Rasmussen poll methodology is very suspect

According to a guest on Becks radio show Rasmussen is saying that only 75% of Republicans will vote for Trump and that leads to a 12 point loss to Biden.

Sorry I do not have a link but if you have access to their methodology its supposedly right at the beginning.

I find this percentage VERY unlikely.
not sure but I think their methodology is called "makin shit up"
They are all suspect. Take a poll that has one candidate up big today. Look at that same poll two days before the election. No, people are not going to flop from one candidate to the other in numbers like that this close to the election.

Last time polls had wide differences in the candidates but then tightened them up just before the election to claim they were close.
According to a guest on Becks radio show Rasmussen is saying that only 75% of Republicans will vote for Trump and that leads to a 12 point loss to Biden.

Sorry I do not have a link but if you have access to their methodology its supposedly right at the beginning.

I find this percentage VERY unlikely.
not sure but I think their methodology is called "makin shit up"
That "process" is evey polling agencies policy... They are attempting to drive the narrative rather than get a pulse on the election. Point in fact.. Yesterday the national poll had Biden up by 12 and today it is again at just 4 points nationally, What happened in the last 24 hours to shift that number so significantly? I doubt the VP debate did it...
Polls across the board...and other indicators..posit that Trump's support is softening--and people are deciding that he has to go.

I'm a skeptic about polls--they just exist to manipulate--after all.

However..I've talked to a few people in the last coupla days--and they all said that there was a 'feel' that things were changing. A lot of people are worried about what Trump will do when he loses--and they talk as though they expect that that will be an issue. All of these folk are Trump supporters and all still plan to vote for him. If people are having doubts in Idaho---well...that can't be good for Trump!
According to a guest on Becks radio show Rasmussen is saying that only 75% of Republicans will vote for Trump and that leads to a 12 point loss to Biden.

Sorry I do not have a link but if you have access to their methodology its supposedly right at the beginning.

I find this percentage VERY unlikely.
not sure but I think their methodology is called "makin shit up"
That "process" is evey polling agencies policy... They are attempting to drive the narrative rather than get a pulse on the election. Point in fact.. Yesterday the national poll had Biden up by 12 and today it is again at just 4 points nationally, What happened in the last 24 hours to shift that number so significantly? I doubt the VP debate did it...
Same poll or different poll?
Lots of republicans are backing Biden. You need to watch the Lincoln projects work.
And lots of former democrats are supporting Trump. What's your point?
What makes you think that? I can give you lots of endorsements for Biden from republicans.
Lost of endorsements =/= a loss of 24% of the party.

Get fucking real.
I’ve never seen so many republican groups come out against a republican candidate. Have you? Given the shitty state of the country why are you surprised? 4 years ago looks like paradise now.
According to a guest on Becks radio show Rasmussen is saying that only 75% of Republicans will vote for Trump and that leads to a 12 point loss to Biden.

Sorry I do not have a link but if you have access to their methodology its supposedly right at the beginning.

I find this percentage VERY unlikely.
One out of four sounds wrong to me.

What it comes down to is this:

Michigan. Trump got 2,279,543 votes. Hillary got 2,268,839 votes. 10,704 difference
Pennsylvania. Trump got 2,970,733 votes. Hillary got 2,926,441 votes. 44,292 difference
Wisconsin. Trump got 1,405,284 votes. Hillary got 1,382,536 22,748 difference

If there are 10,704 fewer votes for the blob in MI
If there are 44,292 fewer votes for the blob in PA
If there are 22,748 fewer votes for the blob in WI

Not for nothing--candidates make elections--but all 3 states have Democratic Party governors. MI/WI elected them since the 2016 election. The DEM in PA held on to his seat.

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