quick question for those claiming that because Trump isnt President anymore he couldnt declassify stuff in his possession

you guys keep doing this....it is the definition of insanity. You come up with some bullshit story so that the base is mollified for awhile longer because obviously the left knows how potentially violent their base is....and then....it falls apart.

WHY do they keep doing this to themselves. NOBODY believes democrats, fbi or doj or any gov't agency for that matter which includes the media.

I can believe either side of the story and that is likely as big of an issue as anything. I believe the Democrats might have made it up but I also believe Trump is egotistical and stupid enough to have done it.
tell that to biden and obama. They still have outstanding papers. and no telling what all the clintons stole...it was proven and they had to pay for part of it. STOLE THINGS from the whitehouse. UNBELIEVABLE.
Neither Obama, nor Biden, have outstanding papers as per the National Archives. Would you like to contradict that organization?

The Clintons thought that some of the things given while in office was for them and not the White House. They returned what needed to be returned and paid for what they could keep.

Unlike Trump.
I have no idea where you got that weird idea.

After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china,flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them whenthey left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for$86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount.

Trump changed the law. Made it a felony with five years in prison.

I can believe either side of the story and that is likely as big of an issue as anything. I believe the Democrats might have made it up but I also believe Trump is egotistical and stupid enough to have done it.
The Democrats made what up?
If you aren't paying attention to what we are discussing after all these pages, I can not help you.
Fine. The Democrats made it up just to make Trump look bad. Oh, no.....

They planted all the boxes at Mar O Lago in the depth of night, knocking all security cameras, and then had the National Archives and the FBI go after them.

That is the story I will believe. Ha, ha, ha.
Fine. The Democrats made it up just to make Trump look bad. Oh, no.....

They planted all the boxes at Mar O Lago in the depth of night, knocking all security cameras, and then had the National Archives and the FBI go after them.

That is the story I will believe. Ha, ha, ha.

I got this same reaction when I doubted the Russia crap. (just as I did from the other side when I discounted the China crap).

So when this broke I certainly did not take sides. As time goes on it looks more and more like Trump was this stupid BUT if at the end of it all, it ends up with no one held accountable for anything, I'm going to label it all as political. That will take some time.
Fine. The Democrats made it up just to make Trump look bad. Oh, no.....

They planted all the boxes at Mar O Lago in the depth of night, knocking all security cameras, and then had the National Archives and the FBI go after them.

That is the story I will believe. Ha, ha, ha.

Russia Russia Russia ring and bells?
Russia Russia Russia ring and bells?
Russia did interfere in the 2016 election. That has been proven. Trump colluding was not, as it was shown that he was not aware of it and did not directly have anything to do with it.

A Bipartisan commission found the following:

WASHINGTON (Reuters)t - Below are key findings of the U.S. Senate intelligence committee’s final report released on Tuesday about Russian efforts to influence the 2016 U.S presidential election in which Republican Donald Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton.

The bipartisan report, three-and-a-half years in the making, found Russia used Republican political operative Paul Manafort, the WikiLeaks website and others to try to influence the 2016 election to help now-U.S. President Donald Trump’s campaign.

Russia has denied such interference.


“The Committee found that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian effort to hack computer networks and accounts affiliated with the Democratic Party and leak

information damaging to Hillary Clinton...”

“Moscow’s intent was to harm the Clinton Campaign, tarnish an expected Clinton presidential administration, help the Trump Campaign after Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee, and undermine the U.S. democratic process.”

I can believe either side of the story and that is likely as big of an issue as anything. I believe the Democrats might have made it up but I also believe Trump is egotistical and stupid enough to have done it.

Why? He didn't do the stupid things democrats do the whole time he was in office. You gonna sit there and tell me that Joe's policies are making us stronger? LOL You can't point to one stupid thing President Trump did while in office. I CAN"T believe that after all this time and evidence as we have watched it all play out...you still are under the delusion that democrats can be believed. Democrats are stupid enough to think we will believe them AGAIN. How many times does the boy (dems) have to cry wolf (trump did this/that/theother) before you stop flocking to their lies?
None. I commented on that. I commented that people chose to not prosecute them. People including Trump. What do you expect me to do about that?

Trump was in charge of prosecuting Hillary. He did not. He promised to prosecute Hillary, not Bill. He didn't. But now you are upset that someone is actually pursuing Trump.
Lol you are funny, I have to give you that. Crazy and one track but funny. Only thing I am upset about is the double standard.
While you are trying to make it all about Hillary and Trump.
Neither Obama, nor Biden, have outstanding papers as per the National Archives. Would you like to contradict that organization?

The Clintons thought that some of the things given while in office was for them and not the White House. They returned what needed to be returned and paid for what they could keep.

Unlike Trump.

you don't know what you're talking about. sit down and shut up.
Why? He didn't do the stupid things democrats do the whole time he was in office. You gonna sit there and tell me that Joe's policies are making us stronger? LOL

I didn't vote for Joe so I have no obligation to defend him.

You can't point to one stupid thing President Trump did while in office. I CAN"T believe that after all this time and evidence as we have watched it all play out...you still are under the delusion that democrats can be believed.

I guess you haven't read what I said.

Democrats are stupid enough to think we will believe them AGAIN. How many times does the boy (dems) have to cry wolf (trump did this/that/theother) before you stop flocking to their lies?

Get a mirror.
Russia did interfere in the 2016 election. That has been proven. Trump colluding was not, as it was shown that he was not aware of it and did not directly have anything to do with it.
Precisely. And the issue in Russia Russia Russia was the Democrats and the DOJ manufacturing evidence and the FBI colluding with the Democrats and using that manufactured evidence and lying to Federal judges to obtain search warrants.

So, in the absence anything concrete to the contrary, given the history, if it's Trump v the FBI/DOJ, you have to side with Trump.
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Lol you are funny, I have to give you that. Crazy and one track but funny. Only thing I am upset about is the double standard.
While you are trying to make it all about Hillary and Trump.

What double standard? I've said many times Hillary should have been prosecuted. Or are we talking your double standard you are upset over?
Trump was in charge of prosecuting Hillary. He did not. He promised to prosecute Hillary, not Bill. He didn't. But now you are upset that someone is actually pursuing Trump.

He was not in charge of prosecuting Hillary. It was the FBI and DOJ. They are the ones with two standards.

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