Questions For "Crisis on the Border" Fetishists....

What the hell is wrong with Dimocrats and the left that they believe it's ok that these people flood these border towns?
They are being sent on a warm bus, and are let out in a sanctuary city. This is exactly what they should want, but no, they want to demonize someone who is trying to get the attention of the American people and to the president, that it is not acceptable what is being allowed to happen on our border!
Have you noticed that the white supremacists here like to call others fascist? They don`t even know what the word means. :abgg2q.jpg:
ah look another slaver that supports human rights abuses on the border for the “potential gdp” and projecting their slaver views on others…much like the national socialist in germany in the 1930s, used others for slave labor, it seems you demafasict want to continue to do that with folks coming through our southern border illegally…heck you elected a man who wanted a surge of illegals to fund his demafasict utopia
This time answer the question.
I answered but you have already proven that you do not understand. You have yet to prove that allowing all criminals to stay in prison does not affect GDP so there for your whole excuse for allowing illegal immigration goes up in smoke.
Add to that the fact a very large portion of illegal immigrants are forced to take low paying or pay under the table jobs because of their illegal status. That means less or no taxes from those individuals. It also means that certain jobs will remain lower paying. Which then fails to attract those that would pay taxes.
every country in the world has immigration laws. I can not Simple walk into any country and declare myself a citizen of that country.
So far you have even failed to acknowledge the effect on GDP that removing manufacturing has had.
So excuse me if I fail to take your pretense serious
people are mocking you slaver…they don’t respect your slave agenda…this thread proves people value freedom more then your slave agenda.
You're a singularly credulous human being.

I'm pro-growth.

You hate America.
I answered but you have already proven that you do not understand. You have yet to prove that allowing all criminals to stay in prison does not affect GDP so there for your whole excuse for allowing illegal immigration goes up in smoke.
Add to that the fact a very large portion of illegal immigrants are forced to take low paying or pay under the table jobs because of their illegal status. That means less or no taxes from those individuals. It also means that certain jobs will remain lower paying. Which then fails to attract those that would pay taxes.
every country in the world has immigration laws. I can not Simple walk into any country and declare myself a citizen of that country.
So far you have even failed to acknowledge the effect on GDP that removing manufacturing has had.
So excuse me if I fail to take your pretense serious
. I can not Simple walk into any country

I think we need to revoke the citizenships of native born Americans who show such contempt for the American tongue.
ah look another slaver that supports human rights abuses on the border for the “potential gdp” and projecting their slaver views on others…much like the national socialist in germany in the 1930s, used others for slave labor, it seems you demafasict want to continue to do that with folks coming through our southern border illegally…heck you elected a man who wanted a surge of illegals to fund his demafasict utopia
Slaver? It may sound cute to you but it`s truly idiotic.
I thought Dimocrats were for the working class?
This non-stop flood of undereducated low-skilled non-English speaking people will only widen the gap between the rich and poor, as blue-collar wages are further depressed.
Is there any coherence to your economic vision thing?
I think we need to revoke the citizenships of native born Americans who show such contempt for the American tongue.
Good on you. We need to stop free speech and make sure every person conforms.
That is another of your wining arguments
Good on you. We need to stop free speech and make sure every person conforms.
That is another of your wining arguments
No...there was a time when voters needed to demonstrate a degree of literacy...

When America was great.
In other words, you're just blabbering, for the sake of blabbering.

There are plenty of those legally in the country who knows how to cook.
There are hot chicks everywhere, but you're talking about those who are easy to get, right?

Economic hardship? Based on what you fell into this conclusion?
He's talking about the many women brought here as sex slaves. The cartels rent them and will even sell one if the price is right.'s more like "FOX nursing slack jaws refuse to believe that Jesse Watters says things for food".
Weak sauce.

You are obviously here to push the narrative that the border is fine.

Anyone who thinks pedo peter is flying kids around to all his buddies at 3am because he's a good person, is a moron.

The shadow cabal running the DNC is also in bed with the cartels.

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