Rachael Maddow....before & after; A true shame.

I am not into judging people by their appearance, which is the thesis of the OP. And for the record stalker, my comment was presented as a question to the OP, not to or for you to misrepresent. But I understand how dopes like you go for any bait you can bite.

Awwww, did I make your vagina sore? Don't want to see my replies or commenting on the stupid shit you post, block me......it's not like I get anything of substance from reading the ignorant shit you write here. I just use you for cannon fodder.
You should be reported. You still might.

Another stupid leftard waddles into the fray. Cannon fodder as in I use his posts to kick his and other clueless morons around. You think I have a cannon? How old are you anyway?????
Old enough to know better, which you obviously aren't.

Know better than what? Why can't the leftard clown posse debate? Why does your side have absolutely no debating skills? The left has NOTHING.....zero-zilch...it's friggin' sad to witness.
Camp called you a dope and you intimated personally putting your wiener in her bun. That, Dale, was over the line. Look at my numbers here. I've been reading the crude happy horseshit here for seven months and I've never made a report about anyone's remarks. But you and your friends need to keep your peckers to yourselves, imo.
A person's hair color or style has that much impact on your perceptions of their value?
You are into masculine looking chicks? Figures......,ans that is SOOO liberal of ya.

I am not into judging people by their appearance, which is the thesis of the OP. And for the record stalker, my comment was presented as a question to the OP, not to or for you to misrepresent. But I understand how dopes like you go for any bait you can bite.
Horseshit. Every time you as swipes talk about Ann Coulter you mock the size of her Adam's apple. With the nasty insinuation that she might be a male.
Does Ann Coulter have an Adams apple?
Everyone has an Adam's apple asswipe
Are male and female Adams apples the same? Is there a reason why the female version would be referred to in the scientific name? Is it possible that the whole purpose of the term Adams apple is to distinguish the male from the female term of the scientific term?
You should be reported. You still might.
What for?
Some old folks do not realise it became acceptable on certain levels to be crude, ignorant, obscene and behave like gutter scum and cesspool slime. Old Lady just doesn't know Dale's are allowed to be themselves.
Awwww, did I make your vagina sore?
That crosses a personal line, to me. Glad it didn't bother you.
I missed that. I try to read as little as that guys garbage as possible.
Then avail yourself of the ignore feature, and you won't have to try.
Can't do it. Too much like backing down and running away.
Awwww, did I make your vagina sore? Don't want to see my replies or commenting on the stupid shit you post, block me......it's not like I get anything of substance from reading the ignorant shit you write here. I just use you for cannon fodder.
You should be reported. You still might.

Another stupid leftard waddles into the fray. Cannon fodder as in I use his posts to kick his and other clueless morons around. You think I have a cannon? How old are you anyway?????
Old enough to know better, which you obviously aren't.

Know better than what? Why can't the leftard clown posse debate? Why does your side have absolutely no debating skills? The left has NOTHING.....zero-zilch...it's friggin' sad to witness.
Camp called you a dope and you intimated personally putting your wiener in her bun. That, Dale, was over the line. Look at my numbers here. I've been reading the crude happy horseshit here for seven months and I've never made a report about anyone's remarks. But you and your friends need to keep your peckers to yourselves, imo.

That was not what I was implying, ma;am...that wasn't what I was implying at all and I find it really disgusting that your mind "went there". I was implying that he was less than manly and that instead of being "butthurt" that his vagina hurt....get your mind out of the gutter. SMH.
What for?
Some old folks do not realise it became acceptable on certain levels to be crude, ignorant, obscene and behave like gutter scum and cesspool slime. Old Lady just doesn't know Dale's are allowed to be themselves.
Awwww, did I make your vagina sore?
That crosses a personal line, to me. Glad it didn't bother you.
I missed that. I try to read as little as that guys garbage as possible.
Then avail yourself of the ignore feature, and you won't have to try.
Can't do it. Too much like backing down and running away.
Nah, I wouldn't feel that way at all......you would just be one less leftard cluttering up my feed. I have about 8 leftards on "Ignore" that kept downgrading my posts that would never reply so I kicked their ass to the curb....no biggie.
What for?
Some old folks do not realise it became acceptable on certain levels to be crude, ignorant, obscene and behave like gutter scum and cesspool slime. Old Lady just doesn't know Dale's are allowed to be themselves.
Awwww, did I make your vagina sore?
That crosses a personal line, to me. Glad it didn't bother you.
I missed that. I try to read as little as that guys garbage as possible.
Then avail yourself of the ignore feature, and you won't have to try.

Thank you...it's not like Camp writes anything that enhances the posting experience here...I certainly wouldn't miss seeing his worthless spews. He gives me some good material but hell, there is plenty of it here.
You lose every debate you get into. Something is wrong that makes you delusional. The last debate you and I had you got your butt kicked and had to quit and run away. No big deal, not bragging because everyone always kicks your butt in debates.
Last edited:
Some old folks do not realise it became acceptable on certain levels to be crude, ignorant, obscene and behave like gutter scum and cesspool slime. Old Lady just doesn't know Dale's are allowed to be themselves.
Awwww, did I make your vagina sore?
That crosses a personal line, to me. Glad it didn't bother you.
I missed that. I try to read as little as that guys garbage as possible.
Then avail yourself of the ignore feature, and you won't have to try.
Can't do it. Too much like backing down and running away.
Nah, I wouldn't feel that way at all......you would just be one less leftard cluttering up my feed. I have about 8 leftards on "Ignore" that kept downgrading my posts that would never reply so I kicked their ass to the curb....no biggie.
Maybe that is why you don't know how often you are getting your ass kicked and being laughed at or mocked.
You are into masculine looking chicks? Figures......,ans that is SOOO liberal of ya.

I am not into judging people by their appearance, which is the thesis of the OP. And for the record stalker, my comment was presented as a question to the OP, not to or for you to misrepresent. But I understand how dopes like you go for any bait you can bite.
Horseshit. Every time you as swipes talk about Ann Coulter you mock the size of her Adam's apple. With the nasty insinuation that she might be a male.
Does Ann Coulter have an Adams apple?
Everyone has an Adam's apple asswipe
Are male and female Adams apples the same? Is there a reason why the female version would be referred to in the scientific name? Is it possible that the whole purpose of the term Adams apple is to distinguish the male from the female term of the scientific term?
Are you trying to dodge the fact that you are a hypocrite?
You should be reported. You still might.

Another stupid leftard waddles into the fray. Cannon fodder as in I use his posts to kick his and other clueless morons around. You think I have a cannon? How old are you anyway?????
Old enough to know better, which you obviously aren't.

Know better than what? Why can't the leftard clown posse debate? Why does your side have absolutely no debating skills? The left has NOTHING.....zero-zilch...it's friggin' sad to witness.
Camp called you a dope and you intimated personally putting your wiener in her bun. That, Dale, was over the line. Look at my numbers here. I've been reading the crude happy horseshit here for seven months and I've never made a report about anyone's remarks. But you and your friends need to keep your peckers to yourselves, imo.

That was not what I was implying, ma;am...that wasn't what I was implying at all and I find it really disgusting that your mind "went there". I was implying that he was less than manly and that instead of being "butthurt" that his vagina hurt....get your mind out of the gutter. SMH.
I don't make it my mission to figure out who is male and female, but for some reason (chalk it up to Alzheimers, if you wish), I thought Camp was a female. That's why I went there. Glad you didn't mean it as I interpreted it.
I am not into judging people by their appearance, which is the thesis of the OP. And for the record stalker, my comment was presented as a question to the OP, not to or for you to misrepresent. But I understand how dopes like you go for any bait you can bite.
Horseshit. Every time you as swipes talk about Ann Coulter you mock the size of her Adam's apple. With the nasty insinuation that she might be a male.
Does Ann Coulter have an Adams apple?
Everyone has an Adam's apple asswipe
Are male and female Adams apples the same? Is there a reason why the female version would be referred to in the scientific name? Is it possible that the whole purpose of the term Adams apple is to distinguish the male from the female term of the scientific term?
Are you trying to dodge the fact that you are a hypocrite?
'splain please.
Some old folks do not realise it became acceptable on certain levels to be crude, ignorant, obscene and behave like gutter scum and cesspool slime. Old Lady just doesn't know Dale's are allowed to be themselves.
Awwww, did I make your vagina sore?
That crosses a personal line, to me. Glad it didn't bother you.
I missed that. I try to read as little as that guys garbage as possible.
Then avail yourself of the ignore feature, and you won't have to try.

Thank you...it's not like Camp writes anything that enhances the posting experience here...I certainly wouldn't miss seeing his worthless spews. He gives me some good material but hell, there is plenty of it here.
You lose every debate you get into. Something is wrong that makes you delusional. They last debate you and I had you got your butt kicked and had to quit and run away. No big deal, not bragging because everyone always kicks your butt in debates.
Really? Do tell? I have never " lost" a debate and especially to you and nor have I ever "quit" until it got to the point I was simply spinning my wheels. So what was this debate that you are claiming victory over? Because there is no way that you know more about what is going on then me...impossible...never happened.
Another stupid leftard waddles into the fray. Cannon fodder as in I use his posts to kick his and other clueless morons around. You think I have a cannon? How old are you anyway?????
Old enough to know better, which you obviously aren't.

Know better than what? Why can't the leftard clown posse debate? Why does your side have absolutely no debating skills? The left has NOTHING.....zero-zilch...it's friggin' sad to witness.
Camp called you a dope and you intimated personally putting your wiener in her bun. That, Dale, was over the line. Look at my numbers here. I've been reading the crude happy horseshit here for seven months and I've never made a report about anyone's remarks. But you and your friends need to keep your peckers to yourselves, imo.

That was not what I was implying, ma;am...that wasn't what I was implying at all and I find it really disgusting that your mind "went there". I was implying that he was less than manly and that instead of being "butthurt" that his vagina hurt....get your mind out of the gutter. SMH.
I don't make it my mission to figure out who is male and female, but for some reason (chalk it up to Alzheimers, if you wish), I thought Camp was a female. That's why I went there. Glad you didn't mean it as I interpreted it.

No problem.......it's an easy mistake to make....no offense taken.
Horseshit. Every time you as swipes talk about Ann Coulter you mock the size of her Adam's apple. With the nasty insinuation that she might be a male.
Does Ann Coulter have an Adams apple?
Everyone has an Adam's apple asswipe
Are male and female Adams apples the same? Is there a reason why the female version would be referred to in the scientific name? Is it possible that the whole purpose of the term Adams apple is to distinguish the male from the female term of the scientific term?
Are you trying to dodge the fact that you are a hypocrite?
'splain please.
I am waiting for you to "splain" as to how you think you defeated me in a debate......maybe you dreamed you did???? Work with me here.....
Awwww, did I make your vagina sore?
That crosses a personal line, to me. Glad it didn't bother you.
I missed that. I try to read as little as that guys garbage as possible.
Then avail yourself of the ignore feature, and you won't have to try.

Thank you...it's not like Camp writes anything that enhances the posting experience here...I certainly wouldn't miss seeing his worthless spews. He gives me some good material but hell, there is plenty of it here.
You lose every debate you get into. Something is wrong that makes you delusional. They last debate you and I had you got your butt kicked and had to quit and run away. No big deal, not bragging because everyone always kicks your butt in debates.
Really? Do tell? I have never " lost" a debate and especially to you and nor have I ever "quit" until it got to the point I was simply spinning my wheels. So what was this debate that you are claiming victory over? Because there is no way that you know more about what is going on then me...impossible...never happened.
It was the one you challenged me regarding your insistence that subjective and speculative source data as found in conspiracy theories could be used and compatible with objective and proven factual data. Your concept was put to rest when I posted a link to an interview with your top author, source and proponent admitting in the interview that many of his so-called facts were speculation and accuracy of facts was not one of his priorities. That plus a link explaining the consistency and methods of creating conspiracy theories caused you to end the debate and not return to it.
Last edited:
I saw this on CBS Sunday News today. A great, mellow, fairly neutral show that I enjoy on Sundays. Easy watching. Interesting stories.

They did a piece on Rachael Maddow. It was good. Radical liberalism aside...she's worked hard at her career. And honestly....when serious breaking news occurs like a terror attack...when she has to go into serious news anchor mode...she is actually very good at it. If she was sane she'd be a tremendous news person.

And they showed her before and after photos. Wow. What a shame....

View attachment 74878

poor wackjob

you really should get a life
Does Ann Coulter have an Adams apple?
Everyone has an Adam's apple asswipe
Are male and female Adams apples the same? Is there a reason why the female version would be referred to in the scientific name? Is it possible that the whole purpose of the term Adams apple is to distinguish the male from the female term of the scientific term?
Are you trying to dodge the fact that you are a hypocrite?
'splain please.
I am waiting for you to "splain" as to how you think you defeated me in a debate......maybe you dreamed you did???? Work with me here.....

that's funny given you've never "debated" anyone or won anything in your life.
I saw this on CBS Sunday News today. A great, mellow, fairly neutral show that I enjoy on Sundays. Easy watching. Interesting stories.

They did a piece on Rachael Maddow. It was good. Radical liberalism aside...she's worked hard at her career. And honestly....when serious breaking news occurs like a terror attack...when she has to go into serious news anchor mode...she is actually very good at it. If she was sane she'd be a tremendous news person.

And they showed her before and after photos. Wow. What a shame....

View attachment 74878

poor wackjob

you really should get a life

I should. But I'm not today. So I'm making fun of just how purely ugly you liberal women are.
I missed that. I try to read as little as that guys garbage as possible.
Then avail yourself of the ignore feature, and you won't have to try.

Thank you...it's not like Camp writes anything that enhances the posting experience here...I certainly wouldn't miss seeing his worthless spews. He gives me some good material but hell, there is plenty of it here.
You lose every debate you get into. Something is wrong that makes you delusional. They last debate you and I had you got your butt kicked and had to quit and run away. No big deal, not bragging because everyone always kicks your butt in debates.
Really? Do tell? I have never " lost" a debate and especially to you and nor have I ever "quit" until it got to the point I was simply spinning my wheels. So what was this debate that you are claiming victory over? Because there is no way that you know more about what is going on then me...impossible...never happened.
It was the one you challenged me regarding your insistence that subjective and speculative source data as found in conspiracy theories could be used and compatible with objective and proven factual data. Your concept was put to rest when I posted a link to an interview with your top author, source and proponent admitting in the interview that many of his so-called facts were speculation and accuracy of facts was not one of his priorities. That plus a link explaining the consistency and methods of creating conspiracy theories caused you to end the debate and not return to it.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Seriously? You posted something by someone that says there are no such things as conspiracies and that's the end of the debate and a victory in YOUR mind? I posted names like Antony Sutton, Dr.John Coleman, Jim Marrs, William Still, William Guy Carr, Gary Allen, Jordan Maxwell, etc,etc that had intimate access to information and the best you could do was say "they are just conspiracy theorists" and that makes you (someone that has never done any nitty gritty research) right but these guys are wrong? That's the dumbest fucking thing anyone has ever posted here. I have the white papers written by CFR members themselves, I have direct quotes from Carroll Quigly that wrote "Tragedy and Hope" that mentored Bill "drop trou" Clinton. I have posted the findings of the Reece Commission and the real agenda behind tax free foundations....but fuck that! Lil Camper found a web link that chastises those that don't believe "da gubermint" and that they should be demonized for DARING to question anything that comes out of the propaganda mouthpiece of USA.INC....dude, you didn't prove a fucking thing....nada, zilch and I will ride your ass like Zorro if you keep claiming that you did. I will flood every thread you are on with their own fucking words proving that I am right and you...are wrong

Wanna take another stab at that? I dare ya...I triple dog dare ya.
Everyone has an Adam's apple asswipe
Are male and female Adams apples the same? Is there a reason why the female version would be referred to in the scientific name? Is it possible that the whole purpose of the term Adams apple is to distinguish the male from the female term of the scientific term?
Are you trying to dodge the fact that you are a hypocrite?
'splain please.
I am waiting for you to "splain" as to how you think you defeated me in a debate......maybe you dreamed you did???? Work with me here.....

that's funny given you've never "debated" anyone or won anything in your life.

Shillian, I have put out a challenge to you and you folded like a cheap chair and I even gave you the option of picking the topic.

Listen up, ya stupid klunt....put up or shut the fuck up. I will take you on any time and I will back my case with documented evidence. There isn't a leftard here that can give me a run for my money. Either try and run with the big dogs or keep your little yappy ass on the porch.....bring your "A game", bitch. I have been wanting this since you opened your big know nothing cyber mouth and then tucked tail and ran away. Hell, we can create a thread and let the posters be the judge of who is winning. What do ya say????
Then avail yourself of the ignore feature, and you won't have to try.

Thank you...it's not like Camp writes anything that enhances the posting experience here...I certainly wouldn't miss seeing his worthless spews. He gives me some good material but hell, there is plenty of it here.
You lose every debate you get into. Something is wrong that makes you delusional. They last debate you and I had you got your butt kicked and had to quit and run away. No big deal, not bragging because everyone always kicks your butt in debates.
Really? Do tell? I have never " lost" a debate and especially to you and nor have I ever "quit" until it got to the point I was simply spinning my wheels. So what was this debate that you are claiming victory over? Because there is no way that you know more about what is going on then me...impossible...never happened.
It was the one you challenged me regarding your insistence that subjective and speculative source data as found in conspiracy theories could be used and compatible with objective and proven factual data. Your concept was put to rest when I posted a link to an interview with your top author, source and proponent admitting in the interview that many of his so-called facts were speculation and accuracy of facts was not one of his priorities. That plus a link explaining the consistency and methods of creating conspiracy theories caused you to end the debate and not return to it.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Seriously? You posted something by someone that says there are no such things as conspiracies and that's the end of the debate and a victory in YOUR mind? I posted names like Antony Sutton, Dr.John Coleman, Jim Marrs, William Still, William Guy Carr, Gary Allen, Jordan Maxwell, etc,etc that had intimate access to information and the best you could do was say "they are just conspiracy theorists" and that makes you (someone that has never done any nitty gritty research) right but these guys are wrong? That's the dumbest fucking thing anyone has ever posted here. I have the white papers written by CFR members themselves, I have direct quotes from Carroll Quigly that wrote "Tragedy and Hope" that mentored Bill "drop trou" Clinton. I have posted the findings of the Reece Commission and the real agenda behind tax free foundations....but fuck that! Lil Camper found a web link that chastises those that don't believe "da gubermint" and that they should be demonized for DARING to question anything that comes out of the propaganda mouthpiece of USA.INC....dude, you didn't prove a fucking thing....nada, zilch and I will ride your ass like Zorro if you keep claiming that you did. I will flood every thread you are on with their own fucking words proving that I am right and you...are wrong

Wanna take another stab at that? I dare ya...I triple dog dare ya.
The link I provided did not say the things you are claiming. It explained the methodology of writing a conspiracy. You did not challenge the message, you attacked the messenger. In the other link, there was an interview with Sutton, your main source. You did not challenge its accuracy or deny the comments he made relating to his accuracy in his works. The guy is referred to as the conspiracy theories.
Your threat to follow me around the site and harass me does not intimidate me. I think you have a tear drop tattoo under your right eye. I suspect you are an ex-convict Maybe I am wrong, but you sure fit the profile. Not that there is anything wrong with being an ex-con prison bitch.

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