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Questions for liberals on this board.

They believed they made US foreign policy and not president Trump.

The same is with media. They think they run the country. They have an expert for everything available on minute notice. You better do what we say, or we gonna lie about you.

No wonder Trump didn't give a fuck about them.
"Fiona had hired me."

One Democrat operative hired another one, and when she was let go, he didn't like it, so he did everything to sabotage policy of the new president, because he didn't like it.

Do you even wonder why he published his "story" in The Atlantic?
Was Vindman a Democrat or did you just make that up so you could dismiss him? He was working in the Trump administration at the time, odd place for a Democrat.
That's all he ever does. He never puts finger to key without subtracting from the sum total
of human knowledge and progress and yet you keep reading his garbage and responding to it,
encouraging more of the same. Will you ever learn to ignore Leftists?
Very disgruntled since he is a patriot. I note you don't say he didn't listen in. There may be hope for you yet.
After reading that self-centered rambling by a disgruntled employee that was upset that his recommendations were being disregarded, my opinion is unchanged and you have proven nothing. Much the same as the Russia investigation, two sham impeachments and the Jan 6 scam investigation. The democrats have even disregarded the constitutional rights of the accused in the last one.
Very disgruntled since he is a patriot.
Patriots don't serve their party, they serve their country. Vindman is a traitor to the "commander in chief" and should be tried and sentenced for treason.
Was Vindman a Democrat or did you just make that up so you could dismiss him? He was working in the Trump administration at the time, odd place for a Democrat.

I don't know if he was a officially Democrat. If he was, he would not be hired, I guess.

Let me put it this way. Democrats are carefully placing their operatives in position of power, for the time they need them. If one get replaced, they always have another "sleeper" ready to fill the void. For instance, Fiona Hill, who got ties with Igor Danchenko and Christopher Steele, was initially part of Trump team, but was scheduled to leave. I guess she was not a good fit for Trump. She's the one who hired Vindman, so I think they're all connected. Another example would be FBI, with layers upon layers of people in all positions, so when James Comey was fired for his part of spying on Trump, and issuance of FISA warrants, he has been being replaced with Andrew McCabe for few months, while (it was proven later) McCabe was actively working on spying on Trump and trying to overthrow him. Then he got replaced with Christopher Wrey as next in line, who did everything to cover up for his predecessors and slow down the investigation into FBI corruption in regards Clinton server, funding of Steele dossier, FISA warrants etc.
I don't know if he was a officially Democrat. If he was, he would not be hired, I guess.

Let me put it this way. Democrats are carefully placing their operatives in position of power, for the time they need them. If one get replaced, they always have another "sleeper" ready to fill the void. For instance, Fiona Hill, who got ties with Igor Danchenko and Christopher Steele, was initially part of Trump team, but was scheduled to leave. I guess she was not a good fit for Trump. She's the one who hired Vindman, so I think they're all connected. Another example would be FBI, with layers upon layers of people in all positions, so when James Comey was fired for his part of spying on Trump, and issuance of FISA warrants, he has been being replaced with Andrew McCabe for few months, while (it was proven later) McCabe was actively working on spying on Trump and trying to overthrow him. Then he got replaced with Christopher Wrey as next in line, who did everything to cover up for his predecessors and slow down the investigation into FBI corruption in regards Clinton server, funding of Steele dossier, FISA warrants etc.
You should be writing in the conspiracy room. Dems could never be that organized, they can't agree on anything. The GOP has their 'RINO' designation, the Dems have nothing comparable.
So Vindman should have been loyal to the President even if he thought a crime was being committed? Got it. Loyal to the person since some are above the law.

No, Vindman loyalty was to Democrat's "whatever it takes" to get rid of Trump. Since there were no crimes committed, he had to invent them to serve his purpose. It's not his job, but president's to create US foreign policy, so he felt but hurt when it didn't go his way.
No, Vindman loyalty was to Democrat's "whatever it takes" to get rid of Trump. Since there were no crimes committed, he had to invent them to serve his purpose. It's not his job, but president's to create US foreign policy, so he felt but hurt when it didn't go his way.
Do you have any evidence to back up that wild, paranoid, delusion? Was it US foreign policy to withhold aid to get dirt for a political campaign?
Do you have any evidence to back up that wild, paranoid, delusion? Was it US foreign policy to withhold aid to get dirt for a political campaign?

No, it wasn't. The official US foreign policy was to fire single prosecutor investigating company that was paying kickbacks to vice president thru employment of his son.

By the way, while you're here, how about you answer some of the questions from the OP?
No, it wasn't. The official US foreign policy was to fire single prosecutor investigating company that was paying kickbacks to vice president thru employment of his son.
Actually that prosecutor was not investigating corruption in the Ukraine and that is way the US and Western Europe want him out.

By the way, while you're here, how about you answer some of the questions from the OP?
Actually that prosecutor was not investigating corruption in the Ukraine and that is way the US and Western Europe want him out.

Whatever you say, man. Biden actually wanted prosecutor to investigate Burisma, but he refused. And in all his honesty, Biden insisted on his firing in order to release the money.

I can't blame you for being a retard and believe in what MSM told you to believe. What I blame you for is that regardless of all those "conspiracies" coming true one by one, you're still grasping for air with hope that THIS one isn't true. The evidence from Hunter's laptop is proving complete opposite. Anyways, that has nothing to do with this thread and I'll leave it here.

Whatever you say, man. Biden actually wanted prosecutor to investigate Burisma, but he refused. And in all his honesty, Biden insisted on his firing in order to release the money.

I can't blame you for being a retard and believe in what MSM told you to believe. What I blame you for is that regardless of all those "conspiracies" coming true one by one, you're still grasping for air with hope that THIS one isn't true. The evidence from Hunter's laptop is proving complete opposite. Anyways, that has nothing to do with this thread and I'll leave it here.
So if the MSM has lied to me, what is the truth and what evidence do you have to back it up? Who do you trust to tell you the truth?
So if the MSM has lied to me, what is the truth and what evidence do you have to back it up? Who do you trust to tell you the truth?

How about you listen what guy who was fired, the prosecutor himself, say about it.

Let's say, for the sake of the argument, that he was fired for being "corrupt". Ukrainian government is presented to us, as most corrupt government on earth. I doubt they're more corrupt then Washington DC, but that's beside the point. So, out of all corrupted people in Ukrainian government, Biden singles out one guy, just one guy, who happen to be investigating company where his son Hunter is sitting on the board.

You insist that Biden requested his firing for NOT investigating that company. Yeah, he really wanted all the corruption in Burisma to be investigated. And that's what you're going with?

Anyways, that's not the theme of this thread, if you want to talk about this specifically, open another one, or revisit old threads with this discussion, there are many.
Let's see what he fixed.
Increased unemployment due to COVID was restore to pre-COVID level, no additional jobs created.
Funding to black colleges cut when Biden took over. Black unemployment increased.
Inflation hasn't been above 2% not even once during Trump, and since Biden took over, it increased every month, currently at 7.9%.
Oil and gas prices doubled, or more. Wheet prices doubled. Natural gas prices doubled.
Somehow controlled borders are now open.
What exactly Biden fixed?

Biden gave green light to Putin to invade when he said something like "if he invade just a little we'll see if we gonna sanction him". Just as he and Obama gave him green light to annex Crimea.

What exactly Biden did different than Trump, except trying to impose unconstitutional mandates. If you giving him credit for "vaccines", you're ignoring that they're started under previous admin.

You sure have proof for that Trump told Saudis to reduce production, right? How about link?
Signing leases have no meaning if you don't issue drilling license. Of course, you know that, right?

Pumping oil in US cost 10 times more than pumping in Middle East. With price under $50, companies that are drilling shale making no profit, therefore they pump less.
What Biden can do to increase production? Grand licenses for drilling on land that he gave leases for. Do I need to point that those two are related?
Of course Keystone XL means a lot. With complete pipeline the output from Canada would increase, creating less dependency on foreign oil. With cancelling KXL, we had to import from people you lefties are claiming are our enemies, and beg Venezuela and Arabs for oil.

If you are legally allowed to kill a baby after delivery, that is infanticide. Proof is in the laws of States that allows so.

Teaching black kids that will not be successful in this country based on the color of their skin is a proof of it, and is not thought just in schools. It may not be called always CRT, but it's teaching the same theory, whatever name you call it.

You leave it to those two daddies. It's not school job to tell them anything but to teach them math, science, arts, languages, etc.

Seems your point is ...

When bad things happened while Trump was president, it was due to other reasons not related to Trump.

When good things happened while Trump was president, it was because of Trump.

When good things happen while Biden is president, it's not because of Biden, it's in spite of Biden.

When bad things happen while Biden is president, it's 100% due to Biden.

^^^ that about sum it up?
Seems your point is ...

When bad things happened while Trump was president, it was due to other reasons not related to Trump.

When good things happened while Trump was president, it was because of Trump.

When good things happen while Biden is president, it's not because of Biden, it's in spite of Biden.

Not at all.

But first things first. Not a single question I asked in the OP is about Biden or Trump, in fact, every single one is specific on the issues we're facing right now, and asking "is this what you voted for". Second, none of issues mentioned in the OP we had during Trump, therefore the question, "is this what you voted for". And last, if you want to talk about "bad things" that happened under Trump, why don't you list those things, so we can discuss them. Open another thread and let's do it.

When bad things happen while Biden is president, it's 100% due to Biden.

^^^ that about sum it up?

All of the above.
If you are liberal, here are few questions for you, not rhetorical.

1. Is this, what we're seeing two years into Biden's presidency, really what you voted for?
2. Is war in Eastern Europe, and as a consequence, conflicts in Asia, and the Middle East, really what you voted for?
3. Is the highest inflation we've seen in almost 50 years what you voted for?
4. Are the highest average gas prices this country has ever seen really what you voted for?
5. Is the Democrat party continuing to attempt to legalize infanticide on a state by state basis really what you voted for?
6. Is teaching black kids through CRT, that they will never be successful in this country based on the color of their skin really what you voted for?
7. Is teaching kindergarteners about sex really what you voted for?

I have hard time believing liberals in this country can't admit that the Democrat party has left them behind.
And I have a hard time believing that you are laying all this at the feet of Biden and the democrats.
Look at the unmitigated buffoon and moron you voted for, who was the most divisive charlatan and
grifter ever to adorn the Oval Office. The world conflicts are largely due to Tump's "locked and loaded" attitude, his dissing of NATO to Putin's delight, and his bullying attitude toward China which got him nowhere, except for an openly angry Chinese dictator and friend of Russia.

Conflict in Eastern Europe? Trump empowered Putin.
Updated Mar 12, 2022 · Upvoted by
Dean Frost
, MBA, Harvard, BA International Relations & International Economics, U.C Berkeley (1989) · Author has 7.5K answers and 24M answer views

Originally Answered: Would Putin have invaded Ukraine if Trump were still President?
No, it’s highly unlikely Putin would have invaded Ukraine if Trump was President. National Security journalist Ed Luce said it best: "The reason Putin didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was president was because he was getting everything he wanted without firing a shot, or risking [losing] an oligarch. War is the last resort. Trump was a gift to Putin that kept on giving."
You see, Trump argued NATO was obsolete. He criticized our allies (while praising Putin). Trump abruptly cut all military aid to Ukraine and tried to keep it a secret. Then, when forced to resume it, he ordered that all anti-tank weapons but kept only in Western Ukraine (far from Russian armor). Trump also claimed that it was Ukraine who interfered in the 2016 Presidential election, not Russia. Trump also said that Crimea was part of Russia because they all spoke Russian (which I guess means all areas of the US that speak Spanish or Vietnamese or some other language belong to that country—great logic there!).
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