Questions for liberals and progressives

Like I said, and you confirm... you can’t quote him because he didn’t say what you claim
He said there was an informant inside the Trump campaign...when asked if there was only one he said he was not sure if there were more than one...he was lying through his treasonous teeth....go ahead you can find it so watch it....learn something....
There was an informant spying on the RUSSIANS AND THE TRAITORS WORKING FOR THEM who had infiltrated Trump's campaign, dipshit. He was not spying on Trump.

All caught up now?
Chicken shit libs......wake up and do some homework before you come here and look stupid.....

You just said we need to watch Clapper on CNN
You should if you haven't seen Clapper from yesterday you shouldn't be commenting on this thread because you look like the king of the uninformed....
So which is it? We should watch CNN if we shouldn’t watch CNN? You can’t seem to make up your feeble mind.

So which is it? We should watch CNN if we shouldn’t watch CNN? You can’t seem to make up your feeble mind
No don't watch it...stay are more fun that way...
You people really are retarded.

There is NO ONE, except Trump, saying the informant was spying on the Trump campaign in order to provide intel to the Hillary campaign.

No one.
Trump is a total incompetent. He couldn't stop his own campaign staff, or even his own son, from working with foreign infiltrators.

And he still can't stop his administration from leaking like a sieve.

What a retarded boob.

There’s no homework needed when you can’t prove your bullshit
Watch the link I provided stupid....or don't and stay dumb...
I watched it. Nowhere did he say what you claimed, which is that the FBI had a spy “in bedded” in the Trump campaign.

Certainly, no one was in bed with trump, not even Melanie.

Clapper was speaking about a whistleblower who went to the FBI.

Now ya know. Will you learn? Of course not, you’re ineducable.
Credible proof that Hillary had any more input into that sale than any one of dozens of other people? Were they all bribed?

Exactly as I said. Hillary got $145 million from parties directly involved in the Russia deal, and you don't see a connection. You really are that blindly partisan

Show me credible proof that she personally gained from a donation to her foundation. Unlike Trump's foundation, hers was monitered, and it's obvious the money didn't go to her.

You don't think $145 million is personally gaining???


I bow to your stupidity, you have achieved remarkable heights in the field

145 million would be great, but you haven't shown where she got that.

Google is your friend. You already know she did. This is just you covering your ears and closing your eyes and saying no it wasn't, no it wasn't, no it wasn't.

At this point it's literally not possible for me to lose any more respect for you. You're like a kid with a jar of paint spilled all over the picture he was drawing saying he didn't do it. It's sad. Just stop posting, you're such an embarrassment to yourself

Your opinion of me is not real high on my list of important things. I'm sure you are just as convinced about the birth certificate crap and Bigfoot sightings.

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