“Ranked Choice” Presidential Poll

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
I’ve devised a poll for “critical independent voters” like myself, but anyone is welcome to participate. It’s sort of “ranked choice voting” for President.

Tell us how you would vote if the election were held today. You can vote for up to three candidates. Please vote for at least one. Write in votes are accepted. Remember to indicate your choice/choices as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.

Choices (in alphabetical order):

A) A Ham Sandwich

B) Donald Trump

C) Joe Biden
I’ve devised a poll for “critical independent voters” like myself, but anyone is welcome to participate. It’s sort of “ranked choice voting” for President.

Tell us how you would vote if the election were held today. You can vote for up to three candidates. Please vote for at least one. Write in votes are accepted. Remember to indicate your choice/choices as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.

Choices (in alphabetical order):

A) A Ham Sandwich

B) Donald Trump

C) Joe Biden

Good example of the Dems low expectation strategy. Since they can't defend Biden, they are now suggesting that there is no difference between him and President Trump.
Trick question as Biden and a ham sandwich are basically the same thing, intellectually speaking.

Yeah, but Biden and Trump really aren't different policy-wise. Not where it matters.

So, ultimately, Biden is to pork as Trump is to Biden. I think that's it, somebody check me on that.
Trick question as Biden and a ham sandwich are basically the same thing, intellectually speaking.

Yeah, but Biden and Trump really aren't different policy-wise. Not where it matters.

So, ultimately, Biden is to pork as Trump is to Biden. I think that's it, somebody check me on that.
Police unions support Trump not Biden. Trump gets my vote.
Trick question as Biden and a ham sandwich are basically the same thing, intellectually speaking.

Yeah, but Biden and Trump really aren't different policy-wise. Not where it matters.

So, ultimately, Biden is to pork as Trump is to Biden. I think that's it, somebody check me on that.
Not different policy wise? Is your brain a ham sandwich?
I like ham sandwiches with American cheese and tomato. Definitely my First Choice.

I appreciate Natural Citizen ’s dilemna, but he can write in something veggie, or order the Ham & Cheese and I will be happy to eat the extra ham.

My Second Choice I suppose must be Biden. I see the point Orangecat is making and agree. Too bad I can’t “Eat my Ham Sandwich and have it too.”

“Sleepy Joe” reminds me of “Sloppy Joes” ...


... which are messy but edible (so are rats for that matter ... but not rat poison).

Those are my choices.
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I like ham sandwiches with American cheese and tomato. Definitely my First Choice.

I appreciate @Natural Citizen’s dilemna, but he can write in something veggie or order the Ham & Cheese and I will be happy to eat the extra ham.

My Second Choice I suppose must be Biden. I see the point Orangecat is making and agree. But if I can’t have my Ham Sandwich and eat it too ... Besides “Sleepy Joe” reminds me of “Sloppy Joe” sandwiches ...

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... which are messy but edible (so are rats for that matter ... but not rat poison).

Those are my choices.
So being an independent means you take no actual stand on any issue???
I like ham sandwiches with American cheese and tomato. Definitely my First Choice.

I appreciate @Natural Citizen’s dilemna, but he can write in something veggie or order the Ham & Cheese and I will be happy to eat the extra ham.

My Second Choice I suppose must be Biden. I see the point Orangecat is making and agree. But if I can’t have my Ham Sandwich and eat it too ... Besides “Sleepy Joe” reminds me of “Sloppy Joe” sandwiches ...

View attachment 392721

... which are messy but edible (so are rats for that matter ... but not rat poison).

Those are my choices.
So being an independent means you take no actual stand on any issue???

This is a humor thread, so I am standing on my head and trying to enjoy my Ham Sandwich.
Yeah, but Biden and Trump really aren't different policy-wise. Not where it matters.
Tax rates matter to me, as do judicial appointments and supporting good police officers.

Sounds like you want it nice and good, O. I hope you get it, man, really do.

Me? I'd abolish the income tax and remove jurisdiction from federal courts and return the authority back over to the state justice departments. So far as the po po, I'd reform them in a meaningful way which serves the electorate's primary interest. I'd abolish mass surveillance, civil asset forfeiture, police militarization, and other police-state policies adopted in the name of the wars on terror and drugs. That's actually a kind of deep topic, though. Because I'm not against plinkin off these rioters. Ha.
Sounds like you want it nice and good, O.
Nice and good are subjective. I want minimal government and more liberty.
I hope you get it, man, really do.
Me? I'd abolish the income tax and remove jurisdiction from federal courts and return the authority back over to the state justice departments.
I like that. Flat national consumption tax to fund the federal gov, Single digit percentage.
So far as the po po, I'd reform them in a meaningful way which serves the electorate's primary interest. I'd abolish mass surveillance, civil asset forfeiture, police militarization, and other police-state policies adopted in the name of the wars on terror and drugs. That's actually a kind of deep topic, though. Because I'm not against plinkin off these rioters. Ha.
I agree 100%. I do not agree with defunding local police and using social workers to coddle criminals. I'd love to get the police out of the "traffic violation" revenue collection business. They can respond to accidents, but piddly BS ticketing doesn't enhance their image.
In the future always put pineapple in the poll. Always, always, always put pineapple in the poll.
Your suggestion about PINEAPPLE got me thinking. Bear with me ...

Voting these days is like having really bad sex. For a woman I guess it would be like getting raped by an orange gorilla or looking forward to lying in bed for four years with a horny but very old man.

At my age I don’t vote or make love that often. Voting for either major party for President leaves me feeling ... dirty. Who likes getting raped by anybody? Or eating ... well, you know.

Anyway, with a nod to NC, here’s a tip for the young bloods:


It at least ensures your nether regions smell good!

“Yes, ladies — and men too, for that matter — drinking a good sized glass of pineapple juice a couple of hours before the deed can help make your bodily fluids taste and even smell better. Fruits in general are good because they contain acids and sugars.”

Grooming for sexual success

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