Race Traitor: Hillary Clinton Suggests The Death Penalty Should Be For Whites Only

Damn, another real stupid thing for her to say.

She sucks as a Candidate.

Seriously, we need Bernie!!!!
Shrillary is an asshole. No doubt.

But "race traitor" is such a massively idiotic attempt at labeling her that it constitutes proof that OP author Steve_Mcfuckbrain is a worthless racist piece of crap.
Replace "Whites" with any other race and watch the national outcry. She'd be unelectable, a pariah and hounded day and night by the oh so tolerant everybody love everybody crowd.

Hillary Clinton Suggests The Death Penalty Should Be For Whites Only – Downtrend
She didn't say anything even remotely close to that. You're a retarded, racist liar
No, she didn't, but she's still taken race-pimping on to the national stage, as if Obama wasn't sufficient,
Clinton said the death penalty appears to be used in a discriminatory way. The tards translated that to mean she doesn't want any black people to be executed.

Replace "Whites" with any other race and watch the national outcry. She'd be unelectable, a pariah and hounded day and night by the oh so tolerant everybody love everybody crowd.

Hillary Clinton Suggests The Death Penalty Should Be For Whites Only – Downtrend
She didn't say anything even remotely close to that. You're a retarded, racist liar

That piece cited by the racist author of the moronic OP does offer a form of "logic" by which (and with lots of straining) one might interpret what Shrlllary was trying to say to convert it into something like what that piece claims. But ...

JED, you are right. It clearly is not what she actually said; and although I think she's a sow, I doubt she meant any such thing. There certainly isn't much in the way of the "analysis" at "downtrend" that supports its inferences.
Geez what a hack thread .

The point she is making is right though . Minorities get the DP at a higher rate.
Shrillary is an asshole. No doubt.

But "race traitor" is such a massively idiotic attempt at labeling her that it constitutes proof that OP author Steve_Mcfuckbrain is a worthless racist piece of crap.

I suggest you read this. You lack racial awareness and need to be awakened.

Shrillary is an asshole. No doubt.

But "race traitor" is such a massively idiotic attempt at labeling her that it constitutes proof that OP author Steve_Mcfuckbrain is a worthless racist piece of crap.

I suggest you read this. You lack racial awareness and need to be awakened.


Fuck off. You need to stop being a racist scumbag pig dog motherfucker.
How can she be a "race traitor" when quite clearly she is black?

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