Questions For "Crisis on the Border" Fetishists....

Weak sauce.

You are obviously here to push the narrative that the border is fine.

Anyone who thinks pedo peter is flying kids around to all his buddies at 3am because he's a good person, is a moron.

The shadow cabal running the DNC is also in bed with the cartels.
How about some citations to go with that jive?
No...there was a time when voters needed to demonstrate a degree of literacy...

When America was great.
Yes and Jim Crow laws are long gone.
You should thank your lucky stars that we have made the kind of strides we have or you would not be allowed to vote
No...that's just silly.

There's NEVER a reason to persist in stupid policy.

"Policy" is different from written law ... I think it's STUPID to outlaw home-built nuclear weapons ... it's called "keeping and bearing arms" ... and I'm actively advocating the laws be changed so I can build by own atom bomb and test it out on public lands ... just like my Springfield .22 semi-automatic rifle ...

But I'm not going to try an build a nuclear weapon until it is legal ... I respect the written laws of my country, state, county, city, neighborhood and my cats ... I'm a patriot ...
"Policy" is different from written law ... I think it's STUPID to outlaw home-built nuclear weapons ... it's called "keeping and bearing arms" ... and I'm actively advocating the laws be changed so I can build by own atom bomb and test it out on public lands ... just like my Springfield .22 semi-automatic rifle ...

But I'm not going to try an build a nuclear weapon until it is legal ... I respect the written laws of my country, state, county, city, neighborhood and my cats ... I'm a patriot ...
If stupid law inhibits economic progress it should be xitcanned.

It's no different than regulations, the cost of which greatly exceed any perceived benefit.

Assuming, of course that your objections are colorblind.
In pushing this anti immigration hysteria, does anyone at FOX EVER speak the words "Potential GDP"?

Can any of you define it?

Countries with birthrates at or below replacement have limited options for expanding Potential GDP. If you exclude immigration, both legal and illegal, what does Maria Bartiromo suggest as an alternative?
You should find another board to spread your manure. You have absolutely no clue about the border, the enormous cost in human life and misery for both the illegals and American citizens. The enormous PERPETUAL COSTS that the majority of these illegals represent. Get lost.
You should find another board to spread your manure. You have absolutely no clue about the border, the enormous cost in human life and misery for both the illegals and American citizens. The enormous PERPETUAL COSTS that the majority of these illegals represent. Get lost.
Then why not challenge me with facts supported by credible sources, rather than xitpost?
If stupid law inhibits economic progress it should be xitcanned.
It's no different than regulations, the cost of which greatly exceed any perceived benefit.
Assuming, of course that your objections are colorblind.

You're entitled to your opinion ... and there's a Congressman who gets paid to listen to you bitch about it ...

Treating sewage is expensive, and the tax load ruins economic progress ... company share-holders gain absolutely no benefit from this, it's a massive hit on earnings ... by your logic, the laws requiring sewage to be treated should be canned ...

Or do you mean the 700-odd-page National Park Service regulation that governs what I can, and cannot, do to my own home within city limits? ... police are wonderful folk, not sure about strapping guns on Park Rangers and sending them into town though ... I think the blind stops on my windows are 1/16th inch too short ...

[shrugs shoulders] ...

In the United States, We the People make these decisions with the political process ... instead of letting Charles III rule us by decree ...

[joke] Is the 5th Horseman Satan's IT guy? [/joke]
You're entitled to your opinion ... and there's a Congressman who gets paid to listen to you bitch about it ...

Treating sewage is expensive, and the tax load ruins economic progress ... company share-holders gain absolutely no benefit from this, it's a massive hit on earnings ... by your logic, the laws requiring sewage to be treated should be canned ...

Or do you mean the 700-odd-page National Park Service regulation that governs what I can, and cannot, do to my own home within city limits? ... police are wonderful folk, not sure about strapping guns on Park Rangers and sending them into town though ... I think the blind stops on my windows are 1/16th inch too short ...

[shrugs shoulders] ...

In the United States, We the People make these decisions with the political process ... instead of letting Charles III rule us by decree ...

[joke] Is the 5th Horseman Satan's IT guy? [/joke]
That's absolute nonsense and clear evidence you've never studied economics.

If you don't think there is a cost to sewage, xit in your well. See what happens.
Economic hardship.
Culinary deprivation.
Fewer hot chicks.

Economic hardship?

Texas alone costs tax payers 850 million a year due to illegals.

That's just one state. That doesn't include the entire country. What about all the illegals that live on barely nothing and send most of their money back to home to their country instead of putting back in our system? What about public ultities, road wear and tear, and everything else they use but don't help pay for since they don't pay taxes? What about the illegals that go the hospital and pay nothing, someone has to pay? What about places like California putting hobo illegals in hotels? What about money spent by employers hiring someone, ending up firing them when they find out they are using someone else's identification and waste man power, resources and time on them? There are hundreds of examples of how they drain our nations system.

Culinary deprivation?

Well that's stupid. What, no one anywhere in the entire world can cook anything except their own food from their small geographic location their family comes from? Well also have this thing called the internet where you can look up any recipe known to man and find 12,000 videos on how to do it.

Fewer hot chicks?

That's also stupid as shit. There aren't that many hot chicks crossing a cold and muddy river illegally at 3am. If there are the ratio is 1 hot illegal per 1,900 non hot ones.

But you also act like this is the only way foriengers can get into the country. They can go through the citizenship program and become Americans.
Economic hardship?

Texas alone costs tax payers 850 million a year due to illegals.

That's just one state. That doesn't include the entire country. What about all the illegals that live on barely nothing and send most of their money back to home to their country instead of putting back in our system? What about public ultities, road wear and tear, and everything else they use but don't help pay for since they don't pay taxes? What about the illegals that go the hospital and pay nothing, someone has to pay? What about places like California putting hobo illegals in hotels? What about money spent by employers hiring someone, ending up firing them when they find out they are using someone else's identification and waste man power, resources and time on them? There are hundreds of examples of how they drain our nations system.

Culinary deprivation?

Well that's stupid. What, no one anywhere in the entire world can cook anything except their own food from their small geographic location their family comes from? Well also have this thing called the internet where you can look up any recipe known to man and find 12,000 videos on how to do it.

Fewer hot chicks?

That's also stupid as shit. There aren't that many hot chicks crossing a cold and muddy river illegally at 3am. If there are the ratio is 1 hot illegal per 1,900 non hot ones.

But you also act like this is the only way foriengers can get into the country. They can go through the citizenship program and become Americans.
1) Why do you believe your sources obsess about Fiscal Cost? It is because their Economic position is indefensible.

2) Food is culture...there are parts of this country where food is awful, and the only relief is what the ethnics provide. Trust me, I've lived in New England.

3) I'm hetero like that. Your mileage may differ.
OK Einstein, what would happen if we completely stop illegals from entering the country, and kick all illegals currently in the country out?
We pair that with disqualifying the 70% or so of able-bodied welfare/Social Security recipients who can work and chose not to. They can replace many of the the illegals, or starve to death.

We also increase the allowance for educated, skilled, English-speaking foreign nationals who wish to come to the US and permanently abandon all ties to their country of origin.
We pair that with disqualifying the 70% or so of able-bodied welfare/Social Security recipients who can work and chose not to. They can replace many of the the illegals, or starve to death.

We also increase the allowance for educated, skilled, English-speaking foreign nationals who wish to come to the US and permanently abandon all ties to their country of origin.

Then why not challenge me with facts supported by credible sources, rather than xitpost?
Study my dozens of informative posts on the subject of the border, Mexico, illegal immigration, Fentanyl poisionings, tragic immigrant deaths, cartel recruitment of American smugglers, etc. and maybe you might learn something. But then you aren't here to learn , you joined last month to spew Chinacrat propaganda.
That's absolute nonsense and clear evidence you've never studied economics.

If you don't think there is a cost to sewage, xit in your well. See what happens.

I know enough to keep laissez-faire in it's place ... but will business fill the potholes in the roads? ... or should we make truckers pay for the damage? ... or just not have public roads at all? ... or do like some lumber companies do here in The West and build their own roads and run as heavy as they like on them ... laissez-faire ...
I was a landlord for many years ... do you think tenants will ever get ahead without government protections ... because if I don't like the way a tenant [unspeakable sex act], I'm throwing all their shit into the river ... laissez-faire ...
How about spent nuclear fuel rods ... ha ha ha ... yes, there's piles of these things on the ocean floor ... laissez-faire ...

We don't have wells in Jefferson, we have springs everyplace ... clear pure sparkley clean mountain fresh spring water is a major nuisance
Study my dozens of informative posts on the subject of the border, Mexico, illegal immigration, Fentanyl poisionings, tragic immigrant deaths, cartel recruitment of American smugglers, etc. and maybe you might learn something. But then you aren't here to learn , you joined last month to spew Chinacrat propaganda.
If I asked for hour links, would they all be FOX.....and that cheesy CIS?

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