"Rational" Republicans Threaten Third-Party if Cheney's Replaced.

Have these 100 folks destroyed the Republican party yet, georgephillip

When will they be the second political party and the Republicans will no longer exist?
When Trump goes to prison (or Russia)

Donald Trump's Possible Collusion with Russia to Destabilize America Investigated by FBI — Cyclolore Magazine™

Let us know when it happens.
Malignancy? I'll show you malignancy, look at these
White supremacy is the malignancy driving reactions you posted:

What the Capitol insurgency reveals about white supremacy and law enforcement

"Make no mistake, the Capitol insurgency was about making America great for white people.

"In erecting a hangman’s noose, waving the Confederate flag, and wearing white nationalist paraphernalia, including an Auschwitz Concentration Camp shirt, the domestic terrorists showed America they fundamentally believe in maintaining and enacting white supremacy."
The vaccines, which obviously turned the tide on that, were developed and in production (they take 60-90 days to produce) before Biden took office. He did literally nothing but ride along.
Biden used the power of his office to get millions of shots into the arms of Americans:

Biden aims for 70% of U.S. adults to get one vaccine dose by July 4

"The president's goal would result in roughly half of the entire U.S. population being vaccinated by early July. Since coming into office, Biden and his team repeatedly have set goals such as getting 100 million people vaccinated during his first 100 days in office, a target he later increased to 200 million people, only to surpass them."
What you really meant is that RINO Republicans threaten third party if Cheney's replaced. There will be exactly 100 people in that party.
Those 100 people will seed a third party that will take millions of current Republicans with them. How will you win the White House if that happens?
The vaccines, which obviously turned the tide on that, were developed and in production (they take 60-90 days to produce) before Biden took office. He did literally nothing but ride along.
Biden used the power of his office to get millions of shots into the arms of Americans:

Biden aims for 70% of U.S. adults to get one vaccine dose by July 4

"The president's goal would result in roughly half of the entire U.S. population being vaccinated by early July. Since coming into office, Biden and his team repeatedly have set goals such as getting 100 million people vaccinated during his first 100 days in office, a target he later increased to 200 million people, only to surpass them."

And? They helped distribute vaccines to states, ie, something that would have happened anyhow. BFD.

"Rational" Republicans Threaten Third-Party if Cheney's Replaced​

See ya.....
For those who thought they would never care about who was the third most important House Republican, Liz Cheney's expected ouster from her leadership position has inspired 100 former Republican leaders drop a letter tomorrow (Thursday 5/13) saying if their party does not separate itself from the former president, they will form a third party:
The Whigs Collapsed Over Slavery. Could the GOP Over Trump?

‘Rationals’ vs. ‘radicals’: Anti-Trump Republicans threaten third party

"The letter, headlined: 'A Call For American Renewal,' is an exploratory move toward forming a breakaway party, two of its organizers said.

"The group is dismayed by what it says is a modern Republican Party driven by its allegiance to Trump, who continues to falsely claim the 2020 election was stolen from him..."

"A spokesman for Trump, Jason Miller, said: 'These losers left the Republican Party when they voted for Joe Biden.'

"Evan McMullin, a former chief policy director for the House Republican Conference and an independent presidential candidate in 2016, said if the Republican Party does not reject lies and extremism, part of it 'will have no choice but to part ways with it and build something new. We’re excited about that prospect.'"

Imho, if four years of Biden has the same effect on Democrats as Trump has had on Republicans, the US may finally get rid of its two-party political monopoly.
Rational republicans, LOL, is that newspeak for centrist democrats and rinos? Take it down the road moron.
These clowns essentially did that already with their Lincoln Project support of Trump
Who won the 2020 POTUS election?
Lying Biden only won cause of the most massive vote fraud in mankind history,he stole it same as bush stole it twice,the biased dems here troll and acknowledge bush stole the election both times yet because of their hypocrisy and only seeing what they want to see,won’t accept facts there were mountains more evidence this election was rigged than when bush stole it and far more mountains of evidence this was fixed over the flimsy unproven theory’s trump stole it. :cuckoo:
For those who thought they would never care about who was the third most important House Republican, Liz Cheney's expected ouster from her leadership position has inspired 100 former Republican leaders drop a letter tomorrow (Thursday 5/13) saying if their party does not separate itself from the former president, they will form a third party:
The Whigs Collapsed Over Slavery. Could the GOP Over Trump?

‘Rationals’ vs. ‘radicals’: Anti-Trump Republicans threaten third party

"The letter, headlined: 'A Call For American Renewal,' is an exploratory move toward forming a breakaway party, two of its organizers said.

"The group is dismayed by what it says is a modern Republican Party driven by its allegiance to Trump, who continues to falsely claim the 2020 election was stolen from him..."

"A spokesman for Trump, Jason Miller, said: 'These losers left the Republican Party when they voted for Joe Biden.'

"Evan McMullin, a former chief policy director for the House Republican Conference and an independent presidential candidate in 2016, said if the Republican Party does not reject lies and extremism, part of it 'will have no choice but to part ways with it and build something new. We’re excited about that prospect.'"

Imho, if four years of Biden has the same effect on Democrats as Trump has had on Republicans, the US may finally get rid of its two-party political monopoly.
I left the Republican party when obama had his personal illegal war with Libya and murdered 130,000 Libyans he told us he had to save to start his genocide. The Republican lead Congress did nothing. When the South African Lawyers Association put out a statement saying obama had murdered thousands of innocent people all across Africa including over 500 children once again the party I left did nothing. I have the perfect name for this new party THE ENABLER PARTY.
Yep that’s cause both parties are corrupt and one in the same,it’s a one party system disguised as two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected,the die hard dem troll posters here like banker work on who is as biased on the gops party as he is on the dems,trolls like them will never accept that reality.the dem party has been infiltrated by terrorists funded by the cia.the gop has their corruption as well like Romney bush,graham and murkowski but at the same time they at least have some good patriots like Desantis of Florida and Noem and the lady running for governor of alask who are not corrupt thankfully.
The vaccines, which obviously turned the tide on that, were developed and in production (they take 60-90 days to produce) before Biden took office. He did literally nothing but ride along.
Biden used the power of his office to get millions of shots into the arms of Americans:

Biden aims for 70% of U.S. adults to get one vaccine dose by July 4

"The president's goal would result in roughly half of the entire U.S. population being vaccinated by early July. Since coming into office, Biden and his team repeatedly have set goals such as getting 100 million people vaccinated during his first 100 days in office, a target he later increased to 200 million people, only to surpass them."
It looks like the cia shill that high jacked your account no longer has it high jacked anymore george.

The vaccines, which obviously turned the tide on that, were developed and in production (they take 60-90 days to produce) before Biden took office. He did literally nothing but ride along.
Biden used the power of his office to get millions of shots into the arms of Americans:

Biden aims for 70% of U.S. adults to get one vaccine dose by July 4

"The president's goal would result in roughly half of the entire U.S. population being vaccinated by early July. Since coming into office, Biden and his team repeatedly have set goals such as getting 100 million people vaccinated during his first 100 days in office, a target he later increased to 200 million people, only to surpass them."
hey looks like you got your account back george,for a while someone had high jacked it unbeknownst to you trolling talking about how the virus is deadly and dangerous but I see you are the real George Phillips because you are talking truth how both parties are funded by Wall Street and how the vaccines are dangerous and what a criminal biden is.
When biden was declared the winner and trump was forced to leave washington he took with him the shattered hopes and dreams of trump voters
If only that were true even within the slightest sense. I hear Qult45 bitching about their 'hopes and dreams' day in, day out. When will they understand most of us give no fucks about their 'hopes and dreams'? Any ideas on that one, snowflake?
Malignancy? I'll show you malignancy, look at these
White supremacy is the malignancy driving reactions you posted:

What the Capitol insurgency reveals about white supremacy and law enforcement

"Make no mistake, the Capitol insurgency was about making America great for white people.

"In erecting a hangman’s noose, waving the Confederate flag, and wearing white nationalist paraphernalia, including an Auschwitz Concentration Camp shirt, the domestic terrorists showed America they fundamentally believe in maintaining and enacting white supremacy."
Hey moron, black people were not the only people who were hung. You ever hear of how rustlers were dispatched? How about the Pace picante ad (Wheres the guy who made this hot sauce from -- NYC, git a rope. Indeed, there are still states that carry out capital punishment by hanging. I will grant that there are more than sufficient legitimate grounds for grievance, but when you grasp at straws, your argument loses credibility.
Thing is, these leftist whackadoodles think that to be a "rational Republican" means to be a countryclub blue blood establishment RINO type. You know the "go along to get along" and "lose with dignity" assholes who've been selling this country out after Reagan left office. Now, fast forward to 2016. Donald Trump becomes POTUS. Right message, wrong messenger.
When will they understand most of us give no fucks about their 'hopes and dreams'? Any ideas on that one, snowflake?
The feeling is mutual

And stop misappropriating our language

“Snowflake” is term for lib Karens and Pajama Boys that unimaginative lefties plagiarized
They follow their leader. Originality is not in their lexicon.

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