Rand Paul: "Having More Than 7 Days Of Food Makes You A Suspected Terrorist"

Do cows count as "food on hand"?

I guess all food warehouses will be terrorist organizations?

And just how much is a days worth of food?
It varies from person to person.

Shit, my freezer must be a terrorist organization...

Come to think of it, some of the things I pull out of there DO seem like they're trying to kill me... (Is that CHICKEN? How could chicken possibly look like that? When I froze back in 1994, it looked way better than that!)
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according to its own missives: people who oppose Obama’s policies; people who stockpile food; people who oppose one-world government; Christians; military veterans returning from overseas engagements; people unhappy with the government’s actions at Waco, Texas, and Ruby Ridge, Idaho; and people opposed to gun control.

Typical of the "boy who cried wolfe." syndrome.
according to its own missives: people who oppose Obama’s policies; people who stockpile food; people who oppose one-world government; Christians; military veterans returning from overseas engagements; people unhappy with the government’s actions at Waco, Texas, and Ruby Ridge, Idaho; and people opposed to gun control.

Typical of the "boy who cried wolfe." syndrome.



Standard Disclaimer: I'm crying Wolfe!
:lol: Never have to worry about it because I have never had the desire to misuse or abuse anyone sexually.

Is THAT what Cardinal Mahony instructed you to say?

If the bill passes, I suggest you walk very carefully.

Lame sparky. When you retort with "NUNHUNH - YOO TOO" you just look like a fucking moron..

Which, I suppose, you're pretty used to...
Big Government has to control everything. It's all about the control. I'm just so sad so many Americans sit back and allow the abuse. Oh well,they have their big screen TVs,stupid reality shows,Twitter,and their porn so i guess that's all they need. Nevermind the fact their Freedom & Liberty is disappearing. What a country.

What freedoms have you lost in the last 20 years?
The freedom to not be afraid to speak truth to power, or else get labeled a terrorist. The freedom to do things we all used to do before, without a 2nd thought, but now are deemed suspicious. The freedom to protest peacefully without being assaulted. The freedom to have a fair trial and hearing without being jailed indefinitely. The list goes on, but if you aren't aware, you fit right in with the rest of the of the idiots that don't know or want to know what the fuck is going on.

Scoff again if you must, but do so at your own peril. Consider who the government designates as potential terrorists, according to its own missives: people who oppose Obama’s policies; people who stockpile food; people who oppose one-world government; Christians; military veterans returning from overseas engagements; people unhappy with the government’s actions at Waco, Texas, and Ruby Ridge, Idaho; and people opposed to gun control. The Department of Justice and FBI have even sent a form to military-surplus stores describing how to identify suspicious people and instructing them to watch for those who pay with cash; are missing fingers; have a strange smell; make bulk purchases of ammunition, meals ready to eat and flashlights; or who express a concern about privacy.

Coupled with recent news that police and military are now deploying drones over American cities, it’s easy to see — for those who care to look — exactly where we are headed. In the eyes of our government, we are all terrorists now and subject to permanent imprisonment or extermination.

We Are All Terrorists Now : Personal Liberty Digest™[P11559932]&rrid=394940233


BTW..What freedoms were we at risk of loosing at the hands of Al CIADuh, and other fake terrorists BS, that we had to "go fight them over there before they came over here" and threatened our freedoms? Or to install military police state measures here at home?
Seems like the very ones who are supposed to uphold our constitution are the ones taking away our freedoms, instead of the so called "terrorists".
Too many Americans are gladly trading away liberty for a false sense of security.
IMO all these measures are being put in place because of the impending economic collapse, among other things like the BS Federal Reserve scam, that the PTB thinks perhaps the public will wake up to and realize they have been fucked over and protest and revolt.
I personally think the American public is, and has been too fucking stupid to realize anything, and when they do, they don't have the balls to join together to try to make the changes needed, so the PTB don't have anything to worry about.

11-24-11 Freedom Watch - The Plain Truth - YouTube

You haven't lost any freedom. Fair enough.
Why don't you prove that there are armed guards there asking for your papers etc....?

The Sheriffs do this a couple of times a month, come out and ride, you'll get to experience it.

I've been to LA a few times, although it has been a while.

Ride the train and meet our Mac-10 brandishing Sheriffs, don't try to video them though, they'll crack your skull for that.
Funny... I went to the normal sites we all use to find the text of the 'More Than 7 Days Of Food Makes You A Suspected Terrorist' bill, and I can't seem to find it anywhere.

perhaps the OP could provide a link to this bill?
Funny... I went to the normal sites we all use to find the text of the 'More Than 7 Days Of Food Makes You A Suspected Terrorist' bill, and I can't seem to find it anywhere.

perhaps the OP could provide a link to this bill?


Check out the first page of this thread.

You're welcome.
Big Government has to control everything. It's all about the control. I'm just so sad so many Americans sit back and allow the abuse. Oh well,they have their big screen TVs,stupid reality shows,Twitter,and their porn so i guess that's all they need. Nevermind the fact their Freedom & Liberty is disappearing. What a country.

What freedoms have you lost in the last 20 years?

TSA. Nuff said:cuckoo:
Well, if having more then 7 days makes you a suspect then I am shit out of luck. I have enough food to last me in my freezer probably 2-3 months and in can goods a good 6 months. Living in Hurricane alley you have to be prepared.
Why don't you prove that there are armed guards there asking for your papers etc....?

The Sheriffs do this a couple of times a month, come out and ride, you'll get to experience it.

I've been to LA a few times, although it has been a while.

Ride the train and meet our Mac-10 brandishing Sheriffs, don't try to video them though, they'll crack your skull for that.

I'll fly over there after the first of the year. My calendar is pretty full at the moment.
Well......if having more than 7 days worth of food makes you a terrorist, the FBI should start monitoring Sam's Club members, and also check into anyone who purchases a hunting liscence, because an elk and a deer can last you for almost a year.

Come to think of it..........that would make Sam's Club and hunting liscence providers terrorist supporters and the government is gonna have to shut 'em down financially.

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