“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

Low skill workers should work on their skills before starting a family.

Interesting sentiment
Those with low skills should not be allowed to breed

How Republican of you

Those with low skills should not be allowed to breed

No, you silly twat. If you're making $7.25 an hour, you can't support a family,
so don't start one.

Your low-skill ass isn't suddenly worth $15 an hour just because you had a kid.
It goes beyond the Minimum wage to those making $10-$12 an hour after working for years.

Low skilled workers used to be able to raise families based on their wages.

Now you ignore the low wages and just tell them not to breed
You should pay more because the taxpayer must support your workers with subsidies for food, housing and medical care
It sounds like you have a problem with taxation funding the social safety net.

I have a problem with taxpayers supporting a millionaires employees so he can make more money.
I have a problem in slashing business tax rates by 40% when we have to support your employees
Not in all situations or we would have no poverty and no homeless problem.
Your answer did not address any of my questions.
Here they are again:
Why do you think that two free adults can't decide for themselves what they are willing to trade labor for compensation?
Do you think potential workers are too stupid or worthless to determine their own worth in the job market?
Whose fault is that?
Yet, corporate welfare for the Richest has even paid for multimillion dollar bonuses. Admit it right wingers, you all are immoral enough to "hate on the Poor" like infidel Christians.
I'm against corporate welfare. No person or entity should receive money from the general tax fund without providing a commensurate service.
I'm all for tax cuts for everyone, rich, poor, middle class, businesses.
“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

The last minimum wage bill that was proposed and considered in congress, was H.R. 258, “Raise the Wage Act”. It was passed by the Democratic majority house, then passed on to the Republican majority senate, (where it now lies effectively dead).
Refer to the Congressional Budget office’s, (i.e. CBO’s) minimum wage rate report,
How Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage Could Affect Employment and Family Income | Congressional Budget Office, and follow the link’s instructions to obtain the HR 258 interactive graphs.

Referring to the graph entitled “Average Percentage Change in Real Family Income, by Income Group”: The graph indicates average incomes of families earning less than 3 times the poverty threshold increase. Average incomes of higher income families do not perceivably begin to decrease until those incomes achieve 6 more times the poverty threshold;

(i.e. CBO’s study confirms minimum wage rate’s beneficial effects upon job’s rates are inversely related. Employees within the lowest wage rate brackets most benefit in proportion to their incomes, and those benefits (proportional to incomes) are incrementally lesser as incomes increase. Thus, the wage incomes of most USA’s wage earners would have benefit or would not be detrimentally affected by passage of H.R. 582.

[Six, (6) times a family of three’s income equal or exceeding 6 times the poverty threshold would be $122,000 per year and for a family of four it would well exceed $125,00 per year expressed in 2018 U.S. dollars.]
Respectfully, Supposn
1. doesn't matter how much $$$$ you give stupid people, they will still be poor
2. higher wages = higher prices!!!! SO, they still can't afford things!! DUH
lol. Why abolish slavery then, right wingers. That is what you really want. DUH
slavery and minimum wage---????HAHAHHAHHAHAHA
LOL. Still clueless and Causeless regarding right wing propaganda and rhetoric, right wingers? Y'all want the minimum wage to truly be Zero.
raise minimum wage = raising prices = worthless
why abolish slavery; right wing logic and reasoning = worthless.
minimum wage is not slavery
Still don't remember your right wing parroting propaganda? You Right Wingers want the minimum wage to be zero.
you need to provide proof of that stupidity
Me being right wing want everybody to be paid exactly what the job is worth.
Are you willing to pay a police officer more than they are making?
Don't remember your own right wing propaganda and rhetoric?
something a leftists create is not right wing propaganda
Time for you to prove your lies as factual and truthful
lol. Right wingers are the ones who allege to believe the "true minimum wage should be zero".
Suburban teens?

Teens who are trying to earn money to pay for college? Teens trying to save for that first car?

$7.25 will not cover without the teen and their parents assuming significant debt.

Minimum wage earned over the Summer used to cover a years tuition. Now, it does not come close

So...in your comedic mind, we should pay teens more so they can save for their first car.

Democrats always have such great "intentions" but they never think them through, or they do and don't care, just keep the folks dependent on the great Plantation Owner known as the GOVERNMENT.

I do not remember if student loans were even available when I went to college. The easy availability of MONEY is a major cause of the explosion in the cost of college. Institutions saw more money available, higher than realistic demand, and prices kept rising. The higher the tuition costs went, the easier Washington made loans available.

" In a nutshell, what’s happening is that the expansion of federal student loans and aid is causing schools to drive up what they charge in tuition. Why? Because they can, basically. It’s as simple as seeing more money available, and taking the necessary measures to secure it. In all, for every dollar awarded in grants and federally-backed loans, tuition goes up 55 to 65 cents."

higher wages = higher prices!!!

Higher wages mean more consumption, less debt, less need for public support.

Higher wages mean more consumption, less debt, less need for public support.

And less consumption, more debt for the business.
Why do you believe that? Higher paid labor creates more in Demand and pays more in Taxes.
higher paid labor creates more demand? explain how you come up with that reasoning?
If it cost me more for labor I'll do it myself which means no one is working or earning money
lol. Because the dollar menu will not double even if the minimum wage does. And a person earning fifteen dollars an hour pays approximately five times more in federal income taxes than do persons at the current minimum wage.
So where does this new money come from? Because the dollar menu will go up to compensate for the rising cost of labor.
Even the dollar menu won't double from one dollar to two dollars even if the minimum wage doubles. A positive multiplier takes care of the rest.
Business knows that there are a low skilled class of people who will accept any meager wage offered. As long as they have a supply of those people, they will pay any wage they can get away with.

Republicans celebrate that as Free Market

But that market does not pay a wage workers can support themselves or a family. The taxpayer picks up the difference in housing aid, food stamps, medical care.

The employer keeps the profit

Business knows that there are a low skilled class of people who will accept any meager wage offered. As long as they have a supply of those people, they will pay any wage they can get away with.

Then why were only the bottom 2% of hourly workers making at or below the minimum wage?

View attachment 382215


But that market does not pay a wage workers can support themselves or a family.

Most minimum wage workers are young and live with their parents.

View attachment 382219lol. Right wingers used to vote democrat until the civil right acts, then they all went republican.

Half are under 25. Only about 1% of workers 25 and older earn minimum wage.
Why are more than one million workers earning below the minimum wage in our First World economy?
because they are incapable of earning more money
Yet, right wingers had No Problem whatsoever with black codes, only a higher minimum wage.
black codes are a democrat creation not a republican creation
3. Fewer Hirings
If business must pay their minimum wage employees more, they cannot afford to hire as many employees. According to a Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago study, “10 percent increase in the minimum wage lowers low skill employment by 2 to 4 percent and total restaurant employment by 1 to 3 percent.” Or instead of hiring fewer employees, the company may start outsourcing jobs to employees in countries that are willing to work for much less than $10.10 per hour, resulting in fewer jobs for Americans.
So what. Employment is at the will of either party and so should unemployment compensation. Obey the laws right wingers.
/—-/ That makes no sense. What are you babbling about?
Being moral enough to obey a simple Commandment from God regarding bearing True Witness to our own at-will employment laws, even for unemployment compensation. Right wingers, never get it.
irony alert lol
lol. I resort to the fewest fallacies and am the truest witness bearer as a result.
what you do is twist words you conflate things that are not true. You try to hang shit democrats did on the right wing which is a lie.
You only have ignorance not valid arguments.
They move on and someone else comes in to be exploited.

They gains skills and experience, move on to better jobs and then new unskilled, inexperienced workers move into their first job? Sounds horrible!!! Gotta saw off the lower rungs of that ladder of success, eh comrade?
Black codes are one right wing example of why your logic and reasoning are unsound.
democrats gave birth to the black codes sorry if that chaps your ass..... no I'm not.
lol. Right wingers were democrats until the civil rights acts, then they are went Republican.
no shit for brains right-wing is not democrats it's never been democrat
lol. Yes, they were. You simply appeal to Ignorance like usual for the Right Wing.
They move on and someone else comes in to be exploited.

They gains skills and experience, move on to better jobs and then new unskilled, inexperienced workers move into their first job? Sounds horrible!!! Gotta saw off the lower rungs of that ladder of success, eh comrade?
Black codes are one right wing example of why your logic and reasoning are unsound.
democrats gave birth to the black codes sorry if that chaps your ass..... no I'm not.
lol. Right wingers were democrats until the civil rights acts, then they are went Republican.
no shit for brains right-wing is not democrats it's never been democrat
lol. Yes, they were. You simply appeal to Ignorance like usual for the Right Wing.
Clue us in on where you earned your Economics &/or Finance credentials.
Is that why wages have not kept up with inflation?

As you know, since President Trump took office and repealed thousands of useless regulations, wages have been exceeding that of the inflation rate with the majority of increases going to low-income and minority workers. Why is that a bad thing?
Why do you believe that?

Why do I believe that a company paying $1000 more for labor has $1000 less to spend
on anything else? It's this evil conservative invention called.......math.
Labor having one thousand more dollars to spend for products and services; a positive multiplier effect, what a capital concept.
It does seem to be working quite well in Nassau County since Trump cut corporate taxes.

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