Racist Attacks On Scott

Listening to Scott’s speech, one was reminded that he is speaking not to Black people, but to white Republicans who believe Blue Lives Matter and police should be able to brutalize, even kill Black bodies with impunity, and that his whole purpose as a Black Republican is to serve as a Trojan Horse for the GOP, a Negro Whisperer for white supremacists.

As a fully-grown Black man living in America, Scott knows he has experienced racism — because he said as much. “Nowhere do we need common ground, more desperately been in our discussions of race. I have experienced the pain of discrimination. I know what it feels like to be pulled over for no reason, to be followed around the store while I’m shopping,” Scott said.

And yet, Scott declared, “America is not a racist country. It’s backwards to fight discrimination with different types of discrimination. And it’s wrong to try to use our painful past to dishonestly shut down debates in the present.” The senator devoted his energy to complaining about progressives and liberals who he said call him Uncle Tom and the n-word, and defending his party’s Jim Crow voter suppression efforts aimed at maintaining white supremacy.

“The concept of an “Uncle Tom” as that term is used in the Black community-is a slave who is given prestige & comfort by the master, using his position to tread on the slaves abused by the master,” tweeted Pam Keith, Esq. “Repackage that concept to modern times & ask if Tim Scott fits the definition.”

Tariq Nasheed tweeted: “A major strategy of racists, is to incentivize one of it’s (sic) Black victims to act as the crash test dummy for white supremacy. When Uncle Tim Scott says America is not a racist country, he is fully aware he is speaking in bad faith. The purpose is to protect white supremacists.”

All of this brings us to Sen. Scott’s efforts to work with Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) on a bipartisan compromise for policing reform. Given that Scott refuses to acknowledge the role of systemic racism in society, he is not a serious player in policing reform. After all, racism has plagued law enforcement since the days of the slave patrols, and true reform is impossible unless we address and eradicate systemic racism. He refuses to acknowledge its existence.

And Republicans certainly are bad-faith actors, given their support for white replacement theory, opposition to civil rights, hatred for Black Lives Matter and their lockstep calls for law and order and heavy-handed policing against Black folks — when they are not trying to kill police officers at Capitol insurrections, that is.

Scott’s prior attempt at reform failed last year when Democrats charged that his plan did not go far enough. He was scheduled to meet with the family of George Floyd on Thursday. Will he tell them America is not a racist country?

Tim Scott proves he's the Black Whisperer for white supremacy - TheGrio

Tim Scott is nothing more than a boot licking, coon and that is sad to say in 2021.

Sadly, I am no longer surprised at the vile racism of the Left. The truth offends "Superbadbrutha" so much that he can't ignore the facts being laid out in front of him but goes on a humorous diatribe against the facts. Why?


You right wing Trump Humpers wouldn't know a fact if it hit you in the ass. All the black men you tolerate are boot licking, Toms, as long as, they are coonin you love them.
Does big bad Tim Scott scare you, you racist uneducated hood rat? Good. Smart blacks rejected bullshit like what you spout a long time ago. But keep crying victim.

No Americans rejected racist trash like you when we sent your Orange Clown to the house last November. You finally got internet in the trailer park and you don't know how to act.
When you say the country is not racist the real racists will come after you. Those real racists are the Democrats. They always have been and will continue to be.

Rethuglicans love house black people who side with their oppressors
Tim Scott should be ashamed
“house black people?”

he is in the senate

and the only people oppressing him is the same party that has oppressed african americans for 200 plus years..dems.
Not for black thugs, that's for sure.
Who are they?

Any black that doesn't know his place? :dunno:
Another racist heard from. How dare Tim Scott be black while being Republican.

Speak for yourself. I have no problem with black people who are Republican, do you?
NO, and stop tying to deflect from your own comment. And those of those you support. Tim Scott used as a prop? Yeah you have no integrity.
Sadly this is par for the course in politics use a racial slur or variation of one against a black Republican no big deal do the same thing to a black Democrat and its systemic racism and the end of the world as we know it.

How many Black Republicans are there in Congress? 1 in the Senate and 2 in the House, gotta love that party of inclusion.


OMG Charles Barkley said that? Hell I am convinced. Speaking of Uncle Toms. This fool is from Leeds, AL where a black man would get lynched for looking at a white woman's dress hanging on a clothes line.

What do you have that is relevant today?

Not for black thugs, that's for sure.
Who are they?

Any black that doesn't know his place? :dunno:
Another racist heard from. How dare Tim Scott be black while being Republican.

Speak for yourself. I have no problem with black people who are Republican, do you?
For you to claim that he's being used tells a different tale.

No. You're naive if you think he isn't. Republicans make use of race as well and that's a large factor in why they chose Scott, a relatively junior member, to give the rebuttal. But used or not, he's still a rising star.

There have been plenty Republicans of color I respect, though I might disagree with their positions. Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell (though you lot might have chucked them under the bus by now).
Why? Scott isn't black?
Uncle Tim speaks for all black people?

Does any one black person speak for all black people?
Well Jee Biden sure seems to think black Americans are monolithic. He said, “By the way, what you all know but most people don’t know, unlike the African-American community with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things,” August 6, 2020
LoLing at "The Federalist" being the defender of American black people.
When lefties cannot attack the content, all they have left is to attack the source. Pathetic racist lefty...
just look at what they are doing to senator scott...they can’t argue his points so they resort to racist attacks.

the dems did the same thing to frederick douglas
Not for black thugs, that's for sure.
Who are they?

Any black that doesn't know his place? :dunno:
Another racist heard from. How dare Tim Scott be black while being Republican.

Speak for yourself. I have no problem with black people who are Republican, do you?
NO, and stop tying to deflect from your own comment. And those of those you support. Tim Scott used as a prop? Yeah you have no integrity.

Poor baby. You're finally faced with trying to convince us you aren't a racist. Is that it? You're posting history says otherwise. You're a fool if you think your party (or any party) doesn't make use of useful people whether it's race, gender, religion. That's politics.
Listening to Scott’s speech, one was reminded that he is speaking not to Black people, but to white Republicans who believe Blue Lives Matter and police should be able to brutalize, even kill Black bodies with impunity, and that his whole purpose as a Black Republican is to serve as a Trojan Horse for the GOP, a Negro Whisperer for white supremacists.

As a fully-grown Black man living in America, Scott knows he has experienced racism — because he said as much. “Nowhere do we need common ground, more desperately been in our discussions of race. I have experienced the pain of discrimination. I know what it feels like to be pulled over for no reason, to be followed around the store while I’m shopping,” Scott said.

And yet, Scott declared, “America is not a racist country. It’s backwards to fight discrimination with different types of discrimination. And it’s wrong to try to use our painful past to dishonestly shut down debates in the present.” The senator devoted his energy to complaining about progressives and liberals who he said call him Uncle Tom and the n-word, and defending his party’s Jim Crow voter suppression efforts aimed at maintaining white supremacy.

“The concept of an “Uncle Tom” as that term is used in the Black community-is a slave who is given prestige & comfort by the master, using his position to tread on the slaves abused by the master,” tweeted Pam Keith, Esq. “Repackage that concept to modern times & ask if Tim Scott fits the definition.”

Tariq Nasheed tweeted: “A major strategy of racists, is to incentivize one of it’s (sic) Black victims to act as the crash test dummy for white supremacy. When Uncle Tim Scott says America is not a racist country, he is fully aware he is speaking in bad faith. The purpose is to protect white supremacists.”

All of this brings us to Sen. Scott’s efforts to work with Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) on a bipartisan compromise for policing reform. Given that Scott refuses to acknowledge the role of systemic racism in society, he is not a serious player in policing reform. After all, racism has plagued law enforcement since the days of the slave patrols, and true reform is impossible unless we address and eradicate systemic racism. He refuses to acknowledge its existence.

And Republicans certainly are bad-faith actors, given their support for white replacement theory, opposition to civil rights, hatred for Black Lives Matter and their lockstep calls for law and order and heavy-handed policing against Black folks — when they are not trying to kill police officers at Capitol insurrections, that is.

Scott’s prior attempt at reform failed last year when Democrats charged that his plan did not go far enough. He was scheduled to meet with the family of George Floyd on Thursday. Will he tell them America is not a racist country?

Tim Scott proves he's the Black Whisperer for white supremacy - TheGrio

Tim Scott is nothing more than a boot licking, coon and that is sad to say in 2021.

Sadly, I am no longer surprised at the vile racism of the Left. The truth offends "Superbadbrutha" so much that he can't ignore the facts being laid out in front of him but goes on a humorous diatribe against the facts. Why?


You right wing Trump Humpers wouldn't know a fact if it hit you in the ass. All the black men you tolerate are boot licking, Toms, as long as, they are coonin you love them.
Does big bad Tim Scott scare you, you racist uneducated hood rat? Good. Smart blacks rejected bullshit like what you spout a long time ago. But keep crying victim.

No Americans rejected racist trash like you when we sent your Orange Clown to the house last November. You finally got internet in the trailer park and you don't know how to act.
When you say the country is not racist the real racists will come after you. Those real racists are the Democrats. They always have been and will continue to be.

Rethuglicans love house black people who side with their oppressors
Tim Scott should be ashamed
“house black people?”

he is in the senate

and the only people oppressing him is the same party that has oppressed african americans for 200 plus years..dems.

Right, so how is it that the party of inclusion only has 1 black senator and 2 House members?
Sadly this is par for the course in politics use a racial slur or variation of one against a black Republican no big deal do the same thing to a black Democrat and its systemic racism and the end of the world as we know it.

How many Black Republicans are there in Congress? 1 in the Senate and 2 in the House, gotta love that party of inclusion.


OMG Charles Barkley said that? Hell I am convinced. Speaking of Uncle Toms. This fool is from Leeds, AL where a black man would get lynched for looking at a white woman's dress hanging on a clothes line.

What do you have that is relevant today?


I bet he didn't make that statement while he was walking down the road in Montgomery or Selma Alabama.
LoLing at "The Federalist" being the defender of American black people.
When lefties cannot attack the content, all they have left is to attack the source. Pathetic racist lefty...
just look at what they are doing to senator scott...they can’t argue his points so they resort to racist attacks.

the dems did the same thing to frederick douglas

Really, man I just love all of these great republicans who have taken up the cause for black folks over the last 30yrs. Can you name any?
Not for black thugs, that's for sure.
Who are they?

Any black that doesn't know his place? :dunno:
Another racist heard from. How dare Tim Scott be black while being Republican.

Speak for yourself. I have no problem with black people who are Republican, do you?
NO, and stop tying to deflect from your own comment. And those of those you support. Tim Scott used as a prop? Yeah you have no integrity.
Poor baby. You're finally faced with trying to convince us you aren't a racist. Is that it? You're posting history says otherwise. You're a fool if you think your party (or any party) doesn't make use of useful people whether it's race, gender, religion. That's politics.
I’m a racist huh? Show it asshole. Now. And no, calling your racist pal supergaybro what he is is not racist idiot. Funny how racists like you call the guy married to a Hispanics woman for 10 years a racist. You are a fool. Deflecting from your racism by throwing the charge at somebody else. Fuck off. Losers like you are worthless.
LoLing at "The Federalist" being the defender of American black people.
When lefties cannot attack the content, all they have left is to attack the source. Pathetic racist lefty...
just look at what they are doing to senator scott...they can’t argue his points so they resort to racist attacks.

the dems did the same thing to frederick douglas

Really, man I just love all of these great republicans who have taken up the cause for black folks over the last 30yrs. Can you name any?
Cheer up, at least they are not responsible for destroying the Black family. Democrats can take all the credit for that.
When you say the country is not racist the real racists will come after you. Those real racists are the Democrats. They always have been and will continue to be.

The Rats are hypocrites number one!

The are doing the same to the amazing Candace Owens!

Everybody who dares to think for himself or herself ,is immediately attacked by these Leftists thugs!
Not for black thugs, that's for sure.
Who are they?

Any black that doesn't know his place? :dunno:
Another racist heard from. How dare Tim Scott be black while being Republican.

Speak for yourself. I have no problem with black people who are Republican, do you?
For you to claim that he's being used tells a different tale.

No. You're naive if you think he isn't. Republicans make use of race as well and that's a large factor in why they chose Scott, a relatively junior member, to give the rebuttal. But used or not, he's still a rising star.

There have been plenty Republicans of color I respect, though I might disagree with their positions. Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell (though you lot might have chucked them under the bus by now).
You speak as if Scott has no ability to decide his position in the Republican party. To assume such is to assume that Tim Scott's position is not something he earned but that he's there by someone else's grace. It is that very subtle racism that assumes that black Americans can only succeed if white Americans allow them success. Tim Scott earned his position in life. It wasn't handed to him and no one made it easy for him. He is an excellent speaker and given that the current political climate is so focused on race he was the natural choice to make the rebuttal.
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