Rapture anyday now!

I did neither Daws. I am a child of the Most High. Co-heir with Christ. Nothing inferior in that.

God doesn't need to impress anyone. It is His pleasure to give His children the best of everything.
And, if you don't know who wrote that, you post uninformed.

He loves you Daws, if you were the only human that ever lived, He'd still pave His streets with gold and build you a mansion. :)
I did neither Daws. I am a child of the Most High. Co-heir with Christ. Nothing inferior in that.

God doesn't need to impress anyone. It is His pleasure to give His children the best of everything.
And, if you don't know who wrote that, you post uninformed.

He loves you Daws, if you were the only human that ever lived, He'd still pave His streets with gold and build you a mansion. :)
ok sure...sacrasm..
again you miss the point...
I meant no sacrasm. What I said I meant in earnest. You are a child of the Most High God. And while Christ hung on that cross your name and your deeds were addressed, just as mine were. He wants to hold your hand in times of trouble, to bless you, and to keep you safe, and have you sit at His table. He's waiting to hear from you. Try Him, you'll like Him.
"A preoccupation with the next world clearly shows an inability to cope credibly with this one." Richard K. Morgan (Broken Angels)

Christians and Muslims both suffer from this preoccupation with the afterlife. Judaism is much more centered on this life, not the next one.
I did neither Daws. I am a child of the Most High. Co-heir with Christ. Nothing inferior in that.

God doesn't need to impress anyone. It is His pleasure to give His children the best of everything.
And, if you don't know who wrote that, you post uninformed.

He loves you Daws, if you were the only human that ever lived, He'd still pave His streets with gold and build you a mansion. :)

So what seperates you wackos from the Muslim wackos that believe in a bunch of virgins waiting for them?

Note to Muslims: Virgins are highly over rated.

You all sound crazy as bed bugs.
A belief and dicussion of that belief does not a preocupation make. I am very busy in this life with a variety of things. Business, family, friends, home, etc. But Christ takes precedent over all.
And I hope to be busy in the next chapter of my life as well.

What seperates Christians from Muslims is that one promotes love for one another, the other death to all infidels. Killing and to be killed for Allah, is the opposite of loving one another.

Huggy are you being forced to the religious forum? If not, whose the crazy one to spend what precious time you have left on something you don't believe?
I'm gonna take all your stuff when you leave.

You can have mine too. Stuff is worthless, compared to the riches laid up in Heaven by a Father that loves His children. I'm trading my home in for a mansion. And you can drive my car over all the potholes you can find. I prefer streets of gold.
On the other hand, you can just come with......
funny how fantasy works ,ram wants heaven to be like Beverly hills or some other snooty idle rich neighborhood...
if I believed that heaven existed, why the hell would it need street of gold or mansions who is god trying to impress?

I suspect that God is not trying to impress anyone. Whoever made those streets of gold descriptions of heaven were probably trying to impress the poor.

You can't easily catch a fish without a nice shiny lure.
So you believe Luke huh? Good:
And behold, two men were talking with Him; and they were Moses and Elijah, who, appearing in glory, were speaking of His departure which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.

Moses and Elijah? :eek: Christ's departure as something He accomplished? :eusa_shhh:
Far better we listen to what you think must have happened than the eyewitnesses.
And how about all of those fish and loaves of bread? Since man can't perform magic, only one ate lunch that day. The rest euphemised their stomach's were full.......
Since you can't cure blindness, neither could Jesus. The eye witnesses just pretended the blind could see, the lame could walk.
Mary and Martha just thought Lazarus rose from the dead because they didn't understand Christ the way you do.
Since men can't rise from the dead, the resurrection never happened either........

Hob, honey, there is a reason we are not to rely on our own understanding. You've rewritten the whole Bible based on yours, so we don't have to rely on Christ, or what He said, or what He did, or those that saw Him do it.......
Thanks, but forgive me, I'll stick with the Word, and not the Hob. :smiliehug:

When Jesus appeared the first time the Jewish people had not heard from God for over 1000 years. They were famished and had become blinded by darkness and crippled and paralyzed by ignorance and fear in what had become a Greco-Roman desert wilderness. When Jesus fed the multitude he fed them his teaching from God though his first 7 disciples referred to as five loaves and two fish, who went out and sat the people down in groups of fifty and taught the crowd who ate their fill and their hunger for divine revelation and guidance was satisfied. The uneaten pieces that filled twelve baskets were the aspects of what Jesus taught that the rest of the crowd could not swallow. 7 disciples became twelve, the multiplication of the loaves, a miracle!

The dead came to life, the blind received sight, the crippled and paralyzed were healed and made whole and stood up on their own two feet and walked like rational human beings, perhaps for the first time in their entire lives.

No one pretended anything.

Why are you pretending to believe that God sent Jesus to host a supernatural fish sandwich party in the desert to fill their stomachs?
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So you believe Luke huh? Good:
And behold, two men were talking with Him; and they were Moses and Elijah, who, appearing in glory, were speaking of His departure which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.

Moses and Elijah? :eek: Christ's departure as something He accomplished? :eusa_shhh:
Far better we listen to what you think must have happened than the eyewitnesses.
And how about all of those fish and loaves of bread? Since man can't perform magic, only one ate lunch that day. The rest euphemised their stomach's were full.......
Since you can't cure blindness, neither could Jesus. The eye witnesses just pretended the blind could see, the lame could walk.
Mary and Martha just thought Lazarus rose from the dead because they didn't understand Christ the way you do.
Since men can't rise from the dead, the resurrection never happened either........

Hob, honey, there is a reason we are not to rely on our own understanding. You've rewritten the whole Bible based on yours, so we don't have to rely on Christ, or what He said, or what He did, or those that saw Him do it.......
Thanks, but forgive me, I'll stick with the Word, and not the Hob. :smiliehug:

When Jesus appeared the first time the Jewish people had not heard from God for over 1000 years. They were famished and had become blinded by darkness and crippled and paralyzed by ignorance and fear in what had become a Greco-Roman desert wilderness. When Jesus fed the multitude he fed them his teaching from God though his first 7 disciples referred to as five loaves and two fish, who went out and sat the people down in groups of fifty and taught the crowd who ate their fill and their hunger for divine revelation and guidance was satisfied. The uneaten pieces that filled twelve baskets were the aspects of what Jesus taught that the rest of the crowd could not swallow. 7 disciples became twelve, the multiplication of the loaves, a miracle!

The dead came to life, the blind received sight, the crippled and paralyzed were healed and made whole and stood up on their own two feet and walked like rational human beings, perhaps for the first time in their entire lives.

No one pretended anything.

Why are you pretending to believe that God sent Jesus to host a supernatural fish sandwich party in the desert to fill their stomachs?

I can easily see your imagination is running wild with all your false interpretations of the scriptures that were written by antichrists to lure in their Christians.

We saints write about heavenly things. We don't need to focus on miracles because life alone is a miracle. Many people have witnessed miraculous things in this world that they can't explain but that has nothing to do with knowing our true Creator.
I meant no sacrasm. What I said I meant in earnest. You are a child of the Most High God. And while Christ hung on that cross your name and your deeds were addressed, just as mine were. He wants to hold your hand in times of trouble, to bless you, and to keep you safe, and have you sit at His table. He's waiting to hear from you. Try Him, you'll like Him.
I meant no sacrasm. What I said I meant in earnest. You are a child of the Most High God. And while Christ hung on that cross your name and your deeds were addressed, just as mine were. He wants to hold your hand in times of trouble, to bless you, and to keep you safe, and have you sit at His table. He's waiting to hear from you. Try Him, you'll like Him.

My deeds couldn't have been addressed by Jesus on the cross, I wasn't born yet.
I meant no sacrasm. What I said I meant in earnest. You are a child of the Most High God. And while Christ hung on that cross your name and your deeds were addressed, just as mine were. He wants to hold your hand in times of trouble, to bless you, and to keep you safe, and have you sit at His table. He's waiting to hear from you. Try Him, you'll like Him.

My deeds couldn't have been addressed by Jesus on the cross, I wasn't born yet.
your parents,parents,parents, parents etc...weren't born yet either..
the odd thing is Christians blather on endlessly about free will....if god, Jesus knew in advance what you would do, then free will is a steaming pile!
Daws, Christ didn't remove your free will, He just paid the price for our poor use of it.

That you weren't born when Christ hung on the cross is no obstacle for God. Time is a dimension. It was the missing link in Einstein's theory until Hubble showed it to him from a spacial vantage point. It revealed to Einstein that if time is in motion, then we should be able to go back in time to a beginning.
Our noted scientists of the 20th century finally realized there are more than the 4 dimensions that bind us on this earth, and probably an infinite number of dimensions exist.

Here's a simplified example:
You are standing on Main street and a parade turns the corner and passes in front of you before turning left on the next street and disappearing from your view. Your neighbor is in a helicopter. He can see the parade begin, turn and march down Main Street, and end after it turns left to reach it's destination. He sees things from a different prospective than you. So does your Father. Our future is already God's history. It's how He already knows what countries will invade Israel, for instance.
Dimensions are a reality. Science says so, and so does God.

It is that dimension that allows God to see the end from the beginning. He is not bound by the four dimensions that bind us and can freely move from dimension to dimension, forward and back.
Christ in His glorified body demonstrated this by appearing, seemingly out of nowhere, and then leaving as mysteriously as he appeared. Our glorified bodies will be like His. We will no longer tethered by gravity or time.

God can go right now to the day your grandchild will be born, even if your child, the father to be, is only 6 years old in our time frame. He has already seen and knows the names and has counted the hairs on the heads of every child that will be born tomorrow, or 2042. He is inter-dimensional, and that involved when it comes to His children.
And keep in mind that He knows the amount of hairs on your head, because you too belong to Him. That you never even talk to Him doesn't diminish His love for you. It grieves Him, but it doesn't change His love. You are His baby boy, and He will know how many hairs will be there on your head tomorrow. It is a continually changing number. He keeps track of us day by day.
And when he does finally hear from you, God Almighty will dance over you with joy. You are that important.
Daws, Christ didn't remove your free will, He just paid the price for our poor use of it.

That you weren't born when Christ hung on the cross is no obstacle for God. Time is a dimension. It was the missing link in Einstein's theory until Hubble showed it to him from a spacial vantage point. It revealed to Einstein that if time is in motion, then we should be able to go back in time to a beginning.
Our noted scientists of the 20th century finally realized there are more than the 4 dimensions that bind us on this earth, and probably an infinite number of dimensions exist.

Here's a simplified example:
You are standing on Main street and a parade turns the corner and passes in front of you before turning left on the next street and disappearing from your view. Your neighbor is in a helicopter. He can see the parade begin, turn and march down Main Street, and end after it turns left to reach it's destination. He sees things from a different prospective than you. So does your Father. Our future is already God's history. It's how He already knows what countries will invade Israel, for instance.
Dimensions are a reality. Science says so, and so does God.

It is that dimension that allows God to see the end from the beginning. He is not bound by the four dimensions that bind us and can freely move from dimension to dimension, forward and back.
Christ in His glorified body demonstrated this by appearing, seemingly out of nowhere, and then leaving as mysteriously as he appeared. Our glorified bodies will be like His. We will no longer tethered by gravity or time.

God can go right now to the day your grandchild will be born, even if your child, the father to be, is only 6 years old in our time frame. He has already seen and knows the names and has counted the hairs on the heads of every child that will be born tomorrow, or 2042. He is inter-dimensional, and that involved when it comes to His children.
And keep in mind that He knows the amount of hairs on your head, because you too belong to Him. That you never even talk to Him doesn't diminish His love for you. It grieves Him, but it doesn't change His love. You are His baby boy, and He will know how many hairs will be there on your head tomorrow. It is a continually changing number. He keeps track of us day by day.
And when he does finally hear from you, God Almighty will dance over you with joy. You are that important.
"A preoccupation with the next world clearly shows an inability to cope credibly with this one." Richard K. Morgan (Broken Angels)

Christians and Muslims both suffer from this preoccupation with the afterlife. Judaism is much more centered on this life, not the next one.

You really think that? The scriptures seem to teach more about this life and the path to happiness.

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