Questions for liberals and progressives

Not to mention the fact that Iran violated the nuke deal more than once... no one ever cares to bring that up.

Are you proud of Obama? If you are tell us why...if you are not tell us why.....if he spied on the Trump Campaign do you care?
Let's see.... He oversaw the killing of Bin Laden, got the economy back on track after it was spun into a recession, he got millions of people insured who previously didn't have one and he got Iran to stop developing nuclear weapons. As to the second question. Depends on the motivation. Spying for political motives, I would mind. Spying because there's a credible suspicion of illegal activity, no this would be a a matter of either criminal justice or national security, either are valid reasons to investigate a political campaign.
He got laden with Intel that was received through water boarding. You know the thing that made you piss your panties?
He made people pay for something that most couldn't afford it, and couldn't afford the deductible if they did need it. Oh and how is Obama care doing now?
He gave Iran billions of dollars and time to become nuclear.
145 million would be great, but you haven't shown where she got that.

Google is your friend. You already know she did. This is just you covering your ears and closing your eyes and saying no it wasn't, no it wasn't, no it wasn't.

At this point it's literally not possible for me to lose any more respect for you. You're like a kid with a jar of paint spilled all over the picture he was drawing saying he didn't do it. It's sad. Just stop posting, you're such an embarrassment to yourself

Your opinion of me is not real high on my list of important things. I'm sure you are just as convinced about the birth certificate crap and Bigfoot sightings.
The birther thing is comic. What a stupid douche obama was for starting it

What a stupid douche you are for believing it.
Obama lied, idiot. He was born in Hawaii. Who gets their birthplace wrong? Obama ... and ...

When exactly did that happen Kaz?

Oh wait- you are just kazzing again.

Barack Obama has consistently informed the world that he was born in Hawaii. Starting in 1990 multiple newspaper interviews with him noted his birth in Hawaii, and of course he wrote a book that was a best seller telling everyone where he was born.

You really need to stop kazzing.
Google is your friend. You already know she did. This is just you covering your ears and closing your eyes and saying no it wasn't, no it wasn't, no it wasn't.

At this point it's literally not possible for me to lose any more respect for you. You're like a kid with a jar of paint spilled all over the picture he was drawing saying he didn't do it. It's sad. Just stop posting, you're such an embarrassment to yourself

Your opinion of me is not real high on my list of important things. I'm sure you are just as convinced about the birth certificate crap and Bigfoot sightings.
The birther thing is comic. What a stupid douche obama was for starting it

What a stupid douche you are for believing it.
Obama lied, idiot. He was born in Hawaii. Who gets their birthplace wrong? Obama ... and ...

When exactly did that happen Kaz?

Oh wait- you are just kazzing again.

Barack Obama has consistently informed the world that he was born in Hawaii. Starting in 1990 multiple newspaper interviews with him noted his birth in Hawaii, and of course he wrote a book that was a best seller telling everyone where he was born.

You really need to stop kazzing.

Hey....I could claim i was born in Kimbuktoo....but would that claim make it true? now most folks have become familirized with msm fake news.

Irregardless..........................One glaring fact...just one that I will speak of....though there are many more................Why did Obama wait so long to produce the long form birth certificate? He did not do so until Trump put so much political pressure on him that he had to. The problem being---it is fake. If obama had a legitimate birth certificate stating he was born in Hawaii he would have produced it long before he did so as not to whip up so much turmoil regarding his legitimacy. Common sense and logic(both of which were over looked or ignored by the msm)dictates that for some reason he never had a legitimate birth certificate.

Obama birth certificate: Oprah asks, 'Why did you wait so long?
'President Obama told Oprah Winfrey that he was driven to release his long-form birth certificate so that the nation could move on and focus on a "serious conversation" about solving its problems.

Obama, joined by his wife, discussed the issue at Winfrey's Chicago studios hours after he took to the White House briefing room to chide the "sideshows and carnival barkers" propagating conspiracies about his roots.

Winfrey asked Obama why he waited so long to release the full documentation.

"When it first came up, were you thinking, I hope I was born here?" Winfrey asked, according to a transcript provided by her production company.

"Can I just say I was there, so I knew," Obama said. "I knew I had been born. I remembered it."

"Of course you did," Winfrey said.

Obama birth certificate: Oprah asks, 'Why did you wait so long?'

and so it little regard for the truth for many segments of society and we all know which ones.
Last edited:
Your opinion of me is not real high on my list of important things. I'm sure you are just as convinced about the birth certificate crap and Bigfoot sightings.
The birther thing is comic. What a stupid douche obama was for starting it

What a stupid douche you are for believing it.
Obama lied, idiot. He was born in Hawaii. Who gets their birthplace wrong? Obama ... and ...

When exactly did that happen Kaz?

Oh wait- you are just kazzing again.

Barack Obama has consistently informed the world that he was born in Hawaii. Starting in 1990 multiple newspaper interviews with him noted his birth in Hawaii, and of course he wrote a book that was a best seller telling everyone where he was born.

You really need to stop kazzing.

Hey....I could claim i was born in Kimbuktoo....but would that claim make it true? now most folks have become familirized with msm fake news.

Irregardless..........................One glaring fact...just one that I will speak of....though there are many more................Why did Obama wait so long to produce the long form birth certificate? He did not do so until Trump put so much political pressure on him that he had to. The problem being---it is fake. If obama had a legitimate birth certificate stating he was born in Hawaii he would have produced it long before he did so as not to whip up so much turmoil regarding his legitimacy. Common sense and logic(both of which were over looked or ignored by the msm)dictates that for some reason he never had a legitimate birth certificate.

You can't argue with logic like that cause anyone who falls for that logic is too nuts to argue with anyway.. All you can do is laugh and point out how stupid it is.
The birther thing is comic. What a stupid douche obama was for starting it

What a stupid douche you are for believing it.
And you called me a stupid douche for believing obama? Maybe there is hope for you

Sorry. My time for idiots has run out for now. Try again later.
You brought up birthers. Obama was first. Then Michelle. Third was Hillary. What a dumb ass obama was, he was born in Hawaii, not kenya
Poor Kaz still believing all of that Birther crap.
i'd say you believed the birther crap. obammy's version.
The birther thing is comic. What a stupid douche obama was for starting it

What a stupid douche you are for believing it.
Obama lied, idiot. He was born in Hawaii. Who gets their birthplace wrong? Obama ... and ...

When exactly did that happen Kaz?

Oh wait- you are just kazzing again.

Barack Obama has consistently informed the world that he was born in Hawaii. Starting in 1990 multiple newspaper interviews with him noted his birth in Hawaii, and of course he wrote a book that was a best seller telling everyone where he was born.

You really need to stop kazzing.

Hey....I could claim i was born in Kimbuktoo....but would that claim make it true? now most folks have become familirized with msm fake news.

Irregardless..........................One glaring fact...just one that I will speak of....though there are many more................Why did Obama wait so long to produce the long form birth certificate? He did not do so until Trump put so much political pressure on him that he had to. The problem being---it is fake. If obama had a legitimate birth certificate stating he was born in Hawaii he would have produced it long before he did so as not to whip up so much turmoil regarding his legitimacy. Common sense and logic(both of which were over looked or ignored by the msm)dictates that for some reason he never had a legitimate birth certificate.

You can't argue with logic like that cause anyone who falls for that logic is too nuts to argue with anyway.. All you can do is laugh and point out how stupid it is.

You are imitating obama's strategy in regards to his failure to produce his birth certificate.....with the help of media just make the whole thing into a joke aka the birther terminolgy....and it was a very successful red herring type of operation....many if not most fell for many at the time were not aware of fake news and how they did everything possible to cover for obama. Now folks are beginning to understand how the msm is so biased, how they try to overturn a nations choice for President, how they constantly run down America and Americans...aka the deplorables, the red necks, etc. not drink the koool aid.....use some common sense and above all think for yourselves.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says a new video analysis shows that parts of Obama's birth certificate were copied from another certificate. After arguing his point for five years, Arpaio says he will turn this new evidence over to the fed.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, still a 'birther,' says 5-year investigation proves Obama birth certificate is 'fake'

In exacting detail, Zullo explained how a careful analysis of the document’s typed letters and words, as well as the angles of the date stamps, proved the forgery.

According to the theory, the birth certificate presented to the public was created after copying and pasting information from the legitimate birth certificate of a woman born in Hawaii. An accompanying video simulated how the text would have been moved.

Zullo repeatedly stressed that the theory was supported by two experts on two separate continents. He said the investigators analyzed nine Hawaii birth certificates, and that one of them, belonging to a woman named Johanna Ah’Nee, was the source of the copied text.
In May 2012 the web site Breitbart published a copy of a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by the literary agency Acton & Dystel showcasing their roster of writers, among whom was a young man named Barack Obama. This booklet was of particular interest because it included a brief biographical sketch which described the future President as having been born in Kenya:

Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.


A 1991 literary promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.
In May 2012 the web site Breitbart published a copy of a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by the literary agency Acton & Dystel showcasing their roster of writers, among whom was a young man named Barack Obama. This booklet was of particular interest because it included a brief biographical sketch which described the future President as having been born in Kenya:

Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.


A 1991 literary promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.

You’ll take some promo booklet blurb over a certified government document?
How quickly the N.Y. Times forgot Obama's lies.......................................

Fast and Furious gunwalking operation masterminded by the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agency, deluging Mexican drug gangs with high-powered weapons. At least 150 Mexicans were killed by guns illegally sent south of the border with Obama administration approval.

Obama’s animosity to the Second Amendment spurred some of his most farcical whoppers. In July 2016, Obama asserted: “We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book.” Glocks are the Lexus of handguns, and a person could buy hundreds of volumes of used books via Amazon for the price of a Glock.

A year earlier, Obama bewailed “neighborhoods where it’s easier for you to buy a handgun and clips than it is for you to buy a fresh vegetable.” Obama never offered a single example of a locale where carrots are rarer than .38 Specials. But his false claim helped frighten clueless suburbanites to support Obama’s anti-gun agenda.

The Times column lists only one Obama falsehood on the Affordable Care Act: “If you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor; if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan.” Obama’s dozens of variations and recitals of this lie were disregarded. The Times also ignored the fact that the ObamaCare legislation was carefully crafted to con Congress and the public. As its intellectual godfather, MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, explained:

“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically, that was really, really critical to get this thing to pass.”

To revile Trump, the column also struggles mightily to resurrect George W. Bush’s credibility. The Times concedes that Bush sought to justify attacking Iraq “by talking about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, which did not exist.” This vastly understates the role of official deceit in hustling that war.

In early 2003, Bush’s speeches continually warned, “If war is forced upon us....” There was never any truth to war being “forced upon us” (except by the White House) but that phrase helped Bush panic audiences still jittery after 9/11. The Center for Public Integrity, which has won two Pulitzer Prizes, compiled a list of 935 lies by Bush and his top appointees on Iraq. Perhaps to preserve the column’s lofty tone, the Times omitted any mention of Bush’s four years of brazenly false denials of authorizing a worldwide torture regime.

The Times’ comparison of Trump and other presidents implies that all lies are equally damnable. The Times ignored all the Obama false promises used to justify his troop surge in Afghanistan (which resulted in more than a thousand dead American troops with nothing to show for the sacrifice) and bombing Libya (which now has slave markets). But killing vast numbers of human beings should require more due diligence than assertions on federal spending for peanut subsidies.

The Times asserts that Trump is seeking to “to make truth irrelevant,” which “is extremely damaging to democracy.” But democracy has also been subverted by the media’s long history of ignoring or absolving presidential lies. For more than a century, the press has groveled the worst when presidents dragged the nation into the biggest perils.

Trump’s lies deserve to be exposed and condemned. But Bush’s and Obama’s lies help explain why only 20 percent of Americans trusted the federal government at the end of Obama’s reign. Pretending America recently had a Golden Age of honest politicians encourages the delusion that toppling Trump is all that is necessary to make the federal government great again.

How quickly NY Times forgets Obama's lies and frauds

James Bovard is a member of the USA Today Board of Contributors and has written for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Playboy, Washington Post, and many other publications. He is the author of 10 books, including “Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty” (St. Martin’s Press, 1994). Follow him on Twitter @JimBovard.
Your opinion of me is not real high on my list of important things. I'm sure you are just as convinced about the birth certificate crap and Bigfoot sightings.
The birther thing is comic. What a stupid douche obama was for starting it

What a stupid douche you are for believing it.
Obama lied, idiot. He was born in Hawaii. Who gets their birthplace wrong? Obama ... and ...

When exactly did that happen Kaz?

Oh wait- you are just kazzing again.

Barack Obama has consistently informed the world that he was born in Hawaii. Starting in 1990 multiple newspaper interviews with him noted his birth in Hawaii, and of course he wrote a book that was a best seller telling everyone where he was born.

You really need to stop kazzing.

Hey....I could claim i was born in Kimbuktoo....but would that claim make it true? now most folks have become familirized with msm fake news.

Irregardless..........................One glaring fact...just one that I will speak of....though there are many more................Why did Obama wait so long to produce the long form birth certificate? He did not do so until Trump put so much political pressure on him that he had to. The problem being---it is fake. If obama had a legitimate birth certificate stating he was born in Hawaii he would have produced it long before he did so as not to whip up so much turmoil regarding his legitimacy. Common sense and logic(both of which were over looked or ignored by the msm)dictates that for some reason he never had a legitimate birth certificate.

Obama birth certificate: Oprah asks, 'Why did you wait so long?
'President Obama told Oprah Winfrey that he was driven to release his long-form birth certificate so that the nation could move on and focus on a "serious conversation" about solving its problems.

Obama, joined by his wife, discussed the issue at Winfrey's Chicago studios hours after he took to the White House briefing room to chide the "sideshows and carnival barkers" propagating conspiracies about his roots.

Winfrey asked Obama why he waited so long to release the full documentation.

"When it first came up, were you thinking, I hope I was born here?" Winfrey asked, according to a transcript provided by her production company.

"Can I just say I was there, so I knew," Obama said. "I knew I had been born. I remembered it."

"Of course you did," Winfrey said.

Obama birth certificate: Oprah asks, 'Why did you wait so long?'

and so it little regard for the truth for many segments of society and we all know which ones.

'so little regard for the truth'

So lets see.

President Obama released his legal birth certificate in 2008.
This was verified by the State of Hawaii.
Birthers refused to believe it.
In 2011 Donald Trump chose to become King Birther and said there was no birth certificate.
Birthers applauded.
Barack Obama asked Hawaii to provide him with a certified legal photocopy of his original birth certificate and showed it to reporters and America.
Birthers- including King Birther- refused to believe it.

So Obama was truthful all along- he produced two legal birth certificates. Trump went full birther for 5 years and ONLY grudgingly conceded Obama was born in the United States AFTER he won the Republican primary.

Birthers- like yourself refuse to believe the facts- regardless.

But you sure do believe Trump.

Which is why Birthers are either gullible fools or liars.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says a new video analysis shows that parts of Obama's birth certificate were copied from another certificate. After arguing his point for five years, Arpaio says he will turn this new evidence over to the fed.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, still a 'birther,' says 5-year investigation proves Obama birth certificate is 'fake'

He is no longer Sheriff. And has never seen the actual birth certificate.

And has never given the 'evidence' to anyone- Arpaio has done nothing but have press conferences.

Why hasn't this supposed law enforcement officer- who claims he has evidence of a crime:
a) Given that evidence to the Maricopa County DA?
b) Given that evidence to the Arizona AG?
c) Given that evidence to the Hawaii AG?
d) Given that evidence to the FBI?

Or hell- even given that 'evidence' to the GOP in the House who are willing to believe any lies of Trumps?

Arpaio is a political hack- who like Trump- used the Birther lies for his political advantage
What a stupid douche you are for believing it.
Obama lied, idiot. He was born in Hawaii. Who gets their birthplace wrong? Obama ... and ...

When exactly did that happen Kaz?

Oh wait- you are just kazzing again.

Barack Obama has consistently informed the world that he was born in Hawaii. Starting in 1990 multiple newspaper interviews with him noted his birth in Hawaii, and of course he wrote a book that was a best seller telling everyone where he was born.

You really need to stop kazzing.

Hey....I could claim i was born in Kimbuktoo....but would that claim make it true? now most folks have become familirized with msm fake news.

Irregardless..........................One glaring fact...just one that I will speak of....though there are many more................Why did Obama wait so long to produce the long form birth certificate? He did not do so until Trump put so much political pressure on him that he had to. The problem being---it is fake. If obama had a legitimate birth certificate stating he was born in Hawaii he would have produced it long before he did so as not to whip up so much turmoil regarding his legitimacy. Common sense and logic(both of which were over looked or ignored by the msm)dictates that for some reason he never had a legitimate birth certificate.

You can't argue with logic like that cause anyone who falls for that logic is too nuts to argue with anyway.. All you can do is laugh and point out how stupid it is.

You are imitating obama's strategy in regards to his failure to produce his birth certificate.....with the help of media just make the whole thing into a joke aka the birther terminolgy....and it was a very successful red herring type of operation....many if not most fell for many at the time were not aware of fake news and how they did everything possible to cover for obama. Now folks are beginning to understand how the msm is so biased, how they try to overturn a nations choice for President, how they constantly run down America and Americans...aka the deplorables, the red necks, etc. not drink the koool aid.....use some common sense and above all think for yourselves.

LOL- considering that Birthers for 8 years- and Trump for 5 years- tried to overturn the nations choice for President- and you are still promoting those lies....your post is remarkably consistent Birther hypocrisy.
What a stupid douche you are for believing it.
And you called me a stupid douche for believing obama? Maybe there is hope for you

Sorry. My time for idiots has run out for now. Try again later.
You brought up birthers. Obama was first. Then Michelle. Third was Hillary. What a dumb ass obama was, he was born in Hawaii, not kenya
Poor Kaz still believing all of that Birther crap.
i'd say you believed the birther crap. obammy's version.

I'd say I believe in the facts- real version. Not the Trumpian 'alternative facts'.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says a new video analysis shows that parts of Obama's birth certificate were copied from another certificate. After arguing his point for five years, Arpaio says he will turn this new evidence over to the fed.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, still a 'birther,' says 5-year investigation proves Obama birth certificate is 'fake'

In exacting detail, Zullo explained how a careful analysis of the document’s typed letters and words, as well as the angles of the date stamps, proved the forgery.

According to the theory, the birth certificate presented to the public was created after copying and pasting information from the legitimate birth certificate of a woman born in Hawaii. An accompanying video simulated how the text would have been moved.

Zullo repeatedly stressed that the theory was supported by two experts on two separate continents. He said the investigators analyzed nine Hawaii birth certificates, and that one of them, belonging to a woman named Johanna Ah’Nee, was the source of the copied text.

Mike Zullo?

The used car salesman?
The guy who signed a book deal with a birther before he started his 'investigation'?
The guy who took money from a Birther during the 'investigation'?
The guy who copywrited the 'report' from his 'expert's analysis so that it couldn't be printed without his permission- and has never been released?

That guy?


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