Questions for the US Antiwar Movement.

I heard no reason for russia to fear NATO when no rational and peaceful nation on the planet does
No other nations accords are specifically forged to be a gun to Russias head. Christ! Does that actually have to be pointed out?
Oh give it a rest Warhawks. Did it ever cross your mind that many are just sick, and tired of forever wars fought in far away lands, while our own country is in decline? There's nothing Commie, or traitorous about not wanting our own sons to die for eurotrash puppets. Europe has plenty of sons. Let them die for their cause.
One would think all Americans would agree with you, after the horrors we’ve witnessed since the end of the Cold War. It merely proves the power of propaganda pushed by the government media complex shouldn’t be discounted.
I heard no reason for russia to fear NATO when no rational and peaceful nation on the planet does
Again, stupid.

NATO is a force specifically instituted to fight Russia. It has committed offensive actions in Yugoslavia, Libya, and elsewhere. It is controlled by the US war machine, which has invaded several nations in the last twenty years. NATO has armed to the teeth Eastern European nations with offensive weapons. It performs war games along Russia’s borders regularly.

You stupidly think NATO is no threat to Russia. DUMB!
One would think all Americans would agree with you, after the horrors we’ve witnessed since the end of the Cold War. It merely proves the power of propaganda pushed by the government media complex shouldn’t be discounted.
The military mindset believes that their country can conduct a nuclear war to a successful victory and be capable of stopping all incoming.

I took part on a military forum until they realized that I wan't military myself and then acted to silence my alternative POV.

I was quite amazed that the participants were unanimous on their beliefs! No other POV was entertained and was certainly not permitted.

From a military persons POV, what other perception could one of them have?

I don't know whether or not they would have the courage to carry out their beliefs?
No other nations accords are specifically forged to be a gun to Russias head. Christ! Does that actually have to be pointed out?
Why would belgium or norway want to invade russia?

wouldnt invading switzerland be easier?
Why would belgium or norway want to invade russia?

wouldnt invading switzerland be easier?
You are trying to shift the topic. That will get no play here. The Cuban missile crisis... Why do I mention that? Imagine yourself in 80's and the Warsaw pact nations accept into the fold Cuba, Canada, and the various Carribean states... One need not even go that far. We know what happened in Cuba. Why should Russia feel any less threatened..?
Why would belgium or norway want to invade russia?

wouldnt invading switzerland be easier?
You asking questions is good but you won't be getting any answers from me until you demostrate some sincerity.
You asking questions is good but you won't be getting any answers from me until you demostrate some sincerity.
Its ok Donald

I was not expecting anything worthwile from you anyway
You are trying to shift the topic. That will get no play here. The Cuban missile crisis... Why do I mention that? Imagine yourself in 80's and the Warsaw pact nations accept into the fold Cuba, Canada, and the various Carribean states... One need not even go that far. We know what happened in Cuba. Why should Russia feel any less threatened..?
You are all missing the obvious

if russia ceased to be a threat putin would have nothing to fear from NATO
You are all missing the obvious

if russia ceased to be a threat putin would have nothing to fear from NATO
When's the last time russia was propping up missiles all around the US's borders, and soaking up puppets states around us? That title belongs to NATO. Sorry bro. But that's the truth. The globalist corporatacracy wants Russias oil, and wants to profit off of its sales to Europe. In life, some things really are that simple.
When's the last time russia was propping up missiles all around the US's borders, and soaking up puppets states around us? That title belongs to NATO. Sorry bro. But that's the truth. The globalist corporatacracy wants Russias oil, and wants to profit off of its sales to Europe. In life, some things really are that simple.
You are all missing the obvious

if russia ceased to be a threat putin would have nothing to fear from NATO
By "threat"... Do you mean refusing the manifest of "globalization", and kneeling to the altar of "woke"?
Isn't it kind of ass backwards to question bunch of civilians about their opinion of the Ukraine situation and not question the government officials who let it happen?
By "threat"... Do you mean refusing the manifest of "globalization", and kneeling to the altar of "woke"?

I dont think wokeness is a big issue in russia

what I mean is that its a relatively poor country when it should be rich

all thats holding russia back are the despots and oligarchs in power
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An entirely predictable outcome as NATO sought aggressive expansion...
What happened to the folks that used to say we shouldn't be the world's police?
Now they think we should make Putin pay when we couldn't even defeat goat herders the last twenty years and effectively handed Afghanistan right back to the very people we attempted to remove.
We should concentrate on our own border and quit worrying about ones most Americans couldn't even find on a map.

The drums of war are banging and the world is in a frenzy.
View attachment 610939
An entirely predictable outcome as NATO sought aggressive expansion...
What happened to the folks that used to say we shouldn't be the world's police?
Now they think we should make Putin pay when we couldn't even defeat goat herders the last twenty years and effectively handed Afghanistan right back to the very people we attempted to remove.
We should concentrate on our own border and quit worrying about ones most Americans couldn't even find on a map.

We have to be very careful especially considering who we have in office now .like a cast of Loony Toon's complete with all the charactors.

Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war​

Julius Caesar | September 2016 (Vol. XXIX, No. 8)
Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.
~ WAR by Julius Caesar

If only watching the first 20 minutes, you will hear the position of Russia. And every word just happens to be true.

You will also be able to understand the reason why Russia is not going to back down this time!

Does anyone dare to hear it?

How does any of that justify Putin's invasion?
The drums of war are banging and the world is in a frenzy.

We have to be very careful especially considering who we have in office now .like a cast of Loony Toon's complete with all the charactors.

Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war​

Julius Caesar | September 2016 (Vol. XXIX, No. 8)
Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.
~ WAR by Julius Caesar
Ukraine is paying a terrible price for the dumb mistakes and provocations by the US and NATO. As with most wars, this one could have been easily avoided.

It’s almost as if the elites in the West wanted war.
What "provocations?"

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