Radical left are losing their minds over being called “groomers”.

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I did. You endorse drag queens grooming children. Dementia setting in?
Now it’s drag queens grooming children? I thought it was drag queens reading stories. Are you considering reading stories grooming or just the fact that a drag Queen is talking to kids automatically makes it “grooming” ? explain where the inappropriateness is
Now it’s drag queens grooming children? I thought it was drag queens reading stories. Are you considering reading stories grooming or just the fact that a drag Queen is talking to kids automatically makes it “grooming” ? explain where the inappropriateness is
I don't need to explain anything to you.
Can you give a specific example of a depraved sexual perversion that I’ve advocated teaching to young children?

From the top of this very page:

It’s also the reason why many are pushing for more exposure of LBGTQ in school.

There is no legitimate reason whatsoever to be “teaching” young children about such depraved sexual perversions as homosexuality, transsexuality, and related shit.

Only a pedophile, groomer, or a willing accomplice thereto, would advocate or defend any such thing. There is no excuse at all for intentionally exposing children to this sick shit. And no reason why society should have any tolerance for depraved perverts who would do so. In a sane society, your kind would be put to death if you were caught exposing children to this shit.

Your kind need to keep this shit away from children. If you must practice this sick shit yourself, then do so in the privacy of your own homes, between consenting adults, and leave children the fuck out of it.
From the top of this very page:

There is no legitimate reason whatsoever to be “teaching” young children about such depraved sexual perversions as homosexuality, transsexuality, and related shit.

Only a pedophile, groomer, or a willing accomplice thereto, would advocate or defend any such thing. There is no excuse at all for intentionally exposing children to this sick shit. And no reason why society should have any tolerance for depraved perverts who would do so. In a sane society, your kind would be put to death if you were caught exposing children to this shit.

Your kind need to keep this shit away from children. If you must practice this sick shit yourself, then do so in the privacy of your own homes, between consenting adults, and leave children the fuck out of it.
The statement you quoted was not me pushing anything. It was a simple and factual explaination of cause and effect. You push anti LGBTQ rhetoric, the other side responds with pushing more of their agenda. That’s just simple psychology.

you’re accusing me of pushing depraved sexual perversion onto kids… what you quoted was not an example of that.
Care to try again??
You're so obviously sick that there is no need to add anything. You're sickness is obvious and you glory in it. You're so angry right now you'd like to put me against the wall and shoot me. Admit it.
Haha, sorry bub. I’m drinking coffee, watching the master and laughing at my phone as I see trolls like yourself failing to back up their arguments and accusations.

Im here for entertainment not anger. Don’t give yourself too much credit
Birds of a feather flock together. You endorse and support sexual perversion and grooming of children. DUH !!
You make the accusation but you can’t back it up with examples and explaination. That means you are pumping nothing but hot air.
Your frustration is obvious. Can't run to your mommy because you can't get what you want. Fucking sissy.
So instead of trying to win the debate with logic and intellect you abandon the topic to try and trigger me with insults and pretend like I’m upset because of stuff a stranger on the internet is saying about me?! That’s pretty weak
So instead of trying to win the debate with logic and intellect you abandon the topic to try and trigger me with insults and pretend like I’m upset because of stuff a stranger on the internet is saying about me?! That’s pretty weak
Yeah, you've perfectly described your own methods.
We have all seen this movie before......they rant and rave about something they claim the Left is doing.........and then we find out it was the Right doing it all along.
Yeah, did you see the one with the Russian collusion?
The statement you quoted was not me pushing anything. It was a simple and factual explaination of cause and effect. You push anti LGBTQ rhetoric, the other side responds with pushing more of their agenda. That’s just simple psychology.

you’re accusing me of pushing depraved sexual perversion onto kids… what you quoted was not an example of that.
Care to try again??

Do you, or do you not endorse “…pushing for more exposure of LBGTQ in school”?

If you're not a sick, perverted, depraved piece of shit, that needs to be kept far, far away from children, then you will have no problem at all denouncing and repudiating this. But it certainly appears that you are defending and supporting this.

It’s also the reason why many are pushing for more exposure of LBGTQ in school.
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