN to have misquoted Trump intentionally) says so. There’s more , but why pile on when the libtard tears in November will be epic.
Wow, look at the tRumpling try to deflect!

The post you are imitating must have stung a bit.
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂
Lol, they weren't worried about us, Son.

They were warning you.
No no Stupidus. It’s morons like you who drink aquarium cleaner. And the reason we have to put those warnings on plastic bags.
Sorry Son. No matter how hard you squirm those losers are yours.
Lying again Stupidus. You seem to be the one asking about this constantly. You, Pogo the retarded monkey and every libtard may want to actually read the OP. Or have mommy read it to you.
Asking about what?

We all saw tRump say it, live on TV. You cannot escape that.

You also cannot get anyone to believe the folks who believed the tRumpian chloroquine hype to the extent that they obviously did are anything but die-hard tRumplings.

You lose.

Get over it.
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂

Imagine, if you can, the lack of self-respect it takes for a Trump fan to believe; (1) he was misquoted, taken out of context, distorted by the MSM, didn't say what he said; (2) he was being sarcastic and talking to reporters, evidence notwithstanding; (3) he was right all along, and libs are idiots; and to believe each equally, in turn, in support of their cult leader.

(I had some commas left over if you need any.)
Imagine the sheer lack of intelligences it takes for Obozo shills to believe (1) he was misquoted and taken out of context when he said if you like your doctor you can’t keep your doctor, plan, and save $2500 a year. (2) Eric Holder didn’t really say he was Barry’s wingman (that was taken out of context too), (3) BIden will actually win in November because the media (who by the way has been PROVEN to have misquoted Trump intentionally) says so. There’s more , but why pile on when the libtard tears in November will be epic.
Wow, look at the tRumpling try to deflect!

The post you are imitating must have stung a bit.
NO deflection here you Obamanzee. Learn to read Stupidus. Your utter stupidity is appalling. Ask your mommy for help reading. Now fuck off asshole. Before I bring the Kaepernick thread back and slap you again.
Like his professor at college, William Kelly repeatedly said: "dumbest goddamn student ever"

My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂
Lol, they weren't worried about us, Son.

They were warning you.
No no Stupidus. It’s morons like you who drink aquarium cleaner. And the reason we have to put those warnings on plastic bags.
Sorry Son. No matter how hard you squirm those losers are yours.
Lying again Stupidus. You seem to be the one asking about this constantly. You, Pogo the retarded monkey and every libtard may want to actually read the OP. Or have mommy read it to you.
Asking about what?

We all saw tRump say it, live on TV. You cannot escape that.

You also cannot get anyone to believe the folks who believed the tRumpian chloroquine to the extent that they obviously did are anything but die-hard tRumplings.

You lose.

Get over it.
Poor illiterate asshole. They were liberals. Already proven. You lose as always. Fuck off.
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂
Lol, they weren't worried about us, Son.

They were warning you.
No no Stupidus. It’s morons like you who drink aquarium cleaner. And the reason we have to put those warnings on plastic bags.
Sorry Son. No matter how hard you squirm those losers are yours.
Lying again Stupidus. You seem to be the one asking about this constantly. You, Pogo the retarded monkey and every libtard may want to actually read the OP. Or have mommy read it to you.
Sorry cHump.

Nobody's buying that line of bullshit.
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂
Lol, they weren't worried about us, Son.

They were warning you.
No no Stupidus. It’s morons like you who drink aquarium cleaner. And the reason we have to put those warnings on plastic bags.
Sorry Son. No matter how hard you squirm those losers are yours.
Lying again Stupidus. You seem to be the one asking about this constantly. You, Pogo the retarded monkey and every libtard may want to actually read the OP. Or have mommy read it to you.
Sorry cHump.

Nobody's buying that line of bullshit.
Translation: Stupidus is just doing as his libtard masters say. No independent thought there. Your denials don’t change the truth. I’m done beating you up. Going down to your level of stupid hurts.
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂
Lol, they weren't worried about us, Son.

They were warning you.
No no Stupidus. It’s morons like you who drink aquarium cleaner. And the reason we have to put those warnings on plastic bags.
Sorry Son. No matter how hard you squirm those losers are yours.
Lying again Stupidus. You seem to be the one asking about this constantly. You, Pogo the retarded monkey and every libtard may want to actually read the OP. Or have mommy read it to you.
Asking about what?

We all saw tRump say it, live on TV. You cannot escape that.

You also cannot get anyone to believe the folks who believed the tRumpian chloroquine to the extent that they obviously did are anything but die-hard tRumplings.

You lose.

Get over it.
Poor illiterate asshole. They were liberals. Already proven. You lose as always. Fuck off.
Sorry kid, that's just not true.
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂
Lol, they weren't worried about us, Son.

They were warning you.
No no Stupidus. It’s morons like you who drink aquarium cleaner. And the reason we have to put those warnings on plastic bags.
Sorry Son. No matter how hard you squirm those losers are yours.
More of your lies. Bigtime Dumbocrats, just like you. :abgg2q.jpg:

Couple who drank fish tank cleaner were Dem donors

The Arizona woman who said that she and her 68-year-old husband ingested fish tank cleaner thinking it was the chloroquine President Trump discussed in two pressers is a Democrat donor.

The President used this case as a reason to bash the President and the drugs hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine.

As it turns out, the couple, Gary and Wanda, are big donors to Democrats. The Free Beacon was able to figure out who they are and they checked on the couple’s political affiliation.

Federal Election Commission records show that Wanda has donated thousands of dollars to Democratic electoral groups and candidates over the past two years, including Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and EMILY’s List, a group that aims to elect pro-choice female candidates, Free Beacon reported.

Libtards still denying science in favor of the moronic talking points their handlers are feeding them.
Lol our handlers? All you dumbasses need to do is listen to what Trump said in full context. That’s all it takes to reach the logical conclusion that Trump is a goddamn moron.
Exactly what CNN told you to think.
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂
Lol, they weren't worried about us, Son.

They were warning you.
No no Stupidus. It’s morons like you who drink aquarium cleaner. And the reason we have to put those warnings on plastic bags.
Sorry Son. No matter how hard you squirm those losers are yours.
Lying again Stupidus. You seem to be the one asking about this constantly. You, Pogo the retarded monkey and every libtard may want to actually read the OP. Or have mommy read it to you.
Asking about what?

We all saw tRump say it, live on TV. You cannot escape that.

You also cannot get anyone to believe the folks who believed the tRumpian chloroquine to the extent that they obviously did are anything but die-hard tRumplings.

You lose.

Get over it.
Poor illiterate asshole. They were liberals. Already proven. You lose as always. Fuck off.
Sorry kid, that's just not true.
Poor asshole. Still in denial. Your forfeit is entered into the record.
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂
Lol, they weren't worried about us, Son.

They were warning you.
No no Stupidus. It’s morons like you who drink aquarium cleaner. And the reason we have to put those warnings on plastic bags.
Sorry Son. No matter how hard you squirm those losers are yours.
Lying again Stupidus. You seem to be the one asking about this constantly. You, Pogo the retarded monkey and every libtard may want to actually read the OP. Or have mommy read it to you.
Asking about what?

We all saw tRump say it, live on TV. You cannot escape that.

You also cannot get anyone to believe the folks who believed the tRumpian chloroquine to the extent that they obviously did are anything but die-hard tRumplings.

You lose.

Get over it.
Poor illiterate asshole. They were liberals. Already proven. You lose as always. Fuck off.
Sorry kid, that's just not true.
Yep. 100% Libtards, just like you. :iyfyus.jpg:
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂

Imagine, if you can, the lack of self-respect it takes for a Trump fan to believe; (1) he was misquoted, taken out of context, distorted by the MSM, didn't say what he said; (2) he was being sarcastic and talking to reporters, evidence notwithstanding; (3) he was right all along, and libs are idiots; and to believe each equally, in turn, in support of their cult leader.

(I had some commas left over if you need any.)
Imagine the sheer lack of intelligences it takes for Obozo shills to believe (1) he was misquoted and taken out of context when he said if you like your doctor you can’t keep your doctor, plan, and save $2500 a year. (2) Eric Holder didn’t really say he was Barry’s wingman (that was taken out of context too), (3) BIden will actually win in November because the media (who by the way has been PROVEN to have misquoted Trump intentionally) says so. There’s more , but why pile on when the libtard tears in November will be epic.
Wow, look at the tRumpling try to deflect!

The post you are imitating must have stung a bit.
NO deflection here you Obamanzee. Learn to read Stupidus. Your utter stupidity is appalling. Ask your mommy for help reading. Now fuck off asshole. Before I bring the Kaepernick thread back and slap you again.
Lol, you seem quite upset.

tRiggered even.

I don't blame you.

Anyone would be after tRying to defend president Tide Pod all afternoon.
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂
Lol, they weren't worried about us, Son.

They were warning you.
No no Stupidus. It’s morons like you who drink aquarium cleaner. And the reason we have to put those warnings on plastic bags.
Sorry Son. No matter how hard you squirm those losers are yours.
Lying again Stupidus. You seem to be the one asking about this constantly. You, Pogo the retarded monkey and every libtard may want to actually read the OP. Or have mommy read it to you.
Asking about what?

We all saw tRump say it, live on TV. You cannot escape that.

You also cannot get anyone to believe the folks who believed the tRumpian chloroquine to the extent that they obviously did are anything but die-hard tRumplings.

You lose.

Get over it.
Poor illiterate asshole. They were liberals. Already proven. You lose as always. Fuck off.
No, they weren't.

But as previously noted, I do understand why you can't admit it.
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂
Lol, they weren't worried about us, Son.

They were warning you.
No no Stupidus. It’s morons like you who drink aquarium cleaner. And the reason we have to put those warnings on plastic bags.
Sorry Son. No matter how hard you squirm those losers are yours.
Lying again Stupidus. You seem to be the one asking about this constantly. You, Pogo the retarded monkey and every libtard may want to actually read the OP. Or have mommy read it to you.
Asking about what?

We all saw tRump say it, live on TV. You cannot escape that.

You also cannot get anyone to believe the folks who believed the tRumpian chloroquine to the extent that they obviously did are anything but die-hard tRumplings.

You lose.

Get over it.
Poor illiterate asshole. They were liberals. Already proven. You lose as always. Fuck off.
Sorry kid, that's just not true.
Poor asshole. Still in denial. Your forfeit is entered into the record.
Your denial of reality is amazing.
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂
Lol, they weren't worried about us, Son.

They were warning you.
No no Stupidus. It’s morons like you who drink aquarium cleaner. And the reason we have to put those warnings on plastic bags.
Sorry Son. No matter how hard you squirm those losers are yours.
Lying again Stupidus. You seem to be the one asking about this constantly. You, Pogo the retarded monkey and every libtard may want to actually read the OP. Or have mommy read it to you.
Asking about what?

We all saw tRump say it, live on TV. You cannot escape that.

You also cannot get anyone to believe the folks who believed the tRumpian chloroquine to the extent that they obviously did are anything but die-hard tRumplings.

You lose.

Get over it.
Poor illiterate asshole. They were liberals. Already proven. You lose as always. Fuck off.
No, they weren't.

But as previously noted, I do understand why you can't admit it.
Hey Crepitus I just proved you are a lying sack. They are libnuts just like you. :abgg2q.jpg:
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂
Lol, they weren't worried about us, Son.

They were warning you.
No no Stupidus. It’s morons like you who drink aquarium cleaner. And the reason we have to put those warnings on plastic bags.
Sorry Son. No matter how hard you squirm those losers are yours.
Lying again Stupidus. You seem to be the one asking about this constantly. You, Pogo the retarded monkey and every libtard may want to actually read the OP. Or have mommy read it to you.
Asking about what?

We all saw tRump say it, live on TV. You cannot escape that.

You also cannot get anyone to believe the folks who believed the tRumpian chloroquine to the extent that they obviously did are anything but die-hard tRumplings.

You lose.

Get over it.
Poor illiterate asshole. They were liberals. Already proven. You lose as always. Fuck off.
No, they weren't.

But as previously noted, I do understand why you can't admit it.
Try reading the posted article dimbulb.
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂
Lol, they weren't worried about us, Son.

They were warning you.
No no Stupidus. It’s morons like you who drink aquarium cleaner. And the reason we have to put those warnings on plastic bags.
Sorry Son. No matter how hard you squirm those losers are yours.
More of your lies. Bigtime Dumbocrats, just like you. :abgg2q.jpg:

Couple who drank fish tank cleaner were Dem donors

The Arizona woman who said that she and her 68-year-old husband ingested fish tank cleaner thinking it was the chloroquine President Trump discussed in two pressers is a Democrat donor.

The President used this case as a reason to bash the President and the drugs hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine.

As it turns out, the couple, Gary and Wanda, are big donors to Democrats. The Free Beacon was able to figure out who they are and they checked on the couple’s political affiliation.

Federal Election Commission records show that Wanda has donated thousands of dollars to Democratic electoral groups and candidates over the past two years, including Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and EMILY’s List, a group that aims to elect pro-choice female candidates, Free Beacon reported.

Darwin award unlocked.

So yes, the democrats truly are this stupid.
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