Rabbis forced the Romans to crucify Jesus

It’s sort of a chicken-and-the-egg type thing. Are Jew-haters like Hawk antisemitic because they misinterpret the NT to extend their hostility toward all Jews, or do they misinterpret the NT because they are already antisemitic?
Fundamentalists have always taken the view that each person can read and understand the Bible for him/herself. Catholics had the view that it took higher education and Bible study--and were warned about thinking one could read and understand the Bible all on one's own. Historical, cultural, and anthropological background was also needed to fully understand what was being said.

Fundamentalists said this was the "Pope forbidding people to read the Bible." Far from it. We were to be aware there was much more to scripture that what we could figure out for ourselves. If we wanted the whole story, Bible study with someone who knew and had studied Biblical backgrounds.

As a Catholic school students, from time-to-time we had rabbis come in and speak to us--also a Lutheran minister to explain Martin Luther's view of things.
John was a Jew. He may have been hard on certain Jews, but certainly not all. Remember, in John's time (outside of Paul's ministry) Jews made up the Christian community.
John was an apostate who abandoned his religion to worship a false god, and he was threatening and nasty to Jews who wouldn’t do the same. What he wrote in the NT set in motion horrible anti-semitism that is still present to this day (and recently getting worse).

I was called “Christ-killer!” by antisemitic children due to the hate spread by John, who never even met Jesus or knew what he said first-hand.
John was an apostate who abandoned his religion to worship a false god, and he was threatening and nasty to Jews who wouldn’t do the same. What he wrote in the NT set in motion horrible anti-semitism that is still present to this day (and recently getting worse).

I was called “Christ-killer!” by antisemitic children due to the hate spread by John, who never even met Jesus or knew what he said first-hand.

Where on earth did you grow up? They sound like a bunch of damned banchees. We would have been spanked and grounded for such behavior.
jesus, throughout history ... till brought to justice.

they have repeated their history already to betray the u s constitution, religion of paradise for self serving - maga trump - their new hero ...

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their repression of the innocent for expediency of autocratic rule to ensure their own purposes is recorded throughout history. they begin the fires, maga that then consumed them. the crucifixion of jesus.
Typical GOYIM response; The Majority of Jews are Democrats 😂 Please tell us who we are “ repressing?” Are you against Free Speech? The DEMO RATS 🐀 are. You like open borders, CRT, lockdowns for over two years, Illegal pouring into our Country with the Fentanyl crisis, TRANSGENDER Women competing with Biological women, etc? You got it!
Where on earth did you grow up? They sound like a bunch of damned banchees. We would have been spanked and grounded for such behavior.
Middle-class, ultra-liberal area a few miles outside Washington, DC.
Christians have given Jews shelter. How long were Jews without Israel? Christians then gave the Jews Israel after World War II.

Have we ever gotten so much as a “thank you”?
Thank you for the over 2000 years of Hate, bigotry and intolerance you have shown towards my people .
Israel AFTER the Holocaust? THANK YOU for not killing ALL of us ! ( Forget; You tried) 🇮🇱✡️
John was an apostate who abandoned his religion to worship a false god, and he was threatening and nasty to Jews who wouldn’t do the same. What he wrote in the NT set in motion horrible anti-semitism that is still present to this day (and recently getting worse).
I would need a more specific description or passage. I know John's Gospel quite well, too, and other than a time or two over healing on the Sabbath, there is nothing I see an anti-Semitic. It is John who wrote favorably of some Pharisees with whom Jesus interacted.
I was called “Christ-killer!” by antisemitic children due to the hate spread by John, who never even met Jesus or knew what he said first-hand.
John did not spread hate. What did he write that children were using against you?
What you say could well be true, and let’s say it is. The horror is that it HAS been taken out of context, and not just by Hawk. By MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS, and for millennia.

And Jews have paid the price for that via all types of persecution. Expulsions. Blood libel. The Holocaust. The one-sided and targeted condemnation of Israel.

And to bring it closer.…..a DC Council member blaming the “greedy Jews” for a snowstorm (after hearing Farrakhan at a rally say the Jews control the weather), being called “Christ Killer!!!” as a child, having JEW keyed in large letters across the hood of our brand-new car, etc., etc.

That is why I can’t just ignore Hawk. It isn’t just him. It’s pervasive, and Jews must fight back.
He’s ignorant, stupid and delusional. He deliberately ignores all of my threats RE; Antisemitism because he can’t refute it
I would need a more specific description or passage. I know John's Gospel quite well, too, and other than a time or two over healing on the Sabbath, there is nothing I see an anti-Semitic. It is John who wrote favorably of some Pharisees with whom Jesus interacted.
We will continue this later. I need to get ready for my Torah class.

Also, I will ask the teacher why Jesus had the golden rule in the positive, modifying it from Hillel’s “what not to do” approach. (We had that discussion last week.)
Not at all.
I was rather shocked when I saw it because, other than John, it was rather stark in nature compared to the rest of the NT.
John is rather damning in terms of getting into heaven.
It nowhere says people go to heaven. You're reading into that from your own bias
We will continue this later. I need to get ready for my Torah class.

Also, I will ask the teacher why Jesus had the golden rule in the positive, modifying it from Hillel’s “what not to do” approach. (We had that discussion last week.)
Have a blessed time with your Torah class. I look forward to your return. :)
We will continue this later. I need to get ready for my Torah class.

Also, I will ask the teacher why Jesus had the golden rule in the positive, modifying it from Hillel’s “what not to do” approach. (We had that discussion last week.)
The "positive" is in Leviticus. Jesus quoted Leviticus.
We will continue this later. I need to get ready for my Torah class.

Also, I will ask the teacher why Jesus had the golden rule in the positive, modifying it from Hillel’s “what not to do” approach. (We had that discussion last week.)

The Golden Rule is universal.

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