“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

In a society it does. If there is a need for a job they deserve to be able to survive.


I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.
/——/ If your landscaper said he’d do your lawn for $25, would you say that’s not a living wage and pay him $50?

No but if the workers did a good job I very well may tip them. We just had a piano moved. Three guys. I gave them $20 each because they did a great job.

And that was your choice, as it should be. The gov't didn't tell you you had to give them the $20 apiece whether they did a good job or not, did they? But you think that's a good idea, right?
Labor as the wealthy under our form of Capitalism also can't afford to hire lobbyists to get more corporate welfare.
From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.
/----/ It's none of your business how much companies pay their CEOs. If you don't like it, then buy enough company stock so you can attend the meetings and vote down the pay raises.
Then, stop whining about the Poor, right wingers. You don't complain about bailouts for the Richest who are merely too rich to fail and get bailed out by the Nanny-State right wingers are hypocritical about but only for the Poor.
/---/ What bailouts for the richest? If you can't supply specifics then stop with the strawman arguments.
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.

The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.

Why will $8 work still be done at $12?

Because it would be the law.

Because it would be the law.

$8 of labor and $10 of raw materials turned into $20 of finished product may happen.
$12 of labor and $10 of raw materials turned into $20 of finished product won't happen.

Of course not. I would never claim that.

No matter how many laws an ignorant legislature may pass.

You should definitely go into business and prove me wrong........

Prices have been going up. The minimum wage has not. It's going to.

Why increase the Federal Minimum Wage?
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.

The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.

Why will $8 work still be done at $12?

Because it would be the law.

Because it would be the law.

$8 of labor and $10 of raw materials turned into $20 of finished product may happen.
$12 of labor and $10 of raw materials turned into $20 of finished product won't happen.

Of course not. I would never claim that.

No matter how many laws an ignorant legislature may pass.

You should definitely go into business and prove me wrong........

Prices have been going up. The minimum wage has not. It's going to.

Why increase the Federal Minimum Wage?

Covered already.
Covered already.

I asked, why increase the Federal Minimum Wage. To which you replied, "Covered already".

Which is, as we all know, not an answer. Nor have you on the far-left, ever been able to make a serious argument for increasing the Federal Minimum Wage.

So still, you have nothing.

Thank you, thank you so much!
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?
How would raising the minimum wage make the Poor, "permanently unemployable"?

Higher paid Labor create more in demand and pay more in taxes in every long run equilibrium.

How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

How would raising the minimum wage make the Poor, "permanently unemployable"?

If you're unskilled and only worth $8/hr, who will hire you at $12/hr?

Higher paid Labor create more in demand

Higher cost labor is in less demand.
Right wingers only have right wing fantasy not any economic common sense.

ROFLMAO! Nominated for dumbass post of the year! It goes against the grain to denigrate someone else's post, but this is too outrageous to ignore. For a Lefty to say that right wingers have no economic sense is beyond ridiculous, not to mention super hypocrisy. The laws of supply and demand relative to cost are not a right wing fantasy, it is the basis for all economic thought that is based on reality. You cannot just substantially increase the cost of something (such as labor) without a corresponding consequence.
“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

The last minimum wage bill that was proposed and considered in congress, was H.R. 258, “Raise the Wage Act”. It was passed by the Democratic majority house, then passed on to the Republican majority senate, (where it now lies effectively dead).
Refer to the Congressional Budget office’s, (i.e. CBO’s) minimum wage rate report,
How Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage Could Affect Employment and Family Income | Congressional Budget Office, and follow the link’s instructions to obtain the HR 258 interactive graphs.

Referring to the graph entitled “Average Percentage Change in Real Family Income, by Income Group”: The graph indicates average incomes of families earning less than 3 times the poverty threshold increase. Average incomes of higher income families do not perceivably begin to decrease until those incomes achieve 6 more times the poverty threshold;

(i.e. CBO’s study confirms minimum wage rate’s beneficial effects upon job’s rates are inversely related. Employees within the lowest wage rate brackets most benefit in proportion to their incomes, and those benefits (proportional to incomes) are incrementally lesser as incomes increase. Thus, the wage incomes of most USA’s wage earners would have benefit or would not be detrimentally affected by passage of H.R. 582.

[Six, (6) times a family of three’s income equal or exceeding 6 times the poverty threshold would be $122,000 per year and for a family of four it would well exceed $125,00 per year expressed in 2018 U.S. dollars.]
Respectfully, Supposn

Please explain why a Federal Minimum Wage is beneficial to the country.

Please include how the cost of living in New York City is the same as that in Gainesville Florida, Dallas Texas, and say, San Francisco, California.
A federal minimum wage helps with federal Standards for our Republic.
Higher paid Labor create more in demand and pay more in taxes in every long run equilibrium.

As you know, forty-seven percent of workers pay NO federal income taxes. So how does that result in low-income households paying more federal income taxes?
lol. Raise the minimum wage until they pay their share of taxes, right wingers. Or, do you believe in the nanny-State subsidizing the Rich with social services for the Poor, merey for the bottom line of the Rich? Persons Working minimum wage jobs should need no social services.
Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.

One President is primarily responsible for the radical jump in top CEO compensation. Who is that President?
Why not provide a link? Tax cut economics seems to have done more for CEO compensation. And, wages actually outpaced inflation for Labor during some of the Clinton administration.
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?
How would raising the minimum wage make the Poor, "permanently unemployable"?

Higher paid Labor create more in demand and pay more in taxes in every long run equilibrium.

How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

How would raising the minimum wage make the Poor, "permanently unemployable"?

If you're unskilled and only worth $8/hr, who will hire you at $12/hr?

Higher paid Labor create more in demand

Higher cost labor is in less demand.
Only in right wing fantasy.

Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour and is a reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
Right wingers only have right wing fantasy not any economic common sense.

ROFLMAO! Nominated for dumbass post of the year! It goes against the grain to denigrate someone else's post, but this is too outrageous to ignore. For a Lefty to say that right wingers have no economic sense is beyond ridiculous, not to mention super hypocrisy. The laws of supply and demand relative to cost are not a right wing fantasy, it is the basis for all economic thought that is based on reality. You cannot just substantially increase the cost of something (such as labor) without a corresponding consequence.
LOL. Yes, it is termed and styled, a positive multiplier effect in Any long run equilibrium.

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