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Different groups have different ways of conflicting with white people. Indeed, Jews are "smarter," in general, than whites, as are Asians. But that doesn't mean I want to be bossed around by them any more than I want to boss around blacks.

I just want my people to go their own way.

For fuck's sake, WHAT is so terrible about that? OCA, Montyfowler, anybody? What do YOU have against whites surviving as a people and cultivating their own unique cultures, ways and lives, without interference from other groups?
Assuming that whites don't have control over their destiny, which is a crock but for arguments sake lets say yeah they don't. You must surely know that you will never turn this country or even a portion of it into an all white, Gentile state. Its never gonna happen in this century or any other so don't you think your energies are better focused on something thats attainable?
Originally posted by Big D
In much of the racial literature, prejudice is usually defined as suspicion, intolerance or an irrational hatred of other races. That vision exposes analysts to the pitfalls of making ambiguous statements and advancing faulty arguments. A useful interpretation of prejudice can be found by examining its Latin root (praejudicium) meaning, "to judge before the facts are known." Thus, economics can define prejudiced acts as decision-making on the basis of incomplete information.

Decision-making on the basis of incomplete information is necessary in a world of scarcity, uncertainty and complexity. Another common experience is erroneous interpretation of information. Furthermore, different individuals might arrive at different interpretations even if confronted with the same information. Also, different people reach different decisions on what constitutes the optimal quantity of information prior to making decisions.

Consider a simple, yet intuitively appealing, example of how decisions are made on the basis of incomplete information (and possibly erroneous interpretation of evidence). Suppose a fully-grown-tiger suddenly appeared in a room. A reliable prediction is that most individuals would endeavor to leave the area with great dispatch. Such a response to the tiger's presence is not likely to be based on detailed information about the behavioral characteristics of that particular tiger. The response is more likely to be based upon one's stock of information about tigers as a class. The individual pre-judges (employs stereotypes). He is not likely to seek additional information because he calculated that the expected cost of an additional unit of information is likely to exceed the expected benefit. He simply ascribes known or surmised group characteristics to the individual tiger.

What you have described to me, if I read that correctly, is utilitarian ethos applied to the human context. Utilitarianism has several innate flaws. Using a benefit to cost ratio is inherintly unjust if one is to call themselves a humanist or if one cares about the welfare of others. Consider this situation: an action A greatly benefits a small group of people and the expense of another larger group. Action B benefits everyone slighty. If the benefit/cost for action A, oh let's pretend money, is greater than that of Action B, utilitarianism says in is ethically right. However, the flaw is that obviously it is not "fair". Utilitarian thinking is the base of Engelistic Socialism and Maxism, that doesn't mean it's inherintly wrong, it means it does not work and history, not ethics, has proven that.

Bringing it back to the human context, treating people differently based on race my have possible benefits for those prejudging soley on race, how the it is obviously not fair. Point and case, the internment of Japanese during WWII may have stopped a few spies from operating in the US and Canada, however the social cost to innocent and productive citizens was immense.

Or take a Black man who is sincerely trying to make it through college in order to break a cycle of life that he may have been caught up in. Is it right for you treat him differently than a white person who has similar goals? Does that selfish reasoning benefit society in any way? If every person treated black or jewish people with disdain and inequality inherint in utilitarian thought, you would promote the very social values in a person that you judged their race by in the first place.

In a way you could use to old adage that "if you're not part of the solution, you're a part of the problem". I'm not suggesting an alturistic approach taken by some die-hard liberals, however it's not hard to have some sort of basic dentological ethos to respect your common man or woman, regardless of colour or creed.
Here are some of my personal views on the matter of race.

Im a white American of European descent. Yet, i dont usually think of myself like that. I think of myself as an American. I know about my heritage and i respect that, but that doesnt control who i am or dictate who i will become. Alot of great things have come from European thought IE Democracy/Representative governing, Industrial revolution, Capitalism, scientific method etc. At the same time alot of bad things came from it too. Marxism, fascism, etc. But while its important to know the past and learn the mistakes of our ancestors so that we can avoid them, their actions or inactions dont dictate our futures.

I dont think about race alot. not because I dont have friends of other races, i have many. But because I see everyone as a brother. I think of them as human first and I think like Dr MLK said, we need to judge people by their character and not their races. I dont think people should be treated poorly or because they were born with a certain skin color. It shouldnt be a factor

If people want to help blacks or hispanics from poor families, why dont they do an Affirmative action type thing for people of all races with lower income. It would be fairer. And it wouldnt violate the 14th Ammendment.

If we are going to end racism, just start promoting a colorblind society, because as long as any race gets special treatment or is taught that they are owed something as a people, racism will not end. I dont think its the goal of Black "leaders" like Al Sharpton or Rev J Jackson to end racism. If they succeeded, they would be out of a job.
Originally posted by Isaac Brock

Bringing it back to the human context, treating people differently based on race my have possible benefits for those prejudging soley on race, how the it is obviously not fair. Point and case, the internment of Japanese during WWII may have stopped a few spies from operating in the US and Canada, however the social cost to innocent and productive citizens was immense.

In a way you could use to old adage that "if you're not part of the solution, you're a part of the problem". I'm not suggesting an alturistic approach taken by some die-hard liberals, however it's not hard to have some sort of basic dentological ethos to respect your common man or woman, regardless of colour or creed.
I agree with alot of what you say Isaac.
Prejudging people is not fair, but one cannot always be fair when ones safety is involved.
Case and point, when a woman is considering dating different men should she ignore such things as in the U.S approximately 1 in 50 blacks, 1 in 127 Hispanics and 1 in 286 whites carry the aids virus? Or should she ignore the fact that if she has a baby with a black male there is a 66% chance that he will not be there to help with the raising of her child? Or should she ignore the fact that being in a relationship with a hispanic male will run her the greatest risk of domestic abuse?
Same goes for people who are choosing a neigborhood to move too. Should someone who is moving his or her family into a area not be concerned or considered with such facts as, though only 12% of the U.S. population, Blacks commit more than half of all rapes and robberies and 60% of all murders in the U.S.

I am not saying that all blacks have aids, leave there kids, murder, rape or rob people, I am simply saying that the risks of these things become much greater when one becomes involved with "minority's".
Originally posted by OCA
Assuming that whites don't have control over their destiny, which is a crock but for arguments sake lets say yeah they don't. You must surely know that you will never turn this country or even a portion of it into an all white, Gentile state.

And why not? Is there a LAW that we don't know about that forbids it? Or is it just because we would all be considered racist and Nazis from people like you? Personaly, I fel that once the whites have seen enough and had enough they will get off the couch and take actions and hopefully it won't be too late. racial awareness is similar to, say Alcoholics Anonymous-a person isn't willing to make the necessary life changes until they have experienced enough pain and hit bottom. I hope that they wake up before a family member is killed in this jew war for oil and conquest or raped by some illegal latrino or crack-crazed negroid.

>>Its never gonna happen in this century or any other so don't you think your energies are better focused on something thats attainable?

And why isn't it obtainable? We whites could build such a wonderful, drug-free, crime-free community but with people in the ADL, SPLC and NAACP howling and whining and crying like bitches, making laws and passing ordinances that would make it illegal to be a totally white community, the only way we can do it would be by force or revolution. those of you who want to associate with minorities or jewish ilk would be left to your own to discover the truth about your wonderful friends of color.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Here are some of my personal views on the matter of race.

>> At the same time alot of bad things came from it too. Marxism, fascism, etc.

Those concepts are of JEWISH origin! FACT! Marx was a JEW! communism was created by JEWS....

>> But while its important to know the past and learn the mistakes of our ancestors so that we can avoid them, their actions or inactions dont dictate our futures.

So why is America the only country to STILL have socio-parasitic jews when so many other countries have kicked them out?

>>I dont think about race alot. But because I see everyone as a brother. I think of them as human first

HAHAHAHAHAHA! I bet you would really get a dose of your 'brotherly" love if you dared walk into the west side of Dayton or Cincinatti! They would show you how different your brotherly color is.

>>and I think like Dr MLK said,

A plagarist, a liar, an adulterer, a Commy sympathizer and cheat.

>>we need to judge people by their character and not their races.

Which is why illegal mestizos are soooo honest and trustworthy as they are here illegally and criminally and why blacks are the number one committer of hate crimes against whites. Oh yeah. THAT'S character!

>>I dont think people should be treated poorly or because they were born with a certain skin color. It shouldnt be a factor

But by their low IQ and animalistic actions, they are treated as they should be-with distain and fear for they are sub-human.

>>If people want to help blacks or hispanics from poor families, why dont they do an Affirmative action type thing for people of all races with lower income.

Because as everyone knows, whites have it ALL soooo good! Why WE send our children to Harvard and Yale! But the poor, oppressed nefroid and illiterate latrino who no habla English are so deprived they deserve a chance to graduste college especially since they couldn't pass high school.

>>If we are going to end racism, just start promoting a colorblind society,

It will never happen. Not as long as I am alive. Because I KNOW the racial differences and that makes the jews, negroids and wetbacks label me a racist and Nazi. never mind that THEY can have the NAACP, Rainbow coalition and La Raza Unidas. Whites are ALWAYS racists according to them!

>> because as long as any race gets special treatment or is taught that they are owed something as a people, racism will not end.

What makes you think the negroids, wetbacks and jews WANT it to end? As long as there is race wars and dissent among the Goy, the jew is happy as they are the ones making out for the better!
Originally posted by FritzDeKatt
Originally posted by OCA
Assuming that whites don't have control over their destiny, which is a crock but for arguments sake lets say yeah they don't. You must surely know that you will never turn this country or even a portion of it into an all white, Gentile state.

And why not? Is there a LAW that we don't know about that forbids it? Or is it just because we would all be considered racist and Nazis from people like you? Personaly, I fel that once the whites have seen enough and had enough they will get off the couch and take actions and hopefully it won't be too late. racial awareness is similar to, say Alcoholics Anonymous-a person isn't willing to make the necessary life changes until they have experienced enough pain and hit bottom. I hope that they wake up before a family member is killed in this jew war for oil and conquest or raped by some illegal latrino or crack-crazed negroid.

>>Its never gonna happen in this century or any other so don't you think your energies are better focused on something thats attainable?

And why isn't it obtainable? We whites could build such a wonderful, drug-free, crime-free community but with people in the ADL, SPLC and NAACP howling and whining and crying like bitches, making laws and passing ordinances that would make it illegal to be a totally white community, the only way we can do it would be by force or revolution. those of you who want to associate with minorities or jewish ilk would be left to your own to discover the truth about your wonderful friends of color.

I've never seen a poll taken of this question but I would bet my last dollar that its probably something on the level of like 1/10 of 1% of white Americans support your position or would be willing to take up arms in a white revolution because most of them are successful and content which i'm guessing you aren't.
You keep talking about white communities which isn't what most of your compatriots are saying, they want the whole or some portion of the country to be all white. Ahemmmm! you know thats never, ever going to happen right? If the government allowed that it would disprove your theory of Jewish control, you are in a catch 22 here. But what the hell its a freakin pipe dream thats never going to see the light of day.

Hey do you have trouble traveling cause of fear of difference? Just wondering.
You must surely know that you will never turn this country or even a portion of it into an all white, Gentile state. Its never gonna happen in this century or any other so don't you think your energies are better focused on something thats attainable?

Yes, the odds are against us. That doesn't justify giving up, to me. That also doesn't mean we're wrong. The odds were against a small group of men breaking free from the British Empire more than 200 years ago. "That will never happen, so why not just get used to the crown's power? Why not work on something attainable, like more autonomy for the American colonies instead of pure independence?"

But as much as you are correct that we face a very uphill battle, what's the alternative? To say nothing, and let the white race die a slow, silent death, being absorbed into the Third-World muck and forever doomed to serve their Jewish masters?

Hell no, I won't go!
Originally posted by William Joyce
To say nothing, and let the white race die a slow, silent death, being absorbed into the Third-World muck and forever doomed to serve their Jewish masters?

Hell no, I won't go!

I love white people and all...

but she is JUST..






Skin colour be dammed - that chick and I would make beautiful babies together! :)

Problem is, I don't think I could ever get that far:

Beyonce: Hey baby...c'mere..
Darin: (Spooge.....)zzzzzzzzzz...(snore)....
Beyonce: Hey baby, wake up...we haven't even started yet!
The women pictured are attractive to you because they have European features: tall bodies, long legs, slim lips, narrow noses, high cheekbones, slender necks, long straight hair. They look like Nicole Kidmans with nice tans.

You're not undermining the attractiveness of the white race --- your BOLSTERING it!
Originally posted by William Joyce
The women pictured are attractive to you because they have European features: slim lips, narrow noses, high cheekbones. They look like Nicole Kidmans with nice tans.

You're not undermining the attractiveness of the white race --- your BOLSTERING it!

Do YOU think she's hot?
(they are the same woman)

Oh..and yeah...white women are SOOO hot



There are variances in the facial and body structures of ANY ethnic group. I'd lay pipe to ANY woman who was attractive, and willing to sleep with a guy who looks like 200lbs of chewed bubble gum - with feet. :(
Originally posted by William Joyce
Not bad, not bad.

not bad? Ahh..I understand now...you're a Homo. I didn't know many people 'of your kind' were Gay.

Originally posted by William Joyce

But see my point --- nobody thinks that kinky hair, protruting mandibles and everted lips are hot.

wha??? Bullshit...


I'd swim thru 20 miles of her shark-infested piss, just to see where it came from.


Kinky hair and all..."The blacker the Berry, the sweeter the juice..."

Originally posted by William Joyce
Well, you sound like a class act, my friend. I'm sure any woman you "lay pipe" to is getting what she deserves.

A racist talking about 'class'?? weird.
oh poo no fun! ok, for you, I will remove it! I could post it in the adult section just for you though!!!!!!! :p:
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