quick question for those claiming that because Trump isnt President anymore he couldnt declassify stuff in his possession

Yes. The president has the ultimate power to declassify documents. He doesn’t have to ask some pencil pusher for permission.
I will hold you to your word for it, about all the very Top Secret documents in his possession and we will shall see in the future what the result will be, what the SC says anything about it if ever brought into it.
There is no set “procedure” for a President to declassify. He just says they are declassified and they are. Period.

“It's not the case that a president can declassify documents with just verbal instructions. His instruction to declassify a given document would first be memorialized in a written memo, usually drafted by White House counsel, which he would then sign.” ibid

And yet again – whether the documents were de-classified or not is irrelevant; Trump can be subject to prosecution for mishandling information concerning military intelligence and national security.
I think that is on you.
If you did a simple search you can find damn near anything.

Can a president legally remove declassified information from the White House?​

No, according to security experts. There are other laws that protect the country’s most sensitive secrets beyond how it is classified. For example, according to Aftergood, some of the intelligence and documents related to nuclear weapons can’t be declassified by the president. Aftergood said such information is protected by a different law, the Atomic Energy Act.
doesnt matter it is the Presidents power to use any way he sees fit to use it,
Also wrong.

Trump wasn’t president when he misappropriated the documents and brought them to his private home.

And as a private citizen Trump is subject to the same laws requiring military intelligence and nation security documents be secured in accordance with those laws, regardless their classification – which Trump failed to do.

And yet again, again – whether the documents were de-classified or not is irrelevant.

“It's not the case that a president can declassify documents with just verbal instructions. His instruction to declassify a given document would first be memorialized in a written memo, usually drafted by White House counsel, which he would then sign.” ibid

And yet again – whether the documents were de-classified or not is irrelevant; Trump can be subject to prosecution for mishandling information concerning military intelligence and national security.
His staff and his attorneys stated he had a standing order about declassification of documents . Just because you pretend to know what that Involved or didnt involve doesn’t mean he was mishandling anything.

Whatever their faults and failings, Democrats are nothing like Republicans – the latter are infinitely worse.

From McCarthy, the Southern Strategy, and Watergate, to the rise of the Christo-fascist right, to the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy; the racism, bigotry, and hate; the racist voter suppression and gerrymandering; the anti-immigrant nativism; the attacks on the First Amendment and the attacks on the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans; the endless conspiracy theories, misinformation, and lies.

And now the ultimate manifestation of the reprehensible right: Trump.

As he was but I saw Hillary as no better. We have scraped the bottom of the barrel for our candidates. Hillary did the will of the corporations and carried out their wars for them. That she would allow people to pee wherever they wish does not over come that.
You seem to not understand that Trump had only one term in office. He was not in office when Bill Clinton stole things from the White House. He did not promise nor did he prosecute 44 for his taking records. But you seem to only be able to read about Hillary s misdeeds. Unfortunately not everything in this world is solely about Hillary and Trump. My point is that there have been numerous thefts from the White House but no one actually prosecuted or raided them in the past. So again this looks like nothing but politics at it worst

Blah, blah, blah...........well, Trump would have if he had another term. No he wouldn't.
Please discribe the process Presidents have to follow and who’s permission they have to seek.
This is why conservatives are appropriately despised and why conservativism is indeed reprehensible: the right’s willful ignorance, blind partisanism, and contempt for facts and the truth when facts and the truth conflict with conservative dogma – or in this case, reflect poorly on Trump.
Is he the President now?
What was he doing with documents still labeled Top Secret at his home?

Isn't that a security issue for the whole nation?

Top Secret is strict “Need to Know”

What does a disgruntled Ex President need to know?
As he was but I saw Hillary as no better. We have scraped the bottom of the barrel for our candidates. Hillary did the will of the corporations and carried out their wars for them. That she would allow people to pee wherever they wish does not over come that.
And whatever Clinton’s faults and failings, they in no manner compare with Trump or many other Republican politicians; Clinton acknowledged her election loss, which Trump failed to do.

Indeed, that Trump is far worse than Clinton illustrates the depravity of the right.

See also post 209 in this thread.

No. Democrats and Republicans are not ‘the same.’
Yes. The president has the ultimate power to declassify documents. He doesn’t have to ask some pencil pusher for permission.

Fair enough
What happens after he declassifies information?

They need to notify someone that the information is now unclassified
And whatever Clinton’s faults and failings, they in no manner compare with Trump or many other Republican politicians; Clinton acknowledged her election loss, which Trump failed to do.

Indeed, that Trump is far worse than Clinton illustrates the depravity of the right.

See also post 209 in this thread.

No. Democrats and Republicans are not ‘the same.’

She was NOT a valid presidential option.

“It's not the case that a president can declassify documents with just verbal instructions. His instruction to declassify a given document would first be memorialized in a written memo, usually drafted by White House counsel, which he would then sign.” ibid

And yet again – whether the documents were de-classified or not is irrelevant; Trump can be subject to prosecution for mishandling information concerning military intelligence and national security.

And when Trump produces those memo’s showing he declassified that information……Boy is Garland going to be embarrassed
Yes. The president has the ultimate power to declassify documents. He doesn’t have to ask some pencil pusher for permission.
No one said he did.

It has nothing to do with ‘permission.’

It has to do with the fact that a president can’t simply state that a document is ‘de-classified’; there is a procedure that must be followed.

And conservatives need to abandon this false ‘argument’ and façade – the classification of the documents in no manner mitigate Trump’s criminality.
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Really, can you give some example of other presidents declassifying entire boxes of documents without even knowing what all was in said box?

I will be happy to wait while you find some
can you substantiate the claim that Trump did not know what was in the boxes, because he lawyers all say they saw them and knew what was there,

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