questions for trump supporters

If I was to ever vote for trump, how do I look my wife or daughter in the eyes and explain how I supported a man who treats women so nasty?

What message does it send to the loves of my life?

Tell them you're sorry you're not a real man and are supporting a woman who let her husband not only fuck, but totally degrade women but using them as a humidor right in the white house and who, until very recently, was visiting a sex slave island where 16 YEAR OLD GIRLS were held captive
Why is Trump so reviled by the MSM, oligarchy, and the D&R establishment? What has he done that makes them so dislike him?

The Rs claim he is not conservative, yet they have not nominated a conservative in years. He is a progressive on most issues, like many R pols.

Not sure why Ds don't like him other than he is running as an R.

The oligarchy may not like him because he is not owned by them, as is Cankles, Cruz, and Kasich.
Why is Trump so reviled by the MSM, oligarchy, and the D&R establishment? What has he done that makes them so dislike him?

The Rs claim he is not conservative, yet they have not nominated a conservative in years. He is a progressive on most issues, like many R pols.

Not sure why Ds don't like him other than he is running as an R.

The oligarchy may not like him because he is not owned by them, as is Cankles, Cruz, and Kasich.

It's like you're not paying attention at all.

The corporate media LOVES Herr Trump. He's ratings gold.

Trump is a xenophobic, misogynist other words, he's 50% of Republicans after 5 beers.
Why is Trump so reviled by the MSM, oligarchy, and the D&R establishment? What has he done that makes them so dislike him?

The Rs claim he is not conservative, yet they have not nominated a conservative in years. He is a progressive on most issues, like many R pols.

Not sure why Ds don't like him other than he is running as an R.

The oligarchy may not like him because he is not owned by them, as is Cankles, Cruz, and Kasich.

It's like you're not paying attention at all.

The corporate media LOVES Herr Trump. He's ratings gold.

Trump is a xenophobic, misogynist other words, he's 50% of Republicans after 5 beers.
The media loves Trump...really? The MSM reporting on Trump is almost universally negative. How have you missed this or have you merely accepted their propaganda hook, line, and sinker? You are confusing ratings with reporting.

I don't think you know what xenophobic and misogynist mean. You might look up those terms before using them.

He very well may be an asshole, but since when have we not had an asshole in the WH?
The media loves Trump...really? The MSM reporting on Trump is almost universally negative. How have you missed this or have you merely accepted their propaganda hook, line, and sinker? You are confusing ratings with reporting.

I don't think you know what xenophobic and misogynist mean. You might look up those terms before using them.

He very well may be an asshole, but since when have we not had an asshole in the WH?

Trump isn't a conservative and he isn't a libertarian... He's an authoritarian populist, but you've bought into his shtick, hook, line and sinker, because he's convinced you he's someone who can win. Of course, the man had engaged in 30 years of self-promotion, so this isn't really much of a surprise. You see the word "Trump" on something, and you equate it with being a winner because you've been conditioned to equate wealth and celebrity with merit.

Meanwhile, those of us in the sensible world realize this guy has had more failures in business than successes, that he has no experience in government and his run is just a huge prank that got out of hand. 60% of Republican voters KNOW this is a terrible idea. They just can't agree on an alternative because the Establishment Republicans think Cruz is a scary ass theocrat and the Teabaggers think Kasich is a liberal because he doesnt' want to burn gay people at the stake.

So I give Trump kudos for manipulating a broken system in a dysfunctional party. And he might even do well in November because Hillary isn't cuddly. But I am hopeful that we aren't so dumbed down that we are going to elect the Kardashian Administration.
The media loves Trump...really? The MSM reporting on Trump is almost universally negative. How have you missed this or have you merely accepted their propaganda hook, line, and sinker? You are confusing ratings with reporting.

I don't think you know what xenophobic and misogynist mean. You might look up those terms before using them.

He very well may be an asshole, but since when have we not had an asshole in the WH?

Trump isn't a conservative and he isn't a libertarian... He's an authoritarian populist, but you've bought into his shtick, hook, line and sinker, because he's convinced you he's someone who can win. Of course, the man had engaged in 30 years of self-promotion, so this isn't really much of a surprise. You see the word "Trump" on something, and you equate it with being a winner because you've been conditioned to equate wealth and celebrity with merit.

Meanwhile, those of us in the sensible world realize this guy has had more failures in business than successes, that he has no experience in government and his run is just a huge prank that got out of hand. 60% of Republican voters KNOW this is a terrible idea. They just can't agree on an alternative because the Establishment Republicans think Cruz is a scary ass theocrat and the Teabaggers think Kasich is a liberal because he doesnt' want to burn gay people at the stake.

So I give Trump kudos for manipulating a broken system in a dysfunctional party. And he might even do well in November because Hillary isn't cuddly. But I am hopeful that we aren't so dumbed down that we are going to elect the Kardashian Administration.
Joey...I have yet to be convinced you can ever make sense.

You hate Trump because he is an R. If he were a D, you would love him.

Ds good...Rs bad....dddddduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

Ds like you love the establishment and the 1%, but your're too stupid to realize it.
Joey...I have yet to be convinced you can ever make sense.

You hate Trump because he is an R. If he were a D, you would love him.

Ds good...Rs bad....dddddduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

Ds like you love the establishment and the 1%, but your're too stupid to realize it.

dude, you are avoiding my point like a scalded cat. Trump isn't a conservative or a libertarian.

As far as not liking Trump, I actually agree with him on Free trade. It's just that his racism and his mental instability make him unacceptable.

As far as an R vs. D thing, once again, I voted for the R in every presidential election between 1980 and 2008. I voted for Obama because you clown nominated a Mormon Bloodsucker that none of you are willing to take ownership of today. (YOu know, the guy who is now saying what a terrible idea it would be to nominate Trump.)

A LOT of R's are saying Trump would be an awful president. How many of them will hold to that AFTER he gets the nomination will be an interesting test.
Joey...I have yet to be convinced you can ever make sense.

You hate Trump because he is an R. If he were a D, you would love him.

Ds good...Rs bad....dddddduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

Ds like you love the establishment and the 1%, but your're too stupid to realize it.

dude, you are avoiding my point like a scalded cat. Trump isn't a conservative or a libertarian.

As far as not liking Trump, I actually agree with him on Free trade. It's just that his racism and his mental instability make him unacceptable.

As far as an R vs. D thing, once again, I voted for the R in every presidential election between 1980 and 2008. I voted for Obama because you clown nominated a Mormon Bloodsucker that none of you are willing to take ownership of today. (YOu know, the guy who is now saying what a terrible idea it would be to nominate Trump.)

A LOT of R's are saying Trump would be an awful president. How many of them will hold to that AFTER he gets the nomination will be an interesting test.
I am not avoiding your point son.

I know very well Trump is not a con or a libertarian.

It matters not when you voted R, why do you think it does? are a flaming Lib now completely duped by the 1%.

Thinking anyone would ever believe anything the R establishment says, is dumb. Have you failed to understand that the Rs have nominated progressives for decades?
If I was to ever vote for trump, how do I look my wife or daughter in the eyes and explain how I supported a man who treats women so nasty?

What message does it send to the loves of my life?
Just explain to them that you are trying to preserve the freedom that allows women to have a say in how they are treated, and that you are thinking about their future and want to see them succeed without having to be in debt to a government for their entire lives. That you want them to realize their dreams instead of living to comply with a pre determined socialist view of who they should be.
Tell them that you voted for one man that has some questionable actions in his past in order to keep them from living in a society that views women as property.
Then point out that Bernie Sanders thinks women fantasize about being gang raped, that Hillary finds it amusing to let known rapists run free.
I think they will understand your choice for their freedom and they will appreciate you for it.
If I was to ever vote for trump, how do I look my wife or daughter in the eyes and explain how I supported a man who treats women so nasty?

What message does it send to the loves of my life?
This post is an example of someone completely and utterly duped by the MSM. I wonder how many of them are out there.

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