Rasmussen -- Trump's favorite poll -- now has Biden + 12

The Trumpsters don't have to worry if Biden wins.

For the second time in a row, a Democratic President would be spending all their fucking time cleaning up the fucking MESS left by the previous Republican administration to get much NEW done.

So relax. Later on, you guys could blame Biden for not doing a fast enough job of cleaning up your mess.

I certainly hope for you sake that your clients don't know you are this ignorant with regards to the economy. I sure as hell wouldn't trust any financial advisor who is this uninformed with my money.
The Trumpsters don't have to worry if Biden wins.

For the second time in a row, a Democratic President would be spending all their fucking time cleaning up the fucking MESS left by the previous Republican administration to get much NEW done.

So relax. Later on, you guys could blame Biden for not doing a fast enough job of cleaning up your mess.

I certainly hope for you sake that your clients don't know you are this ignorant with regards to the economy. I sure as hell wouldn't trust any financial advisor who is this uninformed with my money.
You are nothing. Sorry.
The Trumpsters don't have to worry if Biden wins.

For the second time in a row, a Democratic President would be spending all their fucking time cleaning up the fucking MESS left by the previous Republican administration to get much NEW done.

So relax. Later on, you guys could blame Biden for not doing a fast enough job of cleaning up your mess.

I certainly hope for you sake that your clients don't know you are this ignorant with regards to the economy. I sure as hell wouldn't trust any financial advisor who is this uninformed with my money.
You are nothing. Sorry.

Nothing but infinitely more knowledgeable than you. You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Not one clue.
The Trumpsters don't have to worry if Biden wins.

For the second time in a row, a Democratic President would be spending all their fucking time cleaning up the fucking MESS left by the previous Republican administration to get much NEW done.

So relax. Later on, you guys could blame Biden for not doing a fast enough job of cleaning up your mess.

I certainly hope for you sake that your clients don't know you are this ignorant with regards to the economy. I sure as hell wouldn't trust any financial advisor who is this uninformed with my money.
You are nothing. Sorry.

I might add, you are trying to build in an excuse for Biden/Harris. They want to raise taxes...yes on on everyone. Repealing the Trump tax cuts will raise taxes on nearly everyone. Changing 401(k) rules to prohibit pre-tax contributions for those making over 100k per year is a tax hike. Limiting the deduction for those in the 28%+ tax brackets is a tax hike

Check out the details...they are lying. You are being duped.
The Trumpsters don't have to worry if Biden wins.

For the second time in a row, a Democratic President would be spending all their fucking time cleaning up the fucking MESS left by the previous Republican administration to get much NEW done.

So relax. Later on, you guys could blame Biden for not doing a fast enough job of cleaning up your mess.

Actually it will be the third time in a row.

The first bush left us on the verge of an economic collapse when he left office in 1993.

How can anyone forget James Carvel's words?


When I was in college getting my degree in accounting/finance, I took an economics course titled the economic history of America.

It was very interesting. Our history is filled with conservative economics destroying or severely harming our economy with moderates or liberals coming after them to clean the mess up.

None of this surprises me. Conservative economics is one of the most irresponsible and destructive economic systems.
The incredible thing is that they think they're better with economics, because that's what they're told.

And yet, here we go again, time for another cleanup. The arrogant ignorance is a sight to behold.

I will never understand how conservatives convinced people that conservative economics is responsible and successful.

It's not.

We see it over and over and over and over again yet people don't wake up.

Maybe they think responsible economics is cutting taxes with the nation not being able to pay our financial obligations.

I keep telling people. It's not the government's job to pay you. That is the job of the employer. It's the government's job to make sure the employer is paying people the proper living wage.

All tax cuts do is dump billions more in the hands of those who already are filthy rich. It gives the employers even more money on top of the tax cut because they don't have to raise wages.

All the while, the nation falls farther and farther behind in our financial, social and future obligations.

Other nations have 21st century infrastructure. We don't. We're still using obsolete 20th century infrastructure and technology.

If we went back to something that resembles responsible economic policy we could get our deficit eliminated, then start working on paying off the debt, pay back all that money that was stolen from social security and so much more.

I've been waiting for our nation to wake up since the 80s.

I'm still chasing those windmills.
Last edited:
The Trumpsters don't have to worry if Biden wins.

For the second time in a row, a Democratic President would be spending all their fucking time cleaning up the fucking MESS left by the previous Republican administration to get much NEW done.

So relax. Later on, you guys could blame Biden for not doing a fast enough job of cleaning up your mess.

Actually it will be the third time in a row.

The first bush left us on the verge of an economic collapse when he left office in 1993.

How can anyone forget James Carvel's words?


When I was in college getting my degree in accounting/finance, I took an economics course titled the economic history of America.

It was very interesting. Our history is filled with conservative economics destroying or severely harming our economy with moderates or liberals coming after them to clean the mess up.

None of this surprises me. Conservative economics is one of the most irresponsible and destructive economic systems.
The incredible thing is that they think they're better with economics, because that's what they're told.

And yet, here we go again, time for another cleanup. The arrogant ignorance is a sight to behold.

I will never understand how conservatives convinced people that conservative economics is responsible and successful.

It's not.

We see it over and over and over and over again yet people don't wake up.

Maybe they think responsible economics is cutting taxes with the nation not being able to pay our financial obligations.

I keep telling people. It's not the government's job to pay you. That is the job of the employer. It's the government's job to make sure the employer is paying people the proper living wage.

All tax cuts do is dump billions more in the hands of those who already are filthy rich. It gives the employers more money because they don't have to raise wages.

All the while, the nation falls farther and farther behind in our financial, social and future obligations.

Other nations have 21st century infrastructure. We don't. We're still using obsolete 20th century infrastructure and technology.

If we went back to something that resembles responsible economic policy we could get our deficit eliminated, then start working on paying off the debt, pay back all that money that was stolen from social security and so much more.

I've been waiting for our nation to wake up since the 80s.

I'm still chasing those windmills.

Raising personal and corporate taxes, eliminating fracking, going Green when our competitors will not all while NOT cutting spending is going to help us in what way exactly?
The Trumpsters don't have to worry if Biden wins.

For the second time in a row, a Democratic President would be spending all their fucking time cleaning up the fucking MESS left by the previous Republican administration to get much NEW done.

So relax. Later on, you guys could blame Biden for not doing a fast enough job of cleaning up your mess.

Actually it will be the third time in a row.

The first bush left us on the verge of an economic collapse when he left office in 1993.

How can anyone forget James Carvel's words?


When I was in college getting my degree in accounting/finance, I took an economics course titled the economic history of America.

It was very interesting. Our history is filled with conservative economics destroying or severely harming our economy with moderates or liberals coming after them to clean the mess up.

None of this surprises me. Conservative economics is one of the most irresponsible and destructive economic systems.
The incredible thing is that they think they're better with economics, because that's what they're told.

And yet, here we go again, time for another cleanup. The arrogant ignorance is a sight to behold.

I will never understand how conservatives convinced people that conservative economics is responsible and successful.

It's not.

We see it over and over and over and over again yet people don't wake up.

Maybe they think responsible economics is cutting taxes with the nation not being able to pay our financial obligations.

I keep telling people. It's not the government's job to pay you. That is the job of the employer. It's the government's job to make sure the employer is paying people the proper living wage.

All tax cuts do is dump billions more in the hands of those who already are filthy rich. It gives the employers even more money on top of the tax cut because they don't have to raise wages.

All the while, the nation falls farther and farther behind in our financial, social and future obligations.

Other nations have 21st century infrastructure. We don't. We're still using obsolete 20th century infrastructure and technology.

If we went back to something that resembles responsible economic policy we could get our deficit eliminated, then start working on paying off the debt, pay back all that money that was stolen from social security and so much more.

I've been waiting for our nation to wake up since the 80s.

I'm still chasing those windmills.
Well, it's part of a bigger picture. Talk radio not only has these people convinced they must believe everything they're fed as Da Troof, but it's gone much further by convincing them to avoid any outside, contrary input. So it has created its own, closed circuit universe.

It didn't happen overnight, of course. This has been a 30+ year process, and now you simply can't communicate with them. They have their own reality now.

So when they're told they're more informed on economics, that's what they believe. Actual evidence be damned.
The Trumpsters don't have to worry if Biden wins.

For the second time in a row, a Democratic President would be spending all their fucking time cleaning up the fucking MESS left by the previous Republican administration to get much NEW done.

So relax. Later on, you guys could blame Biden for not doing a fast enough job of cleaning up your mess.

Actually it will be the third time in a row.

The first bush left us on the verge of an economic collapse when he left office in 1993.

How can anyone forget James Carvel's words?


When I was in college getting my degree in accounting/finance, I took an economics course titled the economic history of America.

It was very interesting. Our history is filled with conservative economics destroying or severely harming our economy with moderates or liberals coming after them to clean the mess up.

None of this surprises me. Conservative economics is one of the most irresponsible and destructive economic systems.
Fourth time, actually.

Hoover in 1933.

Actually Clinton cleaned up reagan's and the first bush's mess.

When reagan started in office he slashed taxes. It sent our economy and nation into an economic tailspin causing the worst economic recession since the last republican Great Depression.

The only thing that saved reagan was he raised taxes a little bit then pulled out the nation's credit card and went on the largest spending spree since WW II. Only there was no war.

Most of the jobs reagan created were dependent on federal tax dollars.

Our deficit and debt exploded. reagan nearly tripled our national debt. That's after he went around the nation in 1980 telling us our deficit and debt were too high.

When the Cold War ended, so did most of the jobs reagan created.

How can anyone forget the "peace dividend" we heard in the first bush years when the defense budget was correctly cut.

The problem with it was reagan's economy was all a fake, dependent mostly on tax dollars. Hint here, what reagan did wasn't free market capitalism. When the tax dollars dried up, so did the jobs.

By the end of the first bush term, we were back on the edge of economic collapse that reagan took us to when he first became president and changed our economy to conservative policy.

If anyone bothered to take the time to learn the economic history of our nation you will see that every time that conservative economics is applied, it's a total failure, it collapses the economy with a moderate or liberal coming behind to clean up the mess.
The Trumpsters don't have to worry if Biden wins.

For the second time in a row, a Democratic President would be spending all their fucking time cleaning up the fucking MESS left by the previous Republican administration to get much NEW done.

So relax. Later on, you guys could blame Biden for not doing a fast enough job of cleaning up your mess.

Actually it will be the third time in a row.

The first bush left us on the verge of an economic collapse when he left office in 1993.

How can anyone forget James Carvel's words?


When I was in college getting my degree in accounting/finance, I took an economics course titled the economic history of America.

It was very interesting. Our history is filled with conservative economics destroying or severely harming our economy with moderates or liberals coming after them to clean the mess up.

None of this surprises me. Conservative economics is one of the most irresponsible and destructive economic systems.
The incredible thing is that they think they're better with economics, because that's what they're told.

And yet, here we go again, time for another cleanup. The arrogant ignorance is a sight to behold.

I will never understand how conservatives convinced people that conservative economics is responsible and successful.

It's not.

We see it over and over and over and over again yet people don't wake up.

Maybe they think responsible economics is cutting taxes with the nation not being able to pay our financial obligations.

I keep telling people. It's not the government's job to pay you. That is the job of the employer. It's the government's job to make sure the employer is paying people the proper living wage.

All tax cuts do is dump billions more in the hands of those who already are filthy rich. It gives the employers even more money on top of the tax cut because they don't have to raise wages.

All the while, the nation falls farther and farther behind in our financial, social and future obligations.

Other nations have 21st century infrastructure. We don't. We're still using obsolete 20th century infrastructure and technology.

If we went back to something that resembles responsible economic policy we could get our deficit eliminated, then start working on paying off the debt, pay back all that money that was stolen from social security and so much more.

I've been waiting for our nation to wake up since the 80s.

I'm still chasing those windmills.
Well, it's part of a bigger picture. Talk radio not only has these people convinced they must believe everything they're fed as Da Troof, but it's gone much further by convincing them to avoid any outside, contrary input. So it has created its own, closed circuit universe.

It didn't happen overnight, of course. This has been a 30+ year process, and now you simply can't communicate with them. They have their own reality now.

So when they're told they're more informed on economics, that's what they believe. Actual evidence be damned.

Yeah, actual evidence be damned. You do realize that as salary rises(excluding the ULTRA wealthy) so does the likelihood of a person voting Republican. Let me let you in on a little secret, people who make higher salaries are typically more informed and more intelligent. It isn't us who has been brainwashed, it is the weak minded lower earners. They provide the perfect target.
The Trumpsters don't have to worry if Biden wins.

For the second time in a row, a Democratic President would be spending all their fucking time cleaning up the fucking MESS left by the previous Republican administration to get much NEW done.

So relax. Later on, you guys could blame Biden for not doing a fast enough job of cleaning up your mess.

Actually it will be the third time in a row.

The first bush left us on the verge of an economic collapse when he left office in 1993.

How can anyone forget James Carvel's words?


When I was in college getting my degree in accounting/finance, I took an economics course titled the economic history of America.

It was very interesting. Our history is filled with conservative economics destroying or severely harming our economy with moderates or liberals coming after them to clean the mess up.

None of this surprises me. Conservative economics is one of the most irresponsible and destructive economic systems.
The incredible thing is that they think they're better with economics, because that's what they're told.

And yet, here we go again, time for another cleanup. The arrogant ignorance is a sight to behold.

I will never understand how conservatives convinced people that conservative economics is responsible and successful.

It's not.

We see it over and over and over and over again yet people don't wake up.

Maybe they think responsible economics is cutting taxes with the nation not being able to pay our financial obligations.

I keep telling people. It's not the government's job to pay you. That is the job of the employer. It's the government's job to make sure the employer is paying people the proper living wage.

All tax cuts do is dump billions more in the hands of those who already are filthy rich. It gives the employers even more money on top of the tax cut because they don't have to raise wages.

All the while, the nation falls farther and farther behind in our financial, social and future obligations.

Other nations have 21st century infrastructure. We don't. We're still using obsolete 20th century infrastructure and technology.

If we went back to something that resembles responsible economic policy we could get our deficit eliminated, then start working on paying off the debt, pay back all that money that was stolen from social security and so much more.

I've been waiting for our nation to wake up since the 80s.

I'm still chasing those windmills.
Well, it's part of a bigger picture. Talk radio not only has these people convinced they must believe everything they're fed as Da Troof, but it's gone much further by convincing them to avoid any outside, contrary input. So it has created its own, closed circuit universe.

It didn't happen overnight, of course. This has been a 30+ year process, and now you simply can't communicate with them. They have their own reality now.

So when they're told they're more informed on economics, that's what they believe. Actual evidence be damned.

Yeah, actual evidence be damned. You do realize that as salary rises(excluding the ULTRA wealthy) so does the likelihood of a person voting Republican. Let me let you in on a little secret, people who make higher salaries are typically more informed and more intelligent. It isn't us who has been brainwashed, it is the weak minded lower earners. They provide the perfect target.
The evidence is...

Bush raised taxes in 1990 -- the economy improved
Clinton raised taxes in 1993 -- the economy improved
Obama raised taxes in 2013 -- the economy improved
if the Suburban Women and the Elderly vote for Biden, they get what they deserve. There will be no crying and no sympathy.

Donald and his supporters will be crying. And there will be no sympathy.

wanna bet? Put up or shut up. How about $5K? lets see how sure you are about senile Joe and the Ho.

I have a better idea. Loser leaves this forum forever - No socks allowed. Put up or shut up ... You game? :)

you're on. if biden wins I leave the forum, If Trump wins you leave the forum. We have a bet. since you are a liberal and a democrat it will be interesting to see if you actually leave next month.
if the Suburban Women and the Elderly vote for Biden, they get what they deserve. There will be no crying and no sympathy.

Donald and his supporters will be crying. And there will be no sympathy.

wanna bet? Put up or shut up. How about $5K? lets see how sure you are about senile Joe and the Ho.

I have a better idea. Loser leaves this forum forever - No socks allowed. Put up or shut up ... You game? :)

you're on. if biden wins I leave the forum, If Trump wins you leave the forum. We have a bet. since you are a liberal and a democrat it will be interesting to see if you actually leave next month.

Excellent, I'll be getting rid of three of you and the board will be more balanced with a few less RWNJ's. :cool: Y'all can join the Boogaloo Boys and plot murder and mayhem on 4Chan if ya get lonely.
if the Suburban Women and the Elderly vote for Biden, they get what they deserve. There will be no crying and no sympathy.

Donald and his supporters will be crying. And there will be no sympathy.

wanna bet? Put up or shut up. How about $5K? lets see how sure you are about senile Joe and the Ho.

I have a better idea. Loser leaves this forum forever - No socks allowed. Put up or shut up ... You game? :)

you're on. if biden wins I leave the forum, If Trump wins you leave the forum. We have a bet. since you are a liberal and a democrat it will be interesting to see if you actually leave next month.

Excellent, I'll be getting rid of three of you and the board will be more balanced with a few less RWNJ's. :cool: Y'all can join the Boogaloo Boys and plot murder and mayhem on 4Chan if ya get lonely.

LOL dream on fool. there may be a kiddy forum you can join where you can pretend to be a sane person. you have 3 weeks left to post your BS here. Bye.
Just like 2016!!


Apparently not
Trump sinks deeper and deeper into his self-made quagmire....

President Trump’s debate performance followed by his coronavirus diagnosis appear to be digging an even deeper hole for him this week. Democrat Joe Biden now has a 12-point lead over the president in Rasmussen Reports’ weekly White House Watch survey.

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.
/----/ Wha happened to da 12 point lead? BWHAHAHAHAHAH
Trump sinks deeper and deeper into his self-made quagmire....

President Trump’s debate performance followed by his coronavirus diagnosis appear to be digging an even deeper hole for him this week. Democrat Joe Biden now has a 12-point lead over the president in Rasmussen Reports’ weekly White House Watch survey.

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.
/----/ Wha happened to da 12 point lead? BWHAHAHAHAHAH
Yeah, Biden's lead is only 2 points. Really sucks for Biden, huh?
The Trumpsters don't have to worry if Biden wins.

For the second time in a row, a Democratic President would be spending all their fucking time cleaning up the fucking MESS left by the previous Republican administration to get much NEW done.

So relax. Later on, you guys could blame Biden for not doing a fast enough job of cleaning up your mess.

I certainly hope for you sake that your clients don't know you are this ignorant with regards to the economy. I sure as hell wouldn't trust any financial advisor who is this uninformed with my money.
You are nothing. Sorry.

Nothing but infinitely more knowledgeable than you. You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Not one clue.
Mac exposed again. Outstanding.
The Trumpsters don't have to worry if Biden wins.

For the second time in a row, a Democratic President would be spending all their fucking time cleaning up the fucking MESS left by the previous Republican administration to get much NEW done.

So relax. Later on, you guys could blame Biden for not doing a fast enough job of cleaning up your mess.

I certainly hope for you sake that your clients don't know you are this ignorant with regards to the economy. I sure as hell wouldn't trust any financial advisor who is this uninformed with my money.
You are nothing. Sorry.

Nothing but infinitely more knowledgeable than you. You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Not one clue.
Mac exposed again. Outstanding.

Time to go back to mama deplorable, Biden is your president, suck it up, haaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ...

View attachment 411191
Works for me. If he won, he earned it.
The Trumpsters don't have to worry if Biden wins.

For the second time in a row, a Democratic President would be spending all their fucking time cleaning up the fucking MESS left by the previous Republican administration to get much NEW done.

So relax. Later on, you guys could blame Biden for not doing a fast enough job of cleaning up your mess.

I certainly hope for you sake that your clients don't know you are this ignorant with regards to the economy. I sure as hell wouldn't trust any financial advisor who is this uninformed with my money.
You are nothing. Sorry.

Nothing but infinitely more knowledgeable than you. You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Not one clue.
Mac exposed again. Outstanding.

Time to go back to mama deplorable, Biden is your president, suck it up, haaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ...

View attachment 411191

GOP keeps the senate....

PIcks up house seats.

The Trumpsters don't have to worry if Biden wins.

For the second time in a row, a Democratic President would be spending all their fucking time cleaning up the fucking MESS left by the previous Republican administration to get much NEW done.

So relax. Later on, you guys could blame Biden for not doing a fast enough job of cleaning up your mess.

I certainly hope for you sake that your clients don't know you are this ignorant with regards to the economy. I sure as hell wouldn't trust any financial advisor who is this uninformed with my money.
You are nothing. Sorry.

Nothing but infinitely more knowledgeable than you. You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Not one clue.
Mac exposed again. Outstanding.

Time to go back to mama deplorable, Biden is your president, suck it up, haaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ...

View attachment 411191

GOP keeps the senate....

PIcks up house seats.

Probably, but not officially yet. And Democrats won the House.

So now you know, Biden is against packing the court.

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