Questions For Evolutionists.

again dumbass few people make that claim.
Excuse you

"WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Forty percent of U.S. adults ascribe to a strictly creationist view of human origins, believing that God created them in their present form within roughly the past 10,000 years"

Is your Google broken?

Why don't you look up what biologists say?
I did. ICR Biologists as well as Michael Behe. Have you ever stepped outside of your bubble and explored anything other than what the Religious Pastors of Evolution have told you?

I did. ICR Biologists as well as Michael Behe. Have you ever stepped outside of your bubble and explored anything other than what the Religious Pastors of Evolution have told you?

Oh look, two articles you didn't read.

And no, you did not look up what the scientific community says.
Since "Mitosis" is clearly the most efficient form of reproduction

Define efficient.
If I could accomplish something myself that might otherwise require two individuals to accomplish, I would be saving time, energy, and resources. That's efficiency.
Oh look, two articles you didn't read.

And no, you did not look up what the scientific community says.
Is the "scientific community" the Borg? Do they all speak in unison without regard for their own ideas and opinions? I realize that you're in that club, but certainly not all actual scientists are.

And don't you pass yourself off as some sort of "expert" on the topic? If so, then you should be able to answer my simple questions with a convincing reply.
You have given zero adequate answers.

One answer was sexual reproductions allows for faster adaptation to change ecosystems ... and thus the species as a whole survives even though half the individuals are sacrificed ... that's why ...

Evolution is not observable, measurable, nor can it be duplicated in a lab setting.

GMOs are created in test tubes ... observable, measurable and repeated again and again every growing season ... not to mention dog breeding ... fruit flies ...

It's all based on conjecture, hypothesis, wishful thinking, imagination, and faith. Nobody, to date, has given a good reason why an efficient form of reproduction was replaced by a more cumbersome method of reproduction.

Evolution is based on an assuption ... which I've already stated for you ... science doesn't need good reasons for good reasons to exist ... why we still have discoveries ...

Just because you don't read the scientific media doesn't mean the scientific media doesn't exist ... Robert Watson wrote a wonderful book about this, you should read it, maybe you'll understand the reasoning you're being given ...
1) It's called mytosis. No sexual organs required if you reproduce by dividing cells.

2) The requirements to survive are different in different environments. This causes an increase in complexity. Eventually leading to all kinds of adaptations, including sexual organs... Or eyes, or fins, or lungs,etc.etc.
Scientists prove things using experiments. Do you know of any examples at all of scientists reproducing the adaptations that create eyes, ears or sexual organs?
This topic can be put into several books trying to resolve the entire issue.

I recommend the reading of the excellent book with the title of Cradle of Life by Professor Schopf.

First is the question of life. Is a carrot's life equal to any animal life? Schopf goes into details as to what is life. What is needed to have life. It is very interesting for the scientific minded who are not trying to prove GOD or disprove GOD. If you want to know this topic, this book will enrich your life. A common question is the eye. What made the eye necessary and how did the life with the first eye get it and why?

Creative Evolution From Intelligent Self-Design

I believe that the first organisms had the ability, now dormant, to capture whatever molecules they thought were useful and incorporated those genes into their DNA. So "junk DNA" is the useless excess they had to incorporate with the useful matter.

Cancer is the life-form from that junk DNA, a monster that has to keep reproducing because it doesn't have the right equipment to survive otherwise. It's like one of the failed experiments in the movie The Fly.
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Scientists prove things using experiments. Do you know of any examples at all of scientists reproducing the adaptations that create eyes, ears or sexual organs?
That's a silly demand.

Have scientists ever created a volcano in the lab? How about a star?

Nope, but we know how they form.
Creative Evolution From Intelligent Self-Design

I believe that the first organisms had the ability, now dormant, to capture whatever molecules they thought were useful and incorporated those genes into their DNA. So "junk DNA" is the useless excess they had to incorporate with the useful matter.

Cancer is the life-form from that junk DNA, a monster that has to keep reproducing because it doesn't have the right equipment to survive otherwise. It's like one of the failed experiments in the movie The Fly.
You believe that the first organisms (cyanobacteria) could think?
Excuse you

"WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Forty percent of U.S. adults ascribe to a strictly creationist view of human origins, believing that God created them in their present form within roughly the past 10,000 years"

LOL a poll really? they asked a couple hundred people loaded questions and tailor where the respondents will be from. Ya real believable.
Are the borg and "it's anyone's guess" the only two options?

No. I don't have to play this alternate reality game.

The scientific community has generally agreed on the answer. You should look it up.
There are numerous options but you've chosen only one of them as if it's gospel.

The "scientific community" once believed the world was flat and, later, believed that lobotomies were a viable cure for several mental disorders. And they were wrong about the Covid jab and masks. Don't always trust the science community because many of them have an agenda and/or are motivated by money.
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Why did fission "give way" (in some cases) to sexual reproduction? How did organisms reproduce during that period of time that they were evolving sexual organs, but the organs were no functional? Why did simple organisms need to evolve at all? Do you have faith in the theory of evolution?
Again, fission didn't 'give way', new organisms evolved to take advantage of new ecological niches and their increasing complexity required new methods of reproduction. There was NEVER a time where the organs were not functional or didn't give the organism a competitive advantage.

Faith is the wrong term, I'm convinced by the overwhelming evidence that evolution is a fact.

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