RCC To Catholics: How To Convert A Wiccan

i would rather be burned at the stake (most witches were pressed to death in the us burning of witches is really a myth, there were many more methods used to kill witches) than convert

That probably sucks worse than Stoning (I am familiar with how it was done. Sheesh). But...I have to hand it to the Inquisition for coming up with the most barbaric ways of killing someone.

The RCC has a long history of "creativity".
Protestants as well but I doubt you want to be honest in dialogue somehow, then you would have to admit human nature of all stripes have the propensity to go down the violent road.:eusa_whistle:
i would rather be burned at the stake (most witches were pressed to death in the us burning of witches is really a myth, there were many more methods used to kill witches) than convert

That probably sucks worse than Stoning (I am familiar with how it was done. Sheesh). But...I have to hand it to the Inquisition for coming up with the most barbaric ways of killing someone.

when one reviews the instruments of torture used against witches you must be amazed by the sadism.

The term "witches" is not really accurate. By the Dark Ages, when most women were killed for "witchcraft", Paganism was relatively rare in Europe. Most were midwives whose care the emerging male medical doctor profession wanted to end, or women who had elsewise offended the male power structure.

And most were christians.
Marie, I am a lapsed Catholic and I also find much fault with the RCC...obviously, or else I'd still be there. But it's dogma is bible based....it's just that the RCC approaches the bible somewhat differently than most mainstream Protestant faiths. (Or did, when I was young, but I am fairly sure things have stayed the same on this.)

First of all, there's a separate RCC bible, and one reason why is, that bible is heavily annotated with interpretations of the passages. The RCC tends to direct an adherent to various prayers, cathecisms, missals, etc. and expects them to depend pretty heavily on clergy to teach them the bible, rather than delving in on their own.

I dun think the RCC is any more ridiculous in its dogma than any protestant faith, and though the RCC teaches that theirs is the only path to God, I dun think that's true, either. I posted the video because I find some of what the current Pope turns his attention to a tad goofy. All the evil in this world, and he's worried about the etiquette of harrassing Wiccans?

Actually, there is much RCC dogma that is NOT Bible based. Prayer to Mary or saints, where is that? That Mary remained a virgin beyond the birth of Jesus, where is that? Mary had additional children according to the Bible. The whole church hierarchy with the Pope and Bishops and celibate Nuns and Priests.......where is that? The RCC is largely built on traditions rather than Scripture. Just my two cents as a lapsed Baptist.
That probably sucks worse than Stoning (I am familiar with how it was done. Sheesh). But...I have to hand it to the Inquisition for coming up with the most barbaric ways of killing someone.

The RCC has a long history of "creativity".
Protestants as well but I doubt you want to be honest in dialogue somehow, then you would have to admit human nature of all stripes have the propensity to go down the violent road.:eusa_whistle:

Well, I am a lapsed Catholic, Lisa. I know more RCC history than I do the history of any Protestant sect.

And the RCC is far older than any Protestant sect. It has a longer history and has accumulated more moral barnacles as a result. But I will concede, no group of people has ever existed who were entirely free of any sin you can think of. We are all capable of veniality -- and some of all of us are truely evil.

Marie, I am a lapsed Catholic and I also find much fault with the RCC...obviously, or else I'd still be there. But it's dogma is bible based....it's just that the RCC approaches the bible somewhat differently than most mainstream Protestant faiths. (Or did, when I was young, but I am fairly sure things have stayed the same on this.)

First of all, there's a separate RCC bible, and one reason why is, that bible is heavily annotated with interpretations of the passages. The RCC tends to direct an adherent to various prayers, cathecisms, missals, etc. and expects them to depend pretty heavily on clergy to teach them the bible, rather than delving in on their own.

I dun think the RCC is any more ridiculous in its dogma than any protestant faith, and though the RCC teaches that theirs is the only path to God, I dun think that's true, either. I posted the video because I find some of what the current Pope turns his attention to a tad goofy. All the evil in this world, and he's worried about the etiquette of harrassing Wiccans?

Actually, there is much RCC dogma that is NOT Bible based. Prayer to Mary or saints, where is that? That Mary remained a virgin beyond the birth of Jesus, where is that? Mary had additional children according to the Bible. The whole church hierarchy with the Pope and Bishops and celibate Nuns and Priests.......where is that? The RCC is largely built on traditions rather than Scripture. Just my two cents as a lapsed Baptist.

All RCC dogma, liturgy and rituals are Bible based. It is just not found, word for word, inside the pages of the Bible itself. The task of the Pope and the clergy is to lead -- and that includes to teach and to interpret God's Will on Earth.

Or so the RCC teaches.
I think I have a wee problem with the "convert" stuff.

So...anyway...I digress. I did start a thread about animal totems and gemology here in religion forum. Some call it New Age. I call it an Open Mind. Lisa is more than welcome to participate. Maybe she will be converted herself. Oh my. Blasphemy.

Marie, I am a lapsed Catholic and I also find much fault with the RCC...obviously, or else I'd still be there. But it's dogma is bible based....it's just that the RCC approaches the bible somewhat differently than most mainstream Protestant faiths. (Or did, when I was young, but I am fairly sure things have stayed the same on this.)

First of all, there's a separate RCC bible, and one reason why is, that bible is heavily annotated with interpretations of the passages. The RCC tends to direct an adherent to various prayers, cathecisms, missals, etc. and expects them to depend pretty heavily on clergy to teach them the bible, rather than delving in on their own.

I dun think the RCC is any more ridiculous in its dogma than any protestant faith, and though the RCC teaches that theirs is the only path to God, I dun think that's true, either. I posted the video because I find some of what the current Pope turns his attention to a tad goofy. All the evil in this world, and he's worried about the etiquette of harrassing Wiccans?

Actually, there is much RCC dogma that is NOT Bible based. Prayer to Mary or saints, where is that? That Mary remained a virgin beyond the birth of Jesus, where is that? Mary had additional children according to the Bible. The whole church hierarchy with the Pope and Bishops and celibate Nuns and Priests.......where is that? The RCC is largely built on traditions rather than Scripture. Just my two cents as a lapsed Baptist.
Actually it is scriptual, but you can check Catholic answers to find out what the Church believes and why.
I think I have a wee problem with the "convert" stuff.

So...anyway...I digress. I did start a thread about animal totems and gemology here in religion forum. Some call it New Age. I call it an Open Mind. Lisa is more than welcome to participate. Maybe she will be converted herself. Oh my. Blasphemy.

You see I believe God converts, and I understand where you are coming from when you say you have a problem with someone looking to "convert" you. In dialogue with people about your faith it is always good to be prepared to answer whom ever you are speaking to about it.
I don't know how to answer that without it maybe being miscontrued, so I'll just say okey dokey and wish ya well.
btw..I'm not Wiccan. Nor Pagan. Nor anything. I have my own path, special, just for me. So conversion is quite out of the question. It would be like trying to convert a square peg to fit in a round hole.
btw..I'm not Wiccan. Nor Pagan. Nor anything. I have my own path, special, just for me. So conversion is quite out of the question. It would be like trying to convert a square peg to fit in a round hole.
LOL!!! I love the visual.:tongue:
Besides being condescending what's the problem?

You mean with the Pope's new "how to" for converting Wiccans? The world is on fire, the Papacy has still not dealt adequately with the child sex scandals, and the Pope has time to fritter away on THIS?

Dun that seem a tad odd, Father Time?

Does it seem odd that he's not focusing 100% of his attention on the child scandal? No not at all, I can slice out time from my schedule to work on less important things. And I thought somebody else wrote the book.
Besides being condescending what's the problem?

You mean with the Pope's new "how to" for converting Wiccans? The world is on fire, the Papacy has still not dealt adequately with the child sex scandals, and the Pope has time to fritter away on THIS?

Dun that seem a tad odd, Father Time?

Does it seem odd that he's not focusing 100% of his attention on the child scandal? No not at all, I can slice out time from my schedule to work on less important things. And I thought somebody else wrote the book.

Fair enough.

You may have heard, the Pope has blessed a new app.....

Catholic Church in US Approves Confession iPhone App
You mean with the Pope's new "how to" for converting Wiccans? The world is on fire, the Papacy has still not dealt adequately with the child sex scandals, and the Pope has time to fritter away on THIS?

Dun that seem a tad odd, Father Time?

Does it seem odd that he's not focusing 100% of his attention on the child scandal? No not at all, I can slice out time from my schedule to work on less important things. And I thought somebody else wrote the book.

Fair enough.

You may have heard, the Pope has blessed a new app.....

Catholic Church in US Approves Confession iPhone App
I see you did not read the whole article....you still have to be absolved by a priest.
Besides being condescending what's the problem?

You mean with the Pope's new "how to" for converting Wiccans? The world is on fire, the Papacy has still not dealt adequately with the child sex scandals, and the Pope has time to fritter away on THIS?

Dun that seem a tad odd, Father Time?

The problems of the world can only be solved by the Gospel of Jesus Christ changing the hearts of all the people.

The world will always have fires to put out. But the human soul is Eternal.

The Word of God can do more to fix the world than anything else in it.
Besides being condescending what's the problem?

You mean with the Pope's new "how to" for converting Wiccans? The world is on fire, the Papacy has still not dealt adequately with the child sex scandals, and the Pope has time to fritter away on THIS?

Dun that seem a tad odd, Father Time?

The problems of the world can only be solved by the Gospel of Jesus Christ changing the hearts of all the people.

The world will always have fires to put out. But the human soul is Eternal.

The Word of God can do more to fix the world than anything else in it.
The "word of god" causes more problems than anything else. Look at the Middle East.
Okay.......I may be branded as a heretic for this, but here it goes.............

First off, Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians), ISN'T GOD!!!!!!!!!! When He was asked by His disciples when He would return, He stated "no one knows the day except The Father".

That means that if Yeshua WAS God, He'd know when He would come back.

Second...............the miracle on the Sea of Galilee wasn't so much a miracle as it was Yeshua teaching us that we can ALL do what He did. We just gotta learn physics, science and math, as well as remember who God is.

Remember when He told His disciples to come out on the water? Only 1 tried it, and that one person lost their faith as soon as Yeshua released his hand.

We are all a small piece of God. That's what Yeshua taught.

I just wish that we would all act more like it.

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