R-W'ers' hatred of Obama unabated even in his last year in office

So, the Right has been 'mean' to Obumble, and shows no signs of letting-up in his last year? Oh, dearie-me, and golly-gosh gee-willickers, Emmy Lou... what to do!!!???
So, the Right has been 'mean' to Obumble, and shows no signs of letting-up in his last year? Oh, dearie-me, and golly-gosh gee-willickers, Emmy Lou... what to do!!!???

No, no......no one wants to change your stupidity, we need toilet cleaners like you.
The left would like to forget the hate they spewed towards GW Bush and scream about hate. Hypocrites and I know for a fact the OP of this thread spewed plenty of hate towards Bush. It would be comical if it were not so sad.
The rabid hatred of Obama by right wing losers continues even when this president approaches his last year of his two-term tenure.

There is plenty of criticism of Obama's policies by progressive democrats, but the hatred expressed by some (not all) right wingers on here is not only fanatical, but I would contend that such hatred is rooted in latent racism.
Cry me a river, dumba$$...
Barrys puppet masters whole intention was to divide the country, Barry suited them just fine.
Career politician that he is...
ummm..... he's not a career politician who interned in D.C snd never left like oh..... I don't know..... Speaker Ryan (R) :dunno:

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Really? You should have been here for Bush's last two years... well, no... You should have been here for his entire term. The left was just as bad, so step down from your high horse...

Well, only a moron would contend that Bush's election was without a good measure of controversy (just ask Jeb in Florida).....and Bush had virtual FULL support after 9-11......The criticism of GWB started when the thousand of caskets of US soldiers starting to come home.

Conversely, Obama was hated by right wingers as soon as he took the oath of office.
I am descendent of an immigrant that came here. They were from Europe. The melting pot helped this nation be what some is exceptional. That's when it started turning into something halfway decent.
Lol. Says what poll?

My apologies...it should be 71%.

Public Policy Polling asked Republican voters if they believe Obama was born in the United States.

29% said yes Obama was born in the USA. More shockingly 40% said yes Canadian-born Cruz was born in the USA.

Public Policy Polling poll, Aug. 28-30, 2015. The pollsters asked, "Do you think Barack Obama is a Christian or a Muslim, or are you not sure?" Public Policy Polling only asked "usual Republican primary voters" -- 572 of them -- this question. The automated survey was conducted by landline and the Internet, with a sampling margin of error of just over 4 percent.

The survey found that 54 percent of the Republican primary electorate thought Obama is a Muslim, compared with just 14 percent who thought he is Christian and 32 percent who said they didn’t know.


No, a majority of Republicans don’t think President Obama is a Muslim
Do 59 percent of Americans believe Barack Obama is Muslim?
I am descendent of an immigrant that came here. They were from Europe. The melting pot helped this nation be what some is exceptional. That's when it started turning into something halfway decent.

Yes. white Christian male immigrants did a great deal for this country. What have Mexicans done for it?
I'm a white christian male of 77 years. We weren't and aren't any better than any other males.
Big business loves illegals because they will work for wages that no american should ever have to. They are exploited. I say go after the businesses hiring illegals and punish them harshly.
I'm a white christian male of 77 years. We weren't and aren't any better than any other males.


Tell us who is responsible for these inventions:

Cotton gin
Interchangeable parts
Repeating rifle
Sewing machine
Assembly line
light bulb
Motion pictures
Motion Pictures with sound
Color film
Consumer photography
Cell phone
Liquid fueled rocket
Vulcanized rubber
Oil Drilling
Polio vaccine
Heart-Lung machine
Spread sheet
Word processing

Yes we have helped invent things but so have males and females of other nationalities. My Christianity teaches me that thinking I am superior is wrong and spiteful
Yes we have helped invent things but so have males and females of other nationalities. My Christianity teaches me that thinking I am superior is wrong and spiteful
List the inventions by males and females of other races.

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