Questions for the US Antiwar Movement.

How does any of that justify Putin's invasion?
The fact that an organization predicated on opposition of his nations success in the global theatre complicated.... his nation, is gobbling up every nation that surrounds him. This isn't complicated....
Yes, that's true but Ukraine has become an agreeable proxy for America and against Russia.

Ukraine is of utmost importance to both America and Russia but Russia has no willing and powrful proxy force to fight for their side.

However, eventually the facts may be revealed that say Russia has a great deal of sympathy coming from some Ukrainians. Perhaps even half or more if the Crimea and the Donbass provinces are included? And the Ukrainians who voted for a pro-Russian government.
What the fuck is an "agreeable proxy for America?" What is "Russia's side," other than invading it's neighbor?

Only about 20% of the people in Donbass support Russia. Even if it was 99%, that still wouldn't justify any invasion.
The fact that an organization predicated on opposition of his nations success in the global theatre complicated.... his nation, is gobbling up every nation that surrounds him. This isn't complicated....
"his" who?
When's the last time russia was propping up missiles all around the US's borders, and soaking up puppets states around us? That title belongs to NATO. Sorry bro. But that's the truth. The globalist corporatacracy wants Russias oil, and wants to profit off of its sales to Europe. In life, some things really are that simple.

They have already told us what The New World Order wants ,looks like it is happening too.
You can consider me very liberal but not more liberal than many Canadians. More liberal than American standards for sure. Perhaps more aware of the facts you speak of than most Canadians.

I see America's war in Ukraine as America using Ukrainians as proxy fighters for the cause against Russia to which you allude, and I see it as a breaking point for either the American agenda or the Russian agenda of maintaining security.
We actually disagree on nothing.

It's much more than twenty years. The Vietnam war was an early blueprint on America's intentions.

Was that history all for the sake of America's security? Yes, in the sense of economic security, but not for any other security reasons, simply because America has been too powerful militarily ever since it procured nuclear weapons in 1945.
It's not America's war, dumbfuck. Do we have 500,000 troops in Ukraine? How is the invasion America's war?
See my link in the OP for Russia's talking points, so you can either agree or argue against what it says. It can be fully understood in the first 20 minutes, but it's worth the time for the whole video.
20 minutes of utter groveling anti-American horseshit.
Oh give it a rest Warhawks. Did it ever cross your mind that many are just sick, and tired of forever wars fought in far away lands, while our own country is in decline? There's nothing Commie, or traitorous about not wanting our own sons to die for eurotrash puppets. Europe has plenty of sons. Let them die for their cause.
Sending American troops isn't on the table, period.

I dont think wokeness is a big issue in russia

what I mean is that its a relatively poor country when it should be rich

all thats holding russia back are the despots and oligarchs in power
But... their country does not know kneel to the altar... So... Why... Why would you fight..?
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Some of us have done all but send you a history teacher to clue you in on w2hy this is none of our bizwax. Other than we want NATO surrounding Russia.Pretty much already have.
Yet here we are defending ourselves against a once time ally... So... did we back, and bet on the right horse. You tell me...
20 minutes of utter groveling anti-American horseshit.

Not according to our founders,they warned us about getting into scraps with other nations. All for protecting American interest long as its not costly only to us.
I heard no reason for russia to fear NATO when no rational and peaceful nation on the planet does
The only countries that fear NATO are the kind that invade their neighbors. Fear of NATO is the proof that a country's leader is a scumbag.
Not according to our founders,they warned us about getting into scraps with other nations. All for protecting American interest long as its not costly only to us.
Avoiding foreign entanglements doesn't mean that Putin isn't a scumbag.
Your post makes no sense to me
Russia will not crane thier necks to the globalist agenda...
Therefore they must be destroyed. Offer up your own sons. Mine will collect the leave takings.

Much obliged...
Some of us have done all but send you a history teacher to clue you in on w2hy this is none of our bizwax. Other than we want NATO surrounding Russia.Pretty much already have.
In other words, you can't name any provocations.

The "NATO surrounding Russia" con only fools the commie supporters of a scumbag.
Russia will not crane thier necks to the globalist agenda...
Therefore they must be destroyed. Offer up your own sons. Mine will collect the leave takings.

Much obliged...
If Russia doesn't want to destroyed, all it has to do is get the fuck out of Ukraine. Anyone who doesn't agree that is the answer is a Putin sympathizer.

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