Questions for Republicans, Conservatives, RINOs, Tea Partiers, et al:

Quit whining. You said the nation would be gone forever if Obama was elected, and again when he was elected the second time. The nation was supposed to disappear when gay marriage was made legal, when we got healthcare, when you thought the military was attacking Texas, when you thought there were FEMA prisons, and at least 100 other times. The Nation is still here and strong as ever. You're just whining like usual.

I'm not whining and I never said anything except that Obama would be a disaster and he has been. He didn't give you gay marriage, he was opposed to it... the SCOTUS gave you that. He hasn't given you healthcare. He has fucked up everything he has touched and we'll be living with the damage of his disastrous policies for the next century.

The OP asks a question and I answered it... that's not whining, shitstain. I've got news for ya, you can win as many elections as you want, no one is going to shut up on the other side until you exterminate us. Short of that, I am afraid you're going to have to put up with us.
Quit whining. You said the nation would be gone forever if Obama was elected, and again when he was elected the second time. The nation was supposed to disappear when gay marriage was made legal, when we got healthcare, when you thought the military was attacking Texas, when you thought there were FEMA prisons, and at least 100 other times. The Nation is still here and strong as ever. You're just whining like usual.

I'm not whining and I never said anything except that Obama would be a disaster and he has been. He didn't give you gay marriage, he was opposed to it... the SCOTUS gave you that. He hasn't given you healthcare. He has fucked up everything he has touched and we'll be living with the damage of his disastrous policies for the next century.

The OP asks a question and I answered it... that's not whining, shitstain. I've got news for ya, you can win as many elections as you want, no one is going to shut up on the other side until you exterminate us. Short of that, I am afraid you're going to have to put up with us.

Not a problem. At the rate the right wing is eating their own, there won't be many of you left before long. Sanity will always prevail eventually.
No. I'll definitely vote for Hillary if Trump is the nominee, and probably for the Libertarian candidate if Cruz is the nominee. If Sanders and Trump are the nominees, I'll vote Libertarian.
Wow! Great, thanks.
And thus we see that it is the moderates who are throwing the conservatives and the GOP under the bus.
From what I can tell, the moderates and the conservatives are wrestling on the street and the bus is rolling over both of them.

Conservatives voted for McCain. Conservatives voted for Romney.

The GOP Establishment has been more vicious and aggressive campaigning against Conservatives than against Democrats, several times purposefully LOSING or endorsing the democrat in question.

mccain lost because a) there was an economic meltdown and he looked like a fool and b) he picked the ignorant twit as his running mate.

romney lost because a) he had all of bush's advisors (including cheney) and insulted everyone who wasn't white, male and christian.

but we can pretend it was because he didn't carry "water" for the base. he even came out in favor of insane "personhood" laws.
You really are a mouth breathing idiot. You prove every day how intolerant lefties are against anything not carrying their water and you think you're doing your side a favor?

How did Romney insult anyone not white, male or Christian? Do you even know he's a Mormon? There's nothing insane about a law that upholds the Constitution, it would be illegal to prevent people from pooling their money and supporting a cause or candidate. Unions taking dues and funneling it into a political party should be illegal.

You simply cannot think, all you have is a visceral reaction to all things not progressive. Like a moth on a light bulb.
Quit whining. You said the nation would be gone forever if Obama was elected, and again when he was elected the second time. The nation was supposed to disappear when gay marriage was made legal, when we got healthcare, when you thought the military was attacking Texas, when you thought there were FEMA prisons, and at least 100 other times. The Nation is still here and strong as ever. You're just whining like usual.

I'm not whining and I never said anything except that Obama would be a disaster and he has been. He didn't give you gay marriage, he was opposed to it... the SCOTUS gave you that. He hasn't given you healthcare. He has fucked up everything he has touched and we'll be living with the damage of his disastrous policies for the next century.

The OP asks a question and I answered it... that's not whining, shitstain. I've got news for ya, you can win as many elections as you want, no one is going to shut up on the other side until you exterminate us. Short of that, I am afraid you're going to have to put up with us.

Not a problem. At the rate the right wing is eating their own, there won't be many of you left before long. Sanity will always prevail eventually.
Translation = Nobody votes wepubwican anymore!
Wow! Great, thanks.
And thus we see that it is the moderates who are throwing the conservatives and the GOP under the bus.
From what I can tell, the moderates and the conservatives are wrestling on the street and the bus is rolling over both of them.

Conservatives voted for McCain. Conservatives voted for Romney.

The GOP Establishment has been more vicious and aggressive campaigning against Conservatives than against Democrats, several times purposefully LOSING or endorsing the democrat in question.

mccain lost because a) there was an economic meltdown and he looked like a fool and b) he picked the ignorant twit as his running mate.

romney lost because a) he had all of bush's advisors (including cheney) and insulted everyone who wasn't white, male and christian.

but we can pretend it was because he didn't carry "water" for the base. he even came out in favor of insane "personhood" laws.
You really are a mouth breathing idiot. You prove every day how intolerant lefties are against anything not carrying their water and you think you're doing your side a favor?

How did Romney insult anyone not white, male or Christian? Do you even know he's a Mormon? There's nothing insane about a law that upholds the Constitution, it would be illegal to prevent people from pooling their money and supporting a cause or candidate. Unions taking dues and funneling it into a political party should be illegal.

You simply cannot think, all you have is a visceral reaction to all things not progressive. Like a moth on a light bulb.

Still trying to defend Romney? You know he already lost a long time ago, right?
Quit whining. You said the nation would be gone forever if Obama was elected, and again when he was elected the second time. The nation was supposed to disappear when gay marriage was made legal, when we got healthcare, when you thought the military was attacking Texas, when you thought there were FEMA prisons, and at least 100 other times. The Nation is still here and strong as ever. You're just whining like usual.

I'm not whining and I never said anything except that Obama would be a disaster and he has been. He didn't give you gay marriage, he was opposed to it... the SCOTUS gave you that. He hasn't given you healthcare. He has fucked up everything he has touched and we'll be living with the damage of his disastrous policies for the next century.

The OP asks a question and I answered it... that's not whining, shitstain. I've got news for ya, you can win as many elections as you want, no one is going to shut up on the other side until you exterminate us. Short of that, I am afraid you're going to have to put up with us.

Not a problem. At the rate the right wing is eating their own, there won't be many of you left before long. Sanity will always prevail eventually.
Translation = Nobody votes wepubwican anymore!

I never said that. Only that the number that do is shrinking a lot.
And thus we see that it is the moderates who are throwing the conservatives and the GOP under the bus.
From what I can tell, the moderates and the conservatives are wrestling on the street and the bus is rolling over both of them.

Conservatives voted for McCain. Conservatives voted for Romney.

The GOP Establishment has been more vicious and aggressive campaigning against Conservatives than against Democrats, several times purposefully LOSING or endorsing the democrat in question.

mccain lost because a) there was an economic meltdown and he looked like a fool and b) he picked the ignorant twit as his running mate.

romney lost because a) he had all of bush's advisors (including cheney) and insulted everyone who wasn't white, male and christian.

but we can pretend it was because he didn't carry "water" for the base. he even came out in favor of insane "personhood" laws.
You really are a mouth breathing idiot. You prove every day how intolerant lefties are against anything not carrying their water and you think you're doing your side a favor?

How did Romney insult anyone not white, male or Christian? Do you even know he's a Mormon? There's nothing insane about a law that upholds the Constitution, it would be illegal to prevent people from pooling their money and supporting a cause or candidate. Unions taking dues and funneling it into a political party should be illegal.

You simply cannot think, all you have is a visceral reaction to all things not progressive. Like a moth on a light bulb.

Still trying to defend Romney? You know he already lost a long time ago, right?
Quit whining. You said the nation would be gone forever if Obama was elected, and again when he was elected the second time. The nation was supposed to disappear when gay marriage was made legal, when we got healthcare, when you thought the military was attacking Texas, when you thought there were FEMA prisons, and at least 100 other times. The Nation is still here and strong as ever. You're just whining like usual.

I'm not whining and I never said anything except that Obama would be a disaster and he has been. He didn't give you gay marriage, he was opposed to it... the SCOTUS gave you that. He hasn't given you healthcare. He has fucked up everything he has touched and we'll be living with the damage of his disastrous policies for the next century.

The OP asks a question and I answered it... that's not whining, shitstain. I've got news for ya, you can win as many elections as you want, no one is going to shut up on the other side until you exterminate us. Short of that, I am afraid you're going to have to put up with us.

Not a problem. At the rate the right wing is eating their own, there won't be many of you left before long. Sanity will always prevail eventually.
Translation = Nobody votes wepubwican anymore!

I never said that. Only that the number that do is shrinking a lot.
And the evidence for that is November 2014, correct?
The only thing I need to point out is that you don't listen to women, so you are opposed to the opinions of more than half the electorate.

So your opinion really does not matter.

LOL. Less than 50%? I listen to less than 1% of the electorate..... because the Electorate shoil not be the decision maker.... the US Constitution is the decision maker in this system. Or at least it's supposed to be.
From what I can tell, the moderates and the conservatives are wrestling on the street and the bus is rolling over both of them.

Conservatives voted for McCain. Conservatives voted for Romney.

The GOP Establishment has been more vicious and aggressive campaigning against Conservatives than against Democrats, several times purposefully LOSING or endorsing the democrat in question.

mccain lost because a) there was an economic meltdown and he looked like a fool and b) he picked the ignorant twit as his running mate.

romney lost because a) he had all of bush's advisors (including cheney) and insulted everyone who wasn't white, male and christian.

but we can pretend it was because he didn't carry "water" for the base. he even came out in favor of insane "personhood" laws.
You really are a mouth breathing idiot. You prove every day how intolerant lefties are against anything not carrying their water and you think you're doing your side a favor?

How did Romney insult anyone not white, male or Christian? Do you even know he's a Mormon? There's nothing insane about a law that upholds the Constitution, it would be illegal to prevent people from pooling their money and supporting a cause or candidate. Unions taking dues and funneling it into a political party should be illegal.

You simply cannot think, all you have is a visceral reaction to all things not progressive. Like a moth on a light bulb.

Still trying to defend Romney? You know he already lost a long time ago, right?
Read your own post if you are confused.
Whoever the GOP nominates gets my vote. Hell, I'd vote for a wet, smoldering sack of dog shit before I'd vote for Hillary Clinton.
Conservatives voted for McCain. Conservatives voted for Romney.

The GOP Establishment has been more vicious and aggressive campaigning against Conservatives than against Democrats, several times purposefully LOSING or endorsing the democrat in question.

mccain lost because a) there was an economic meltdown and he looked like a fool and b) he picked the ignorant twit as his running mate.

romney lost because a) he had all of bush's advisors (including cheney) and insulted everyone who wasn't white, male and christian.

but we can pretend it was because he didn't carry "water" for the base. he even came out in favor of insane "personhood" laws.
You really are a mouth breathing idiot. You prove every day how intolerant lefties are against anything not carrying their water and you think you're doing your side a favor?

How did Romney insult anyone not white, male or Christian? Do you even know he's a Mormon? There's nothing insane about a law that upholds the Constitution, it would be illegal to prevent people from pooling their money and supporting a cause or candidate. Unions taking dues and funneling it into a political party should be illegal.

You simply cannot think, all you have is a visceral reaction to all things not progressive. Like a moth on a light bulb.

Still trying to defend Romney? You know he already lost a long time ago, right?
Read your own post if you are confused.
How am I confused? I said you were insane and I mean it, literally. Anyone reading the above can see it. You think Romney losing the election removes the facts about him.
Moderate GOP are idealogically closer to Hillary than Cruz or Trump...
Cruz and Trump aren't even close to each other. So why you would lump them together makes me wonder if you even know their positions. Trump is a moderate on some issues and conservative on others. Ted Cruz is a classic conservative, which isn't a compliment. Rubio is a puppet for the establishment. Hillary is a corrupt power hungry statist. To be honest, she has few core principles other than what makes her rich. She's for whatever is popular at the moment.
Quit whining. You said the nation would be gone forever if Obama was elected, and again when he was elected the second time. The nation was supposed to disappear when gay marriage was made legal, when we got healthcare, when you thought the military was attacking Texas, when you thought there were FEMA prisons, and at least 100 other times. The Nation is still here and strong as ever. You're just whining like usual.

I'm not whining and I never said anything except that Obama would be a disaster and he has been. He didn't give you gay marriage, he was opposed to it... the SCOTUS gave you that. He hasn't given you healthcare. He has fucked up everything he has touched and we'll be living with the damage of his disastrous policies for the next century.

The OP asks a question and I answered it... that's not whining, shitstain. I've got news for ya, you can win as many elections as you want, no one is going to shut up on the other side until you exterminate us. Short of that, I am afraid you're going to have to put up with us.

Not a problem. At the rate the right wing is eating their own, there won't be many of you left before long. Sanity will always prevail eventually.
Translation = Nobody votes wepubwican anymore!

I never said that. Only that the number that do is shrinking a lot.
And the evidence for that is November 2014, correct?

November 2014 was a little midterm election with an extremely small turnout. If it amounted to anything, the republicans who ended up in office would have done something by now. Anything. Instead, they have only laughed at the few right wingers that put them in office. They haven't even tried to do any of the things they promised. I know you really wanted that election to mean something, but it didn't.
mccain lost because a) there was an economic meltdown and he looked like a fool and b) he picked the ignorant twit as his running mate.

romney lost because a) he had all of bush's advisors (including cheney) and insulted everyone who wasn't white, male and christian.

but we can pretend it was because he didn't carry "water" for the base. he even came out in favor of insane "personhood" laws.
You really are a mouth breathing idiot. You prove every day how intolerant lefties are against anything not carrying their water and you think you're doing your side a favor?

How did Romney insult anyone not white, male or Christian? Do you even know he's a Mormon? There's nothing insane about a law that upholds the Constitution, it would be illegal to prevent people from pooling their money and supporting a cause or candidate. Unions taking dues and funneling it into a political party should be illegal.

You simply cannot think, all you have is a visceral reaction to all things not progressive. Like a moth on a light bulb.

Still trying to defend Romney? You know he already lost a long time ago, right?
Read your own post if you are confused.
How am I confused? I said you were insane and I mean it, literally. Anyone reading the above can see it. You think Romney losing the election removes the facts about him.

Do you really thing defending Romney is the best use of your time? Right wingers are so silly.
Not a problem. At the rate the right wing is eating their own, there won't be many of you left before long. Sanity will always prevail eventually.

Republicans are having a fierce primary for political control of the party. Unlike the Democrats who are debating whether to be Trotskyites or Marxists.

Yeah, I do think it's going to be a problem for you. We already see how intolerant you are and it's only a matter of time before the frustration of your intolerance causes you to do something really stupid. I'm just hoping America saves you from yourself.
Whoever the GOP nominates gets my vote. Hell, I'd vote for a wet, smoldering sack of dog shit before I'd vote for Hillary Clinton.

Which ever wet smoldering sack of dog shit the GOP nominates will be glad to hear that.
November 2014 was a little midterm election with an extremely small turnout. If it amounted to anything, the republicans who ended up in office would have done something by now. Anything. Instead, they have only laughed at the few right wingers that put them in office. They haven't even tried to do any of the things they promised. I know you really wanted that election to mean something, but it didn't.

Actually, the ebtire anti-establishment movement on the Right was started exactly because those Republicans are not doing what they werr sent there to do. The 2014 WIN may bring about their 2016 LOSS.
I'm not whining and I never said anything except that Obama would be a disaster and he has been. He didn't give you gay marriage, he was opposed to it... the SCOTUS gave you that. He hasn't given you healthcare. He has fucked up everything he has touched and we'll be living with the damage of his disastrous policies for the next century.

The OP asks a question and I answered it... that's not whining, shitstain. I've got news for ya, you can win as many elections as you want, no one is going to shut up on the other side until you exterminate us. Short of that, I am afraid you're going to have to put up with us.

Not a problem. At the rate the right wing is eating their own, there won't be many of you left before long. Sanity will always prevail eventually.
Translation = Nobody votes wepubwican anymore!

I never said that. Only that the number that do is shrinking a lot.
And the evidence for that is November 2014, correct?

November 2014 was a little midterm election with an extremely small turnout. If it amounted to anything, the republicans who ended up in office would have done something by now. Anything. Instead, they have only laughed at the few right wingers that put them in office. They haven't even tried to do any of the things they promised. I know you really wanted that election to mean something, but it didn't.
A little midterm election? LOL. See above!
November 2014 was a little midterm election with an extremely small turnout. If it amounted to anything, the republicans who ended up in office would have done something by now. Anything. Instead, they have only laughed at the few right wingers that put them in office. They haven't even tried to do any of the things they promised. I know you really wanted that election to mean something, but it didn't.

Actually, the ebtire anti-establishment movement on the Right was started exactly because those Republicans are not doing what they werr sent there to do. The 2014 WIN may bring about their 2016 LOSS.

Bullshit. The anti establishment tea party started long before 2014.

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