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You see I knew that you would say that. I'm sure if I do some research I'll dispute most of the other "facts" on here also, but are you worth my time is the question.
OCA, if you do a forum seach for the thread "50 facts", you'll notice that there are quite a few posts refuting those claims.
To be honest, I've seen quite enough posts detailing facts or in some cases "facts" on race. You can go ahead and keep posting them, but at this juncture I feel it important to find a thesis in all of this. To be blunt, what is your point?

You can say that more Blacks committ more crime, have more cases of AIDS, higher poverty. You can say that more Jewish people control the media, or are die-hard zionists bent on superiority. You can say that more First Nations in Canada have a higher rate of alcoholism and violence. You can say that more white people can't jump, are violent imperialists and coloniasts. Even it is perhaps true, should I view a person from a different race as a differnt person? Should I treat them in a different way.

Consider this scenario you're a statistician and have been given a whole bunch of data. What do you? Do you just take the average of all the calculation and say this average is indicative of the entire sample population? Of course not.

Does the fact that black's have a higher instance of crime, insinuate that there are no honest black people? Should you then judge an every single member of an entire race by that average? Is that ethically right?

A utilitarian might say yes, but there has to be more than statistics when it comes to humanity, or civilization. Is it not unreasonable to ask that every person be treated equally in not only laws of the state, but by the treatment of individuals by each other. Call it the golden rule, call it alturism, call it divine providence, call it what you wish, but if we cannot see people as individuals, then I think we as a race of humans have more problems than just AIDS in Blacks, oppression by Whites and control by Jews, if you believe that to be the case.

"The beliefs you hold, be they religious, political, or philosophical are all a product of what you consume. Much like the old adage, "You are what you eat", well "what you read is how you think"."


Yep. That's why we need balanced diets. The mainstream media is not a balanced diet. That's like McDonald's for the mind.


"If you willingly fill your head with racist propaganda, you will come to identify with the racist point of view. That particular point of view is very attractive to men who have feelings of fear, inadequacy, and low self esteem. By tapping into the conduit of righteous anger toward any number of minorities or ethnic groups, an individual can finally feel powerful because they are fueled by the second most powerful emotion: hatred."


First of all, let's drop the "propaganda" bit for a while, shall we? I could just as easily call you on "religious propaganda" or "liberal propaganda," but let's stick to facts and ideas. Second, I have never "willingly filled my head" with anything. I was aghast to discover the truth about racial difference. Now I'm learning to deal with it. Third of all, don't psychoanalyze ME unless you're willing to get the same treatment in return. This point is so obnoxious and thoughtless it requires breaking into

3a, fear: Yeah? What of it? Do you fear hunger? Better figure out how to get food, MF.

3b, inadequacy: Yes, the ol' blacks have bigger penises argument. Stats show they do. This does not bother me. But what an infantile way to argue!

3c, low self-esteem: Sorry, not me. I have plenty of self-esteem.

I guess what's most infuriating about this line of counterargument to the racialist position is that it does not deal with the FACTS, head on, and attempts to paint the advocate as psychologically unfit. This is what the Soviets did to their dissidents. I call it the "medicalization of dissent": you do not agree with the prevailing view, therefore, you must be MEDICALLY wrong. Cheap tactic, and overused.


"Some of us have found something else to fill our minds with. It is called the Bible. All of you racist thinkers should spend some time in the Bible and learn how Jesus Christ empowered people. His primary tool was the spoken word fueled by the most powerful emotion of all: love."


Well, isn't that sweet. Why don't you try loving your way down Malcolm X Boulevard, Gandhi? I think you need to pay closer attention to your Bible. The Old Testament is all about ethnocentricity, dude --- JEWISH ethnocentricity. That smoting and smiting and such? It's the Jews destroying their enemies! Great if you're Jewish, I suppose, but what about the rest of us?

Point: Nowhere in the Bible does it say that races are equal and must mix. NOWHERE. You are taking the supposed message of the Bible and trying to fit your political agenda into it. Gee, MF, I gotta say: that ain't too fuckin' original. Everyone's tried that, from slave owners to abolitionists to prohibitionists to liquor distillers to gay marriage advocates to gay marriage opponents. Try refuting genetically-based racial difference instead of using religion to belittle your opponents.
Originally posted by Isaac Brock

Consider this scenario you're a statistician and have been given a whole bunch of data. What do you? Do you just take the average of all the calculation and say this average is indicative of the entire sample population? Of course not.

Does the fact that black's have a higher instance of crime, insinuate that there are no honest black people? Should you then judge an every single member of an entire race by that average? Is that ethically right?
In much of the racial literature, prejudice is usually defined as suspicion, intolerance or an irrational hatred of other races. That vision exposes analysts to the pitfalls of making ambiguous statements and advancing faulty arguments. A useful interpretation of prejudice can be found by examining its Latin root (praejudicium) meaning, "to judge before the facts are known." Thus, economics can define prejudiced acts as decision-making on the basis of incomplete information.

Decision-making on the basis of incomplete information is necessary in a world of scarcity, uncertainty and complexity. Another common experience is erroneous interpretation of information. Furthermore, different individuals might arrive at different interpretations even if confronted with the same information. Also, different people reach different decisions on what constitutes the optimal quantity of information prior to making decisions.

Consider a simple, yet intuitively appealing, example of how decisions are made on the basis of incomplete information (and possibly erroneous interpretation of evidence). Suppose a fully-grown-tiger suddenly appeared in a room. A reliable prediction is that most individuals would endeavor to leave the area with great dispatch. Such a response to the tiger's presence is not likely to be based on detailed information about the behavioral characteristics of that particular tiger. The response is more likely to be based upon one's stock of information about tigers as a class. The individual pre-judges (employs stereotypes). He is not likely to seek additional information because he calculated that the expected cost of an additional unit of information is likely to exceed the expected benefit. He simply ascribes known or surmised group characteristics to the individual tiger.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
[ As a new member you should stick to factual replies!

I suppose that if the jews at the ADL had printed this out it would be factual to you then, instead of the FBI and DoJ? And for OCA, it doesn't matter of the sites owner is someone you happen to dislike. The facts are still from the FBI regardless of site affiliation.

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me." John 14:6

These are His words, not mine. The choice to accept or reject is yours. My job is to tell people.

John 8:44-"The father from who you are is the devil and the desires of your father it is your will to do. He was a murderer from the beginning and has not stood in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie he speaks from his very nature, for he is a liar and the father of all lies."

OUCH! Now according to the talmud, the bible the jews follow, even the best of the Goyim(non-jew) should be killed, gentile girls of age three can be raped and boys less than nine years old can be sodomized. jesus, according to the same book, Jesus is being boiled in semen and Christians are boiled in excreta. Hmmmm.....gotta love those allies of ours....
Originally posted by Sir Evil
>Second, I am not the owner of this site, but I have a itchy keyboard finger!

Cortizone could cure that.

> do you want to be banned??

Ahhhh.. ANOTHER Freedom of speech lover. Your pathetic Communistic threats of censorship and banning are wasted on me. I could care less as I really do have better things to do rather than waste MY time educating simple-minded buffoons like you and OCA. There are people out there who actually WANT to learn and NOT to stay a lemming, blindly following what the jewsmedia shoves down your throat.

>>Last, I will hunt you down and kill you if you make another post like that about me!;)

Covington, OH. Call me when you get here. Would you prefer unarmed or armed? please bring a buddy as I doubt you'll be able to drive yourself back to whatever crap hole you came from.
NOW You can lighten up and as you wrote, have fun ...
Fritz, you've been an antagonistic prick from your very first post. Why don't you lighten up and contribute in a civil manner, or you can take a hike.
Posting the facts makes me an antagonist? Get a grip yimmy! Prick? Well, yes I am and I take great pride in being a mean, nasty son of a bitch at times because I can back up what I say with either facts or my fists.

Again, if anyone doesn't like what I post, then find the FACTS for yourself and DEBATE them! Quit the nit-picking and whining and name calling. I was NOT the one who started off calling people Nazi or racist if you'll carefully notice. I merely respond in accordance to others words.
Originally posted by FritzDeKatt
Posting the facts makes me an antagonist? Get a grip yimmy! Prick? Well, yes I am and I take great pride in being a mean, nasty son of a bitch at times because I can back up what I say with either facts or my fists.

Again, if anyone doesn't like what I post, then find the FACTS for yourself and DEBATE them! Quit the nit-picking and whining and name calling. I was NOT the one who started off calling people Nazi or racist if you'll carefully notice. I merely respond in accordance to others words.

Blah blah blah.

You came here and started with attacks from post #1.

Post your views and leave off the rest and you'll be ok. Keep acting like Mr. Internet Tough Guy and starting crap and you can go to Yahoo's message boards.
So what Mr. Dees is a scumbag, I never once brought up his name ever, you did, did he give it to you in the ass without reach around and now you are pissed? My narrow thinking HAHAHA THATS RICH! Have you read your closed minded rhetoric? As for the racist and nazi remarks I just call em like I see em and I see scared little boys in front of me. I really have no more time for this B.S. has my vision of the world is in progress but yours is dead and long gone, face it you are just a pathetic hanger on.

Still waiting for that answer on Hitler.

Oh one more thing, if the Jews do in fact run everything and have all the wealth doesn't that make them the master,superior race and the Gentiles inferior? Just a thought.
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