“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

Minimum wage is one of the dumbest cons liberals ever thought up. Fortunately for them, there are lots of dumb people in the world.
Why do you believe that?

Because it doesn't do what they say. It doesn't increase the wealth of low-wage workers. You can't just declare someone's job to be worth more money with legislation. You can artificially set a price, but then everything else will adjust around it and minimum wage workers will still be poor. It's just pablum for the dummies.

My comment earlier suggesting that we double the value of the dollar wasn't just sarcasm. That's how minimum wage works. It sets a minimum and everything scales around that. Sure, for a short time, some minimum wage employees will be better off (and some won't - some will lose their jobs during the transition). But after the market adjusts, the low wages workers will still be at the bottom rung, with the same buying power as before.
Special pleading is usually an appeal to ignorance. The cost of social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour and is a Reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
Not in all situations or we would have no poverty and no homeless problem. According to your line of reasoning we should have no corporate welfare because they can afford entire departments to help out with rational choice theory under Capitalism.
Your answer did not address any of my questions.
Here they are again:
Why do you think that two free adults can't decide for themselves what they are willing to trade labor for compensation?
Do you think potential workers are too stupid or worthless to determine their own worth in the job market?
Whose fault is that?
lol. I did address your question. I even gave you an example.
lol. I did address your question. I even gave you an example.
Nope. I'll number them for you. Please enumerate your answers or be exposed as the fool I suspect you are.

1. Why do you think that two free adults can't decide for themselves what they are willing to trade labor for compensation?

2. Do you think potential workers are too stupid or worthless to determine their own worth in the job market?

3. Whose fault is that?
Minimum wage is one of the dumbest cons liberals ever thought up. Fortunately for them, there are lots of dumb people in the world.
Why do you believe that?

Because it doesn't do what they say. It doesn't increase the wealth of low-wage workers. You can't just declare someone's job to be worth more money with legislation. You can artificially set a price, but then everything else will adjust around it and minimum wage workers will still be poor. It's just pablum for the dummies.

My comment earlier suggesting that we double the value of the dollar wasn't just sarcasm. That's how minimum wage works. It sets a minimum and everything scales around that. Sure, for a short time, some minimum wage employees will be better off (and some won't - some will lose their jobs during the transition). But after the market adjusts, the low wages workers will still be at the bottom rung, with the same buying power as before.
Special pleading is usually an appeal to ignorance. The cost of social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour and is a Reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
LOL - ok, daniel. I see you're back to your usual word salad. Have fun with that.
Good for you
Low wage and low skilled workers lack the bargaining power.
Doesn’t excuse employers exploiting them.

You just love posting silly things, don't you?

Specifically, how are the poor decisions and lack of personal responsibility the fault of the employer?

lol. Right wingers are best at false witness bearing and practicing the Abomination of Hypocrisy (unto God).

Why did you dodge answering my simple question? Instead, you childishly chose to post a senseless comment.

Specifically, what is not true in my chart listing three ways to avoid poverty? Doesn't that come down to personal responsibility?

One more chance, " Specifically, how are the poor decisions and lack of personal responsibility the fault of the employer?"
Black codes were one hindrance in the past.

We are not in the past, this is August 30, 2020.

Once again...

Why did you dodge answering my simple question? Instead, you childishly chose to post a senseless comment.

Specifically, what is not true in my chart listing three ways to avoid poverty? Doesn't that come down to personal responsibility?

One more chance, " Specifically, how are the poor decisions and lack of personal responsibility the fault of the employer?"
Business knows that there are a low skilled class of people who will accept any meager wage offered. As long as they have a supply of those people, they will pay any wage they can get away with.

Republicans celebrate that as Free Market

But that market does not pay a wage workers can support themselves or a family. The taxpayer picks up the difference in housing aid, food stamps, medical care.

The employer keeps the profit

What is the typical household income where one of the workers earns the minimum wage?
Enough to qualify for means tested welfare?

So you have no clue. Typical of the Democrat Party, seeking solutions to problems that do not exist.
Business knows that there are a low skilled class of people who will accept any meager wage offered. As long as they have a supply of those people, they will pay any wage they can get away with.

Republicans celebrate that as Free Market

But that market does not pay a wage workers can support themselves or a family. The taxpayer picks up the difference in housing aid, food stamps, medical care.

The employer keeps the profit

What is the typical household income where one of the workers earns the minimum wage?

$15,000 a year

As you know, it is $53,000 a year.

Who Earns the Minimum Wage? Suburban Teenagers, Not Single Parents
February 28, 2013

In his State of the Union address, President Obama called for raising minimum wage to $9.00 an hour. He argued that “no one who works full-time should have to live in poverty.”[1] Most minimum-wage workers, however, are not poor. Congress should examine which workers—that would not lose their jobs—would benefit from a higher minimum wage.

Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Census Bureau show that most minimum-wage earners are young, part-time workers and that relatively few of them live below the poverty line. Their average family income is over $53,000 a year. A hike in the minimum wage primarily raises pay for suburban teenagers, not the working poor. If Congress and the President seriously want to help the working poor, they should look elsewhere.

[My highlight above]

It is still a drag on wages outpacing inflation.

You should pay more because the taxpayer must support your workers with subsidies for food, housing and medical care
It sounds like you have a problem with taxation funding the social safety net.

I have a problem with taxpayers supporting a millionaires employees so he can make more money.
I have a problem in slashing business tax rates by 40% when we have to support your employees

I have a problem with taxpayers supporting a millionaires employees so he can make more money.

Do you pay more support before the employee gets a job or after?
Not to be unkind, but in any discussion of Congressional powers, anyone referring to "general welfare" wording is a constitutional illiterate, and not to be engaged. Complete waste of time.
Only "hate on the Poor" right wingers use that propaganda and rhetoric.
Incorrect. Anyone who claims only executives have had their wages rise is a liar.
Learn how to read.

From 1978 to 2018, CEO compensation grew by 1,007.5% (940.3% under the options-realized measure), far outstripping S&P stock market growth (706.7%) and the wage growth of very high earners (339.2%). In contrast, wages for the typical worker grew by just 11.9%.--https://www.epi.org/publication/ceo-compensation-2018/
lol. I did address your question. I even gave you an example.
Nope. I'll number them for you. Please enumerate your answers or be exposed as the fool I suspect you are.

1. Why do you think that two free adults can't decide for themselves what they are willing to trade labor for compensation?

2. Do you think potential workers are too stupid or worthless to determine their own worth in the job market?

3. Whose fault is that?
A lack of perfect knowledge and lack of bargaining power as the least wealthy under our form of Capitalism. Black codes is one example.

Same as above. A lack of perfect knowledge and bargaining power.

It is institutional not individual.

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