Rand Paul: "Having More Than 7 Days Of Food Makes You A Suspected Terrorist"

Come to think of it.......does this mean that everyone with a Sam's Club card is now going to be put on the no fly list?
They're all on the same team. Check out the 'Obama Deception.' There is no Republican/Democrat feud. It's all Show Biz. They all work for the same Bosses. The Big Government Police Staters now dominate both parties. There's no escaping them. The People can't win.
Big Government has to control everything. It's all about the control. I'm just so sad so many Americans sit back and allow the abuse. Oh well,they have their big screen TVs,stupid reality shows,Twitter,and their porn so i guess that's all they need. Nevermind the fact their Freedom & Liberty is disappearing. What a country.

What freedoms have you lost in the last 20 years?

TSA. Nuff said:cuckoo:

Inconvenience? Yes. Loss of freedom? No.
I'll fly over there after the first of the year. My calendar is pretty full at the moment.

I'm not kidding, they do this a couple of time a month - it makes us safer, you know....

I'm sure there is a good reason for the inconvenience. Perhaps they receive bomb threats. Would you rather them not do anything under those circumstances?
They're all on the same team. Check out the 'Obama Deception.' There is no Republican/Democrat feud. It's all Show Biz. They all work for the same Bosses. The Big Government Police Staters now dominate both parties. There's no escaping them. The People can't win.

You may as well just shoot yourself and put yourself out of misery.
There are a few hold-outs but overall the two parties are now controlled by Big Government Globalists. Rand Paul is one those very few hold-outs. His father Ron is another. Most of the rest just can't be trusted.
The freedom to stand at a train terminal without machine gun wielding police demanding "Papers Please" and searching my bags..

We are FAR less free than we were 20 years ago. Partially because of technology, everything you do is watched, everything.

Ya know what? That stuff doesn't bother me at all....it actually makes me feel a little safer. I have nothing to hide, i don't care if someone wants to check my bags and make sure i'm not some terrorist trying to get on that train or plane or bus! I don't care if there's camera's everyplace, because i have nothing to hide. 9-11 changed our country. Something had to be put in place to keep Americans safe because what they were doing before didn't work.

There's been many attacks stopped because of the security put in place. There's been many people caught breaking laws because camera's had them covered. So unless you have something to hide, i don't understand why someone wouldn't want to know they'll be safe when traveling or just walking down the street!

Well all these new laws also make it legal for the POTUS to ship political dissenters off to Gitmo to be imprisoned indefinitely. So I hope you're happy with the current administration.

Well...i've gotten a few pretty negative comments on this post! Lol!
First of all...i was ONLY commenting on what you said about what goes on when traveling, and you're comment on being watched. I was NOT saying i'm happy with everything that our govt is doing!!!
I DON'T have a problem when traveling and being searched. I flew back from Germany a year ago, came back the same way the shoe bomber did (Amsterdam to Detroit) and the security was a little more strict than most other airports, but not invasive at all. In fact i was held up for a little while when first leaving Germany (just stood next to the check-in desk) because my name is the same as someone that is on the no fly list and they had to verify i wasn't the one. They gave me to problems, didn't drag me into some room. I want to feel safe when traveling.

I DON'T have a problem with camera's all over the place. If you're doing something stupid out in the open where people can see you then you're an idiot (not meaning YOU, just people in general).

These are the ONLY things i have no problem with. I never said i think people should be put in prison or anything else. These are things i feel strongly about. If you don't, then that's you're option. So people need to stop putting words in my mouth that i didn't say. Again....98% of the crap our government does i am strongly against. But i also know that things are different than it was before 9-11 and i like feeling safe when traveling.

EDIT.....Sorry...i meant what Uncensored said....not you! :) It's been a long day!
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I guess that makes 90% of Americans suspects. I don't know many people who have less than seven days worth of food on hand, lol. Hell, I usually have two weeks worth, and if I buy the extra freezer I want, I will have a lot more. Damn, better lock me up now.
You and I know including canned and frozen edibles the average American has at least a seven day food supply on hand. The proponents of this bill know it too. So what their bill does is provide a conveniently legal reason to bypass Habeas Corpus and arrest the average citizen as a "suspected terrorist."

This bill, if passed, would punch a big hole in the Constitution.
I'd have to read the bill. Politicians aren't known for their honesty.

Rand Paul is, just like his daddy Ron Paul.

There are a few politicians who still have a strong moral compass and a genuine thirst restore this country to the greatness it once was.
Have your papers on you at all times people. The Gestapo is out there. You could very well end up in a jail cell. Don't forget your papers at home. You can be 'Detained.'
Big Government has to control everything. It's all about the control. I'm just so sad so many Americans sit back and allow the abuse. Oh well,they have their big screen TVs,stupid reality shows,Twitter,and their porn so i guess that's all they need. Nevermind the fact their Freedom & Liberty is disappearing. What a country.

Big Government = Control. Man,when are more Americans going to wake up and see what's going on right in front of their faces? Big Government is getting bigger and is taking more control of Citizens' lives. How can so many not see that? So sad and frustrating.

When Ron Paul, libertarians, and others of like mind exhibit as much concern for state and local governments being ‘big’ and undermining our Freedom and Liberty, then they’ll warrant the respect and support of those defending the Constitution and rule of law.

But to replace Federal ‘tyranny’ with that of the state is pointless idiocy.

Ya know what? That stuff doesn't bother me at all....it actually makes me feel a little safer. I have nothing to hide, i don't care if someone wants to check my bags and make sure i'm not some terrorist trying to get on that train or plane or bus! I don't care if there's camera's everyplace, because i have nothing to hide. 9-11 changed our country. Something had to be put in place to keep Americans safe because what they were doing before didn't work.

There's been many attacks stopped because of the security put in place. There's been many people caught breaking laws because camera's had them covered. So unless you have something to hide, i don't understand why someone wouldn't want to know they'll be safe when traveling or just walking down the street!

Yet another American surrenders her freedom to the state.

I've repeatedly heard that we should not safeguard liberty if we have nothing to hide.

I have nothing to hide, yet I still demand that the GOVERNMENT be restrained from search and seizure absent warrant or cause.

Interesting how this seems to be cutting across partisan and ideological lines.

Exactly right: without probable cause, warrant, or a compelling governmental interest, the state may not search a citizen or otherwise preempt his civil rights – this is not mitigated by ‘terrorism’ or crime or whether or not anyone has anything to hide.

You haven't lost any freedom. Fair enough.

Yes, let’s wait for the state to irretrievably erode or freedoms, then protest.

The time to act is before un-Constitutional laws are enacted.

I'm sure there is a good reason for the inconvenience. Perhaps they receive bomb threats. Would you rather them not do anything under those circumstances?

This is the problem: many like you have it backwards…

The state doesn’t get to decide what is or isn’t an ‘inconvenience,’ and the people aren’t compelled to be subjected to any type of search however ‘harmless’ or ‘necessary’ without probable cause:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The state has failed time an again to prove TSA airport-type searches are reasonable; indeed, as noted, the effectiveness of these searches are highly questionable.

Well...i've gotten a few pretty negative comments on this post!

And with good reason.
Big Government has to control everything. It's all about the control. I'm just so sad so many Americans sit back and allow the abuse. Oh well,they have their big screen TVs,stupid reality shows,Twitter,and their porn so i guess that's all they need. Nevermind the fact their Freedom & Liberty is disappearing. What a country.

Ya but people with intelligence know better. Usually smart people have money to. We keep on this path and the good people here that have the ability to leave will. History show us very clearly the path that we are on.
I would imagine such a bill would make it possible to disappear pedophiles much more easily.
If that is so then perhaps these scumbag pedophiles that represented you/us, in our own government should be Guantanamoed
and tortured.

Conspiracy Of Silence(Banned Discovery Channel Documentary) - YouTube

"Conspiracy of Silence" is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government. Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, "Conspiracy of Silence" reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child abuse and pedophilia to feed the base desires of key politicians.

Based on DeCamp's riveting book, The Franklin Cover-up,..

Still.. the evil terrorists and corruption that enables them are right in our own back yard in the form of our own government officials, NOT the citizens who legally oppose what they or the government do.

"The power is so broad that even U.S. citizens could be swept up by the military and the military could be used far from any battlefield, even within the United States itself," says the ACLU

Only the government has "rights" now, didn't you know? The slaves of the nation (i.e. the citizens) are being stripped of all rights, including the right to grow your own food, have a picnic or even buy fresh dairy products from a farmer.

Learn more: Occupied America: Senate bill 1867 would allow U.S. military to detain and murder anti-government protesters in American cities
What freedoms have you lost in the last 20 years?
The freedom to not be afraid to speak truth to power, or else get labeled a terrorist. The freedom to do things we all used to do before, without a 2nd thought, but now are deemed suspicious. The freedom to protest peacefully without being assaulted. The freedom to have a fair trial and hearing without being jailed indefinitely. The list goes on, but if you aren't aware, you fit right in with the rest of the of the idiots that don't know or want to know what the fuck is going on.

Scoff again if you must, but do so at your own peril. Consider who the government designates as potential terrorists, according to its own missives: people who oppose Obama’s policies; people who stockpile food; people who oppose one-world government; Christians; military veterans returning from overseas engagements; people unhappy with the government’s actions at Waco, Texas, and Ruby Ridge, Idaho; and people opposed to gun control. The Department of Justice and FBI have even sent a form to military-surplus stores describing how to identify suspicious people and instructing them to watch for those who pay with cash; are missing fingers; have a strange smell; make bulk purchases of ammunition, meals ready to eat and flashlights; or who express a concern about privacy.

Coupled with recent news that police and military are now deploying drones over American cities, it’s easy to see — for those who care to look — exactly where we are headed. In the eyes of our government, we are all terrorists now and subject to permanent imprisonment or extermination.

We Are All Terrorists Now : Personal Liberty Digest™[P11559932]&rrid=394940233


BTW..What freedoms were we at risk of loosing at the hands of Al CIADuh, and other fake terrorists BS, that we had to "go fight them over there before they came over here" and threatened our freedoms? Or to install military police state measures here at home?
Seems like the very ones who are supposed to uphold our constitution are the ones taking away our freedoms, instead of the so called "terrorists".
Too many Americans are gladly trading away liberty for a false sense of security.
IMO all these measures are being put in place because of the impending economic collapse, among other things like the BS Federal Reserve scam, that the PTB thinks perhaps the public will wake up to and realize they have been fucked over and protest and revolt.
I personally think the American public is, and has been too fucking stupid to realize anything, and when they do, they don't have the balls to join together to try to make the changes needed, so the PTB don't have anything to worry about.

11-24-11 Freedom Watch - The Plain Truth - YouTube

You haven't lost any freedom. Fair enough.

Pretending this isn't happening is no way to go through life.
Good thing to know that there is less of your " Lonestar Logic"
and more rational thinking like this
Lone Star Watchdog: What Happened to Probable Cause?

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