Rabbis forced the Romans to crucify Jesus

Then read the whole book.
I don't think it was
Luke and a Google search doesn't mention anything at all.
It mentions Galatians, but it was definitely in a Gospel.

the liar - jesus reiterated the religion of paradise, there are no commandments, the triumph of good vs evil is all that is required.
no, and those who do care will not be there to help when trump maga and their jewish allies turn against themselves, what a joke the jews betraying those that gave them shelter - nothing new there.
Please tell us who the Jews are going to “ betray “ and who gave them “ shelter “
and that’s why Hawk keeps calling us hypocrites
I call out hypocrites as I see them.
Jesus didn't intend any of that. He’d roll over in his grave if he knew.
Jesus was the one who admonished the Jews, namely the Pharisees and scribes, who were total hypocrites.

Please tell us who the Jews are going to “ betray “ and who gave them “ shelter “
Christians have given Jews shelter. How long were Jews without Israel? Christians then gave the Jews Israel after World War II.

Have we ever gotten so much as a “thank you”?
Keep in mind some of us had very different instruction than Hawk. We were warned that going to church did not prevent us from acting like hypocrites. None of the passages you mention were directed at Jews as a whole. We were warned about specific behaviors on our own part, not about past behaviors of all Jews.

"Your father, the devil" was directed at a specific person or two, who were hounding Jesus. As I recall, they brought up that he was illegitimate, but they knew who their father was. They said he was only able to heal because he was of the devil. Jesus retorted their own behavior was more of the devil than his behavior in healing people.

Hawk accusing all Jews of hypocrisy or that the devil is everyone's father is a prime example of taking something out of context. Ignore it.
What you say could well be true, and let’s say it is. The horror is that it HAS been taken out of context, and not just by Hawk. By MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS, and for millennia.

And Jews have paid the price for that via all types of persecution. Expulsions. Blood libel. The Holocaust. The one-sided and targeted condemnation of Israel.

And to bring it closer.…..a DC Council member blaming the “greedy Jews” for a snowstorm (after hearing Farrakhan at a rally say the Jews control the weather), being called “Christ Killer!!!” as a child, having JEW keyed in large letters across the hood of our brand-new car, etc., etc.

That is why I can’t just ignore Hawk. It isn’t just him. It’s pervasive, and Jews must fight back.
He's taking it out of context because of his contempt for Christianity. It's all about defending your position, not seeking the truth
Not at all.
I was rather shocked when I saw it because, other than John, it was rather stark in nature compared to the rest of the NT.
John is rather damning in terms of getting into heaven.
They say he is the son of Gd, and that he (Jesus) said the only way to Gd is through him - and that unless I accept him as my savior, I will be damned. I am amazed that they don’t understand how offensive this is to say to a Jew.

I’ve also had an Evangelical have New Testament verses as part of his signature - some stuff about Jesus and the truth, meaning of course the Christian truth - and I told him it’s offensive to quote NT verses to a Jew. He couldn’t understand why.

I’ve had a lot of harassment from Evangelicals. There is a super-large missionary church 15 minutes from me, and they tell the members to go and “save” Jews. I had one of them send me a sermon, and it was all negatives about Jews. I was shocked and asked him why he would send me such an offensive video, and he said he thought I’d appreciate his trying to “help” me.

Holy cow. Evangelicals and fundamentalists have some very strange ideas . They think all Jews have to return to Israel for Jesus to return. They also think 1/3 of Jews will convert and the rest will perish. It's false doctrine promoted by the Scofield heresy.. Hal Lindsey and Tim Lahaye.
Not at all.
I was rather shocked when I saw it because, other than John, it was rather stark in nature compared to the rest of the NT.
John is rather damning in terms of getting into heaven.
John was definitely the most antisemitic. I figure by then the new Christians we’re getting frustrated that those stubborn Jews wouldn’t convert, so they ramped up the scare tactics.
Holy cow. Evangelicals and fundamentalists have some very strange ideas . They think all Jews have to return to Israel for Jesus to return. They also think 1/3 of Jews will convert and the rest will perish. It's false doctrine promoted by the Scofield heresy.. Hal Lindsey and Tim Lahaye.
It’s really unbelievable that they think they can send a little army out to engage the Jews, and just has us wanting to convert after a little discussion over tea and croissants.

I remember telling a cousin how I had an Evangelical after me for a year, trying to get me to convert. (Both the Evangelical and the cousin know I’m a relatively observant, kosher-keeping Jew.) Her immediate reaction was “whatever made them think they COULD?!!”
Please tell us who the Jews are going to “ betray “ and who gave them “ shelter “

jesus, throughout history ... till brought to justice.

they have repeated their history already to betray the u s constitution, religion of paradise for self serving - maga trump - their new hero ...


their repression of the innocent for expediency of autocratic rule to ensure their own purposes is recorded throughout history. they begin the fires, maga that then consumed them. the crucifixion of jesus.
Jesus was the one who admonished the Jews, namely the Pharisees and scribes, who were total hypocrites.
He only admonished the few that were. There are accounts of Pharisees whose company he enjoyed. There were Pharisees who admired him. It is only fair to tell the entire story.
I call out hypocrites as I see them.

Jesus was the one who admonished the Jews, namely the Pharisees and scribes, who were total hypocrites.

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Pharisees, scribes, elders, and chief priests, all who forsook God. Despite the righteousness of Abraham, the Abrahamic Age was one rife with warmongering, worshipping idols, subverting the law of its most beloved prophet, and teaching an erroneous salvation.

The Old Testament is a story of a wayward and insolent people, a few in the end who would embrace the Christ. It's about them, not modern Jews. It's not about a people without a temple or the elements therein, the Law, tribes, prophets, or a priesthood.

Jesus loved his people. He came for them. Hence his indignation with those among them who were misleading them.
He only admonished the few that were. There are accounts of Pharisees whose company he enjoyed. There were Pharisees who admired him. It is only fair to tell the entire story.
It’s sort of a chicken-and-the-egg type thing. Are Jew-haters like Hawk antisemitic because they misinterpret the NT to extend their hostility toward all Jews, or do they misinterpret the NT because they are already antisemitic?
John was definitely the most antisemitic. I figure by then the new Christians we’re getting frustrated that those stubborn Jews wouldn’t convert, so they ramped up the scare tactics.
John was a Jew. He may have been hard on certain Jews, but certainly not all. Remember, in John's time (outside of Paul's ministry) Jews made up the Christian community.

is that a photo of all jews, israeli jews - or just those that believe the murderer and liar - moses ...

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