Racial realities

The racial reality is that there is no such thing as race, but racism is everywhere.

Doctors and scientists themselves confirm race.
And as I said..
I'd rather be a racist than a race victim or be bred out.
What the hell do you mean “bred out”?

The eradication of European Americans and the immediate butchering and over time eradication by crossbreeding with non Europeans..

im not a product of that, my wife is not a product of that...most Americans (nearly 100% of white Americans) are not and neither are my kids.
What the fuck are you talking about? You speak as though people are cattle.

What the hell do you care who people marry and have children with?

Precisely Because we're not cattle.
So why are you so focused on breeding them?

Because I got just such a big juicy 9 inch white dick that the women go nuts for.
You didn't meet any black people in Pennsylvania?

No I did not live in places where they run things.
No I did not live where their constructs are the local culture.
No I did not live where they thrive.
No I did not live where their blue collar crime is the norms within the crime world.

No I did not engage in their ways of life.

So in effect..no.
They stopped giving out medals for that a long time ago..
The racial reality is that there is no such thing as race, but racism is everywhere.

Doctors and scientists themselves confirm race.
And as I said..
I'd rather be a racist than a race victim or be bred out.
What the hell do you mean “bred out”?

The eradication of European Americans and the immediate butchering and over time eradication by crossbreeding with non Europeans..

im not a product of that, my wife is not a product of that...most Americans (nearly 100% of white Americans) are not and neither are my kids.
What the fuck are you talking about? You speak as though people are cattle.

What the hell do you care who people marry and have children with?

Precisely Because we're not cattle.
So why are you so focused on breeding them?

Because I got just such a big juicy 9 inch white dick that the women go nuts for.
What the fuck is wrong with you
The racial reality is that there is no such thing as race, but racism is everywhere.

Doctors and scientists themselves confirm race.
And as I said..
I'd rather be a racist than a race victim or be bred out.
What the hell do you mean “bred out”?

The eradication of European Americans and the immediate butchering and over time eradication by crossbreeding with non Europeans..

im not a product of that, my wife is not a product of that...most Americans (nearly 100% of white Americans) are not and neither are my kids.
What the fuck are you talking about? You speak as though people are cattle.

What the hell do you care who people marry and have children with?

Precisely Because we're not cattle.
Actually we are---People are no different than breeds of cattle, or breeds of dogs...Iq, disease, size, and even personality are largely genetic as are many other qualities.

Iq btw is known to be passed down usually via from mother to child----marry a stupid woman and you will have stupid children.
What the fuck are you talking about? You speak as though people are cattle.

What the hell do you care who people marry and have children with?

He IS right though, you CCP democrats DO demand the eradication of whites in America.

Race is a construct intended to justify atrocities - and BOY do democrats have some atrocities planned for whites.

How do Democrat’s demand anything of the sort?

You Communists are so cute when you bald faced lie...

{ Noel Ignatiev, a founder of a journal called Race Traitor and a fellow at Harvard’s W.E.B. DuBois Institute, a leading black-studies department, argues in the current issue of Harvard Magazine that “abolishing the white race” is “so desirable that some may find it hard to believe” that anyone other than “committed white supremacists” would oppose it. }

{ "THE GOOD NEWS is that there are now a host of writers and a growing number of courses and workshops designed to enlighten white people as to the real benefits and the great cost of their property in whiteness," writes former Harvard Law School professor Derrick Bell in his epilogue to When Race Becomes Real: Black and White Writers Confront Their Personal Histories, edited by Bernestine Singley, LL.M. '76 (Lawrence Hill Books, $26.95). Many of those engaged in this Herculean task are white, Bell notes, among them Noel Ignatiev, Ed.M. '85, Ph.D. '94, C.A.S. '95, author of How the Irish Became White and a fellow at the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute, who writes: }

Genocide - democide actually - is the primary goal of democrats.

democrats have a final solution to the white people problem, and fully intend to exercise it.
The racial reality is that there is no such thing as race, but racism is everywhere.

Doctors and scientists themselves confirm race.
And as I said..
I'd rather be a racist than a race victim or be bred out.
What the hell do you mean “bred out”?

The eradication of European Americans and the immediate butchering and over time eradication by crossbreeding with non Europeans..

im not a product of that, my wife is not a product of that...most Americans (nearly 100% of white Americans) are not and neither are my kids.
What the fuck are you talking about? You speak as though people are cattle.

What the hell do you care who people marry and have children with?

Precisely Because we're not cattle.
Actually we are---People are no different than breeds of cattle, or breeds of dogs...Iq, disease, size, and even personality are largely genetic as are many other qualities.

Iq btw is known to be passed down usually via from mother to child----marry a stupid woman and you will have stupid children.

If you want to be treated like cattle, be my guest. I choose to be an individual and will marry and have kids with whoever I want, not because some internet asshole thinks I should marry a white woman because I’m white.
What the fuck is wrong with you

While I find his views abhorrent, how does what he says differ, even a tiny bit, from what democrat party through their BLM Klan preach 24/7?

Juden, or the democrat translation "racist" are attacked non-stop on the Chinese Communist Party propaganda outlets of MSNBCNN. If you are white, you are GUILTY, you are JUDEN.

The racial reality is that there is no such thing as race, but racism is everywhere.

Doctors and scientists themselves confirm race.
And as I said..
I'd rather be a racist than a race victim or be bred out.
What the hell do you mean “bred out”?

The eradication of European Americans and the immediate butchering and over time eradication by crossbreeding with non Europeans..

im not a product of that, my wife is not a product of that...most Americans (nearly 100% of white Americans) are not and neither are my kids.
What the fuck are you talking about? You speak as though people are cattle.

What the hell do you care who people marry and have children with?

Precisely Because we're not cattle.
Actually we are---People are no different than breeds of cattle, or breeds of dogs...Iq, disease, size, and even personality are largely genetic as are many other qualities.

Iq btw is known to be passed down usually via from mother to child----marry a stupid woman and you will have stupid children.

If you want to be treated like cattle, be my guest. I choose to be an individual and will marry and have kids with whoever I want, not because some internet asshole thinks I should marry a white woman because I’m white.

The chances of a non white woman being attracted to you are near zero so good luck with your individualism that even if successful would put you in greater danger from criminal activity.
democrats have a final solution to the white people problem, and fully intend to exercise it.
Fascinating. Still waiting to hear from you psychopaths what that plan is.
You don't know---------South Africa following the end of Apartheid and the destruction of peace and laws in the country. Corrupt government who abused its white and black people stole lands and businesses and assets of whites and others while roving gangs of black thugs and criminals and communists/marxists, burned looted, rioted, raped and murdered everyone especially whites also claiming like the thugs in the US do now that the white victims deserved it for reparations.
No such thing as race? Race is a social construct? Congenital differences are accidental?
All words are a social constructs. Cultures construct words to communicate ideas.

In the case of race, there are physical attributes that appear to differentiate people into different groupings and so we have designated this aspect of human beings as, "race," to communicate what we are talking about.

Obviously, at some point, some brilliant Black scholar, thought that if he were to obfuscate what social constructs are to somehow discredit the observational aspects of distinguishable human physical attributes that that would somehow diminish racial stratification issues - N-word logic.

The race is to construct peaceful community, and Black people are way behind everyone else.
democrats have a final solution to the white people problem, and fully intend to exercise it.
Fascinating. Still waiting to hear from you psychopaths what that plan is.
You don't know---------South Africa following the end of Apartheid and the destruction of peace and laws in the country. Corrupt government who abused its white and black people stole lands and businesses and assets of whites and others while roving gangs of black thugs and criminals and communists/marxists, burned looted, rioted, raped and murdered everyone especially whites also claiming like the thugs in the US do now that the white victims deserved it for reparations.
Sometimes there’s blowback for systematically abusing the human rights of people for centuries.

So what does that have to do with eliminating the white race? I’m supposed to believe that black people are going to murder every white person in the country?
You didn't meet any black people in Pennsylvania?
Not if he could help it!

Shameful..... :shocked:

democrats have a final solution to the white people problem, and fully intend to exercise it.
Fascinating. Still waiting to hear from you psychopaths what that plan is.
You don't know---------South Africa following the end of Apartheid and the destruction of peace and laws in the country. Corrupt government who abused its white and black people stole lands and businesses and assets of whites and others while roving gangs of black thugs and criminals and communists/marxists, burned looted, rioted, raped and murdered everyone especially whites also claiming like the thugs in the US do now that the white victims deserved it for reparations.
Sometimes there’s blowback for systematically abusing the human rights of people for centuries.

So what does that have to do with eliminating the white race? I’m supposed to believe that black people are going to murder every white person in the country?

3 hots and a cot on a renewable cotton plantation is more human rights than jungle bunnies have.
democrats have a final solution to the white people problem, and fully intend to exercise it.
Fascinating. Still waiting to hear from you psychopaths what that plan is.

It was in the post - but you edited it out.

You are a communist, dishonest, evil, and stupid. It's your way.
Courses and workshops?

That’s the plan?


The eradication of whites;


One of the founders of Black Lives Matter in Toronto says white people are “genetic defects” and should be “wiped out.”

Yusra Khogali has posted the controversial calls on her Facebook page, including another that says whites are “sub-human.”

“Whiteness is not humxness, in fact, white skin is sub-humxn,” she wrote. “All phenotypes exist within the black family and white ppl are a genetic defect of blackness.”

Khogali has garnered news coverage after BLM Toronto disrupted the Toronto Pride parade and engaged in heated confrontations with Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne. A year ago, she said: “Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today.”


democrats are just the NICEST people - like Nazis.. EXACTLY like Nazis.

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