Rabbis forced the Romans to crucify Jesus

In fact, I read everything. Over and over and over again. It is why I am so curious about you attributing something to Mark that I have never seen. Therefore, I am interested in the context where you concluded it was a command against laughing.
Fair enough.
It was a whole chapter that shocked me about not enjoying life.
I can ask someone in my community about it.
She is very nice but never, ever reads anything.
It's not like Mark is such a large Gospel.
Christians don't realize how harsh the NY is and they refuse to read anything but the cherry picked verses.
After the nasty shit directed at me by the antisemitic Christians, she’s a breath of fresh air. And maybe she just doesn’t recall some aspects of what she’s read.

As far as the NT, I myself have read it in full, once, decades ago. It was very upsetting to read first-hand how Christians have been taught such negativity against Jews, and I’ve blocked a lot of it out.

I certainly remember about “don’t be like the hypocrites in the synagogue” - and that’s why Hawk keeps calling us hypocrites. I also remember about “your father, the Devil” directed at Jews and some other lovely sentiments.

Jesus didn't intend any of that. He’d roll over in his grave if he knew.
Why do I have to remember a chapter that I read in 1995?
The book is small and you should be thrilled to read it again, chapter by chapter and verse by verse.
Your parochial school definitely never encouraged you to read every verse.
And you think I haven't studied Mark since then...Let's me clarify, then. I have studied it several times since 1995, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. Matthew, Luke, and John for that matter as well, along with the Letters of the New Testament. Just give me context and I have no doubt I can locate it within seconds.
After the nasty shit directed at me by the antisemitic Christians, she’s a breath of fresh air. And maybe she just doesn’t recall some aspects of what she’s read.

As far as the NT, I myself have read it in full, once, decades ago. It was very upsetting to read first-hand how Christians have been taught such negativity against Jews, and I’ve blocked a lot of it out.

I certainly remember about “don’t be like the hypocrites in the synagogue” - and that’s why Hawk keeps calling us hypocrites. I also remember about “your father, the Devil” directed at Jews and some other lovely sentiments.

Jesus didn't intend any of that. He’s roll over in his grave if he knew.
The Roman Empire did not want communities rebelling and thus discouraged communal prayer ang gatherings.
When you are starting a new "religion", you aren't going to be kind to the parent religion.
And you think I haven't studied Mark since then...Let's me clarify, then. I have studied it several times since 1995, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. Matthew, Luke, and John for that matter as well, along with the Letters of the New Testament. Just give me context and I have no doubt I can locate it within seconds.
The context was an entire chapter on avoiding excessive behavior, including laughing, drunkenness, eating, etc..
I have studied it. It mentions laughter twice. Once, some laughed at Jesus when he said a little girl was only asleep, not dead. Second, some laughed at Jesus as he was being crucified.

That is why I was wondering about the context.
And they're still mocking Him today
Fair enough.
It was a whole chapter that shocked me about not enjoying life.
I can ask someone in my community about it.
Okay. There is no such chapter in Mark, at least not in the way I have ever read it, ever studied it, or ever listened to homilies on it. I am still interested in the context. I do understand not everyone has the same perspective about any scripture and different perspectives always interest me.
Okay. There is no such chapter in Mark, at least not in the way I have ever read it, ever studied it, or ever listened to homilies on it. I am still interested in the context. I do understand not everyone has the same perspective about any scripture and different perspectives always interest me.
I gave you the context...find it or ask your Priest.
I certainly remember about “don’t be like the hypocrites in the synagogue” - and that’s why Hawk keeps calling us hypocrites. I also remember about “your father, the Devil” directed at Jews and some other lovely sentiments
Who was Jesus talking TO?

Who was Jesus talking ABOUT?

He was talking TO his fellow JEWS
He was talking ABOUT the hypocritical religious leaders of his day
gave you the context...find it or ask your Priest.
Don't need to.

Chapters 1 & 2: Baptism and Healing
Chapter 3: Healing and driving out demons; Jesus saying whoever does the will of his Father is his family.
Chapter 4: Parables.
Chapter 5: Healing and those who laughed at Jesus (already listed)
Chapter 6: Rejection at Nazareth; Herod's Opinion of Jesus; Death of John the Baptist. Feeding of the 5,000 and other miracles
Chapter 7: Syrophoenician's woman's faith and Traditions of the Elders. Healings
Chapter 8: Miracles
Chapter 9: Transfiguration
Chapter 10: Marriage and Divorce; blessing of children; Ambition of James and John;
Chapter 11: Jesus' authority questioned
Chapter 12: Parables, taxes, Greatest Commandment
Chapter 13: Destruction of Temple foretold
Chapter 14-15: Passion and Crucifixion
Chapter 16: Resurrection

No Commandments outside the Greatest Commandment in Chapter 12. So let's look at the passage someone has the perspective that Christians should not laugh excessively.
I am reading it more as contempt for me. He sees me as someone who hasn't opened a Bible in decades. Quite a blow for someone who studies daily. ;)
I think he knows "his" scriptures well, but he takes the NT out of context because he's defending a position and not interested in the truth. Seems to be a common affliction of all humans
As far as the NT, I myself have read it in full, once, decades ago. It was very upsetting to read first-hand how Christians have been taught such negativity against Jews, and I’ve blocked a lot of it out.

I certainly remember about “don’t be like the hypocrites in the synagogue” - and that’s why Hawk keeps calling us hypocrites. I also remember about “your father, the Devil” directed at Jews and some other lovely sentiments.
Keep in mind some of us had very different instruction than Hawk. We were warned that going to church did not prevent us from acting like hypocrites. None of the passages you mention were directed at Jews as a whole. We were warned about specific behaviors on our own part, not about past behaviors of all Jews.

"Your father, the devil" was directed at a specific person or two, who were hounding Jesus. As I recall, they brought up that he was illegitimate, but they knew who their father was. They said he was only able to heal because he was of the devil. Jesus retorted their own behavior was more of the devil than his behavior in healing people.

Hawk accusing all Jews of hypocrisy or that the devil is everyone's father is a prime example of taking something out of context. Ignore it.
And maybe she just doesn’t recall some aspects of what she’s read.
I do recall...which is why I was curious how he arrived at his conclusion.

I may have told you before, but when I was in the ninth grade I was awarded the Scribe and Pen Award for something I had written. I knew what Jesus had said about Scribes and was horrified (as well as honored). When I learned the context of both, it seemed ages before I could stop laughing. Taught me a great lesson about context and perspective!
What is wrong with that? They isn’t “hate”. They like you and want to ensure your salvation in the next life.

sure they do -


saving the innocent is what the crucifiers wrote in their c-bible - to be like them ... t-hawk.
They fear they would be attacked just by Muslims? Prove it. All one has to do is look at the rise in Antisemitic attacks in this Country just as a example and for the most part it’s not by Muslims
Your comment “ How many Jews are KILLED each year just for being Jews” Those are your “ standards “ Not Surprised

no, and those who do care will not be there to help when trump maga and their jewish allies turn against themselves, what a joke the jews betraying those that gave them shelter - nothing new there.

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