quick question for those claiming that because Trump isnt President anymore he couldnt declassify stuff in his possession

Yes. The president has the ultimate power to declassify documents. He doesn’t have to ask some pencil pusher for permission.
Having the ultimate power does not mean there is no process. Or no documentation.
Trump didn't do a ton of things he said he would. He was good at that. Comey even stated that anyone else who did what Hillary did would likely get prosecuted. Neither had any balls.
Let me refresh your memory:

Then-counsel Don McGahn told the president he had no authority to order such a prosecution, and he had White House lawyers prepare the memo arguing against such a move, The Associated Press confirmed with a person familiar with the matter who was not authorized to discuss the situation. McGahn said that Trump could request such a probe but that even asking could lead to accusations of abuse of power, the newspaper said.
Let me refresh your memory:

Then-counsel Don McGahn told the president he had no authority to order such a prosecution, and he had White House lawyers prepare the memo arguing against such a move, The Associated Press confirmed with a person familiar with the matter who was not authorized to discuss the situation. McGahn said that Trump could request such a probe but that even asking could lead to accusations of abuse of power, the newspaper said.

Sadly no one ever went after Hillary for her role in illegally shipping arms out of Libya.
Sadly no one ever went after Hillary for her role in illegally shipping arms out of Libya.
So, you half baked this information as well:

The State Department initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi.

So, you half baked this information as well:

The State Department initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi.

No one approved these arms going to Syria.
Actually, Trump had from the day he lost the election to start packing his belongings

If he wanted to take Top Secret information with him, there are security protocols to be followed and a secure facility must be available.

Trump didn’t do that and now he is being held accountable.

/----/ You don't know what Trump did or didn't do. You're just spewing your vile Trump Hatred.
Here is how classified documents are handled.
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Do you think Trump snuck back into the white house after Biden was sworn in and took the stuff? If not then the simple fact remains that as President ANYTHING he wants can be declassified and all it takes is him to say so. No paper work no stamps just him saying it. So unless he snuck in after Biden was sworn in and took it then EVERYTHING he has and had was unclassified by the simple act of him taking it.
Boy, is that an FOS opinion!
Do you think Trump snuck back into the white house after Biden was sworn in and took the stuff? If not then the simple fact remains that as President ANYTHING he wants can be declassified and all it takes is him to say so. No paper work no stamps just him saying it. So unless he snuck in after Biden was sworn in and took it then EVERYTHING he has and had was unclassified by the simple act of him taking it.
Nah, he can't declassify stuff by royal decree 18 months ago, based on nothing and nobody but his shameless lie.
Papers? The Clintons literally stole historical furniture and items from the White House when they moved out. There were no criminal charges. After they were caught there was a back and forth between lawyers, and the Clintons eventually returned the stuff that they stole that CLEARLY didnt belong to them.

...but if Trump takes some papers home, as all presidents seem to do, he gets raided by the FBI in the middle of his legal negotiations over them? And you expect us NOT to get pissed off? Heads will roll for this, all of whom will be democrats.
I doubt Trump even packed those papers himself.

President packs his own stuff when moving? Doesn't seem likely. He was probably playing golf when the stuff was packed..

This whole thing is assinine aka political.

I heard earlier today on the news that the fbi was looking for material that would support Trump's assertions that the Russia thing was all a big hoax from the beginning (but the BS charade was kept going anyway...), stuff like that. . also heard that the raid was connected to the Jan 6 committee, but no details on that.
All those papers belong to the American people, and are not his personal property. Doesn't even matter what the papers are.

tell that to biden and obama. They still have outstanding papers. and no telling what all the clintons stole...it was proven and they had to pay for part of it. STOLE THINGS from the whitehouse. UNBELIEVABLE.
tell that to biden and obama. They still have outstanding papers. and no telling what all the clintons stole...it was proven and they had to pay for part of it. STOLE THINGS from the whitehouse. UNBELIEVABLE.
You have my permission to arrest them as well. No problem. So you admit that Trump is guilty, it's a good start.
You have my permission to arrest them as well. No problem. So you admit that Trump is guilty, it's a good start.

no..what i'm saying is you can't go after one president for what all the others have done. This shows definite bias of politicized FIB and DoH. Dems are trying to set up President Trump just as two bit tin horn south american dictators do to their political opponents. yes...you go ahead and deny that but obviously the rest of america is able to grasp what is going on. you can't..too bad.

Then....there is this.

you guys keep doing this....it is the definition of insanity. You come up with some bullshit story so that the base is mollified for awhile longer because obviously the left knows how potentially violent their base is....and then....it falls apart.

WHY do they keep doing this to themselves. NOBODY believes democrats, fbi or doj or any gov't agency for that matter which includes the media.

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