Ratted Out: Bachmann's Former Aid Say's Stress Incapacitates Her. Takes Pills Heavily


May 29, 2010
Well this is just now breaking and it should do her in since it will leave more room for Palin to enter the race. This news comes from her former Communications Director who was with Bachmann all the time so he ought to know. What this means is that when under stress, Bachmann developes heavy migranes which incapacitates her and makes her dependent on stress pills to make it through. He said it happens at least once a week. Can we Americans take a chance to have a president who gets incapacitating migranes once a week under stressful situations? I think not. The office of the presidency is very stressful and unpredictable. Of course it seems Obama goes to play golf at least once a week to avoid any kind of stress endured from his duties as President but this is a sign of weakness for Bachmann on a psychological level when it comes to her. What we need is a psychologically strong minded candidate who is impervious to stress and pill free. That person is Sarah Palin.


Bachmann's Headache | Stress-Related Condition | Pill Use | The Daily Caller

In late July 2010, Rep. Michele Bachmann’s then-communications director, Dave Dziok, told his boss that he planned to take a new job with the public relations firm Edelman.

Dziok had worked for Bachmann for two and a half years, a relatively long period by the standards of her office, and was leaving on good terms.

Staff turnover can frustrate any employer, but Bachmann responded more dramatically. Dziok’s departure triggered a debilitating medical episode that landed the congresswoman in urgent care.

“Within 24 hours she was in the hospital,” a former aide says.


The Minnesota Republican frequently suffers from stress-induced medical episodes that she has characterized as severe headaches. These episodes, say witnesses, occur once a week on average and can “incapacitate” her for days at time. On at least three occasions, Bachmann has landed in the hospital as a result.
Well this is just now breaking and it should do her in since it will leave more room for Palin to enter the race. This news comes from her former Communications Director who was with Bachmann all the time so he ought to know. What this means is that when under stress, Bachmann developes heavy migranes which incapacitates her and makes her dependent on stress pills to make it through. He said it happens at least once a week. Can we Americans take a chance to have a president who gets incapacitating migranes once a week under stressful situations? I think not. The office of the presidency is very stressful and unpredictable. Of course it seems Obama goes to play golf at least once a week to avoid any kind of stress endured from his duties as President but this is a sign of weakness for Bachmann on a psychological level when it comes to her. What we need is a psychologically strong minded candidate who is impervious to stress and pill free. That person is Sarah Palin.


Bachmann's Headache | Stress-Related Condition | Pill Use | The Daily Caller

In late July 2010, Rep. Michele Bachmann’s then-communications director, Dave Dziok, told his boss that he planned to take a new job with the public relations firm Edelman.

Dziok had worked for Bachmann for two and a half years, a relatively long period by the standards of her office, and was leaving on good terms.

Staff turnover can frustrate any employer, but Bachmann responded more dramatically. Dziok’s departure triggered a debilitating medical episode that landed the congresswoman in urgent care.

“Within 24 hours she was in the hospital,” a former aide says.


The Minnesota Republican frequently suffers from stress-induced medical episodes that she has characterized as severe headaches. These episodes, say witnesses, occur once a week on average and can “incapacitate” her for days at time. On at least three occasions, Bachmann has landed in the hospital as a result.

Mmmmmm. A pill popper (if that's true) or a Quitter (which is most definitely true)....quite a choice there, buckaroo!
And here I thought Bachmann was just plain nuts.. :lol:

Anyway..I find the story hard to believe.
Maybe Palin should take anti-quitting pills.

If you and your family were being forced into personal bankruptcy from defending yourself from multiple lawsuits and the only option for the lawsuits to stop was stepping down, would you have done it? Be honest.
Maybe Palin should take anti-quitting pills.

If you and your family were being forced into personal bankruptcy from defending yourself from multiple lawsuits and the only option for the lawsuits to stop was stepping down, would you have done it? Be honest.
Well, I wouldn't have cheated on my taxes like she did, for one. I also wouldn't expect to hold a public office and be treated like a newborn kitten.

And I certainly wouldn't have quit to become a rightwingloon idol and receive all their drooled over money.

But I have standards, after all.
good grief,

Bill Clinton smoked pot

the Obama snorted cocaine and smoked pot.

but somehow this is a BIG STORY.

how many people in this country suffer from migraine headaches.

so damn petty
good grief,

Bill Clinton smoked pot

the Obama snorted cocaine and smoked pot.

but somehow this is a BIG STORY.

how many people in this country suffer from migraine headaches.

so damn petty

take it up with the retard; he's the one with his balls in an uproar over bullshit alleged by anonymous sources.
Anybody else think USAR is on someones payroll?

Palin isn't running, so there's no sense in bringing up that Bachmann gets headaches once a week.

krist, she's got 500 kids livin in her home. I'd vote for her b/c she hasn't killed one yet as an example to the others.
good grief,

Bill Clinton smoked pot

the Obama snorted cocaine and smoked pot.

but somehow this is a BIG STORY.

how many people in this country suffer from migraine headaches.

so damn petty

Skipped right ovah GW did ya? :lol:
good grief,

Bill Clinton smoked pot

the Obama snorted cocaine and smoked pot.

but somehow this is a BIG STORY.

how many people in this country suffer from migraine headaches.

so damn petty

take it up with the retard; he's the one with his balls in an uproar over bullshit alleged by anonymous sources.

Nope, I'd take out on the SITE that put out this stupid article. We see where they are going with it. trash politics at it's finest.
good grief,

Bill Clinton smoked pot

the Obama snorted cocaine and smoked pot.

but somehow this is a BIG STORY.

how many people in this country suffer from migraine headaches.

so damn petty

Skipped right ovah GW did ya? :lol:

You mean GW had a DUI and snorted coke? Probably drizzled a schnizzle or two. So what! What's your point besides the one on the top of your noggin?
Maybe Palin should take anti-quitting pills.

If you and your family were being forced into personal bankruptcy from defending yourself from multiple lawsuits and the only option for the lawsuits to stop was stepping down, would you have done it? Be honest.
Well, I wouldn't have cheated on my taxes like she did, for one. I also wouldn't expect to hold a public office and be treated like a newborn kitten.

And I certainly wouldn't have quit to become a rightwingloon idol and receive all their drooled over money.

But I have standards, after all.
She had to step down. She was going broke from lawyers fees and she had no choice. It was common sense and anybody can see it. Alaska was the only state that didn't protect governors from bogus lawsuits like the ones filed against her by DNC Obama operatives on a weekly basis. Since she stepped down, Alaska has passed laws that will protect their governor and will fund defense funds for them if they are faced with similar situations Palin and her family had to endure. Also what is wrong with her starting another career in America in order to make money to support her and her family? Nothing, because America is the land of opportunity 'for all. Also she didn't cheat on her taxes at all unlike Obama's multiple cabinet members (Treasury Sec Geitner for one) who did.

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