
All those fucks think that they are above the law
Well, Joe is for sure. He‘ll have pardon in hand for anyone in the far left. The farther left, the more inclusive the pardon. You should be worried if you’re an election denier troglodyte.
And now Pence found classified documents he says were inadvertently boxed up and sent to his Indiana home.

This on top of the drip-drip-drip of classified docs found in Biden's home and the Penn Biden Center.

All documents presumably they should not have had.

But only Trump's Mar-a-lago home was raided and savaged in the wee hours of the morning to retrieve illegal classified documents so we were told.


How is it the National Archives didn't know anything about all those documents in Biden's and Pence's possession, never asked for them back, didn't advise the FBI they were missing, but notified the FBI that Trump was illegally keeping documents at Mar-a-lago?

Because they had very few documents... and Trump had many. I think Trump took them because he wanted a fight that would keep him in the news.
Because they had very few documents... and Trump had many. I think Trump took them because he wanted a fight that would keep him in the news.
No doubt ! Even bad publicity is publicity for Trump. He has a fit every-time his name is removed from a building.
How is it the National Archives didn't know anything about all those documents in Biden's and Pence's possession, never asked for them back, didn't advise the FBI they were missing, but notified the FBI that Trump was illegally keeping documents at Mar-a-lago?

And why can't my question be discussed?

It just seems incomprehensible to me that if NARA knew about missing documents that they said Trump had, wouldn't they have known about missing docs at Biden's place and Pence's place?

How do we know these docs are classified at all?

How do we know who sent them ?

See how fast just asking questions send this all down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole Fox?


The Archives doesn't have a list of every classified document created. They can only "archive" it after the fact. That's what an archive is.

So, they have to depend on Presidents and Vice Presidents to use the honor system. Pence's people and Biden's people found the documents and returned them. They have honor, as compared to someone who would sandbag and delay and claim the documents belong to him.

Not that complicated.
She's not going to like the she will pretend like it is somehow defective.
That's the conditioning.

There's no 'conditioning', only in your own mind, you can't answer her questions, unfortunately your answer was not 'the answer' you seem to think it is. :dunno:

You will continually ignore the fact that the FBI was invited and went through all the documents kept by Trump months prior to the 'raid', why don't you address that point before addressing anything else? Trump's docs were things he took for his presidential library, NARA and FBI were informed and aware of everything he had, there was no reason for a 'raid', it was purely political and an abuse of power by the assholes in dc.
There's no 'conditioning', only in your own mind, you can't answer her questions, unfortunately your answer was not 'the answer' you seem to think it is. :dunno:

You will continually ignore the fact that the FBI was invited and went through all the documents kept by Trump months prior to the 'raid', why don't you address that point before addressing anything else? Trump's docs were things he took for his presidential library, NARA and FBI were informed and aware of everything he had, there was no reason for a 'raid', it was purely political and an abuse of power by the assholes in dc.
Trump can claim "he had the right to declassify"......Biden can claim the same thing as can Pence.

However, Senator Biden had to outright lie to take a classified document out of a SCIF. Before entering, all must surrender any devices they have that can record, video or photograph....nowadays that includes watches.

When leaving he must assure the overseer that he/she had not taken anything.

But he did.

All the rest is political bantering.....but a Senator stealing a classified document out of a SCIF? There is no excuse and certainly no defense.
I suppose just like everything else these days there are specialist who specialize in just one or two specific portions of the bureaucracy and they just can't be bothered with all the other details.
Laziness s also possibly a partial explanation. I think that’s true.
Trump can claim "he had the right to declassify"......Biden can claim the same thing as can Pence.

However, Senator Biden had to outright lie to take a classified document out of a SCIF. Before entering, all must surrender any devices they have that can record, video or photograph....nowadays that includes watches.

When leaving he must assure the overseer that he/she had not taken anything.

But he did.

All the rest is political bantering.....but a Senator stealing a classified document out of a SCIF? There is no excuse and certainly no defense.

Lol 🤣 most SCIFs are the size of a small tent. Taking a dozen papers home to read over a period of 15 years is oversight not deliberate.
There's no 'conditioning', only in your own mind, you can't answer her questions, unfortunately your answer was not 'the answer' you seem to think it is. :dunno:

You will continually ignore the fact that the FBI was invited and went through all the documents kept by Trump months prior to the 'raid', why don't you address that point before addressing anything else? Trump's docs were things he took for his presidential library, NARA and FBI were informed and aware of everything he had, there was no reason for a 'raid', it was purely political and an abuse of power by the assholes in dc.

Trump had hundreds of documents. He was asked to return them at least three times.
How do we know these docs are classified at all?

How do we know who sent them ?

See how fast just asking questions send this all down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole Fox?


We know only what the media and talking heads on television tell us actually. And even then we don't know because different media and different talking heads tell us different things. The left trusts one set of those versions and those the right trust another set. But without being able to see with our own eyes, we really cannot know anything other than what we are told and choose to believe as more credible.

So sometimes we honestly have to set aside partisanship and ideology and use logic and critical thinking to come to informed conclusions about pretty much anything that is at all complicated. And our questions--the question in my OP--are necessary when the media and talking heads aren't telling us answers that are important when it comes to due process.
And now Pence found classified documents he says were inadvertently boxed up and sent to his Indiana home.

This on top of the drip-drip-drip of classified docs found in Biden's home and the Penn Biden Center.

All documents presumably they should not have had.

But only Trump's Mar-a-lago home was raided and savaged in the wee hours of the morning to retrieve illegal classified documents so we were told.


How is it the National Archives didn't know anything about all those documents in Biden's and Pence's possession, never asked for them back, didn't advise the FBI they were missing, but notified the FBI that Trump was illegally keeping documents at Mar-a-lago?
IMO, there's a heap of jiggery-pokery going on, perpetrated by the spook state, in order to set some predicates.

I don't believe, for a single moment, that Biden was wily and clever enough to have absconded with SCI documents, which are nearly as tightly guarded as Ft. Knox.....For me, that's the tell.....IF those documents were "in his possession", they were almost certainly planted for maximum narrative effect.

To highlight this, note how the media narrative has shifted from the specific of "SCI documents" to the more vague "classified documents", which includes those which have been subsequently declassified, and the far more benign classifications of "secret" and "confidential" -both if which comprise the bulk of "classified" docs and are representative of the culture of over-classification.

IMO, the whole "classified documents" thing -from Mara-a-Lago, to Biden, to Pence- is a big psyop, designed by the spook state, to set the parameters and boundaries for who is "worthy" to run for president in '24.
It could. But if so, it also goes back at least (approximately) a decade and a half.
Further than that. Remember Sandy Berger (Clinton adm. Nat'l Security Advisor) caught stuffing classified docs in his underwear and socks to smuggle them out of the archives and destroying documents. Was that a one time thing or did it happen other times when he wasn't caught? (There was no early morning FBI raid on his home by the way and he was given a $50k fine and 2 yrs probation for that offense.)

I saw on the Faulkner Focus this morning that Obama, Bush 43, Clinton, and Carter and their VPs have all been asked if they have any classified docs. All say they do not except Carter who hasn't responded yet. But how do we know? Should everybody with security clearances in government be asked?
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Further than that. Remember Sandy Berger (Clinton adm. Nat'l Security Advisor) caught stuffing classified docs in his underwear and socks to smuggle them out of the archives and destroying documents. Was that a one time thing or did it happen other times when he wasn't caught? (There was no early morning FBI raid on his home by the way and he was given a $50k fine and 2 yrs probation for that offense.)

I saw on the Faulkner Focus this morning that Obama, Bush 43, Clinton, and Carter have all been asked if they have any classified docs. All say they do not except Carter who hasn't responded yet. But how do we know?
You’re right. It does go back further. And, we don’t know how much further back it does.
Further than that. Remember Sandy Berger (Clinton adm. Nat'l Security Advisor) caught stuffing classified docs in his underwear and socks to smuggle them out of the archives and destroying documents. Was that a one time thing or did it happen other times when he wasn't caught? (There was no early morning FBI raid on his home by the way and he was given a $50k fine and 2 yrs probation for that offense.)

I saw on the Faulkner Focus this morning that Obama, Bush 43, Clinton, and Carter have all been asked if they have any classified docs. All say they do not except Carter who hasn't responded yet. But how do we know?
Clinton was found to have tape recordings of conversations had in the Oval Office, which were of a "classified" nature....It was determined that those were part of his personal collection of Presidential records, and legit to have in his possession.
IMO, there's a heap of jiggery-pokery going on, perpetrated by the spook state, in order to set some predicates.

I don't believe, for a single moment, that Biden was wily and clever enough to have absconded with SCI documents, which are nearly as tightly guarded as Ft. Knox.....For me, that's the tell.....IF those documents were "in his possession", they were almost certainly planted for maximum narrative effect.

To highlight this, note how the media narrative has shifted from the specific of "SCI documents" to the more vague "classified documents", which includes those which have been subsequently declassified, and the far more benign classifications of "secret" and "confidential" -both if which comprise the bulk of "classified" docs and are representative of the culture of over-classification.

IMO, the whole "classified documents" thing -from Mara-a-Lago, to Biden, to Pence- is a big psyop, designed by the spook state, to set the parameters and boundaries for who is "worthy" to run for president in '24.
This was my thought from the beginning. I can't see how anybody with ability to think at all doesn't know that the staged Gestapo like raid on Mar-a-lago was for the sole purpose of damaging Trump before the midterms and keeping him off the 2024 ballot.

And the whole Biden document thing is so bizarre almost nothing adds up, but many of us thought it could have also been staged to get Biden to say he won't run in 2024, and because that isn't working yet, more and more documents are showing up. It may be to get him off the ballot early so they have time to repair the Democrat Party, they may allow the whole Hunter scandal thing to break? Probably not, but it has crossed my mind as a possibility if they get desperate enough. For sure the document thing hasn't moved the needle on Biden's approval ratings all that much.

And with Pence, who knows why those are just surfacing? To give him excuse not to run? To dilute the focus to protect Trump? Inadvertent? Who knows?

It may be that all allegations of criminality are dropped everywhere if this continues. Unless Merrick Garland is in on the orchestration of some grand scheme, I'm sure he is desperately wishing he never agreed to or staged that silly raid on Mar-a-lago.

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