Racist woke mixed-race commercials

It's pure bullshit. Social engineering.

In my area nearly every commercial is filled with black, black people. Though there are now plenty of mixed blacks, too.

It's getting rare to find attractive people on TV these days. I prefer blue-eyed blondes, and certain Asian women.

Nearly every time I look at a commercial I see blacks. So I usually hit the mute button and do something else for five minutes until all the stinking commercials end.
It's pure bullshit. Social engineering.

In my area nearly every commercial is filled with black, black people. Though there are now plenty of mixed blacks, too.

It's getting rare to find attractive people on TV these days. I prefer blue-eyed blondes, and certain Asian women.

Nearly every time I look at a commercial I see blacks. So I usually hit the mute button and do something else for five minutes until all the stinking commercials end.
You poor baby. This must be a national crisis!
Since you chose to ignore the intent of the reply...

Let's see if I can understand your convoluted thought process.

You're angry that there are not more "more African" children on TV.
I tend to think your "anger" is more self serving than honest.

You're clearly incapable of understanding my thought process. In what way did I sound angry about anything at all? I simply pointed out that the left hate black children. They murder them in the womb, they murder them in the streets, and now they've replaced them in a stroke of wokeness. Just one more way they demonstrate that black lives don't matter. The left has repeatedly passed on the opportunity to support actual black politicians but, at least for Co-Presidents, they've yet to choose a black person.
Obamas mom is part Black. Her ancestor was the first legal slave here in the US. His father is pure African. He is mostly Black by percentage and by dominance of genes.

Bull shit. Neither you nor she could ever even provide a hint of evidence of such a thing, let alone proof. She's .0012% black.
We feel that there has been enough mixing. We got a smorgahsboard race as it is right now.

You realize if more people intermixed, there would be so many within 6 degrees of separation, that racism would virtually disappear.
No.........even now dark blacks don't like light skinned blacks---black hispanics don't like white hispanics and vice versa.
Racism isn't going to disappear even with a mixed race.
Considering how hysterical TV commercials make some weak minded fools, how do y'all react to seeing mixed-race families in real life? Do you just turn and run screaming into the night? I imagine 52ndIQ would do just that.
Why does it matter what race the people are in commercials? People find the most stupid reasons to complain.
Really? If they were all white, every commercial, would that be OK?
Less whites in commercials is a good thing. Its soothing to the eyes. Or maybe it more Blacks in commercials thats soothing. I notice that now that I am back in the job market its very soothing to see all the brown skinned people in IT.
Less whites in commercials is a good thing. Its soothing to the eyes. Or maybe it more Blacks in commercials thats soothing. I notice that now that I am back in the job market its very soothing to see all the brown skinned people in IT.

I'm sure that's true and it is certainly not offensive; it just makes sense to be more comfortable around those who are, at least on the surface, more like you, more like the environment from your formative years.

I don't pretend to be racially unaware; if I am the only white person in a room of black people, I'm certainly aware of it. In that case, I'm not miserable or unhappy about it but I'm certainly aware. If I am in a room full of white people with a few black people, I hardly think of it. I find white faces, white women, more soothing to the eye than others but I don't dislike seeing other faces; they're part of diversity are visually interesting and appealing.
Why does it matter what race the people are in commercials? People find the most stupid reasons to complain.
Really? If they were all white, every commercial, would that be OK?
They aren’t, so why complain?

You asked why does it matter what race the people are in commercials. Answer the question: would it matter if they were all white? Or are you just another Democrat Plantation Overseer who won't admit the truth.
Why does it matter what race the people are in commercials? People find the most stupid reasons to complain.
Really? If they were all white, every commercial, would that be OK?
They aren’t, so why complain?

You asked why does it matter what race the people are in commercials. Answer the question: would it matter if they were all white? Or are you just another Democrat Plantation Overseer who won't admit the truth.
Name calling is not becoming. What truth? If ALL commercial were one race only, there could be cause for concern. But since that isn’t the case, why does it matter? Does this answer get your panties out of a wad?
I'm watching all these commercials with mixed race parents - and of course I'm not supposed to even notice that it's so. These commercials are just more examples of racism on the left.

Keep in mind, we have never had a black president; we had a half-black president. We do not have a black vice-president today; we have a half-black vice-president. The left don't really like black people at all.

Now all these commercials showing half-black children in mixed-race couples really show just how much the left hates black people and black children. A back child hasn't got a chance in the commercial acting business today; it's all going to half-black children. More racism on the left. Only those blacks with at least a bit of white in them are acceptable.

As they have since LBJ instituted the Great Society, the left continues to show their contempt for black families with these new "woke" commercials. Someone needs to tell the woke that it's OK to be black.
My sympathies for your pain.
Im pretty sure he isnt in pain, but rather mocking your entire belief system. Comment?
Considering how hysterical TV commercials make some weak minded fools, how do y'all react to seeing mixed-race families in real life? Do you start screaming about their existence being "pushed down your throats"?
... I think a lot of Black Americans take offense to these mixed race commercials. ....
Let's see, there's YOU and then.......that's about it.
No Mr. miscengnation lover Unkotare , not just me. Many blacks don't approve of this type of brainwashing by white advertisers.
You disapprove of mixed races?
We feel that there has been enough mixing. We got a smorgahsboard race as it is right now.
The race mixing goes beyond whites and blacks but Hispanic and black, Asian and black. It's like a conscious move to eliminate blacks by absorbing them into everything else. The goal is of course to make a new people so racially mixed as to make any racial animus impossible.
I'm watching all these commercials with mixed race parents - and of course I'm not supposed to even notice that it's so. These commercials are just more examples of racism on the left.
This is a lie – it has nothing to do with ‘the left.’

These are private companies and private ad agencies creating commercials intended to sell goods and services – it’s fundamental free market capitalism, nothing more.

The right’s ridiculous obsession with race is pathological.
... I think a lot of Black Americans take offense to these mixed race commercials. ....
Let's see, there's YOU and then.......that's about it.
No Mr. miscengnation lover Unkotare , not just me. Many blacks don't approve of this type of brainwashing by white advertisers.
You disapprove of mixed races?
We feel that there has been enough mixing. We got a smorgahsboard race as it is right now.
The race mixing goes beyond whites and blacks but Hispanic and black, Asian and black. It's like a conscious move to eliminate blacks by absorbing them into everything else. The goal is of course to make a new people so racially mixed as to make any racial animus impossible.
"The goal"?

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