Questions for Republicans, Conservatives, RINOs, Tea Partiers, et al:

Not a problem. At the rate the right wing is eating their own, there won't be many of you left before long. Sanity will always prevail eventually.
Translation = Nobody votes wepubwican anymore!

I never said that. Only that the number that do is shrinking a lot.
And the evidence for that is November 2014, correct?

November 2014 was a little midterm election with an extremely small turnout. If it amounted to anything, the republicans who ended up in office would have done something by now. Anything. Instead, they have only laughed at the few right wingers that put them in office. They haven't even tried to do any of the things they promised. I know you really wanted that election to mean something, but it didn't.
A little midterm election? LOL. See above!

There is nothing above that indicates 2014 had much effect, if any.
For Conservatives and Tea Partiers: If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

No. Not under any circumstances. We've made ut clear over the last 2 Presidential Elections that we will not support a non-Conservative candidate. The Republican Party can now stew in its own blood if they still haven't gotten the message.
You are the ones that are poisoning the soup, and after this election you will be removed from any influence in the party and policy making.

You sure about that? YOu sure that your decades of vicious slander against conservatives contributed to a atmosphere conducive to working together? THat the fault is all on those whom you have been ridiculing and calling names forever?

Pointing out obstructionism and crazy politicians is not slander. There is no way to discuss people like Louie Gohmert without using the word crazy.
Jake likes to call people names for disagreeing with him on the issues. It is slander.
Says Mr. Libel himself? :lol: Louie is crazy, Correll. He is also dishonest. He hid when a daughter of an opponent called Louie out for a very dishonest campaign ad accusing his opponent of having supported a bill the promoted pornography, when the opposite was the truth. I called Louie out on it at a GOP dinner that election season and he has not talked to me since.
For Republicans and RINO's:
If an anti-establishment candidate (like Trump or Cruz) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

For Conservatives and Tea Partiers:
If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?
Not sure where I fit in all these but I usually vote republican so I will ONLY vote for Trump. The rest are shit.
The only thing I need to point out is that you don't listen to women, so you are opposed to the opinions of more than half the electorate.

So your opinion really does not matter.

LOL. Less than 50%? I listen to less than 1% of the electorate..... because the Electorate shoil not be the decision maker.... the US Constitution is the decision maker in this system. Or at least it's supposed to be.
Nope, you are not going to put an authoritarian dictatorship ruling an America. That will never happen.
mccain lost because a) there was an economic meltdown and he looked like a fool and b) he picked the ignorant twit as his running mate.

romney lost because a) he had all of bush's advisors (including cheney) and insulted everyone who wasn't white, male and christian.

but we can pretend it was because he didn't carry "water" for the base. he even came out in favor of insane "personhood" laws.
You really are a mouth breathing idiot. You prove every day how intolerant lefties are against anything not carrying their water and you think you're doing your side a favor?

How did Romney insult anyone not white, male or Christian? Do you even know he's a Mormon? There's nothing insane about a law that upholds the Constitution, it would be illegal to prevent people from pooling their money and supporting a cause or candidate. Unions taking dues and funneling it into a political party should be illegal.

You simply cannot think, all you have is a visceral reaction to all things not progressive. Like a moth on a light bulb.

Still trying to defend Romney? You know he already lost a long time ago, right?
Read your own post if you are confused.
How am I confused? I said you were insane and I mean it, literally. Anyone reading the above can see it. You think Romney losing the election removes the facts about him.
You are unquestionably loony. Romney managed to piss off 53% of the voters
]Nope, you are not going to put an authoritarian dictatorship ruling an America. That will never happen.

Interesting...... Not sure I've ever heard the US Constitution referred to as a document establishing an "authoritarian dictatorship" before. Care to explain that one to me?
For Republicans and RINO's:
If an anti-establishment candidate (like Trump or Cruz) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

For Conservatives and Tea Partiers:
If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?
Not sure where I fit in all these but I usually vote republican so I will ONLY vote for Trump. The rest are shit.
So just to be clear, if Trump is not the nominee, would you not vote?
No. Not under any circumstances. We've made ut clear over the last 2 Presidential Elections that we will not support a non-Conservative candidate. The Republican Party can now stew in its own blood if they still haven't gotten the message.
You are the ones that are poisoning the soup, and after this election you will be removed from any influence in the party and policy making.

You sure about that? YOu sure that your decades of vicious slander against conservatives contributed to a atmosphere conducive to working together? THat the fault is all on those whom you have been ridiculing and calling names forever?

Pointing out obstructionism and crazy politicians is not slander. There is no way to discuss people like Louie Gohmert without using the word crazy.
Jake likes to call people names for disagreeing with him on the issues. It is slander.
Says Mr. Libel himself? :lol: Louie is crazy, Correll. He is also dishonest. He hid when a daughter of an opponent called Louie out for a very dishonest campaign ad accusing his opponent of having supported a bill the promoted pornography, when the opposite was the truth. I called Louie out on it at a GOP dinner that election season and he has not talked to me since.

I'm not sure why you've brought up Louie, nor do I care.

My statement was about your general behavior, and it was correct.

YOu are very quick to call people names if they disagree with you, without any concern for whether they are true.

THis is normal for you and your kind.

And now you are surprised that people you have been slandering for decades are less than anxious to work with you?

Try googling the words, Cause and Effect.
Bullshit. The anti establishment tea party started long before 2014.

The Tea Party members DO NOT QUALIFY as anti-establishment in my mind. Mr Cruz, Mr Rubio, etc.... have played by the Establishment's rules and therefore CANNOT be classified as anything other than Establishment members of Congress.
]Nope, you are not going to put an authoritarian dictatorship ruling an America. That will never happen.

Interesting...... Not sure I've ever heard the US Constitution referred to as a document establishing an "authoritarian dictatorship" before. Care to explain that one to me?
Those are your silly words not mine, fringer. Not sure I have ever heard the 1% get to interpret the Constitution.
You are the ones that are poisoning the soup, and after this election you will be removed from any influence in the party and policy making.

You sure about that? YOu sure that your decades of vicious slander against conservatives contributed to a atmosphere conducive to working together? THat the fault is all on those whom you have been ridiculing and calling names forever?

Pointing out obstructionism and crazy politicians is not slander. There is no way to discuss people like Louie Gohmert without using the word crazy.
Jake likes to call people names for disagreeing with him on the issues. It is slander.
Says Mr. Libel himself? :lol: Louie is crazy, Correll. He is also dishonest. He hid when a daughter of an opponent called Louie out for a very dishonest campaign ad accusing his opponent of having supported a bill the promoted pornography, when the opposite was the truth. I called Louie out on it at a GOP dinner that election season and he has not talked to me since.

I'm not sure why you've brought up Louie, nor do I care.

My statement was about your general behavior, and it was correct.

YOu are very quick to call people names if they disagree with you, without any concern for whether they are true.

THis is normal for you and your kind.

And now you are surprised that people you have been slandering for decades are less than anxious to work with you?

Try googling the words, Cause and Effect.
You describe yourself very well above. Correll, we all know what you are and how you fail. You said I slandered Louie, showing you do not understand the dif between slander and libel. What I wrote is true about him and about you. Your fringe wing out on the far right, as represented by you, evidences by itself that we cannot allow your candidates to win.
Bullshit. The anti establishment tea party started long before 2014.

The Tea Party members DO NOT QUALIFY as anti-establishment in my mind. Mr Cruz, Mr Rubio, etc.... have played by the Establishment's rules and therefore CANNOT be classified as anything other than Establishment members of Congress.
You don't understand how the Constitution works is the point.
Mr Cruz, Mr Rubio, etc.... have played by the Establishment's rules and therefore CANNOT be classified as anything other than Establishment members of Congress.

Except that Cruz has not capitulated to the establishment and they hate him... have vowed to destroy him politically. Rubio ran and got elected on tea party promises to buck the establishment and went up there and started cutting deals with them instead.
I'll vote for anyone who can get a budget deal through the House that'll balance the budget. If we don't our children's standard of living will be less than our own.
You sure about that? YOu sure that your decades of vicious slander against conservatives contributed to a atmosphere conducive to working together? THat the fault is all on those whom you have been ridiculing and calling names forever?

Pointing out obstructionism and crazy politicians is not slander. There is no way to discuss people like Louie Gohmert without using the word crazy.
Jake likes to call people names for disagreeing with him on the issues. It is slander.
Says Mr. Libel himself? :lol: Louie is crazy, Correll. He is also dishonest. He hid when a daughter of an opponent called Louie out for a very dishonest campaign ad accusing his opponent of having supported a bill the promoted pornography, when the opposite was the truth. I called Louie out on it at a GOP dinner that election season and he has not talked to me since.

I'm not sure why you've brought up Louie, nor do I care.

My statement was about your general behavior, and it was correct.

YOu are very quick to call people names if they disagree with you, without any concern for whether they are true.

THis is normal for you and your kind.

And now you are surprised that people you have been slandering for decades are less than anxious to work with you?

Try googling the words, Cause and Effect.
You describe yourself very well above. Correll, we all know what you are and how you fail. You said I slandered Louie, showing you do not understand the dif between slander and libel. What I wrote is true about him and about you. Your fringe wing out on the far right, as represented by you, evidences by itself that we cannot allow your candidates to win.

I made my point and your denial isn't fooling anyone that doesn't want to be fooled.

Only a fool insults people for decades and then "whines" when they don't want to work with him.

My "fringe" candidate is getting over 40% of the national vote in General Election polls.

THat is not fringe.
For Republicans and RINO's:
If an anti-establishment candidate (like Trump or Cruz) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

For Conservatives and Tea Partiers:
If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?
Not sure where I fit in all these but I usually vote republican so I will ONLY vote for Trump. The rest are shit.
So just to be clear, if Trump is not the nominee, would you not vote?

I will remind my fellow voters that we are running against a 3rd term of Obama, proclaimed constantly by one candidate, and a Socialist...........admitted by that candidate himself.

Taking your marbles and going home under those circumstances, is anti-American; because your candidate doesn't win the nomination. Now, I get it IF they somehow pull some crap off and DENY them the nomination, but if they don't, and YOUR candidate comes in 2nd, then YOU and your candidate did not work hard enough! Go out and help YOUR candidate in your state! If you don't do that, then you have no right to complain if they lose.

A funny thing happens when people canvass...............more people come out and vote. Imagine that! Know what else happens? You get to change minds. Saints preserve us! Another amazing thing happens also..............the more people believe that the message they like is acceptable to those around them, the more vociferous they become in defending their positions. It is easy to sit behind a keyboard and anonymously say anything. Go do it face-to-face and see how different that is.

And so, knowing our choices, I will not waste my vote, I will vote for the GOP nominee in every attempt to at least sloooooow down the disaster befalling us, to give more time for the troops to assemble in Americas defense of liberty, and economic prosperity. The biggest fight will be to get your nominee through the GOP race, not in getting them elected................unless of course, if you want everyone else to be like you and take their marbles home, because YOUR candidate won the nomination!

Quid Pro Quo baby! Don't threaten to do something to your fellow GOPers, then wonder why in the hell they would do it to you. If you do that and threaten to throw a political temper tantrum, just crown Hillary or Bernie now, because no GOP candidate can possibly win.

By the way, every Democratic, paid poster operative on this board, just fell in love with a few of you. Now they have a new angle to push on to keep their agenda in power. And aren't we all happy with ourselves-)
I'll vote for anyone who can get a budget deal through the House that'll balance the budget. If we don't our children's standard of living will be less than our own.
That has already happened, friend, and you can thank Open Borders and "Free For All Trade" for that where our kids are expected to compete with third world laborers.
For Republicans and RINO's:
If an anti-establishment candidate (like Trump or Cruz) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

For Conservatives and Tea Partiers:
If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?
Not sure where I fit in all these but I usually vote republican so I will ONLY vote for Trump. The rest are shit.
So just to be clear, if Trump is not the nominee, would you not vote?

I will remind my fellow voters that we are running against a 3rd term of Obama, proclaimed constantly by one candidate, and a Socialist...........admitted by that candidate himself.

Taking your marbles and going home under those circumstances, is anti-American; because your candidate doesn't win the nomination. Now, I get it IF they somehow pull some crap off and DENY them the nomination, but if they don't, and YOUR candidate comes in 2nd, then YOU and your candidate did not work hard enough! Go out and help YOUR candidate in your state! If you don't do that, then you have no right to complain if they lose.

A funny thing happens when people canvass...............more people come out and vote. Imagine that! Know what else happens? You get to change minds. Saints preserve us! Another amazing thing happens also..............the more people believe that the message they like is acceptable to those around them, the more vociferous they become in defending their positions. It is easy to sit behind a keyboard and anonymously say anything. Go do it face-to-face and see how different that is.

And so, knowing our choices, I will not waste my vote, I will vote for the GOP nominee in every attempt to at least sloooooow down the disaster befalling us, to give more time for the troops to assemble in Americas defense of liberty, and economic prosperity. The biggest fight will be to get your nominee through the GOP race, not in getting them elected................unless of course, if you want everyone else to be like you and take their marbles home, because YOUR candidate won the nomination!

Quid Pro Quo baby! Don't threaten to do something to your fellow GOPers, then wonder why in the hell they would do it to you. If you do that and threaten to throw a political temper tantrum, just crown Hillary or Bernie now, because no GOP candidate can possibly win.

By the way, every Democratic, paid poster operative on this board, just fell in love with a few of you. Now they have a new angle to push on to keep their agenda in power. And aren't we all happy with ourselves-)

A vote for Rubio whose Free for All Trade advocacy will strangle this country to death is not an alternative to Hillary selling the country to Goldman Sachs.

I could vote for Kasich, he is a good man with a moderate style, but I think he is in his core beliefs a conservative. I just dont think he is conservative enough to fix the underlying problems, but he is far better than Hillary. And Trump and Cruz are good enough as well. I wish Cruz could win it, but I doubt it.
I'll vote for anyone who can get a budget deal through the House that'll balance the budget. If we don't our children's standard of living will be less than our own.
That has already happened, friend, and you can thank Open Borders and "Free For All Trade" for that where our kids are expected to compete with third world laborers.
The 90s were berry berry good for me.

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