Questions for liberals and progressives

Credible proof that Hillary had any more input into that sale than any one of dozens of other people? Were they all bribed?

Exactly as I said. Hillary got $145 million from parties directly involved in the Russia deal, and you don't see a connection. You really are that blindly partisan

Show me credible proof that she personally gained from a donation to her foundation. Unlike Trump's foundation, hers was monitered, and it's obvious the money didn't go to her.

You don't think $145 million is personally gaining???


I bow to your stupidity, you have achieved remarkable heights in the field

145 million would be great, but you haven't shown where she got that.

Google is your friend. You already know she did. This is just you covering your ears and closing your eyes and saying no it wasn't, no it wasn't, no it wasn't.

At this point it's literally not possible for me to lose any more respect for you. You're like a kid with a jar of paint spilled all over the picture he was drawing saying he didn't do it. It's sad. Just stop posting, you're such an embarrassment to yourself

Posters who can prove what they write, do...

Those who can’t, tell others to Google it yourself.
Yes, I'm very proud of what Obama was able to accomplish, but he's not the president now. Why don't you try to join the real world instead of living in the past. Next, you'll be whining about Bill getting a blowjob.
well shit then stop the mueller investigation, cause you see that's stopping the current president. Why do you wish to stop progress in the country? It seems it is your party stuck on obammy. so move on. you lost.

Looks like the current president is a crook and needs to be stopped. You tried that with Obama, but false accusations just didn't get the job done. When Mueller finishes his investigation, we'll know whether Trump-0 is guilty of the things it looks like he has done. I would think he would welcome the opportunity to have his innocence proven.
What does it looks like he’s done? Why can’t you fakers ever say what it is?

Evidently, you haven't been listening. Many members of his campaign lied to say they NEVER knowingly had meetings with Russian spies, yet when they are presented with proof of those meetings, they suddenly remember. He claimed he had no business dealings with Russia. That has been proven to be another lie. Be patient. If Trump is innocent, Mueller will show that.
nothing new. phew
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With the republicans in charge, whay haven't all the details of that been made public? I would love to see all that proof that he sold guns to cartels, or the real story of the birth certificate. Why doesn't Trump-0 make all that public?
Because making it public would end the witch hunt and Trump is keeping his base excited and ready to vote because of the investigation and the left wing nut bags that can't shut up about it....check his poll numbers....

You mean those poll numbers that say more than half of the country disapproves of him?
Trump now has access to the REAL information. What doesn't he publicize the Real story of the birth certificate, or Obama selling guns to the cartels, or how much input Hillary had in the sale of that Uranium mine? Is it because the claims were just bullshit, or because Trump-0 just hasn't gotten around to proving his claims were real?
In due time....

In other words, he doesn't want to admit he was full of shit.
And yet he fking won! Haha :21::auiqs.jpg:still can’t change that

You sound like Al Bundy bragging about touchdowns at Polk High. He won. Big deal. He's been circling the drain since.
And yet he fking won! Haha :21::auiqs.jpg:still can’t change that
He drives people like you crazy...still.
I'm confident that he didn't overtly spy on the Trump Campaign.
Clapper admitted that there were more than one spy in bedded with the Trump campaign....not sure what your definition of overtly is but they weren't spying by accident...Don't be such a sucker....
He drives people like you crazy...still.
I'm confident that he didn't overtly spy on the Trump Campaign.
Clapper admitted that there were more than one spy in bedded with the Trump campaign....not sure what your definition of overtly is but they weren't spying by accident...Don't be such a sucker....
Clapper said no such thing. That’s why you can’t quote him uttering the nonsense you falsely ascribe to him.
Are you proud of Obama? If you are tell us why...if you are not tell us why.....if he spied on the Trump Campaign do you care?
Obama did not spy on the Trump campaign, rube.

However, the Russians infiltrated and aided the Trump campaign, and yet Trump expresses NO anger about that. He is totally SILENT about it.

Clapper said no such thing. That’s why you can’t quote him uttering the nonsense you falsely ascribe to him.
Watch his appearance on CNN from yesterday douche bag...If the Deep State is thinking Clapper is the guy to explain their felonious acts off as nothing....they chose the wrong guy...he can not lie very well and he looked nervous even on the fake news network CNN....Just think what will happen when or if he goes on a real news network like FOX....
Obama did not spy on the Trump campaign, rube.

However, the Russians infiltrated and aided the Trump campaign, and yet Trump expresses NO anger about that. He is totally SILENT about it.

Clapper says otherwise dummy.....
You idiots need to turn off CNN you are not getting the whole story...
Obama did not spy on the Trump campaign, rube.

However, the Russians infiltrated and aided the Trump campaign, and yet Trump expresses NO anger about that. He is totally SILENT about it.

Clapper says otherwise dummy.....
I want to see the policy that gives the FBI or CIA authority to spy on a campaign to protect them from interference. Cause damn, it's the first time I've ever heard of. And the question back would be, why wasn't there concern that the russian would interfere with the clinton campaign? That nullifies his statement immediately. treasonous fk to say the least. traitor!!!
Clapper said no such thing. That’s why you can’t quote him uttering the nonsense you falsely ascribe to him.
Watch his appearance on CNN from yesterday douche bag...If the Deep State is thinking Clapper is the guy to explain their felonious acts off as nothing....they chose the wrong guy...he can not lie very well and he looked nervous even on the fake news network CNN....Just think what will happen when or if he goes on a real news network like FOX....
Like I said, and you confirm... you can’t quote him because he didn’t say what you claim.
Obama did not spy on the Trump campaign, rube.

However, the Russians infiltrated and aided the Trump campaign, and yet Trump expresses NO anger about that. He is totally SILENT about it.

Clapper says otherwise dummy.....
I want to see the policy that gives the FBI or CIA authority to spy on a campaign to protect them from interference. Cause damn, it's the first time I've ever heard of. And the question back would be, why wasn't there concern that the russian would interfere with the clinton campaign? That nullifies his statement immediately. treasonous fk to say the least. traitor!!!
Yeah Clapper was shaking like a leaf yesterday and every time he lied it showed in his face...we got them...there will be jail time for what they did...If what they did was explainable Obama would be speaking about it but he is not he is hiding....he was the mastermind...
Obama did not spy on the Trump campaign, rube.

However, the Russians infiltrated and aided the Trump campaign, and yet Trump expresses NO anger about that. He is totally SILENT about it.

Clapper says otherwise dummy.....
I want to see the policy that gives the FBI or CIA authority to spy on a campaign to protect them from interference. Cause damn, it's the first time I've ever heard of. And the question back would be, why wasn't there concern that the russian would interfere with the clinton campaign? That nullifies his statement immediately. treasonous fk to say the least. traitor!!!
Yeah Clapper was shaking like a leaf yesterday and every time he lied it showed in his face...we got them...there will be jail time for what they did...If what they did was explainable Obama would be speaking about it but he is not he is hiding....he was the mastermind...
yep, exposed for all to see. Admits he's a traitor.
Like I said, and you confirm... you can’t quote him because he didn’t say what you claim
He said there was an informant inside the Trump campaign...when asked if there was only one he said he was not sure if there were more than one...he was lying through his treasonous teeth....go ahead you can find it so watch it....learn something....
We wouldn't even be having this conversation if Trump had not allowed the Russians to infiltrate his campaign, kids.

"I love it." - Donald Trump, Jr.

You just said we need to watch Clapper on CNN
You should if you haven't seen Clapper from yesterday you shouldn't be commenting on this thread because you look like the king of the uninformed....
Like I said, and you confirm... you can’t quote him because he didn’t say what you claim
He said there was an informant inside the Trump campaign...when asked if there was only one he said he was not sure if there were more than one...he was lying through his treasonous teeth....go ahead you can find it so watch it....learn something....

Your derangement continues.

Proof of that? You’re still not quoting him.

And you never will since he never said there was an informant inside the trump campaign.

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