Questions For "Crisis on the Border" Fetishists....

There is no such thing is a crisis at the border "fetishist". There are only reasonable people concerned with the effects of this unfettered influx of illegals.

We do seem to have a stupid little boy who cannot empathize with those people living close to the border who are having to deal with this problem, however.
the OP proves you are a slaver. You care more about “potential gdp” ie your wallet, then you care about human beings.
No...not my wallet..

It's DOMESTIC product.

I bet you have voted for xitty economic performance for decades, excusing it with some pap about "the deficit" or "the babies".
No...not my wallet..

It's DOMESTIC product.

I bet you have voted for xitty economic performance for decades, excusing it with some pap about "the deficit" or "the babies

domestic product doesn’t impact your wallet? you continue to sound like a slaver…it’s pathetic yoj don’t see it
Laws that irrationally throttle economic development should be jettisoned.

I agree here 110% ... the extra 10% comes from my neighbors ... these current laws are STUPID !!! ...

Yes, we need to CHANGE THE LAWS ... but until then we MUST FOLLOW the laws as written ... NO EXCEPTIONS ... sadly, Congress is too busy filling their pockets with COVID relief money to bother trying ...

Any Border Patrol agent will tell you ... we need more Border Patrol agents ...
domestic product doesn’t impact your wallet? you continue to sound like a slaver…it’s pathetic yoj don’t see it
It impacts EVERYBODY'S wallet....just as a contracting economy does.

Why should an entire nation's future be held hostage to the superstitions of its least informed citizens?
I agree here 110% ... the extra 10% comes from my neighbors ... these current laws are STUPID !!! ...

Yes, we need to CHANGE THE LAWS ... but until then we MUST FOLLOW the laws as written ... NO EXCEPTIONS ... sadly, Congress is too busy filling their pockets with COVID relief money to bother trying ...

Any Border Patrol agent will tell you ... we need more Border Patrol agents ...
No...that's just silly.

There's NEVER a reason to persist in stupid policy.
And somehow Dimocrats and the left justify hundreds of thousands of people flooding in every few months.
It never ceases to amaze me that this is ok with these people, they seem to think that we can absorb these kind of #'s.
Think of the strain on our healthcare system, as well of course of other services.

Biden sent the invitation out, when he infamously announced that should he become president, there should be an immediate "surge to the border".
Now towns and cities all over this country are going to have to deal with the fallout of Biden's irresponsible policies that allow our border to be flooded with a non-stop of undereducated humanity.

This is what you get America for voting for Dimocrats!
It impacts EVERYBODY'S wallet....just as a contracting economy does.

Why should an entire nation's future be held hostage to the superstitions of its least informed citizens?
says slavers made the same argument..the difference is some said we don’t care…we value freedom first…and frankly in the long run a free society is more valuable…you slavers, demafasict have lost this debate, lost in action…and will continue to lose. People will not stand for human rights abuses that your agenda causes simply for short term “potential gdp” - go take your white hoods somewhere else
The only way these invaders could improve our GDP is if they were packaged and sold by the pound.
"Potential GDP"

"Potential GDP" is often a term that refers to little more than unrecognized predictions ...
people tend to use when pretending they can adequately predict future advancements to suit desired initiatives ...
and with no actual respect for changes in adaptation, innovation, vision, or any actual advances or pitfalls
associated with what is essentially the unknown and yet to be accomplished ... With a rather narrow and self-serving approach.

Don't tell me what you want to do ...
Tell me what can and are prepared to do.

Low wages are caused by the greed of the rich. That's not going to change.

What is going to change is why we have high inflation now. Because we have a labor shortage, and employers are having to offer high wages for jobs that may not even merit them.

For instance, McDonald's is paying crew members $13.87 currently, well above the minimum wage, and they STILL can't find enough warm bodies to staff their stores.

Remove five million or so undocumented workers from the pool, and that problem just gets worse.

Stop drinking MSM koolaid.

We had labor shortages during Trump, yet inflation was low.
Inflation is caused by Biden's policies that created snowball effect.

So let me, just for your little brain, put it in simple form...

1. When there is shortage of something/anything, price goes up. Having said that, if there is shortage of labor, price of labor would go up. So why isn't going up? Because of endless influx of illegals that are providing cheap labor. Eliminate illegals, employers will have no choice but to raise price of labor to attract workers.
2. Government is using billions of our tax dollars to pay for services for illegals. They get money, phones, using our roads, hospitals, schools, etc. Eliminate illegals and money that goes to them, you can lower taxes for businesses so they can afford paying higher wages.
I thought Dimocrats were for the working class?
This non-stop flood of undereducated low-skilled non-English speaking people will only widen the gap between the rich and poor, as blue-collar wages are further depressed.

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