Questions For Evolutionists.

Ok retard let me be more specific show any actual fact that a mammal species ever evolved into 2 distinctly different species. And plants and microbes are not the same as animals.

How are you defining species? ... modern systematics uses taxons, which is strictly defined as reproductively isolated group of organisms ... I gave the example of the St. John's dog ... Canis familiaris ssp. is in Class Mammalia ( see apology below) ...

Thank you for the ad hominum attack ... you've admitted my arguments are unassailable and have only my person to insult ... wouldn't Jesus be proud if He was standing here with us ... war mongering the heathen ... the very embodiment of the Sermon on the Mount ...


Yeah ... oops ... Class Mammalia is completely artificial ... the egotist brainiaks are still arguing over this ... but it looks like Class Reptilia need to be expanded to include mammals and birds ... and so birds have to be at the top of that and that hurts folks' feelings or something ... primates are just semi-evolved rodents ... human's advance is a bad smell and worse taste ...
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Please tell us about these other options ... and start by explaining these alternatives with Mendel's work with pea plants and the Biblical prohibition against brother/sister sex ... or do you not believe children inherit physical traits from their parents? ... and show your math, like we do for Mendel's theories ...
The fact that the Bible literally starts out discussing the different sexes is a start. It makes more sense that "sex" is a pre-planned fact than to fantasize about it coming into existence by happenstance. That, of course, would lead to moral issues if, indeed, a moral Being created life with a purpose.

Better than believing that nothing existed followed by ** poof ** matter popping into existence out of thin air followed by ** poof ** life popping into existence as a result of the perfect mixture of matter, carbon, and chemicals "creating" life.

Your version of events REQUIRES much faith and belief in the opinions of a few, fallible men.
Better than believing that nothing existed followed by ** poof ** matter popping into existence out of thin air followed by ** poof ** life popping into existence as a result of the perfect mixture of matter, carbon, and chemicals "creating" life.
Isn't that exactly what you believe? The only difference I see is the cause, supernatural or natural, and, since I've never seen anything supernatural, I'll put my money on the natural.
Isn't that exactly what you believe? The only difference I see is the cause, supernatural or natural, and, since I've never seen anything supernatural, I'll put my money on the natural.
You haven't "seen" the "cause.' You believe you know the cause but have nothing but conjecture and "professional" opinions.

What caused your cause? For every effect, there was a cause. But there can only be one "First Cause." The First Cause cannot be caused and is, therefore, eternal and infinite.
The fact that the Bible literally starts out discussing the different sexes is a start. It makes more sense that "sex" is a pre-planned fact than to fantasize about it coming into existence by happenstance. That, of course, would lead to moral issues if, indeed, a moral Being created life with a purpose.

Better than believing that nothing existed followed by ** poof ** matter popping into existence out of thin air followed by ** poof ** life popping into existence as a result of the perfect mixture of matter, carbon, and chemicals "creating" life.

Your version of events REQUIRES much faith and belief in the opinions of a few, fallible men.

Keep reading ... Ecclesiastes explains this better ... for some strange reason, you've yet to state what the Bible does say about inherited traits ... God was explicit about this with Man ... at least I understand what these few fallible men say, seems you've never read the Bible ...
Keep reading ... Ecclesiastes explains this better ... for some strange reason, you've yet to state what the Bible does say about inherited traits ... God was explicit about this with Man ... at least I understand what these few fallible men say, seems you've never read the Bible ...
You're interested in what the Bible says about inherited traits?

Genesis 1:11, "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so."

Genesis 1:24, “And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.”
Yes we have ... alpha radiation will do this ... so will lead ions ...

The trick in Real Life™ is stopping mutations ... 99.999% of them are BAD ...
You've "seen" alpha radiation and lead ions cause a universe to explode onto the scene. Wow. I wish I had been there.
You haven't "seen" the "cause.' You believe you know the cause but have nothing but conjecture and "professional" opinions.
Same for you.

What caused your cause? For every effect, there was a cause. But there can only be one "First Cause." The First Cause cannot be caused and is, therefore, eternal and infinite.
I'm content with saying natural forces is the cause. Just because we don't know ALL the natural forces doesn't mean we never will.

You claim there has to be a 'first cause' and then you claim it is eternal. Sounds like a contradiction to me. If your God is eternal why can't the universe be eternal and it just goes through endless cycles of creation? We happen to be in the latest one.
You're interested in what the Bible says about inherited traits?

Genesis 1:11, "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so."

Genesis 1:24, “And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.”

Why does God have to be a college student pulling an all-nighter?
Can't he create an Earth where life takes billions of years to become us?
Why does God have to be a college student pulling an all-nighter?
Can't he create an Earth where life takes billions of years to become us?
You can make God into anything your imagination desires. I choose to believe what He reveals to His creation in the Bible. In the end, both of us must have faith in the conclusions we reach.
God was able to take billions of years to get to us and still be God?
God doesn't require billions of years to do anything at all. God is timeless. A day with God is like a thousand years for us. He created Adam (a full-grown adult) with age. No birth, childhood, or teen years. According to the Bible, all He has to do is speak something into existence.

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