questions for trump supporters

He accused a male reporter of going through a menstral cycle?

Now Candycorn, we both know that's not true. What did I tell you about making things up.

I know it to be true (as anyone with 2 working brain cells does). But don't let the truth or morality keep you from voting from Trump... I imagine that his accusing MK of having her period was one of the few times he was actually being honest with his supporters...

Oh, no... we know it isn't true. It was completely fabricated by the left wing propagandists.

Maureen Dowd -- I don't think that's where Trump was headed. I believe him when he says that he was going to say something about her nose or ears next, and then suddenly realized he should probably drop it. He used the same image about a man -- Chris Wallace -- in the same interview with Don Lemon, saying "there was blood pouring out of his eyes, too."

I told him during our interview that I did not think he should have been attacking Kelly with gory imagery for asking appropriately tough questions during a debate.

You can never get into someone's head and know for sure. It's just my impression from covering his various forays into politics.

Dowd is correct that Trump also made "blood" comments about Fox News host and debate co-moderator Chris Wallace during the same interview.

In the interview with CNN's Don Lemon, Trump described Wallace as having "blood pouring out of his eyes" during the debate.

Maureen Dowd Explains Defending Trump's 'Blood' Remark: 'I Believe Him'

You can listen to it for yourself right here. Menstruating is never mentioned. that is totally fabricated by his detractors. In fact, at the end of the interview he says she is tough and she can take it.

So please, go peddle that malarkey at a low information leftwing circle jerk site where they're gullible enough to eat it up.

Here, we know the truth.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I suppose you also think the Bible is his favorite book right?

Its not worth calling you a name again but anyone who was paying attention that evening and has watched the antics of your Messiah over the last few months knows full well of what he was talking about. Only his most brainwashed supporters continue to think this man has an ounce of class and still defend him.

It will be fun one day when the Messiah's supporters have their sons or grand sons accuse their teachers of being on their monthly and they have to trudge up to the school and actually say, "What's wrong with that?"
If I was to ever vote for trump, how do I look my wife or daughter in the eyes and explain how I supported a man who treats women so nasty?

What message does it send to the loves of my life?
How can any Trump supporter look a fellow Muslim American in the eyes and say he wants to see him disadvantaged through force of law for no other reason than who he is, to be made a criminal because of his faith and an unwarranted fear of Islam.

How can any Trump supporter look a fellow Hispanic American in the eyes, or a disabled American – indeed, how can any Trump supporter reconcile himself with any fellow American when the candidate he supports has such contempt for the most fundamental principles of this great country, an America that is currently great, where the only threat to that greatness is Trump and his policies of fear, division, and bigotry.

Here is the right question >> Hillary's website claims that she will strengthen national security by "Defeating ISIS and global terrorism, and the ideologies that drive it." Well, the ideology that drives it is Islam.

So is Hillary going to defeat Islam, as claimed in her website, or support it, as she has been doing, while supporting the worst oppression of women the world has ever known ?

Open Question for Hillary Supporters
Former Secretary of State
Former Senator from NY
Former First Lady on the US
What did she accomplish as First Lady?
What did she accomplish as Senator, what legislation did she write and get passed?
What did she accomplish as Sec. of State (besides getting 4 Americans killed needlessly)?
How can any Trump supporter look a fellow Muslim American in the eyes and say he wants to see him disadvantaged through force of law for no other reason than who he is, to be made a criminal because of his faith and an unwarranted fear of Islam.

How can any Trump supporter look a fellow Hispanic American in the eyes, or a disabled American – indeed, how can any Trump supporter reconcile himself with any fellow American when the candidate he supports has such contempt for the most fundamental principles of this great country, an America that is currently great, where the only threat to that greatness is Trump and his policies of fear, division, and bigotry.
There's plenty of other reason to see that Muslim disadvantaged,>>

1. Islam is illegal in America. It is a supremacism outlawed by the Constitution's Supremacy Clause (Article 6 Section 2)

2. It is seditious, outlawed by US Code 18, Chapter 115, Sections 2384 & 2385.

3. There is no such thing as a "Muslim-American". Muslims have no sense of nationality. Their only "nation" is the UMMA (worldwide community of Muslims). Thus a Muslim in the US has more connection to a Muslim in Denmark, Russia, Greece, Rwanda, India, Australia, Japan, Brazil, or anywhere in the world, than he does to a non-Muslim American. Same thing applies to Muslims living anywhere in the world. If it does not apply, then that person is not an actual Muslim. To not know this basic fact, shows a glaring ignorance of Islam.

4. As a Hispanic myself, I voted for Trump in the Florida primary. He has never said or done anything against Hispanics, and has proposed to help and protect Hispanics (as well as any other American) by stopping ISIS from coming into the US, and stopping illegal immigration (from anywhere), and deport all illegals here now.
What did she accomplish as First Lady?
What did she accomplish as Senator, what legislation did she write and get passed?
What did she accomplish as Sec. of State (besides getting 4 Americans killed needlessly)?
HERE is what she "accomplished" while being Sect of State >>

Since her tenure began, with her Muslim Brotherhood aide, Huma Abedin, serving as a top adviser, the United States aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood in myriad ways. To name just a few (the list is by no means exhaustive):

Our government >>

1- reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

2- funded Hamas;

3- continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

4- dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

5- hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

6- issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington, because he was part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

7- announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

8- excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

9- and pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president (Morsi) just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

Makes us wonder >>> Hypothetically, if Huma Abedin did have a bias in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, and if she were actually acting on that bias to try to tilt American policy in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, what exactly would the State Department be doing differently?

And what worse a record could Hillary have compiled being negligent (if not treasonous) ?
If I was to ever vote for trump, how do I look my wife or daughter in the eyes and explain how I supported a man who treats women so nasty?

What message does it send to the loves of my life?

Trump is a self centered, boisterous, egotistical billionaire, or A GOOD REPUBLICAN

Tax cuts for these bastards beginning with Reagan has produced a fresh collection of arseholes:


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So the response is that he doesn't treat women nasty?

You're really going to go with this?

He will get so crushed in the general
Trump is a self centered, boisterous, egotistical billionaire, or A GOOD REPUBLICAN

Tax cuts for these bastards beginning with Reagan has produced a fresh collection of arseholes:

I voted for Trump in the Florida primary. I don't support his proposed tax cut for the rich, but there are other issues much more important. If one is worried about the middle class, the thing to be concerned with is the use of cheap, foreign labor replacing American workers. Both intl outsourcing and domestic outsourcing (AKA immigration & visas) are killing the poor & MC much worse than taxes. Also, tax cutting is a necessary policy for a GOP candidate to win primaries. We'll see how it plays out after Trump gets in office.

And ISIS, tucked in with Syrian refugee immigrants, detonating nuclear bombs in American cities will kill ALL Americans, of EVERY economic class.
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So the response is that he doesn't treat women nasty?

You're really going to go with this?

He will get so crushed in the general
Post # 14 already answered that question. Trump is not the one who has questions to answer about the treatment of women. That is Hillary's burden to bear. Like all the opposition she gave to the woman that her husband sexually assaulted, and all the anti-women stuff in Islam that she won't condemn. And the NOW who endorsed her who also won't condemn Muslim massive misogyny.

Well Hillary, what do you have to say about THAT ?
I used to think you were a wise person, Avatar4321. Now I realize you're just somebody who falls hook, line, and sinker for whatever the media feeds you.

As opposed to the Trump Chumps who fall for everything he feeds you?
Oh, no... we know it isn't true. It was completely fabricated by the left wing propagandists.

Maureen Dowd -- "I don't think that's where Trump was headed. I believe him when he says that he was going to say something about her nose or ears next, and then suddenly realized he should probably drop it. He used the same image about a man -- Chris Wallace -- in the same interview with Don Lemon, saying "there was blood pouring out of his eyes, too."

I told him during our interview that I did not think he should have been attacking Kelly with gory imagery for asking appropriately tough questions during a debate.

You can never get into someone's head and know for sure. It's just my impression from covering his various forays into politics."

Dowd is correct that Trump also made "blood" comments about Fox News host and debate co-moderator Chris Wallace during the same interview.

In the interview with CNN's Don Lemon, Trump described Wallace as having "blood pouring out of his eyes" during the debate.

Maureen Dowd Explains Defending Trump's 'Blood' Remark: 'I Believe Him'

You can listen to it for yourself right here. Menstruating is never mentioned. That is totally fabricated by his detractors. In fact, at the end of the interview he says she is tough and she can take it.

So please, go peddle that malarkey at a low information leftwing circle jerk site where they're gullible enough to eat it up.

Here, we know the truth.
The Trump-bashers go to these miniscule, petty little things as a way to DEFLECT away from the big, important issues that Hillary is vulnerable on. They don't want to talk about her terrible positions on woman's rights, ISIS nuclear threat with Syrian refugees, Mexican imperialism, etc

This thread (challenging Trump supporters) is into 4 pages long, but the one challenging Hillary supporters for her weakness on the women issue hasn't had a single reply (despite that they started just afew hours apart from each other)

What's the matter, Hillary supporters ? Cat got your tongues ? Don't want to face the music about Hillary's abandonment of woman and woman's rights ? Decided to sweep all that bad stuff under the rug ? Lot of dirty laundry here for Hillary to wash - it's not getting done. No excuse now -here's the link >>

Open Question for Hillary Supporters
If I was to ever vote for trump, how do I look my wife or daughter in the eyes and explain how I supported a man who treats women so nasty?

What message does it send to the loves of my life?

For a good answer to that question, find someone who voted for Bill Clinton and ask them
Why should he treat women special? Do you have a lower expectation of them or something?
If I was to ever vote for trump, how do I look my wife or daughter in the eyes and explain how I supported a man who treats women so nasty?

What message does it send to the loves of my life?

When you supported Bill Cosby Clinton how did you explain this and what was the message you sent supporting a misogynist and rapist? How about when you support Bernie Sanders for saying women fantasize about being raped or for condoning welfare to beg for money as a hand out to promote get rich quick scams?


I used to think you were a wise person, Avatar4321. Now I realize you're just somebody who falls hook, line, and sinker for whatever the media feeds you.

As opposed to the Trump Chumps who fall for everything he feeds you?
Since I don't believe everything Trump says, that doesn't apply to me. Nice try anyway though.

Really? What is it he lied to you about.

Ladies and gentlemen, a tap dance...

Hit it

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