Racism Curling In On Itself: 32% Of Democrats Think It's Racist To Disagree With Anyone Who's Black


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Racism Curling In On Itself:
32% Of Democrats Think It's Racist To Disagree With Anyone Who's Black

July 22, 2019 ~ By Monica Showalter
The Washington Times' Cheryl Chumley found a poll that tells us a lot about why Democrats, the historic party of racism, think the way they do (non-subscription version here):
In what has to be one of the most interesting polls of the day, Rasmussen Reports finds that "one-in-three Democrats think it's racism any time a white politician criticizes a politician of color."
Think what that means.
White politicians can't say a word against black politicians, Hispanic politicians, Asian politicians — any politician with a skin color that deviates from white — without being accused of racism, according to about a third of Democrats. Without being guilty of being racist, that is. That's just crazy. That's just speech-stifling, freedom-chilling crazy.​
It's also, as Chumley herself notes later in the piece, actually pretty racist.
See, black people are different from white people in that they're supposedly these fragile flowers. They can't take political give-and-take the way whites can; any disagreement with one of them is evidence of racism in a way it wouldn't be if the speaker were white. Same with Hispanics and Asians.
It also explains why Democrats get so irrational when someone such as, say, Sen. Ted Cruz, or Sen. Marco Rubio, shows up. In Cruz's case, the confusion is so intense that they have to manufacture a Latino opponent out of some white guy to return their world to their axis. And it certainly would explain their irrational reactions to the distinguished black physician and now Cabinet official Dr. Ben Carson, and the much honored black former secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, both of whom, by the way, came from classically underprivileged backgrounds and rose to the top of their fields. Democrats react to these people like a wet plug in an electric socket.
It's a third of them, according to the poll, and they really think this. If they don't think it, they're telling it to the pollster, out of a belief that this is the correct view to have.
And there's plenty of evidence that these patronizing and dehumanizing views exist. Remember this charming statement of intolerance from "squad" leftist Rep. Ayanna Pressley?
"We don't need black faces that don't want to be a black voice," she said. "If you're worried about being marginalized and stereotyped, please don't even show up because we need you to represent that voice."​
It illustrates the mentality perfectly. If you aren't a black person of a certain black voice, well, then, you aren't black, and you need to be eliminated.
It's actually not only racism curling in on itself as Democrats slide further into irrationality and virtue-signaling. It's inhuman.

The dictionary definition of racism:
"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."
And our oh so scholarly leftists say that ONLY white people can be racist, and that declaration is racist in itself according to the dictionary definition. This country is so full of people that are absolutely full of Bovine Scat.
it's a downward spiral, like all modern, Marxist Socialism descended ideologies. They never stop until they hit their natural limitation. I'm betting that's because they all ultimately promise perfection at the end of a moral and inevitable "process" by which such is achieved. As a typical example, the rainbow arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice.
This is the most prominent, but not the only way, the PMS/DSA radical, hard left attempts to silence the majority, who happen to be white and/or believe that dissenting opinion and healthy debate is strength. You cannot disagree with their dogmatic ideology, regardless the issue, and NOT be a racist. This, guilt and emotion are ushering us directly into an intolerant, authoritarian nightmare. Good luck future generations of Americans.
The term racism or racist is used so much by the PMS/DSA Left that it is now meaningless. Basically when everything is racist nothing is racist. It is hard to tell if leftists are just condescending toward blacks or if they are viscous enough to want to keep blacks as chattel on the Democrat plantation.
Moral of the story -- There is a difference between opinion and knowledge.
At the same time, that means 68% of Democrats DO NOT think it's racist to disagree with someone whose black.

Pop quiz, which number is bigger?
Racism Curling In On Itself:
32% Of Democrats Think It's Racist To Disagree With Anyone Who's Black

July 22, 2019 ~ By Monica Showalter
The Washington Times' Cheryl Chumley found a poll that tells us a lot about why Democrats, the historic party of racism, think the way they do (non-subscription version here):
In what has to be one of the most interesting polls of the day, Rasmussen Reports finds that "one-in-three Democrats think it's racism any time a white politician criticizes a politician of color."
Think what that means.
White politicians can't say a word against black politicians, Hispanic politicians, Asian politicians — any politician with a skin color that deviates from white — without being accused of racism, according to about a third of Democrats. Without being guilty of being racist, that is. That's just crazy. That's just speech-stifling, freedom-chilling crazy.​
It's also, as Chumley herself notes later in the piece, actually pretty racist.
See, black people are different from white people in that they're supposedly these fragile flowers. They can't take political give-and-take the way whites can; any disagreement with one of them is evidence of racism in a way it wouldn't be if the speaker were white. Same with Hispanics and Asians.
It also explains why Democrats get so irrational when someone such as, say, Sen. Ted Cruz, or Sen. Marco Rubio, shows up. In Cruz's case, the confusion is so intense that they have to manufacture a Latino opponent out of some white guy to return their world to their axis. And it certainly would explain their irrational reactions to the distinguished black physician and now Cabinet official Dr. Ben Carson, and the much honored black former secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, both of whom, by the way, came from classically underprivileged backgrounds and rose to the top of their fields. Democrats react to these people like a wet plug in an electric socket.
It's a third of them, according to the poll, and they really think this. If they don't think it, they're telling it to the pollster, out of a belief that this is the correct view to have.
And there's plenty of evidence that these patronizing and dehumanizing views exist. Remember this charming statement of intolerance from "squad" leftist Rep. Ayanna Pressley?
"We don't need black faces that don't want to be a black voice," she said. "If you're worried about being marginalized and stereotyped, please don't even show up because we need you to represent that voice."​
It illustrates the mentality perfectly. If you aren't a black person of a certain black voice, well, then, you aren't black, and you need to be eliminated.
It's actually not only racism curling in on itself as Democrats slide further into irrationality and virtue-signaling. It's inhuman.

The dictionary definition of racism:
"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."
And our oh so scholarly leftists say that ONLY white people can be racist, and that declaration is racist in itself according to the dictionary definition. This country is so full of people that are absolutely full of Bovine Scat.
it's a downward spiral, like all modern, Marxist Socialism descended ideologies. They never stop until they hit their natural limitation. I'm betting that's because they all ultimately promise perfection at the end of a moral and inevitable "process" by which such is achieved. As a typical example, the rainbow arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice.
This is the most prominent, but not the only way, the PMS/DSA radical, hard left attempts to silence the majority, who happen to be white and/or believe that dissenting opinion and healthy debate is strength. You cannot disagree with their dogmatic ideology, regardless the issue, and NOT be a racist. This, guilt and emotion are ushering us directly into an intolerant, authoritarian nightmare. Good luck future generations of Americans.
The term racism or racist is used so much by the PMS/DSA Left that it is now meaningless. Basically when everything is racist nothing is racist. It is hard to tell if leftists are just condescending toward blacks or if they are viscous enough to want to keep blacks as chattel on the Democrat plantation.
Moral of the story -- There is a difference between opinion and knowledge.
Yet every time a Black conservative speaks the Left go into full attack mode. The Left have no self awareness.
Racism Curling In On Itself:
32% Of Democrats Think It's Racist To Disagree With Anyone Who's Black

July 22, 2019 ~ By Monica Showalter
The Washington Times' Cheryl Chumley found a poll that tells us a lot about why Democrats, the historic party of racism, think the way they do (non-subscription version here):
In what has to be one of the most interesting polls of the day, Rasmussen Reports finds that "one-in-three Democrats think it's racism any time a white politician criticizes a politician of color."
Think what that means.
White politicians can't say a word against black politicians, Hispanic politicians, Asian politicians — any politician with a skin color that deviates from white — without being accused of racism, according to about a third of Democrats. Without being guilty of being racist, that is. That's just crazy. That's just speech-stifling, freedom-chilling crazy.​
It's also, as Chumley herself notes later in the piece, actually pretty racist.
See, black people are different from white people in that they're supposedly these fragile flowers. They can't take political give-and-take the way whites can; any disagreement with one of them is evidence of racism in a way it wouldn't be if the speaker were white. Same with Hispanics and Asians.
It also explains why Democrats get so irrational when someone such as, say, Sen. Ted Cruz, or Sen. Marco Rubio, shows up. In Cruz's case, the confusion is so intense that they have to manufacture a Latino opponent out of some white guy to return their world to their axis. And it certainly would explain their irrational reactions to the distinguished black physician and now Cabinet official Dr. Ben Carson, and the much honored black former secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, both of whom, by the way, came from classically underprivileged backgrounds and rose to the top of their fields. Democrats react to these people like a wet plug in an electric socket.
It's a third of them, according to the poll, and they really think this. If they don't think it, they're telling it to the pollster, out of a belief that this is the correct view to have.
And there's plenty of evidence that these patronizing and dehumanizing views exist. Remember this charming statement of intolerance from "squad" leftist Rep. Ayanna Pressley?
"We don't need black faces that don't want to be a black voice," she said. "If you're worried about being marginalized and stereotyped, please don't even show up because we need you to represent that voice."​
It illustrates the mentality perfectly. If you aren't a black person of a certain black voice, well, then, you aren't black, and you need to be eliminated.
It's actually not only racism curling in on itself as Democrats slide further into irrationality and virtue-signaling. It's inhuman.

The dictionary definition of racism:
"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."
And our oh so scholarly leftists say that ONLY white people can be racist, and that declaration is racist in itself according to the dictionary definition. This country is so full of people that are absolutely full of Bovine Scat.
it's a downward spiral, like all modern, Marxist Socialism descended ideologies. They never stop until they hit their natural limitation. I'm betting that's because they all ultimately promise perfection at the end of a moral and inevitable "process" by which such is achieved. As a typical example, the rainbow arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice.
This is the most prominent, but not the only way, the PMS/DSA radical, hard left attempts to silence the majority, who happen to be white and/or believe that dissenting opinion and healthy debate is strength. You cannot disagree with their dogmatic ideology, regardless the issue, and NOT be a racist. This, guilt and emotion are ushering us directly into an intolerant, authoritarian nightmare. Good luck future generations of Americans.
The term racism or racist is used so much by the PMS/DSA Left that it is now meaningless. Basically when everything is racist nothing is racist. It is hard to tell if leftists are just condescending toward blacks or if they are viscous enough to want to keep blacks as chattel on the Democrat plantation.
Moral of the story -- There is a difference between opinion and knowledge.
They don't care enough about blacks to confront them or REALLY help them.
Racism Curling In On Itself:
32% Of Democrats Think It's Racist To Disagree With Anyone Who's Black

In what has to be one of the most interesting polls of the day, Rasmussen Reports finds that "one-in-three Democrats think it's racism any time a white politician criticizes a politician of color."
Think what that means......​

We see this mindset everyday here on this site.

Actually, I'm surprised it is as low as it is. I wonder, are the loony toons louder, or are significant number of them lying?​
At the same time, that means 68% of Democrats DO NOT think it's racist to disagree with someone whose black.

Pop quiz, which number is bigger?
The 32%-they are much louder and have the media on their side.

Yep, those are the ones that will be screaming racism the loudest simply because the media told them a white Republican disagreed with them. However I wonder how many of those 32% thought Piglosi was racist for disagreeing with Kotex or Omar.
if Trump didn't say racist things, repeat what he said to a co-worker and see if you'll get fired!
Racism Curling In On Itself:
32% Of Democrats Think It's Racist To Disagree With Anyone Who's Black

Racism curling in on itself: 32% of Democrats think it's racist to disagree with anyone who's black
July 22, 2019 ~ By Monica Showalter
The Washington Times' Cheryl Chumley found a poll that tells us a lot about why Democrats, the historic party of racism, think the way they do (non-subscription version here):
In what has to be one of the most interesting polls of the day, Rasmussen Reports finds that "one-in-three Democrats think it's racism any time a white politician criticizes a politician of color."
Think what that means.
White politicians can't say a word against black politicians, Hispanic politicians, Asian politicians — any politician with a skin color that deviates from white — without being accused of racism, according to about a third of Democrats. Without being guilty of being racist, that is. That's just crazy. That's just speech-stifling, freedom-chilling crazy.​
It's also, as Chumley herself notes later in the piece, actually pretty racist.
See, black people are different from white people in that they're supposedly these fragile flowers. They can't take political give-and-take the way whites can; any disagreement with one of them is evidence of racism in a way it wouldn't be if the speaker were white. Same with Hispanics and Asians.
It also explains why Democrats get so irrational when someone such as, say, Sen. Ted Cruz, or Sen. Marco Rubio, shows up. In Cruz's case, the confusion is so intense that they have to manufacture a Latino opponent out of some white guy to return their world to their axis. And it certainly would explain their irrational reactions to the distinguished black physician and now Cabinet official Dr. Ben Carson, and the much honored black former secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, both of whom, by the way, came from classically underprivileged backgrounds and rose to the top of their fields. Democrats react to these people like a wet plug in an electric socket.
It's a third of them, according to the poll, and they really think this. If they don't think it, they're telling it to the pollster, out of a belief that this is the correct view to have.
And there's plenty of evidence that these patronizing and dehumanizing views exist. Remember this charming statement of intolerance from "squad" leftist Rep. Ayanna Pressley?
"We don't need black faces that don't want to be a black voice," she said. "If you're worried about being marginalized and stereotyped, please don't even show up because we need you to represent that voice."​
It illustrates the mentality perfectly. If you aren't a black person of a certain black voice, well, then, you aren't black, and you need to be eliminated.
It's actually not only racism curling in on itself as Democrats slide further into irrationality and virtue-signaling. It's inhuman.

The dictionary definition of racism:
"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."
And our oh so scholarly leftists say that ONLY white people can be racist, and that declaration is racist in itself according to the dictionary definition. This country is so full of people that are absolutely full of Bovine Scat.
it's a downward spiral, like all modern, Marxist Socialism descended ideologies. They never stop until they hit their natural limitation. I'm betting that's because they all ultimately promise perfection at the end of a moral and inevitable "process" by which such is achieved. As a typical example, the rainbow arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice.
This is the most prominent, but not the only way, the PMS/DSA radical, hard left attempts to silence the majority, who happen to be white and/or believe that dissenting opinion and healthy debate is strength. You cannot disagree with their dogmatic ideology, regardless the issue, and NOT be a racist. This, guilt and emotion are ushering us directly into an intolerant, authoritarian nightmare. Good luck future generations of Americans.
The term racism or racist is used so much by the PMS/DSA Left that it is now meaningless. Basically when everything is racist nothing is racist. It is hard to tell if leftists are just condescending toward blacks or if they are viscous enough to want to keep blacks as chattel on the Democrat plantation.
Moral of the story -- There is a difference between opinion and knowledge.

God , this is stupid.
Racism Curling In On Itself:
32% Of Democrats Think It's Racist To Disagree With Anyone Who's Black

Racism curling in on itself: 32% of Democrats think it's racist to disagree with anyone who's black
July 22, 2019 ~ By Monica Showalter
The Washington Times' Cheryl Chumley found a poll that tells us a lot about why Democrats, the historic party of racism, think the way they do (non-subscription version here):
In what has to be one of the most interesting polls of the day, Rasmussen Reports finds that "one-in-three Democrats think it's racism any time a white politician criticizes a politician of color."​
Think what that means.​
White politicians can't say a word against black politicians, Hispanic politicians, Asian politicians — any politician with a skin color that deviates from white — without being accused of racism, according to about a third of Democrats. Without being guilty of being racist, that is. That's just crazy. That's just speech-stifling, freedom-chilling crazy.​
It's also, as Chumley herself notes later in the piece, actually pretty racist.
See, black people are different from white people in that they're supposedly these fragile flowers. They can't take political give-and-take the way whites can; any disagreement with one of them is evidence of racism in a way it wouldn't be if the speaker were white. Same with Hispanics and Asians.
It also explains why Democrats get so irrational when someone such as, say, Sen. Ted Cruz, or Sen. Marco Rubio, shows up. In Cruz's case, the confusion is so intense that they have to manufacture a Latino opponent out of some white guy to return their world to their axis. And it certainly would explain their irrational reactions to the distinguished black physician and now Cabinet official Dr. Ben Carson, and the much honored black former secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, both of whom, by the way, came from classically underprivileged backgrounds and rose to the top of their fields. Democrats react to these people like a wet plug in an electric socket.
It's a third of them, according to the poll, and they really think this. If they don't think it, they're telling it to the pollster, out of a belief that this is the correct view to have.
And there's plenty of evidence that these patronizing and dehumanizing views exist. Remember this charming statement of intolerance from "squad" leftist Rep. Ayanna Pressley?
"We don't need black faces that don't want to be a black voice," she said. "If you're worried about being marginalized and stereotyped, please don't even show up because we need you to represent that voice."​
It illustrates the mentality perfectly. If you aren't a black person of a certain black voice, well, then, you aren't black, and you need to be eliminated.
It's actually not only racism curling in on itself as Democrats slide further into irrationality and virtue-signaling. It's inhuman.

The dictionary definition of racism:
"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."
And our oh so scholarly leftists say that ONLY white people can be racist, and that declaration is racist in itself according to the dictionary definition. This country is so full of people that are absolutely full of Bovine Scat.
it's a downward spiral, like all modern, Marxist Socialism descended ideologies. They never stop until they hit their natural limitation. I'm betting that's because they all ultimately promise perfection at the end of a moral and inevitable "process" by which such is achieved. As a typical example, the rainbow arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice.
This is the most prominent, but not the only way, the PMS/DSA radical, hard left attempts to silence the majority, who happen to be white and/or believe that dissenting opinion and healthy debate is strength. You cannot disagree with their dogmatic ideology, regardless the issue, and NOT be a racist. This, guilt and emotion are ushering us directly into an intolerant, authoritarian nightmare. Good luck future generations of Americans.
The term racism or racist is used so much by the PMS/DSA Left that it is now meaningless. Basically when everything is racist nothing is racist. It is hard to tell if leftists are just condescending toward blacks or if they are viscous enough to want to keep blacks as chattel on the Democrat plantation.
Moral of the story -- There is a difference between opinion and knowledge.
Every day libs prove how far they've dumbed down, and it's progressive. Look at this boards left for example, not one is intelligent.

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